[R450 : page 1]


For some years past it has been our custom to meet on the anniversary of the typical "Passover," to commemorate the real Passing over of the Church of the First-Born because of the death, the shedding of the blood of the real Paschal Lamb—Jesus.

This we do in compliance with our Lord's request: As often as ye do this do it (henceforth) in remembrance of me (the real lamb, and your consequent passing over, or justification through his blood).

Reckoned according to Jewish time, Lord's day, April 22d, is the Passover, the anniversary of Jesus' death. It will be celebrated by the Church here, and, we doubt not, that the twos and threes scattered abroad will suitably commemorate it by meeting and considering Him, while they use the bread and wine which emblemize his broken body and shed blood—the price of our ransom—"shed for the remission of sins."

The subject will be more fully treated in our next issue.
