NO. VOL. II. OF M. DAWN is not yet ready and will not be for several months. Due notice will be given in these columns. We are doing what we can to hasten it. Assist us by being very particular in all orders and in giving addresses carefully. About one letter a day lacks either a signature or address, which causes us trouble as well as you.
WE HAVE a good supply of the January '88 issue of the TOWER containing articles upon Hell, etc. Thirty thousand have already gone out, and we will supply all you can use judiciously, free. These however, are not for general distribution (use the Arp tracts thus), but for use among your friends or such as you think might be specially interested. You may if you choose send us the full addresses of such, and we will mail them as sample copies.
IN ORDERING "Arp Tracts" say about how many you can distribute. Order freelywe make no charge. Quite a few saints have been found by this agency. Some whose feet had well nigh slipped into Infidelity and Spiritism got these, then got MILLENNIAL DAWN, and are now praising God, discerning His "Plan of the Ages." They should be distributed to every congregation of Christian worshippers everywhere, and we are prepared to supply them to all who will thus use them.
MISSIONARY ENVELOPES.We are now having another lot of 20,000 printed. For convenience we put them up in lots of 100, for 35cts. and 300 for $1.00this pays the carrying charges to you.
To introduce these to all our readers we have concluded to put up some of them in smaller packages25 envelopes for 10cts. This will give the opportunity of doing this sort of mission work, for the truth, to alleven those who write but few letters. If each of our ten thousand readers used these envelopes always, it would be a great additional power constantly and quietly at work without effort or expensetelling the good tidings, preaching where you could not preach otherwise.
IF YOU meet any friends of the TOWER who say they have not been getting it lately, just ask them whether they subscribed for it for 1888, or asked for it free on "The Lord's Poor List." We cannot state our terms more explicitly than we do at the head of first column. We do not wish to send the TOWER to those who are able to pay the small price of fifty cents per year, but are not sufficiently interested to do so. Nor do we wish a single interested one to be without its regular visits because unable to pay. All such interested ones are as welcome to it as those who pay. But do not mistake us to mean that we want to send the TOWER to all poor people, and do not send us lists of the poor of your neighborhood. We offer it to the interested poor only, and expect such to show their interest by writing for it themselves, stating their willingness but inability to pay.