We have discontinued the sale of "Cruden's Concordance" in consequence of being able to furnish "Young's Analytical Concordance" at so low a price. There is no comparison in values. To the discerning student, who wishes to know the original word and its English meaning (by one of the ablest living scholars), there is no other such work published.
In answer to numerous questions, we would say: The one we furnished recently is not the "Book Exchange" edition, which contains many inaccuracies and is on poorer paper, but is the "students' edition"the latest revision and most complete edition of the work. Our price is $1.75 by express, or 51 cts. extra, for postage, if by mail.
We still have some copies of "The Emphatic Diaglott," as previously announced.
We have no more of the $1.30 "Oxford Bibles."
We procured a few copies of the "Variorum Bible," at a special sale, much below the regular price. We can send them by express at $4.25. The regular price of this work is $7.50. (By mail, 25c extra for postage.) This is the latest "Teachers' Bible" publishedby Eyre & Spottiswoode. Its special peculiarity over others is, that it gives the various readings of the ancient Greek and Hebrew MSS., including the valuable Sinaitic of both Old and New Testaments.