It is suggested that, as the OLD THEOLOGY TRACTS are evidently destined to become quite a feature of the "harvest work," some arrangement should be made for supplying them free to the Lord's children who have the time and heart to give to this sort of preaching, but who could not afford to pay for the one-thousandth part of what they could wisely circulate.
Nor would it be right to absorb the general fund, called "Tract Fund," in this work, for already it finds more to do than it can do, in the other branches of the work. (The Tract Fund will do this, however, toward putting a little ammunition in the hands of those who would be sure to use it and that wisely: It will pay the subscription for one year on five tracts quarterly to any WATCH TOWER subscriber too poor to purchase them, who will send in the request.) Besides, some deeply interested in the OLD THEOLOGY "hail" desire such a special fund so that they may specially help and forward that part of the work.
A start has already been made in this direction. One sister contributes $68 for 3000 tracts, quarterly, this year (12,000 tracts in all), to be sent to Baptist ministers throughout the United States. We have thought best to fill this order by sending Tract No. I to all as a sample, so far as it will go, and accordingly the 12,000 are already send out. As there are about 22,000 Baptist ministers, this sister's wise stewardship of the Lord's funds entrusted to her care sends some "meat in due season" to more than one half of the Baptist preacherssome of them we trust will produce an abundant yield.
A brother of this city, himself so situated that he cannot engage in circulating them, as he would like to do, contributed $110 for 20,000 tracts, of any or all the numbers of the present year, for circulation in the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny: remarking that he knew of no other way of doing so much good with the same amount of money; that he could think of no better topic for the general reader than Tract No. I, and that even if he could prepare as good, only about one half as many, for the amount of money, could be procured in the ordinary way from printers; adding that, if permitted, he hoped from time to time to provide for others of our large cities, thus to aid representatively in preaching the truth to thousands who as yet know only very imperfectly
"The message of salvation
From God's own holy Word."
The work was taken hold of here with a will by some who appreciate the privilege of the service, (some doing more and some less) three brethren and five sisters having already distributed about 6,000to church-goers, to street car passengers, etc. A plan found to be good, is to have along also some of the Arp Tracts, which are less expensive (and supplied free), to give to such as appear less likely to become interested.
If all TOWER readers, not otherwise in the service, would take hold of this work earnestly, a million or two of these "hail" stones would quickly be poured forth to sweep away the refuge of lies.Isa. 28:17.