We have concluded on the above name rather than the one at first proposed, Millennial Day Dawn. It is with pleasure that we announce the first volume of this work as about ready. It will doubtless be in the hands of those who at once send in their orders, before our next issue. Orders sent us will be filled in rotation as received.
We would regret the delay since the first announcement of this book, had it not been unavoidable. But we now see the Lord's hand in it, working together for good. The preparation of our monthly issue of the TOWER, together with the large correspondence which it entails, and other needful privileges and duties, have necessarily limited the time available for the preparation of the book; and the plan we at first proposed of having different subjects prepared by different brethren, was soon found wholly impracticable from various reasons.
Besides and above all this, we found that the subject spread itself far beyond our calculations. Soon it was found that one volume would be too bulksome, and by and by we found that two volumes would not properly set forth what we desired. In consequence we have settled upon a plan which we trust will meet the approval of all our friends; namely, of making several volumes of the work, we cannot yet say definitely how many. The first volume, which is now about ready, will treat exclusively of the "Plan of the Ages;" the second of the Times and Seasons of Scripture, and succeeding volumes as may be hereafter announced.
Volume I. contains sixteen chapters, and is a neat volume of 351 pages bound in cloth. The price of the volume will be one dollar; but we will supply Vol. I and the TOWER for one year for one dollar and twenty-five cents, or what is the same, will charge those at present subscribers to the TOWER seventy-five centspostage prepaid by us.
This, we believe, will not only be just the book you will want for your own reading, but one you will desire to lend, perhaps more than any of the succeeding volumes. It takes up the subject at a point where the skeptically inclined will be deeply interested, and proceeds step by step in the order we deem best calculated to reveal the truth without stumbling the truth seeker. We commit this work to the care of the Lord and to you as his stewards. May it be so faithfully used as to prepare the way in your hearts as well as in the hearts of your neighbors for the next volume when it shall be readywhich will not be so long a time as you have waited for thisprobably in less than a year. May it be in your hands an implement furnished of God by which you may be enabled to serve and honor him, and bless his children about you, with a knowledge of His glorious plan.
We might remark that if the proceeds of the sale of this volume shall exceed its cost, such excess will still be in the Lord's service and will go toward the further spread of the truth and to glorify [R862 : page 1] His name.
To avoid mistakes we will again name
the price of Vol. I. Millennial Dawn:
One copy,............................
One copy and one Z.W.T. subscription, 1.25
One copy to those already subscribers, .75
Four copies and one Tower subscription, 3.00
Seven copies "
Fifteen copies "
The above includes postage or expressage prepaid by us. Be sure to send your full address very plainly written. Where you order but one or two copies send only your Post Office address; but where you order more, mention your nearest Express office as well as your Post Office, that we may send by the least expensive way.
Those who upon the first announcement sent in fifty cents as the price, need send nothing additional. We will fill their orders first of all.