"This do in remembrance of me."
We give early notice of the date for the celebration of the Lord's Supper because all have not the conveniences for calculating the date, and because many who rely upon the TOWER for the information are so far away that they do not get the TOWER for about a month after they are mailed.
The date given is not the date of the beginning of the Jewish Passover feast-week, for it is not that which we celebrate. We celebrate the killing of the true Paschal Lamb"the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world," and through whom we, as his Church of the First-born, are already by faith passed over from death unto life.
The killing of the lamb took place the day before the Passover feast-week began, and our Lord was crucified as its antitype on that daythe 14th day of the Hebrew month Nisan, which this year would correspond to April 4th. In the Jewish reckoning the day begins to count from the previous evening at six o'clock (April 3d), and since our Lord on that evening preceding the day of his crucifixion celebrated his own death, with his disciples, [R1183 : page 1] and left them a charge to "do this" in remembrance of him, we will celebrate it as usual on the anniversary, which, as above stated, will this year be April 3d, at a convenient hour after six o'clock P.M.
But, remember, we "do this" not of fear or constraint, or law, but in grateful remembrance of our ransom.