Prices and terms same as Vol. I. This volume is intended only for those who have carefully and thoroughly studied Vol. I. All such whose interest is awakened, will surely want this volume and succeeding ones which are in course of preparation, as well as the regular issues of the WATCH TOWER.
Though foreign postage is higher, we must not increase the price; for money elsewhere is more scarce among the poor than here, and the poor we want specially to reach, since we know that "not many rich or great" are among the Lord's chosen.
Our foreign friends may, therefore, hereafter, reckon our terms in English money, thus:
25 cents = 1 shilling.
50 cents = 2 shillings.
$1.00 " 4 "
$1.25 " 5 "
1.50 " 6 "
2.50 " 10 "
3.00 " 12 "
5.00 " 20 "
Upon this arrangement the WATCH TOWER will hereafter be 2 shillings instead of 3 shillings per year.