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We need not here repeat the strong evidences that our Lord instituted his supper to be a yearly memorial of his death, as "the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world"—and as the remembrancer of the antitype of the Passover. Old readers are familiar with these strong evidences, and new readers will find an abridged explanation, etc., in the WATCH TOWER for March, 1888; of which we have a few copies left which we will gladly supply them free.

We hope that all our readers—all who see clearly and appreciate the ransom—all who realize that the life of the spotless Lamb of God, the man Christ Jesus, was SUBSTITUTED for the life of Adam and his race, in payment of the penalty of sin—death—that we might in God's due time be released from death and obtain everlasting life through him who "bought us with his own precious blood" (life); whom the Father raised from death in the divine nature—may be more zealous than ever to show forth their faith in the RANSOM as the foundation of all our hopes of resurrection and life. For the more others fall away from this central truth and the more they seek to undermine it and to teach that man is "falling upward" and needed no ransom, the more all who do see this truth clearly should "show forth" their faith in the precious blood and broken body of our Redeemer by obeying his dying words, "Do this in remembrance of me."

So far as possible, meet with those of like precious faith—with those who do not despise God's favor by counting the blood of Christ a common or ordinary thing, but see it to be the redemption price of the life of the world, as the Scriptures everywhere declare.

The date of the anniversary this year will be April 3rd, any time after 6 o'clock in the evening. This date corresponds to the day and hour at which our Lord and the apostles celebrated the first memorial supper. Yet, like all of the Lord's commands to his church, it is not given as a law, accompanied by a penalty for violation or neglect. Like all of his commands it is an easy yoke; instead of carrying a penalty it should be esteemed a privilege, and our Lord merely says, "If ye love me, keep my commands." So, then, we exhort all who know and love the Lord as their Redeemer to commemorate the ransom price which he gave—with others if you can, or alone if you have not that privilege.

So many of you as can do so, we most cordially invite to meet with the little company here in Allegheny. So far as possible you will be furnished lodging and breakfast without charge while here, at the homes of the brethren and sisters residing in and near the city; and for others who cannot be thus accommodated comfortable quarters at low prices will be arranged that the housekeepers be not overcharged and hindered from attending the meetings. Free lunch suppers will be arranged for, and good dinners will be supplied at a restaurant for 15 cents each. Thus the total expense to a visiting brother or sister will be but 60 cents for boarding for the four days of the meeting. But the arrangements for dinners and suppers are intended to apply equally to all—those who reside in this city as well as others—that all may be able to partake of the spiritual food and enjoy both spiritual and physical refreshment.

Get here on the evening of April 2nd or early on April 3rd, if possible. A general meeting will be held in the morning of April 3rd, beginning at 10 o'clock, and a baptism service in the afternoon. The celebration of the Lord's Memorial supper will be held in the evening at 8 o'clock. The three days following will be devoted to Bible study, taking up whatever topics those in attendance may prefer. Come, beloved, with your hearts full of love to our great Redeemer and full of desire and prayer that you may both get good and do good by this communion with fellow members of the one body.

Let not the love of money prevent your coming and celebrating this supper. Think not of the few hours or few days it would take from other matters, or the few dollars that neglect of business might cost. Think rather of the privilege it affords of testifying to the Lord your love and appreciation of him and his great sacrifice on our behalf, and of the blessings of such a season of communion with saints.


Excursion rates are offered us by the railroads mentioned below. They cover almost all the territory from New England to the Mississippi River, from Canada to the Ohio River and West Virginia.

The reduction amounts to one-third off the regular rates. And as our privilege of having the excursion rates next year will depend somewhat upon the number who avail themselves of the privilege this year, it is our desire that as many as possible avail themselves of these privileges—those who live close by as well as those from afar. The reduction of fare will be made here at Pittsburg upon the purchase of your return tickets; but to get this reduction you must procure from the ticket agent where you start, when purchasing your ticket, a statement setting forth the fact that you have purchased such tickets at full-fare rates with the intention of attending the annual meeting of Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society. That paper, signed by our secretary here, will entitle you to the reduced rates on your home-bound trip, which must be over the same route by which you will come.

If your home is not on the line of any of the railroads mentioned below, you must count your excursion as beginning at the nearest station on one of these roads and must get your certificate and through ticket at that point. Buy tickets to either Pittsburg or Allegheny and on arrival come direct to our office—Bible House, Arch Street.

If possible inform us at once by postal card if you intend to come, that arrangements for your entertainment may be more definite and thus some confusion be avoided.