We realize how very busy you are, and this keeps us from writing you often, telling you how much we appreciate your labor of love on behalf of the Household of Faith. We certainly feasted upon the November 1st TOWER. What could be stronger evidence as to our present position than is there offered? We praise our Father for such a channel of blessing, and we ask Him, each day, dear brother, to strengthen your heart, realizing something of the persecution that comes upon you as a result of your faithfulness to Him and to His Cause.
We have had such blessings in the last few weeks in putting out the Volunteer matter! We want to tell you the method we have adopted; if it is new, perhaps a line in THE TOWER would bring the same blessing to other classes. It has been our privilege to meet with many of the classes throughout the United States, and having served one of the large ones as Captain of the Volunteer work for three years, we naturally notice this branch of the work, its effectiveness, etc. When we first took charge of the work the friends were merely throwing the Tracts into the yards; in a short time nearly all were placing them on the gallery, and a little later they were putting them inside the screen door, or under the door. Our method is to ring the bell, and meet the one who comes to the door with a smile, making some remark about the contents of the "sample copy of the little non-sectarian religious paper" we wish to present them.
As to the advantages of this method, it is a problem among business men, nowadays, to get advertising matter into the hands of prospective customers. To illustrate: I have gone to houses many times while colporteuring, and when the lady would come to the door about the first thing she would do would be to grab up a bunch of advertising matter that had been put inside the screen, and wad it up for the stove or waste-basket. Of course, our literature would get the same treatment; result, waste of thousands of dollars.
Now, as to the blessing that accrues from the method which we have adopted: First, the Tract is not destroyed; second, we feel that we have done the Father's work as well as we would do our own work; third, we meet many who say, "If this is Russell's literature I don't want anything to do with it." What an opportunity this affords to defend the Truth! Nearly all will admit that they have not read the literature, but have heard this, that, or the other about it. By using a little tact we can break down the prejudice and often get them interested. Fourth, we find many who are interested to some extent in Present Truth, who do not [R5590 : page 367] know that there is a class in the city. Sister Dunn met a gentleman who was reading your sermons regularly, but did not know that there were classes of Bible Students. She loaned him the books, and in a few weeks he made a full consecration to the Lord.
One of the brothers who was working with me met a minister recently who, when he learned that we had Pastor Russell's literature, was so angry that his lips quivered when he tried to demean you. He finally admitted that he had not read your writings, and that he could not prove a single assertion he had made. He also came down from his haughty stand and admitted that he did not understand the Bible.
These are a few of the blessings, dear brother, that come as a result of doing the Master's work rightly. What courage it develops in one to go right up to a door with a Message from the King of kings! We get some polishing, of course; but isn't that what we need? We meet people who have never heard of Present Truth, as many times as Denver has been served with the literature. The reason is, as above stated, the Tracts had found their way into the stove or waste-basket, along with other advertising matter.
Trusting that others may receive some of the blessing that we are receiving, through a few lines in THE TOWER on this subject, we beg your forgiveness for taking up so much of your valuable time.
Sister Dunn joins in loving greetings to yourself and all the dear family at Bethel.
Faithfully, your brother and fellow-servant in the One blessed Hope, DR. W. H. DUNN.Colo.
I notice that the only place the PHOTO-DRAMA has been actively opposed in the London area is at Ilford (where, by the way, the meetings have had overflow attendances). The first start was apparent early Sunday morning (when we arrived to rig up the booth, screen, etc., for the afternoon presentation) by the appearance of well-written warnings in yellow chalk on the pavement outside admonishing the passers-by to "Beware of Pastor Russell's lie," etc., but as the expected passers-by were all more or less in bed the "early birds" demolished the "worms" with a duster.
By the time the afternoon presentation started several energetic opponents were at the entrance supplying everyone with opposition literature. We asked one mild looking friend whether he thought he was exhibiting the Master's Spirit. He said, "My Master is the Lord Jesus Christ; Mr. Russell's master is the Devil."
We had the opportunity at intermission time to give the exact quotation concerning this information to the crowded audience, with the result that the opponents received quite cold comfort as the crowds passed out from the PHOTO-DRAMA, and the attempt to get up an argument and collect a crowd failed entirely. It was most noticeable that the people went straight off to their homes and ignored the odd folks outside. And it was quite evident that what the public had seen had proved beyond doubt that the Devil was not connected with the PHOTO-DRAMA or its founder; in fact, the opponents, who are at work every night, have proved a standing advertisement.
But more interesting still, and certainly to our surprise, is the fact that we have been opposed in the same way by members of the Rational Press Assn. (atheists, really). A brother who had converse with one of them writes me the following remarkable information of what was said: "A glance at the leaflet showed me that it discounted the miracles of the Scriptures, and stated that they were not to be seriously considered in the light of science and proper reasoning." "I asked the gent why he discounted the miracles, and if he discounted these why not put away the whole of the record of Holy Writ." He replied, "Exactly! I do not believe any of it, save a few historical points, which other books give." Then I said, "Why do you then come outside a religious meeting such as this and confine your efforts to discounting the miracles?" He replied, "Well, this Mr. Russell, whose teachings you have heard tonight, puts an entirely different construction on the miracles, and now some who had turned aside from Scriptural teaching and taken up a sound, scientific reasoning (i.e. Atheism) are believing what he says."
Surely "the wisdom of the wise will perish" when the beams of Truth are focused on them.
Yours in the dear Lord, F. GUARD, SR.
I am herewith sending the report of exhibition of PART III., which closed the series at Holze, Ill. However, we had a fourth meeting, a finale, at which was given an illustrated lecture. The speaker used for his subject, "The Two Sacrifices." Slides were shown of Abraham offering up Isaac, and the explanation was made that it typified Jehovah offering up His dear Son in sacrifice. Also a great deal was said about "Hell," and slides were shown of Dante's Inferno. Then with a brief explanation of the words Sheol, Hades, and Gehenna, the "Bible Hell" was shown, the speaker commenting quite liberally on the same.
At the close of the meeting fifty names were handed in out of an audience of 125. This was very encouraging to us, and the class is much elated over their first experience with the "EUREKA DRAMA."
All these meetings were held in the School House. The town is very small, there being not over 150 inhabitants; and at least 400 people were servedan average of 100 at each meeting. Many farmers attended, and all seemed well pleased.
Some of the class felt somewhat reluctant on entering upon this new branch of the work, but now all are rejoicing exceedingly in the glad service. At first there seemed to be a little fear of encountering much opposition, etc.; but when once we realize that it is the Lord's work, and that He has promised "never to leave us nor forsake us," these big mountains that we see at first dissolve into molehills.
The class has an automobile, which is used in the work. Getting an early supper, we load up our paraphernalia and start off to the place of meeting, so as to have plenty of time to set up the machine and get up the curtain. Prayer is first offered, asking the Lord's blessing on the work, which surely has been with us.
Yours rejoicing in the service of the King of kings and Lord of lords, LOUIS F. WIEBRECHT.Illinois.
My wife and I truly thank our Heavenly Father for the great and priceless blessing which has come to us through your instrumentality. It was your beautiful PHOTO-DRAMA [R5591 : page 367] which was the cause of our seeing and accepting the Truth as our own.
We believe that we owe you, and the Ecclesia, which we attend regularly, a debt which we shall never be able to pay. We feel as if the DRAMA was brought here for us alone. With that feeling in our hearts we can see and truly appreciate our dear Heavenly Father's great love for us. But we cannot see where we are deserving of such great love.
We are truly happy now; we were not happy before. We could see too much of one another's faults. We sought worldly things, but now we count them "loss and dross," as the Apostle says.
We have your six volumes of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES. They are a great help. We spend as much time as we can in reading and studying them. We have taken the Vow. We read your Morning Resolve, and the DAILY HEAVENLY MANNA every morning. They are a source of comfort to us. There are many things which I have to be thankful for. I won't try to enumerate them, because my dear Heavenly Father has been bountifully blessing me ever since I fully accepted the Lord as my Redeemer. I shall continue to pray for you, dear Brother, and I ask your prayers.
Your brother in the Lord, __________
We have secured the Seelbach Auditorium for our ConventionJanuary 15th, 16th and 17th. It is on the 10th floor of the Seelbach Hotel, S. W. Cor. of 4th and Walnut Sts., diagonally across the street from Macauley's Theatre; in case of a crowd at Brother Russell's meeting, January 17th, we will use this Auditorium for overflow meeting. Auditorium seats 800 and is reached by four elevators. Friends can be accommodated in Seelbach, four to room, with bath, for $1.00 per person, not including meals; other good lodging can be had for 75c. up; meals from 15c. to $1.50 each. Trusting you can give notice in next WATCH TOWER, and praying our Heavenly Father's blessing upon our mutual efforts to praise and serve Him, I am, with Christian love,
Your brother and fellow-servant, WALTER D. PELLE.
Sec'y I.B.S.A., Louisville, Ky. Class,
2438 Portland Ave.