[R819 : page 3]


"Give us this day our daily bread."

JANUARY, 1886.
1. In righteousness begin the year.
2. Be strong; believe; cast out thy fear.
3. Trust thou in God, He will thee save.
4. Fight the good fight of faith, be brave.
5. With energy pursue life's race.
6. Soon thou may'st see the Saviour's face.
7. The Morning dawns! Thy blessed Lord is here.
8. As Steward, now, unto the King give an account.
9. Error and sin, twin monsters, cast ye down.
10. To overcomers there's a crown.
11. By grace we conquer in the strife.
12. The gift of God—eternal life.
13. Turn not the wand'rer from thy door—
14. Blessed are they who feed the poor.
15. This be thy prayer, "Thy kingdom come."
16. O Father, lead thy people home!
17. Forgive as we forgive, O Lord.
18. My trust will I put in thy word.
19. No longer in sin's by-ways roam.
20. The Spirit and the Bride say come.
21. The harvest passes, summer ends.
22. Some spurn the mercy heaven sends.
23. Drink deep the heavenly waters bright.
24. Flee from the darkness, walk in light.
25. Lo! "Rock of Ages cleft for thee."
26. Into the sacred shelter flee!
27. Swift passeth moments, hours and days.
28. Forget not to give God due praise.
29. Above all things, keep thyself pure.
30. God's promises are ever sure.
31. They're saved who to the end endure.—Selected.
