[R1311 : page 95]



By the time you get this number of the TOWER the Editor and his help-mate expect to be en route for Europe.

We have several objects in view. We want to see the conditions of European society, in view of a preparation for the writing of the fourth volume of the MILLENNIAL DAWN series—"The Day of Vengeance."

We desire also to consider, from that standpoint, what can be done to forward the spread of the Truth among the people of foreign countries. Even should we conclude that nothing more can be done than is being done at present, it will at least be a satisfaction to have made sure of it.

Finally, we desire to meet with and to greet and encourage some of the dear fellow-servants there. This last feature, however, we fear will be disappointing to many of them as well as to us; for to accomplish the first two items (which are the real objects of the journey) will involve so extended a tour that the brief space of time at our disposal will necessitate rapid and constant traveling, and will consequently prevent our holding any meetings, except, possibly, in London. Nothing would please us better [R1312 : page 95] than to be able to go from town to town throughout England, Ireland and Scotland, spending a week at each, and holding meeting with the dear friends there whom we know by correspondence. But this is not possible: such a trip would require at least six months for Great Britain alone, and we have only about two months at our disposal for the entire trip outlined below. We will probably stop over one night at Belfast, Ireland, and one day each at Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland, in going, and two days in London, and, if possible, one day in Liverpool, on returning. We will send postal cards giving our address to the TOWER readers residing in those cities, and will be most happy to meet all who call on us.

Think not, dear friends, that we would prefer visiting those haunts which usually attract merely pleasure-seeking tourists. Not so: ours is a journey in the honor of our King and for the better qualifying of ourselves to spread his truth. We care nothing for curious and ancient ruins, castles, etc.: we want to see the people, to judge of their modes of living, habits of thought and tendencies—the very things which few think or care about.

Our route, as proposed, is as follows—subject to providential, financial or other changes found expedient:

We leave New York City on the Inman Line steamer, "City of Chicago," on July 1st, for Queenstown, Ireland: thence to Belfast, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Berlin, Leipzig, Vienna, Kischenev (Russia, where we hope to meet the converted Jew, Mr. Rabinowitz, whose work among the Jews so closely corresponds to our work among Christians, and whom we hope to persuade to accompany us to Jerusalem), Constantinople, Athens, Jerusalem; returning via Cairo (to see the Great Pyramid), Rome, Berne (Switzerland), Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, London, Liverpool, and thence by steamer for New York and home.

We want you to feel, as we shall, that our eyes and ears are yours representatively. And whatever we learn by this trip that would be of interest and profit to you all, we shall consider it a trust, as well as a pleasure, to deliver to you all, through the mediums of the TOWER and the future volumes of the DAWN.

Meantime the office work is left in the charge of competent and deeply interested friends, who will do all they possibly can to fill your orders carefully and promptly; and matter for the next two issues of the TOWER is left ready. And not knowing what may be the Master's will in reference to our return, or when our "change" may come, we have left our affairs in such shape that the work would continue—others, under the Lord's guidance, filling our places.

Good-bye! Come with us in spirit; and remember us in prayer, that our journey may be prospered, to the good of many and to the praise of our Redeemer.
