[R3039 : page 207]



Dear Brother Russell:—On the occasion of your last visit to our house, you lost on the floor the check you had received for your satchel, etc. at the hotel opposite the depot. I felt sure you would be able to get them without the check, yet I concluded to return it and learn positively that you had procured them. While on this errand I met a man I hadn't seen for years, whom formerly I had known well. I was compelled to introduce myself to him, because he said he couldn't recognize me. When I made myself known he was astounded and said, "Why, what have you been doing to yourself? You look younger than you did when I saw you last, which is more than ten years ago; besides you have lost that care worn-look you had, and now appear so much happier. What has caused such a change in you?" I answered "Good news! The influence of the truth causing me to cast all my care on Him." He said, "I would like to hear something that would be the means of making so great a change in me." I said, "You can hear it if you have ears to hear." I then questioned him as to whether he was still a Christian, and he told me he was seeking diligently to know what was truth, had once left the Methodist Church and attached himself to the Advent denomination, but soon learned he had gained nothing by the change and returned to the Methodists, only to be as dissatisfied as ever. He was really anxious to hear the details of my experience, and seemed glad that I didn't have to go outside God's Word to get the message of comfort. I then told him how MILLENNIAL DAWN came to me and opened the eyes of my understanding, enabling me to realize the truth that God is love, and showing me my privilege to be joint sacrificer with the Lord and co-laborer with him in this the greatest period of all time (thus far)—the harvest of the age. His interest was awakened, he was eager to get the book, even desiring to purchase one at once if I could tell him where to procure it. We were several blocks from Bro. Brown's. He went there with me and took away what I hope will be as great a treasure to him as it has been to me.

So you see, dear brother, the loss of your check, though it may have caused you some annoyance, occasioned that seemingly chance meeting and started another MILLENNIAL DAWN on its wonderful mission.

Two causes make the Washington folks very joyous now; viz., The early prospect of the Volunteer work, and the established fact that there will be a convention here in October. Bro. Fowler, our captain, told me a few days ago that he believed every one would engage in this work;—and why shouldn't we? If we appreciate the opportunity extended us by our dear Lord, we will not only delight to do his will, but will earnestly strive to do it in the most acceptable manner.

Experience has taught us that there is much to be learned; we have realized the necessity of being as "wise as serpents and as harmless as doves." A soft answer has many times turned away wrath; a quiet courteous manner has gained for us respect, and been the means of obtaining an audience with the person, for the printed sermon we have presented, that could not have been accomplished in a loud or boisterous way. To get into a contention, even for the truth, on these occasions diverts from the specific service. There is a time when silence is golden; it seems to me that while engaged in the Volunteer work is that time; the message we deliver will speak more eloquently than mortal tongue, for it is our Lord knocking at the door of the hearts of his people.

And now, Bro. Russell, I entreat you to make use of every opportunity to say to the brethren where ever you may go, to put forth earnest efforts to come to the Annual Convention in Washington, D.C., October 4th, 5th and 6th. Warm hearts will meet them here. We hope for a glorious time of help to the Church, not forgetting the nearly starved and blind and ignorant who are yet where we were once. May our Lord's blessing be on all efforts tending to make this convention a success and may it be with us in this as in all else, "God first," to his honor and glory through Jesus.

With love, I am your brother in the love and service of our Master. J. T. D. Pyles, Dist. of Columbia.


Dear Brother Russell:—I know that your time is very much taken up; but I would love so to tell you of a dear Sister J__________, whom we met in P__________. She came into the DAWN Truths about 1890, and has been a TOWER reader since 1892. She said that in all her Christian life she had felt the need of "light," and that the DAWN truth didn't seem something new, but only the expression of something she has always wanted. She had no education at all, could barely read; and couldn't write. She said when she read the first DAWN, she had to spell out the words. But, notwithstanding, she said, "My heart just runs over with joy all the time, and please say to Brother Russell for me that he has made one poor ignorant old woman's life rich, oh, so rich! and that every word he has written I have read, and not only read, but lived on. May God bless him always!"

How often my own heart feels the blessedness this dear old sister speaks of. Truly your sister,

Helen Brewster.—Indiana.


Dear Brother Russell:—I have been wanting to write to you for some time, but have delayed knowing there are so many corresponding with you that your time must be fully occupied. I want to tell you, however, how I am getting along. It is now over four years since I obtained the first volume of MILLENNIAL DAWN. Since then I have obtained and read and reread the five volumes and the WATCH TOWER as well. The light that dawned upon me then has been growing brighter. It took me some time to grasp the truths of God's plan as I see it now. The orthodox (?) teachings were hard to eradicate, but I went to the "law and the testimony" and now I see "the more excellent way" shining out on almost every page of the Word. I purchased a number of vol. I, and loaned them to others that wanted them, also distributed the tracts and TOWERS you sent me. Many persons are interested in a measure; others reject the truth with scorn. I meet opposition from a number of sources, chiefly from the clergy, and especially the Church I formerly belonged to (Baptist). Sermons are preached on "hell," "the immortality of man," "the Holy Ghost," etc. I can thank God for this light he has given me of his Word (through your instrumentality) and smile amid the storm. It inspires me with more energy to use every opportunity to spread the truth.

"I love to tell the story
Because I know 'tis true,
It satisfies my longings
As nothing else can do."

I have been trying to study the Bible all through life, but found so many perplexities I hardly knew what to think about it, and when I went to the leaders for light, I was told "They are the deep things of God and not for us to understand." Now I can, in the language of the one Christ healed say, "Whereas I was blind, now I see," and I am thankful to my Heavenly Father that I have "eyes to see and ears to hear" the "glad tidings of great joy which shall be to all people."

One minister in this section (the French Missionary) has become quite interested. We can however look forward with joyful anticipation to the good time coming when "the blind eyes will be opened, and deaf ears will be unstopped."

Yours in Christian fellowship,
N. E. Butler, Nova Scotia.