"Ye are Christ's!" oh yes; I know it! for he bought
me with his blood;
And I never can forget it, for He is my Savior God.
In his hands behold the nail-prints, in his face eternal
How I long to be just like him in the Father's
house above!
"Life is yours:" oh yes; I have ithaving all in
God's dear Son;
He began "the life" within me, and he'll work
till all is done.
His eternal mind inspires me, breathing through
his holy Word,
So I'm resting in the keeping of the Spirit's voice
I've heard.
"Death is yours:" oh yes; but vanquishedfor
"the Son of God" has died:
With his righteousness I'm clothed; in his life I'm
He is coming soon to take me, so I'm watching at
his gate;
As I long for his appearing, I am serving while I
"Present things:" oh yes; I use them as I cross
the ocean's foam,
On the voyage of life's journey to my Lord's eternal
His own guide-book is my treasure, and his lifeboat
cannot sink;
Christ, the Captain, gives me daily more than I
could ask or think.
"Things to come:" O depths of riches! all God's
promises are sure;
And through these I'm made partaker of the life
which shall endure.
In the "Times of Restitution" of the "all things"
he hath made,
I shall evermore behold him in the light which
cannot fade.
"In the world:" I live above itall the mammon
with its load;
For I've found the "Enoch" secrethow to walk
along with God.
Through the day I walk with Jesus, and at night
sleep on his breast:
I just tell him all that presses, and he gives me
perfect rest.
Do I glory?
Yes; I know it, for there's no "perhaps"
with God;
All my ifs and buts are buried, with my sins, beneath
the blood.
Christ is risen: He lives in me; and all power to
him is given;
Thus he'll use me for his glory till he takes me
home to heaven.
W. Luff.