Enclosed herewith I send our application for the continuation of Pilgrim visits for 1904.
We greatly appreciate the privilege of these visits and the rich blessings with which they are always accompanied. Our hearts are full of gratitude to our dear heavenly Father that he has seen fit, in his wonderful condescending goodness, to thus supply us with the help we so much need.
The work at this place has made very slow progress, it seems, to our waiting hearts, nevertheless there have been some results. When Bro. Draper was here this month we had one "new" sister at our little parlor meetings who eagerly drank in the sweet, blessed truths brought out in Brother Draper's Bible talks. She seemed to be greatly blessed and benefited, and our own hearts throbbed with tenderest love and sympathy for her in her new-found joy. Praise God for one addition to our number.
I have just read, through tears of joy, your annual report. I cannot express what I feel when I ponder the glorious harvest work now going on in the dear Master's wheat field, while the tares are sleeping in ignorance and indifference. I am constantly saying to myself, Who am I that I should be permitted to share in this the greatest work ever given to mortal man for accomplishment? I am so glad our heavenly bodies will have the capacity of expressing what the heavenly mind will feel, and not be so limited that they will simply ache for want of such capacity. Thank God for the assurance that every want of the perfect New Creation will be abundantly supplied. I have just returned from a visit at L__________. While there I heard a sermon from a man who was my pastor twenty years ago. His text was from the fourteenth chapter of Job, "If a man die shall he live again?" His theme, "Immortality." Almost the entire time devoted to the subject was given to the labor of attempting to show that immortality was proven from nature, reason, science and philosophy. About ten minutes were devoted to revelation and the resurrection of Jesus as additional proof. The number of Scripture references used was three, beside the context. I was sitting between one of my sisters and her husband, who is a Baptist preacher, and when the speaker declared that by the resurrection of Jesus "life and immortality was brought to light," I could not resist giving expression to an emphatic little "Amen," realizing that he had spoken the truth without meaning to. As I listened to all he had to say, and summed it all up, my heart was stirred with unspeakable pity for my dear old friend and all my other loved ones who had such scanty fare. I watched very closely for some indication of unsatisfied hunger, but they all seemed full. Oh, the pity of it! All noble hearted and clean handed before the world, and all seeming to have real love for our dear heavenly Father and all believing they are loyal to him!
Dear brother, I have wanted to tell you how greatly I rejoiced that our sweet and comforting beliefthe truths that we greatly prize above life itselfwere presented to so many people during your debate with Dr. Eaton, and presented in such a lovely Christlike way. All my Christian life I have longed to see my blessed Lord and Master so represented before the world.
May his blessings continue and increase throughout the coming year upon you and all the dear brethren who labor with you.
It is with deep and inexpressible gratitude to the great "Giver of all good gifts," and to you, his honored servant, that I take up my pen this morning. I have read and re-read your dear Christmas letter [of greeting to the Colporteurs] and my heart echoes every sentiment expressed.
How truly "unspeakable" are our heavenly Father's gifts, not for one day only, but for every day, and for "ages to come," for he will show unto us "the exceeding riches of his grace (favor) in his kindness to us through Christ Jesus."
The year just past has been one of great blessing to me. The Lord's "table" never seemed so bountifully spread as it is nowperhaps my appreciation is increasing, tooand our standing in Christ Jesus, and our present privileges in the service of his Truth, never seemed more grand. Angels certainly would esteem it a pleasure to be in our places.
The dear Chief Reaper has permitted us to see some results of our feeble efforts, and this has caused our hearts to bubble over with joy, and has more than compensated for all the trials incident to our work.
Our prayer is that we may be given grace and strength to continue in this glorious harvest work as long as the door of opportunity stands open. We realize also that the time is growing very short, and we desire to be diligent in his service, and pray also that the "Lord of the harvest will send forth more laborers into his harvest."
We rejoice more and more in the knowledge of
the "good tidings of great joy which shall be to all
It is the one thing which makes life worth living,
and even makes it a pleasure.
And "our hearts up-leap
in fond anticipation"knowing that our "union with
the Bridegroom draweth nigh," and soon the blessing of
the "groaning creation" will begin.
Oh, that we may
"walk worthy of him who hath called us to glory and [R3350 : page 111] virtue," that we may be ever in the attitude of our dear
Brother Paul, who rejoiced that he was "counted worthy
to suffer shame for his name," who did so much for
"For him, I count as gain each loss,
May these be the sentiments of each dear "footstep
follower (I Pet. 2:21) until they "finish their
course with joy" and see their dear Redeemer face to
With true Christian love, I remain yours in the "one
hope of our calling,"
I have been long wanting to write to you.
August last year when the Lord graciously called me, I
have been by his gracious help holding steadily on to the
Your books, together with ZION'S WATCH TOWER,
(to which I look forward eagerly) and other interesting
tracts, etc., have been a valuable help to me, so instructive
have they been.
It has helped to give the daily reading of the Holy
Word an additional delight.
Many passages having struck
me as being peculiarly beautiful, I have learned them by
heart, and while at my work (being an engine driver) I
love to repeat them over and over to myself amid the roar
and rattle of the revolving machinery.
I have tried, oh,
so hard, with, I hope, the blessing of the Lord, to interest
some of my fellow-workmen in the great Truth, and as
you know have caused two of them at least to become
subscribers to the WATCH TOWER.
As a child of God,
wholly consecrated to Him, I am anxious that all around
me should partake of the blessings and peace of mind that
a child of God has amid the numerous distractions of life.
My eyes have been opened to the fact that there are many
blessed privileges I can live up to even in this life, and
my Father has been surpassingly good to me.
I am a simple
man and do not know very much, but the good fortune
that has come to me, and in which you have, under
God, taken a part, impels me to write to you, repeating
my thanks with a rejoicing heart.
With much Christian love, yours very sincerely,
Some weeks ago I received (as a Presbyterian minister,
I suppose) a free copy of your "Divine Plan of the
Before acknowledging it, I have taken time to
read it.
I now ask that you will send a cloth-bound copy
of it to a friend and send your bill to me.
You can also
put me down as a subscriber to ZION'S WATCH TOWER.
expect later to order the MILLENNIAL DAWN series in
It is needless to say that the "Divine Plan of
the Ages" has both interested and comforted me.
I am
anxious to follow up the series and to exchange a personal
letter or two on some points.
Yours very truly, A. W. N.,Missouri.
Regarding the article in the Feb. 1 TOWER, "Can
the Ethiopian Change His Skin," allow me to say, that
I have ascertained by inquiry, from different colored
people, that in this small town there are several instances
of this change taking place.
It usually begins
with a small spot on some part of the body and gradually
enlarges, and, strange to say, the individuals are
loath to speak of it.
My information extends to other
communities, and the same experiences are occurring
This appears to be general amongst the race all
over the country.
If a general inquiry was made
amongst the colored people throughout the country it
would be found that this is generally the case.
I think
that this is one of the many indications of the great
changes that will soon take place when our dear Redeemer
assumes his power and reigns.
Yours in the service of the loving Master,
Being in possession of the first three volumes of
the MILLENNIAL DAWN series, through a rather peculiar
circumstance, I request information in regard to the
succeeding volumes, and prices.
I may as well inform you that heretofore I had
been a skeptic in regard to the Bible until I got
hold of the books mentioned.
No person of intelligence can read these books and
not be convinced.
They are truly wonderful and show
that God would surely raise up men who can and will
interpret the Scriptures harmoniously.
Disgrace for him, renown;
Well might I glory in the cross
While he prepares my crown."