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DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—I sent you a Money Order for $10.00 a few days ago, and request a renewal of my subscription to the TOWER for another year, and ten copies MILLENNIAL DAWN, paper cover, for distribution. The remainder of the money I place in your hands, to be used in the service of the Lord for the advancement of his Kingdom and glory.

About a year ago I asked the Lord in all sincerity and prayer to assist me in quitting the use of tobacco, and promised him in all good faith to use the money, formerly spent for it, to the advancement of his interest, as I now see it through the light I have received from the two volumes of MILLENNIAL DAWN and the TOWER. I had used tobacco for thirty years, and often tried to quit, but could not succeed in resisting the strong desire for its use; but since I quit this time, with the help of the Lord, I have lost all desire for it, and only twice (shortly after quitting) have I had the least desire for it.

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Since comparing carefully your views with the Bible, I am thoroughly satisfied it is the only true interpretation of God's plan I have been able to find. I have been a member of the Presbyterian church for thirty-five years, but recently, thank God, the scales of sectarianism have dropped from my eyes, and I can now see the glorious plan of God, in that he sent his Son Jesus Christ to be a ransom for all: the Church, the little flock, first; then the world. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

May God prosper his work in your hands, and may the blessing of the Lord Jesus be with you and all those laboring for the glorious Kingdom which he has come to establish, is the prayer of your humble friend in the Lord,

A. W. LEE.



DEAR BRETHREN:—Enclosed find Money Order for which send me Vol. I., THE PLAN OF THE AGES. Through the kindness of Bro. T. Carr I got Vol. II., THE TIME IS AT HAND, and have read it nearly through. The truth is so clearly pointed out, and everything is so plain, that, although I have not seen the first volume, I have read it.

After preaching in the M.E. church for three years, during all of which time I have been earnestly seeking the truth, I am now, by the help of God, able to "come out of her."

Notwithstanding you advised your readers not to read the second volume before reading the first, I ventured on, and I feel that I am amply paid. May God ever bless you in your labor for the truth. Yours in Christ,



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DEAR BROTHER AND SISTER RUSSELL:—With much gratitude I have to acknowledge the due delivery of the tracts and ZION'S WATCH TOWERS. Being in bad health for some time I have not been able to do much myself, but the Postman who brought the books, after reading Vol. I., has become greatly interested, and is now joyfully working for the Master. He gives away The Old Theology tracts, and loans MILLENNIAL DAWN. He has meetings with young men in his own house on Sundays for the purpose of reading MILLENNIAL DAWN along with the Word of God. In this way much good is being done, I hope.

I should like to write you a long letter, telling you much, but am not able. Enclosed is Money Order of L.2 for subscription and Tract Fund. Yours in Christian fellowship,




EDITOR WATCH TOWER, DEAR SIR:—I will never be able to repay you for the light you have thrown upon God's Word, by your writings—THE PLAN OF THE AGES, etc. When I first read it, I was surprised at its revelations. Had I been asleep? No! but I had been trusting my salvation to a false theology, and giving unbounded faith to professed teachers of God's Word, and had failed to study closely for myself. I had gotten my eyes open to the fact, that the watchmen on the walls were giving uncertain sounds, and I began to search the Scriptures, when your priceless work fell into my hands in a way that I regard as providential, and it saved me years of study. I have read it over carefully several times, and practically mastered its teaching, and have gained immensely in my faith in God's dear Son. I find it does not require half the wisdom to understand the Bible as it is written, as it does to show that it means something different from what it says. I can now hold up Jesus, as God's dear Son, sent into the world to save sinners, to any of Adam's lost sons and daughters, and prove that he is a loving Savior, and will save his people from their sins. For twenty-five years, as a Methodist, I was tongue-tied, because I could not explain why Christ died for all, and could not save all. I could not recommend a Savior who could not do all that he professed to do. I thank God that I now realize that Jesus is all powerful, and will save all from the effects of Adam's sin, and give to all a personal offer to live forever on the same conditions on which Adam had life offered to him.

I have been trying to open the eyes of some of my brethren in the church, but find it harder work than with the outside sinner. Having consecrated my life to God, I shall go on to the end; and I know that if I am faithful I shall obtain the "crown of life"—Immortality.

Wishing you every success in your glorious mission, I remain, yours in Christ,




DEAR BRO. RUSSELL:—Thanks to you beyond expression, for the parcel of tracts, the envelopes, and then the TOWER, in quick succession. And I trust by a judicious use of them to disseminate the truth to those who are in bondage to sectarianism. As to the new appearance of my old favorite, the TOWER, I did not know its face, until I opened the cover, which made my eyes sparkle with joy. How good the motto—to bear the cross, then wear the crown. May we be found worthy. Yours in Christian fellowship, GEO. SHORT.