[R4563 : page 67]


THE brethren in charge of the foreign branches made their reports in due season, but we were unavoidably prevented from printing them until now. We are sure that they will be of deep interest to all WATCH TOWER readers. We have nothing in a concrete form to present respecting developments in Africa and India. However, matters in those lands are progressing as satisfactorily as could be expected. Of course, opposition is encountered everywhere, but not from the worldly. As it was the Scribes and Pharisees who opposed the Gospel message eighteen centuries ago, so similar classes oppose the Gospel of the Kingdom now. As then the rulers were "grieved that he taught the people," so it is now. There seems to be little objection to the various forms of error, Christian Science, Higher Criticism, Evolution, etc., but the moment the Truth is presented anger and opposition are aroused. This seems to prove our theory that the Adversary himself is exciting and driving our deluded opponents to envy, malice, hatred, strife, slander, evil-speaking and insinuations, which are his methods. Would that all of God's consecrated people could realize this! What a change it would speedily effect—even those blinded by error would then be saved from being used as Satan's tools!

The reading of the reports following will certainly prove a great encouragement to all who love the Lord and who delight to note the prosperity of the Truth. Of course, to those that walk no longer with us the effect will be the reverse. Things once despised they now love; things which they once loved they now despise. The reports show that the sifting work is in progress all over the harvest field. This is just what we should expect. While our hearts ache for the dear friends who have left us, the fact that they so speedily lose not only the Truth, but its spirit of love, reconciles us the more quickly to the situation and shows us that their condition of heart, which we did not suspect, but of which the Lord well knew, must have been behind their rejection by him and the taking from them the light of Present Truth. The evidences from every quarter are that many more are coming into the Truth than are leaving it. And apparently those now coming in have been under the Lord's supervising care and in another department of the School of Christ for some time. Now as their eyes are open to the harvest message they feed upon it rapaciously. So successfully do they assimilate the Truth that sometimes a six-months' beginner may be able to correct even a leader who has been in the Truth for ten or twenty years, but who has neglected reading. We cannot too strongly urge the fact that our vessels are leaky and require frequent spirit renewings. We are glad to note from letters received that the number of those reading twelve pages of the "Dawn-Studies" each day is increasing. We believe this to be one of the very best methods of Bible study—putting on the whole armor of God, fortifying heart and head. We learned with pleasure that during our absence, on New Year's Day, nearly all the members of the Bethel family resolved to follow this method and so to accomplish the reading of the entire six volumes of "Scriptural Studies" during the year 1910.



I have pleasure in sending once again the British yearly report of books sold and work accomplished in this part of the Harvest Field. The year has not been specially notable in any of the various features of the harvesting, but you will see that the general activities have been kept up and the results betoken increase of interest. You will know that trade in these countries has not been very brisk, and you would partially expect, if not a decrease in the sale of STUDIES, not any notable increase. We have indeed to report a slight decrease in the circulation of the cloth-bound Vol. I, but there has been a considerable increase in the output of the cheaper issue. Our total, as shown on sheet No. 1, is 46,926 STUDIES and DAWNS and other books, amounting in all to 61,225 books and booklets.

The Tract work has gone on well. If our brethren find it hard to sell books they find it easy to give out tracts. These have been circulated to the extent of 2,369,000, at the rate of nearly 50,000 per week. The newer form—the PEOPLES PULPIT—is very popular both with the brethren and with those who look for our tracts; and the No. 3, "Where Are the Dead?" has brought forth many inquiries. People will read a paper when they will not read a tract. Then the small inset picture of yourself on the first page has done good by letting people see we are not associated with "Dowieism," which many have believed was the case. The inquiries and the results show that there are many waiting to hear some satisfying news of the love of God; and regularly we are getting evidences of the blessing which the STUDIES are bringing to the people. It has been a surprise to me that there has not been a large increase in the sales of these books, for surely in this country the Lord must have many who fear him. I believe there is a large number of the class who have been associated with religious work, an intelligent middle-class, who have as yet hardly been touched with the [R4563 : page 68] books, and I cannot but think many of these will come to the Lord through the Harvest work. There seems no chance of newspaper work here in the meantime, but surely the heavy tract work must to some extent correspond with the newspaper work of the States.

I regret that there is as yet no further information to send you about a central meeting hall for London. No doubt we could have a choice of several places if we were in for buying property; but we are waiting upon the Lord, as I know you are. The British friends look forward with eagerness to your return, desiring it as soon as it can be arranged. The year has brought us trials, sorrows, disappointments, but the joy of Harvest is surely ours, and the many evidences of the Father's favor have been especially sweet. The work goes on, and the prospects are good at present. We want to use all our opportunities for witnessing to the Truth and to the Kingdom before the end comes. In humbleness of mind we pray the Lord to keep us and to keep all his own, and we pray especially for you, dear brother, that in the multitude of your labors you may be kept. With much love from the household and from all the brethren, I am

Your brother and fellow-servant, J. HEMERY.


Number of DAWNS and STUDIES (in various
bindings)........................................ 46,926
Number of booklets and other books................ 14,300


Various tracts (including 304,000 No. 80 of
last year vol. matter)........................... 836,000
PEOPLES PULPIT No. 3.............................. 1,533,000
Total number of tract pages.......................40,669,800
Letters and cards received........................ 11,735
Letters and cards sent out........................ 10,405



We are pleased to send along herewith the usual Annual Statement; we could have hoped to have a better account to render, but under the circumstances we are thankful that it is what it is through the faithful efforts of the colporteurs and zealous and earnest friends.

You will notice that we wind up the year as has always been the case since the Branch started, with an increased debt to Brooklyn. This increase shows a little more than usual on account of including the amount of fares of Brother and Sister Henninges back to Buffalo. We should have liked to see Australasia somewhat more, if not entirely, self-supporting, and possibly many of the friends have not realized their privilege of co-operation in this way.

There remains little of Australasia that has not been colporteured, only a few isolated places; but we trust that a second going over the territory will prove even better in results as to the finding of "wheat," and just as easy for the Colporteurs to make their way. We are glad that the Lord has put it in the hearts of our Brother and Sister Richardson to stay in these parts notwithstanding that it has meant so much of self-sacrifice for them to do so; and we hope that others may come forward in this the eleventh hour to enter the joys of the Harvest work. We have now five other laborers in this privileged service, Brother and Sister Thompson having left [R4564 : page 68] for home by way of Ceylon, India and England.

The Volunteer work shows a bit less output than previously; but the outlook for the ensuing year is better, and able and willing ones are now getting systematically to work. One dear elderly Brother comes in regularly for his weekly supply, his face always beaming with joy at the privileges which he has of being able to put out 1,000 to 1,200 PEOPLES PULPITS per week. Throughout Australasia the work goes forward and new interest continually comes to light of some who are rejoicing in the very truths from which others have turned aside. It is as though those who have become upset over the Vow and become blinded as regards the Covenants and the Church's high calling have made room for others to "take their crowns." The great lesson appears to be "Take heed"—"Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall."

Of course, as was anticipated, Bro. H. carried the bulk of the Melbourne class with him. He had such a hold upon them that there was small opportunity for assisting them to the truth on the points at issue. He also did what he could to prevent their reading the TOWERS, so that some TOWERS received from America were simply readdressed to this office unopened (only two or three). Some whom I had not seen for two years and had left at that time in good fellowship—nothing having passed between us in the meantime—wanted to pass us on the street as though we were poison.

We have tried to take advantage of any opportunity that any would give us of helping them, and the Lord has been pleased to bless our efforts in this way so that some have been regained. When we started here there were about twelve with us; now we have usually about twenty-five at our Sunday evening meeting—but probably not more than twenty are thoroughly established in the Truth. Bro. H., I think, still holds about eighty or so, but many of them are not readers to any extent and have been drawn to his meetings rather by his "eloquence" than by the Truth. Some of them do not even acknowledge the "parousia," and one who happened to come in yesterday had still the thought that man has an immortal soul. I do not think that Bro. H. is making any progress, as I have not heard of any that he has gained, while we can count a few, say about ten, around Melbourne, besides more in other parts. Though our numbers remain low, it is not because there have not been additions, but on account of so many going out of the city, either to go into the Colporteur work or for private reasons. All the same, we are not discouraged and do not want to accomplish more than the Lord is willing for us to do; only we do not wish to leave a stone unturned to the end that we may gather every grain of "wheat" in the vicinity.

We are contemplating more Pilgrim work, but of course the distances are great and the little companies are far between. Brother Nicholson has just returned from a trip to South Australia, where he enjoyed the privilege of blessed meetings with the friends in Adelaide and other points. Brother Nelson is making preparations for a trip to Tasmania and New Zealand, coming around by New South Wales.

We would think it good for you to draw the attention of the Australian friends to this part of the work, especially if you think one or the other of us should be out most of the time. The friends here have not responded to the invitation in the May TOWER regarding Pilgrim trips, thinking, we suppose, that the matter referred to America only.

Yours in the privileged service of our Redeemer,



Publications circulated:—
Copies of STUDIES................................ 11,356
" " Vol. I in WATCH TOWER form............. 970
" " Booklets............................... 1,251

[R4564 : page 69]

Copies of Free Tracts and WATCH TOWERS............ 90,602
These represent Tract Pages....................... 1,906,096
Letters and Cards received....................... 1,696
" " despatched..................... 2,970


L. s. d.
Deficit from 1908................................. 750 12 7
Tracts, postage, freight in and out, rent,
gas, etc., Pilgrim work, meetings and
other expenses, etc.............................. 310 12 8
_____ __ __
L1,061 5 3
Subscriptions to THE WATCH TOWER and
contributions.................................... L91 7 8
______ __ __
Deficit......................................L969 17 7



By the Lord's grace and favor we have again passed another year in his blessed communion and service, and it is once more my much appreciated privilege to send you an annual report from this part of the field.

As we expected at the beginning of the past year we have, during the same, seen greater victories for the Truth than in any other twelve-months period up to the present, and the prospects just now are more encouraging than ever, a fact that seems to indicate that this is the Lord's time to gather the last of his jewels, and, by his own methods, to finish their preparation for the coming "Glory, Honor and Immortality." We have also had the most abundant proofs that even the multitude begin to listen with joy to the "good tidings" and wish to hear of God's true character and plan. The doors of opportunity are open wider than at any time before and inspire us to pray the Lord of the Harvest to send more able and willing laborers to this end of the large field.

In spite of the bad economic circumstances which the Swedish people, and many of the Truth friends also, have been in for the last four months, because of the great conflicts here between employees and employers, we are able to report a considerable increase in the circulation of DAWN-STUDIES as well as in other directions. We have sold over 2,000 more books and nearly 5,000 more booklets, TABERNACLE SHADOWS, etc., than last year. About ten regular Colporteurs have been at work during the year; they are all very thankful to the Lord for the privilege of spreading his message abroad. Of late six or seven new ones have come into the work—one of these is a dear Brother in Finland who, no doubt, is a chosen instrument in the Lord's hand to serve his people in that country. This Brother came in contact with the Truth only five months ago, but his love for the Lord and his zeal for Present Truth are very great. A few days ago he visited Orebro in order to symbolize his consecration and to confer with us about the work and prospect for the Truth in his native country. Another Brother also in that land seems now to intend to sell his farm and go out as a Colporteur there.

The number of subscribers to the Swedish WATCH TOWER has increased only by a little more than 200, but we have received many proofs, by letters, etc., that it is much appreciated and a great help to its readers in general. A good many new subscribers for next year are expected. We have also published a new edition of 10,000 copies of "About Hell," an edition of 9,000 copies of "About Spiritism," an edition of 5,000 copies of a new hymn book containing 166 very good hymns for use at our meetings, and besides this eight different tracts, or parts of the Swedish PEOPLES PULPIT—about two millions altogether.

Our efforts to have the tracts distributed with the newspapers as supplements have not led to any result, but still we have sent out nearly twice as much "Volunteer" matter as in the preceding year, and the friends in general seem more and more to appreciate the opportunities of service offered to them through the Society's generous arrangements in this matter. As an example I will mention how a Brother living in a little place at a distance from here has of late begun to systematically send out the tracts to all small villages and parts of the country where the Colporteurs and usual tract distributers have not been. He puts a four-fold tract into one of our envelopes, stamps it at his own expense, and sends it out according to the directory. Several orders for the first volume have already arrived at the office from remote places as a result of this Brother's work.

The Pilgrim work has been greatly extended, as the following report will show. Five Swedish Brethren have taken part in this service during the year, and the Lord has richly blessed their efforts to edify the friends, and also the many meetings held for the public in nearly all parts of the country. One general convention has been held in Orebro, when the Truth friends in attendance, numbering about 350, had the privilege of partaking of the spiritual feast the Lord spread before us by you as his mouthpiece. We also held about ten local two-days' conventions at different places, all of which were blessed of the Lord to the encouraging of his people.

The amount of the donations to the Tract Fund is not quite as high as last year's total, but still the sum is very good in view of the poverty of most of the friends in Sweden. And then we must consider that a large part of their savings has been used to rent halls for meeting, the advertising of public meetings, etc., which is not included in the report.

Hearty expressions of love and thankfulness for the faithful service you, Brother Russell, as the Lord's special servant at the present time, have rendered to the blessing and help of his people even in these lands, have been made in numerous letters received here from different parts. It is but proper for me to convey all this love and thankfulness to you. Please find enclosed a further list of two hundred and two Swedish Brethren and Sisters who have voluntarily taken the "Vow" and ask us to send you notice of it.

[R4565 : page 69]

We start the New Year with brighter prospects before us than ever, and we pledge our faithful services to the Lord and to the Society and pray that we, by his grace, may remain steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, even unto death.

Yours in him, AUG. LUNDBORG.


Work accomplished through the Swedish Branch, from
Dec. 1, 1908, until Dec. 1, 1909:

Copies of DAWN-STUDIES circulated................. 7,261
Various booklets, TABERNACLE SHADOWS, Spiritism,
etc.............................................. 11,211
Number of subscribers to the Swedish WATCH
TOWER............................................ 1,580
Old sets Swedish TOWER, cloth-bound and
unbound.......................................... 427
Bibles sold....................................... 110
Volunteer Tracts and sample TOWERS................ 567,104
Expressed in usual form of Tract pages............ 7,156,224
Number of meetings held........................... 788

[R4565 : page 70]

Number of miles traveled in preaching tours....... 31,141
Letters and cards received........................ 2,518
Letters and cards sent out........................ 1,988
Parcels by mail and by railroad sent out from
this office...................................... 14,251


Pilgrim, Convention and other
meetings...........................kr. 3,919.56 $1,045.22
For translation, printing, paper,
etc................................ 12,111.32 3,229.69
Freight and postage................. 1,681.17 448.31
Office expenses, rent, light, heat,
etc................................ 2,983.52 795.60
_____________ _________
Total..........................kr. 20,695.57 $5,518.82


Voluntary donations to the Tract
Fund...............................kr. 4,407.17 $1,175.24
Swedish TOWER subscriptions......... 1,919.77 511.94
Books sold, etc..................... 8,179.31 2,181.15
_____________ _________
Total..........................kr. 14,506.25 $3,868.33
Deficit, 1909.......................kr. 6,189.32 $1,650.49



Enclosed you will find my account for the year 1909. I received your kind letter of the 29th of October and shall follow your instructions regarding the publishing of the French tracts in new form, having them to appear henceforth as PEOPLES PULPIT.

Doubtless by this time you have heard of the sifting work which is in progress in this country, as well as in the United States. A special meeting was held by the friends at Berne on the 7th of November. Here matters were discussed with considerable animation and some were to some extent in opposition to the harvest work and some were more clearly illuminated respecting doctrinal points. I am sorry to say that most of the Thun and Berne classes prefer to go their own way. I am sorry, too, to have to advise that the "Aussicht" has taken a stand on the wrong side of the controversy.

We see that we are drawing near to the end.

Yours in our dear Redeemer, King and Master,



Received from sale of French and English
DAWNS............................................ 157 frs.
Received as subscriptions for English and
French TOWERS.................................... 603 "
Voluntary donations............................... 610 "
Draft from Brooklyn, April 7......................1,200 "
" " " October 15................... 596 "
Total........................................3,166 frs.


For French TOWERS (2,000 monthly).................1,150 frs.
110,000 Volunteer tracts.......................... 565 "
Postage and customs............................... 540 "
90,000 Italian free tracts........................ 342 "
Rent, car fare, post cards, etc................... 889 "
Total........................................3,486 frs.

Deficit........................................... 320 frs.



With gratitude toward God and our dear Redeemer we look back upon another year of service in his cause. We feel that a good deal has been accomplished, though we could wish the results were greater. But we comfort ourselves with the Apostle's exhortation, "Inasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." We certainly feel drawn closer to him for having been engaged in his service, and we know of a good many others who have been richly blessed.

The German WATCH TOWER list now exceeds 3,000 subscribers, and certainly quite a number more readers. We are encouraged by this increase of interest. Many of the dear friends have patiently co-labored variously in the "preaching" of the glorious Gospel of Christ and the Kingdom. In the distribution of tracts mentioned below they have had a large share, likewise in getting their friends and neighbors to read the STUDIES and booklets. Thus, with the few Colporteurs, who are able to remain in the field, we can rejoice in noting the totals of


Vol. I, STUDIES................................... 5,450
Vol. II-VI STUDIES................................ 2,168
Vol. I, TOWER form................................ 1,350
Vol. I Hollandish................................. 349
Total........................................ 9,317
Booklets.......................................... 9,274
Copies of monthly German TOWER.................... 38,214
Sample copies..................................... 91,700
Ditto stated in tract pages....................... 4,585,000
4,800,000 tracts—pages...........................48,000,000
Total free literature in tract pages.........52,585,000
Letters and cards received........................ 5,131
Answers sent out.................................. 2,265

Of the total of $10,000 expended for printing and circulating the above mentioned tracts, and for all other expenses and Pilgrim work, the contributions of Germany and Austria amount to $2,340.

The new year promises to be still more favorable. We anticipate that with PEOPLES PULPIT in German we shall hear of much new interest. The "people" are being waked up! We are sure that these plain, simple truths concerning the good tidings and the Kingdom will convince many. Of course, we find that our opponents are angered. Some of them, we know, must admit that our presentations are reasonable and Scriptural, but they fear to "let the people know." Others are proclaiming the setting up of the Kingdom in 1915 without giving the source of their information or the proofs. However, we think it is a good sign that the Truth is making some impressions.

Just a word about the siftings of this year. Some, indeed, have gone out from amongst us here in Germany, too, and they are using the very same arguments as are in English—they are busy translating. So we see that the Adversary seems to have great liberties just now. Indeed, we see signs of still greater activities on his part. But we know that the Lord is on our part, and that the Truth will fully sanctify (separate to himself) those who appreciate the "mystery" of the Kingdom, of the Church, and who are giving all diligence in Faith and Patience and Love. The Vow assists us in watching and praying.

I am glad to say that quite a number of the German friends have reported that they took the Vow, and to me [R4565 : page 71] it is a source of strength, not only to be amongst those who have thus formed a special prayer circle, but to know that on such a basis of faith and prayer we cannot be deceived so far as the teaching of the Word is concerned. We are determined by his grace to "stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free" and not to be entangled again in any yoke of bondage of error and schism and confusion—Babylon.

Praying the Lord's blessing upon you and your co-laborers everywhere, all the true Israel of God, I remain with love from us all,

Your brother in Christ our Lord, O. A. KOETITZ.


For DAWNS and Booklets, German TOWER,
Mdse., etc.................................Mks. 8,203.50
For Pilgrim work............................ " 3,823.90
For tracts.................................. " 29,463.21
Total..................................Mks. 41,490.61


German contributions........................Mks. 9,841.89
From Brooklyn ($7,674.81)................... " 31,648.72



It is due to the fact that the Lord graciously heard our prayers, and sent out some efficient laborers in the Colporteur field, that we are now able to send a report from this country of some little work done in the past year in the way of spreading the good tidings concerning the Kingdom. [R4566 : page 71] We trust that at the same time a work of grace has been going on in the hearts.

Yours in the Master's service, CARL LUTTICHAU.


Output of DAWN-STUDIES at cost price.............. 5,501
Output of various booklets at cost price.......... 2,295
Total........................................ 7,796

Tracts, free, about............................... 53,892
Letters and cards received........................ 1,057
Letters and cards sent out........................ 737
Parcels sent out.................................. 974



The blessing of the Lord which maketh rich continues to flow upon us in Jamaica. The year which has just closed has brought us more of his favors than previous ones, as we should have expected; but these have come to us in ways a little different from those of any other year when viewed as a whole. It has been peculiarly a year of difficulties and drawbacks and disappointments and hardness, changing the course of many of our best endeavors.

The Colporteurs have come in for the largest share of these trials, which have tested their faith and patience to the limit. Although that part of the service began under very auspicious circumstances, it was not long before the Lord of the Harvest began to show them how great things they must suffer for his name. Those who engaged as Regulars were only two less than last year, but some of these had to leave the field altogether and were nigh unto death because of their zeal for the work; others, through unavoidable causes, could not return as they expected; and only a few, perhaps not more than a half dozen, were able to continue for any considerable length of time.

One other thing which contributed much to the difficulty was the strenuous opposition from the shepherds "out of the way." As careful as some were to avoid them, they often returned to the field with scores of volumes for delivery and found it impossible to deliver them because some shepherd had learned of it and poisoned the minds of all who had given orders. The work is done in the country parts, where one person's business is everybody's business.

The Pilgrim Service surpassed all others in the amount of work done, not because we tried to make it so, but because the circumstances would not have it otherwise. And we have found in our little territory that when one or two branches of the service expand unusually, there is a corresponding contraction in some of the others, which apparently cannot be avoided.

If this is the Lord's method, we accept it as ours and will continue to thank him for the least privilege of serving him and his dear people.

We are pleased at the great number of those whom outside circumstances, as well as the life of the Truth people, have made ready to investigate "this way." Some have received a genuine and lasting impression; but alas! others have gone out from us because they ceased to be of us.

Costa Rica and Barbados have received much spiritual profit through the ministrations of the two Pilgrim Brethren sent to them; and we hope that we shall soon be able to find servants among them, qualified to dispense the Truth to the edification of those classes and relieve those Pilgrims for service elsewhere.

The spiritual condition of the Brethren everywhere is good, even while the whip of small cords in the hand of the Chief Reaper is doing its work of manifesting the true and the false.

The "Covenants" and the "Vow" have not been stumbling-blocks to us because we are not sufficiently educated for that, but the Lord is using other means to test our loyalty to him. He has shown us some favors recently, which make us confident that the coming year will bring us greater opportunities than ever for expanding all branches of the work, and rendering more efficient service.

We remember you daily in our prayers, and thank you for your assurances in word and deed that you have a genuine interest in our welfare.

Your fellow-servant, J. A. BROWNE.


Number of Pilgrims................................ 11
Number of Pilgrim visits.......................... 81
Public meetings held.............................. 14
Semi-private meetings held........................ 850
Number of miles traveled.......................... 2,490
Number of Colporteurs............................. 24
Total output of DAWNS............................. 3,650
Total output of booklets.......................... 1,065
Total number of tracts distributed................ 17,000
Letters and cards received........................ 1,286
Letters and cards sent out........................ 950


L s. d.
Pilgrim service..................................234 17 6-1/2
Freight, postage, etc............................ 19 3 8
Current expense, sundries, etc...................136 16 7-1/2
___ __ _____
Total expense............................L390 17 10
Voluntary contributions.......................L131 14 11
______ __ __
Deficit for 1909, supplied from Brooklyn......L259 2 11
