[R1997 : page 144]




DEAR FRIEND:—I never can be thankful enough that a colporteur introduced the TOWER and DAWNS to my notice. They are to me like a bright light in a very dark place. I lend and give them where I hope they will do the most good. One good old Congregationalist minister accepted the truth at once, and died rejoicing in the light. Another could with great difficulty be persuaded to read them, but has accepted their teachings, rejoices that he has been enlightened, and now persuades his congregation to believe also.

Sincerely yours in Christ, MRS. C. W. G.



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—In sending this remittance to pay my account, I say as a word of cheer in passing, I know in whom I am trusting, and, having placed all in his hands, I have no desire to draw back. My health is poor, and I often think I will soon pass over; but I am in my Father's hands, and am content. I am learning to know him as I never did; and oh, how wonderful the knowledge! To know Him is to love Him; and we cannot love Him without knowing Him. I so like the Diaglott translation of Eph. 3:18,19.

In the raising of Lazarus is there not an evidence of the great love which Jesus had for him? Dying before his Master he could be only one of the ancient worthies; but dying after him he may be one of the "body." [Yes!]

Well, dear Brother, God bless you in your work. I appreciate it greatly. See Heb. 13:20,21.

Yours in the faith, W. H. HOUGHTELIN.



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Just a line that you may rejoice with us in our happiness in the Lord. Our little church met on New Year's eve to draw near the Lord through praise and thanksgiving for having preserved us from harm during the year that is past. Oh, what gladness fills our hearts as we recognize his care and blessing to us through the past year! How he has fed us from his table! We also carried out the suggestion given in Nov. 15 TOWER, with regard to order in the Church, appointing Brother Hemery as "elder" or overseer for the coming year, recognizing in him the Lord's choice.

Before we parted we renewed our consecration to the Lord. Believing the past year to have been a notably prosperous one to us as regards our building up in love and knowledge, also as regards the spread of the truth, we look in faith to the dear Master for his grace in the coming year, believing that he will perfect that which he has already begun. The Church sends greetings.

Yours in His service, E. SHARPLES.



DEAR SISTER AND BROTHER RUSSELL:—I have had it on my mind to write to you ever since coming to California. We are enjoying so many blessings that I like to tell you of them. We are abiding in Christ and rejoicing in his love, and in favor from God the Father. What a gracious plan it is that we may come into this family of God, even though we be poor and unlearned, having nothing to bring. I pray always to God that I may never bring reproach on his holy name. We have every blessing—home and peace and quiet and freedom to give out words of truth on all sides, and are privileged to meet together with God's saints, and to partake with them of the feast spread before us.

I have taken a new interest in my boys. I have come to realize that they are not my boys, but the Lord's, bought and owned by him, and perhaps consecrated to him (they always say they are); so I am trying to be more careful of them, and I feel free to admire them as never before. I can see what precious little souls they are, and how all their intentions are for righteousness. It is pleasing to notice that they are perfectly truthful and always scrupulously honest in all business matters. They are always more interested in spiritual things about Passover time. Laurie (the eldest) made a dollar and twenty-five cents on his rabbits. He says it is not his money, and he thinks God would be better pleased to have his money put into the Tract Fund, so he asked me to send it in for him. I can see he has some conception of what consecration means.

Here is a blessed little company of DAWN readers. We have two meetings every Sunday; and I don't believe there is one enemy among us, nor one cold one: we do enjoy such freedom and fellowship. In the morning we have some lesson, and in the afternoon we have testimony and singing and prayer and questions. We sisters have started a Wednesday afternoon meeting, and we are going through the second volume of DAWN. I often wish you knew these dear people personally.

May God's blessing rest on you both and the work he has put into your hands. Christian love to all. MRS. W. J. WEBB.



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Our little Baptismal service came off very nicely last Monday afternoon. We had the use of the baptistry in the Disciple church, and opportunity to speak to a little audience of about twenty. They listened attentively as I reasoned from the Scriptures that the baptism unto repentance and for the remission of sins was applicable only to those who were under the Law Covenant, that the real baptism is into Christ's sacrificial death, that it commenced with our covenant to present ourselves a sacrifice to God, and did not end until our offering was consumed in death.

A noted Free Thought speaker lectured in Denison recently. Two young men from the Y.M.C.A. assisted me in giving out about 400 Do You Know tracts. His talk was against Churchianity rather than against Christianity.

Yours in the Master's service, H. W. DEMING.

[We commend to all, reasonable cooperation with other Christians in any good work. Only let us be careful not to sacrifice principles for the sake of human sympathy or Christian cooperation.]


Indian Territory.

DEAR BRETHREN:—Some one told an infidel that I sold "an infidel book." So he hailed me on the street and bought "What Say the Scriptures About Hell," without looking into it. He was surprised and very glad to learn that the doctrine of eternal torture was not a feature of the Mosaic law. His wife (a Baptist) says she twitted him about "reading that old infidel book and neglecting the customers." When he had read it all, he told her and his mother that if they would read it they might learn something good about the Bible. They also were overjoyed and praised God that he had touched the heart of the honest skeptic.

Our new friend listened like a little child while I told him the old, old story of God's and Christ's love, and bought the DAWN without urging, because he now believes in the Bible. I think the new tract is having the same effect on many others.

My heart is made glad occasionally by the evidence of the Lord's providence in feeding those that hunger for his truth. One evening, recently, I started to a meeting which is conducted by an Evangelist who is quite interested in "The Plan of the Ages." I missed the meeting place, and came upon some campers at the edge of town. One man from Texas was telling them about MILLENNIAL DAWN, and our Bible talk which the Elder interrupted in Sherman. How God makes the wrath of men to praise him! They were all anxious to know more about it. I offered a passage of Scripture, and another, until he knew me. We talked till 11 P.M.

"The Lord knoweth them that are his." I am glad for this great privilege of sowing the precious truth. Pray for me.

Yours in Him, H. T. BLATCHLEY.