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We are sending weekly reports of our EUREKA DRAMA exhibitions, but we feel sure you will be glad to hear from us, though it be but a greeting.

The year 1914 has been a momentous one to almost all the dear children of God. While we were late getting a complete outfit of the DRAMA, yet after a brief season of rehearsal we put six teams in the field, each team serving in rotation.

We started about November 15 and have been quite busy since. Eleven places have been served thus far, which means thirty-three exhibitions. At these the total attendance of adults was 4,159, making an average of 126 at each exhibition. The cost of hall rent was $105, or $3.18 per exhibition.

It makes our hearts rejoice to have been able to serve 4,159 people with the Message of the Ages at so small cost! May God bless you and all in the service of the Truth is our prayer, with hearty New Year greeting.

MARSHALL G. ELLIS.—Washington.

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In reply to your kind letter received this day, would say I have secured all of the six volumes of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES, have subscribed for THE WATCH TOWER and purchased a Bible Students' Edition of the Scriptures with the notes. I am now well into the fifth volume of the STUDIES and appreciate more than tongue can tell the wonderful unfolding of God's Plan as given therein.

For twenty-five years I have been reading everything on the Advent doctrine, but have never grasped its full significance. While I still wonder on some points, no doubt the Light will break in further as I study and pray for Divine guidance. If you have the time some day, tell me how I can enroll myself more fully with you; and how, in the practise of my profession, I can help in the work of spreading this glorious Message. I have met the few who are in the Truth here, but have not had the time to meet often with them.

Faithfully yours, E. A. GUYTON.—Wis.