Charles H. Spurgeon, the notable Baptist minister of London, has left Babylon; he has withdrawn from the Baptist Association and now stands a free man, untrammeled by human organizations, free to believe and to teach whatever he may find in God's Word, without either permission or hindrance from others.
We know not what has led Brother Spurgeon into this liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free. We know not how much truth he has imbibed, but feel sure that this indicates some increase of the knowledge of the truth; for it is written "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Soon we doubt not the knowledge or truth which led Mr. Spurgeon to this step, will manifest itself in his preaching. May he, now that he is free, make rapid strides from grace to grace and from knowledge to knowledge.
This, which seems to us a grand step, of course seems correspondingly bad to others, and evil motives are attributed by those who worship sectarian organization rather than the great Head of the Church, and who obey men rather than God, and sectarian conferences, creeds, etc., rather than the Word of God. All sectarianism should fall, and each consecrated follower of Christ should be free to grow in grace, knowledge and love, and to co-operate with each other, not to bind one another's conscience but to assist each other in the study of the one guide and rule of faith and practicethe Bible.
To-day, then, Mr. Spurgeon stands with us, in and of no sect, responsible to no man nor set of men, but to God and his Word only. We welcome Brother Spurgeon to the ranks of the free. He now stands with us on the only proper platform for Christian unionChrist only and the liberty which he grants to each.
A Brother who for years has been a missionary, a minister in the M.E. Church in Africa, writes that the truth has made him free, and ten of his congregation also. They are all subscribers to the TOWER. He has resigned the ministry of Methodism and is now preaching under the higher commission of Christ and the apostles, in the Bible. We sent on Thanksgiving day a box of fifty more Dawns, besides Concordance, Diaglott, etc. May his labors be greatly blessed of the Lord.
You will all be glad to know of the firmness and promptness of the Brother whose questions were answered in the October TOWER. The courage and success of one soldier of the cross, should and does encourage others. His brief letter, [which reminds us of Caesar's famous short letter, "veni vidi, vici," I came, I saw, I conquered] is as follows:
Just a moment to say that I have written to my Rector at Janesville announcing the severing of my connection with the Church. It was a hard and painful step, and it seems as though everything opposes me in itold relations and pleasant ones, my family and even my business seem to unite to keep me in Babylon. But the step has been taken, the letter is gone. Hastily, but very truly yours,
I write to thank you for your published letter in answer to Mr. Wm. Wright's on "Coming out of Babylon." (I only commenced receiving the TOWER in July.) You will understand my interest when I tell you, that on the 26th day of September last, I asked that my name be taken from the Baptist Church list, because I realized that its teachings were not in harmony with the inspired Word, which I was led to study after afflictions came upon me and I was led to see that I could not in all good conscience stand before my Saviour and the church at the same time. It cost me something, for in its fold were some of my dearest earthly friends and it might mean a sacrifice of them; but I decided like Mary to choose the better part. I have seen so much that was ungodly passed by with a wink, that I came to feel like just Lot in Sodom, and I do rejoice that the Lord has led me out. I feel happy and contented with my name among the "little flock." I desire to use and be used for the honor and glory of the Master, and believe there is a work for me somewhere, in some humble way, and that I shall be and am now being fitted for it. Will you and Mrs. Russell pray specially for me? A humble servant,