[R5656 : page 94]




The EUREKA DRAMA is now being shown here in one of the best halls of the city. Parts I. and II. have been shown already to a packed house each time, and an appreciative audience. Part III. is to be given tonight, D.V.; and request has been made for the hall, to give the three parts over again next week. Then later we expect to visit Trinidad, Grenada and other places of the West Indies. Follow up work is being planned for here, and a one-day Local Convention to be held next Sunday. I enclose a clipping from the Advocate. With much Christian love,

Yours in the Master's service, by grace,
ADDISON B. BLAKE.—Barbadoes, B.W.I.
The clipping follows:


The beautiful PHOTO-DRAMA OF CREATION, being now exhibited in all the large cities of America and Great Britain, presents, in startling and instructive motion and colored pictures—scientific, historical and Scriptural—the results of years of labor. The DRAMA begins with pictures showing this world's creation and preparation, including Edenic scenes and Adam's transgression. Step by step the ages are traversed, and in marvelous imagery, in pictures based on Bible prophecies, is portrayed the perfect man of the future, in full possession and full enjoyment of the promised unending Earthly Paradise.

The PHOTO-DRAMA OF CREATION is shown free of all cost, under the auspices of the Associated Bible Students. This Association is backing and financing the DRAMA, which is supported by voluntary contributions. It has been well said that the four parts of the DRAMA and their lectures are more valuable than a year's course in college. Part I. traces Creation from star nebulae to the Deluge and its causes, and onward to the time of Moses. Part II. begins with Moses and carries us down through the Bible record of Israel's experiences to Jesus' miracles. Part III. leads our minds from Hosanna, through the Dark Ages of ignorance, superstition and cruelty, down to and into the future Age. The fame of the beautiful slides and films has reached far and wide.

There are so many loud calls for the DRAMA it is impossible to meet them all immediately. Therefore Stereopticon views, in three parts taken from the DRAMA, are also being used at present in connection with the phonograph, in the smaller cities and villages. We are glad to welcome the visit of the latter form of the DRAMA to Barbadoes, and hope to see the complete DRAMA in the near future.

Barbadoes Advocate.


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Early in the summer I took up sale of the SCENARIO, amid the hills and dales of this mountainous country. Used a bicycle first, for several hundred miles, then horse back; but in the hot weather Brother Cossar and I traveled together in his motor car. We had some happy experiences, telling to those who appeared to have the listening ear the wonderful story of God's love for the human family, His gracious provision for our redemption and recovery from the fall. We found some who were indeed Truth-hungry; and the Lord was pleased to use our imperfect service in bringing Truth blessings to some dear children of God.

Stopping at a house where I had sold a SCENARIO and had induced the woman to buy a copy of Volume I. as well, a woman of beautiful character saw the little karatol volume and began to read it. Finding out who sold the book and the SCENARIO, she determined to come on to Penticton and seek a personal interview. I was rather surprised when I returned, to find her as a guest of my wife, but expecting to leave in a day or two, as the declaration of war in Europe had completely upset her business. A delayed letter compelled her to remain with us for about two weeks. This gave her just the opportunity she needed for reading the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES. She really had nothing else she could do. Of course, she met with us in the class and in devotional exercises. Her visit was a blessing, for we rejoiced to note how readily our dear Sister came into the light of Present Truth. This is one of several very happy experiences we have had during the past summer.

A remarkable thing about the Sister's experience, which is a valuable lesson to "Truth people," is that she had lived with her married cousin in Seattle, who had read most of the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES and professed to accept and rejoice in the Truth, but who retained her connection with her own Church (Congregational). Her influence for the Truth appears to have been nil while she retained her Church connection.

When those who are connected with the nominal Church systems get a measure of light on Present Truth, I believe one of the first duties is to completely and quickly get out of Babylon. What our Lord has rejected should be rejected by His followers.

Permit me to express my deepest gratitude for the ministrations of our beloved Pastor through THE WATCH TOWER, as well as the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES, and also the PHOTO-DRAMA, and my confidence in our Pastor's faithfulness to the end of the race. When the Chief Shepherd shall be manifested, ye shall receive the Crown of Glory which fadeth not away. I am sure that many of the Lord's faithful followers will be filled with joy when they see Brother Russell honored in reward for faithful service on earth.

Praying daily for our Heavenly Father's blessing and guidance to rest upon you all at Brooklyn, and the dear saints of our Lord Jesus everywhere,

Your brother in Christ,
THOS. C. WANLESS.—B.C., Canada.




As I advance farther and farther into the Light, I feel that I must write and tell you of the wondrous blessing that has come into my life through your instrumentality and that of all the Brothers and Sisters in the Truth whom I have been privileged to meet personally.

I had almost been drawn into the quicksands of infidelity and feel that I was saved by the PHOTO-DRAMA OF CREATION, which was shown here last summer. I feel as though the DRAMA was sent here for my special benefit; and how I do thank and praise the Heavenly Father for it! I now have that peace which the world cannot give and which I would not part with for all its riches.

I have the six volumes of STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES and have read them, a veritable feast, after starving so long. Am searching the Scriptures daily and my Bible has become the dearest book in the world to me, whereas before it was never looked at.

I have had a great desire to write and tell you what joy and peace have come into my life through your instrumentality, but have refrained because of the thought of the tremendous amount of work you are doing. But I feel sure you will be glad to hear that another soul has found peace through your efforts.

God bless you and all the workers, and may we all stand steadfast in the Faith till we hear our blessed Master say, "It is enough; come up higher"!

Yours in His service, MRS. LOIS GARDNER.—Mo.


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I am sending my baby's photo to wish you the very happiest of new years; I hope and believe that the year will indeed "Ring in The Christ that is to be."

I think you may be interested in this baby's history, as it seems to prove your theory that "Truth" babies are better than other ones. When my other children were born, my surroundings were much as you advocate in Volume VI. They are very good children, and the girl has recently consecrated herself to the Lord.

I think it was about fifteen months before my last dear child's birth that I read THE DIVINE PLAN OF THE AGES, rejoiced greatly and immediately gave myself to the Lord—as did my husband. During the interval before baby's birth, we moved twice—the second time into a tent, as no houses were available. City street improvements exposed me to the most terrific and incessant noises, and once, in blasting, the tent was thrown down without warning. Then we had a heavy snow which bore down our tent, compelling us to go out into two feet of snow, in the night! I tried to be "worth while" and smile when everything went wrong. The power of the Truth was greater than I knew, for baby has the best nature of any of my children—he is really unselfish; people have remarked upon it to me.

When he was born I had another trial; his arm was paralyzed and hung helpless. I knew Restitution was coming and although I found it hard to say, "Thy will be done," when I said it from my heart, that night the arm distinctly moved. It is now as the other. Hoping I have not taken too much of your time, I remain,

Your sister in Christ, ELEANOR I. CHILDE.—B.C.

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Greetings in our Redeemer's name! Ever since I read THE WATCH TOWER of Dec. 1. I have felt that I must write and tell you how much I appreciate it. THE WATCH TOWERS are all rich, but this one seemed to impress me so much, and especially the first two articles—"SPIRIT-BEGOTTEN SONS OF GOD AND THEIR DEVELOPMENT," and "TEMPTATIONS, PECULIAR TO THE NEW CREATION."

Oh, how the dear Lord is blessing us with meat in due season for the Household of Faith, through that honored Servant! I have so many things to be thankful for. Not long since husband and the children opposed me in the Truth, thought mamma was foolish and really cranky about her religion; but now they are in sweet accord and are learning to love the Lord, the Truth and the Brethren, and you may know that I greatly appreciate the fact.

My trials have seemed very crushing of late, but I consider them all as blessings, and thank the Lord for all my experiences. It seems so natural for us to want every one to love us and to think and speak well of us. But we know that when we earnestly contend for "the faith once delivered to the saints" it cannot be. But how glad I am that I can suffer a little for Him! The sufferings of this present time are nothing to compare with the glory that shall follow.

My only fear is that I shall not do my duty to the Lord. I know He is going to do His part. There are times when it seems He has hidden His face from me, but I know He is only seeing if I will trust Him where I cannot trace Him. And if I did not get my polishing in this way, it would have to come in some other; and the Lord certainly knows best.

Yours in His Service, MRS. HOMER GRUVER.




We are indeed rejoicing in the blessed privilege of service in the Eureka Drama work. The Heavenly Father is surely blessing us, and the public is very appreciative. We have been in the work about four weeks, and have served thirteen places and about 4,000 people.

At one place, after the third part, a dear brother's wife stated that she had made a full consecration of her all and desired to be immersed. This was a cause of rejoicing for the dear brother, and all rejoiced with him.

Of course, we are having some trials, but that only makes us the more determined to press on. With much Christian love to all,

I am your servant in Christ, JOS. ISAAC, JR.—Texas.


A WATCH TOWER reader sends us the following interesting letter from a leading educator of Kentucky—a further evidence that a gleaning work is in progress:

__________, Ky.


Hardly could you have more effectually surprised me, or more thoroughly pleased me, than you have in presenting me with this handsomely bound set of Bible Students' Helps.

I read (tried to read) the Bible through at 14 years. I tried it again at 44, and again made a prayerful effort at 55 to read the Bible and Apocrypha.

I also have studied ten of the great Religions, read many infidel authors and much materialistic philosophy; yet these six little volumes are clearly exhibiting to me more truth than I had discovered in all this study.

I can read any of the poets, philosophy, or deep-laid allegory; but I had failed to read the Bible so as to agree with current orthodoxy. And you may know how rejoiced I am that finally you have placed me in company with Truth-Seekers who discover to me vividly and fearlessly the ways of God that I in much fear had seen, because it seemed that no other corroborated my discovery.

I think I prize your present more highly than any gift I have ever received. Thanking you, W. H. PEPPER.—Ky.




It may interest you to know of the method we have adopted for securing halls for the EUREKA DRAMA work. When we first started, some one would go ahead and secure halls in advance and advertise. This method, we found, had difficulties and was expensive.

Now we have adopted a different method, which seems thus far to have worked well, at small expense. We now make arrangements for halls by telephone, which costs, in most cases, not more than fifteen cents, and is sometimes free, according to distance. These arrangements are made not more than a few days in advance; then we move to our town or village in the morning and the first thing we do is to put up our posters and window cards, and advertise from house to house and in the rural districts through the schools. In the evening we have our show, and usually have crowds.

Yours, in the Master's service, C. F. DUWE.—Ohio.


[R5661 : page 95]


When peace, sweet peace, enfolded me,
When darkness turned to light,
When, by Faith's miracle, I stood
All blameless in His sight,
What more, O soul of mine, couldst ask;
Is not the wonder done?
Lord, justifying Faith is much—
Grant Faith to overcome!

Then as I passed beyond "the door,"
And paused beside "the bread,"
And by the light of "candlestick"
My Father's counsel read;
Then crossed in "wedding robe" and stood
Where Love's pure incense burns,
Here still, my heart in need, cried out
For Faith that overcomes.

And when the brighter light did shine
And God's "own servant" led
With kindly hand, and seated me
At "feast of fat things" spread,
What more, O heart insatiate?
Dost longing still return?
Yes; wisdom from on High is good,
But Faith must overcome.

And when the fiery darts fell thick
And trembling heart and hand
Could scarcely bind the sacrifice
With Love's unyielding band;
While mental anguish scarce could bear
The fire that needs must burn,
With streaming eyes I plead for Faith,
For Faith to overcome.

And when in "pastures green," I lay
Me down by "waters still,"
To read and pray and gather strength
For coming good or ill,
Yet still a note of warning rang—
The journey ne'er is done;
Improve the time, build up thy Faith,
The Faith to overcome.

Ah! ever thus it must be so;
The Bride's Gethsemane;
The Bridegroom trod this way before;
Wouldst thou more favored be?
Nay, Father, nay! Thy will be done,
His course my feet would run;
But Father, dear, I pray Thee, hear;
Give faith to overcome.

So on I go, through weal and woe,
His faithful child to be,
To tell the Story, ever new,
To poor humanity.
With one hand wide I'll scatter Truth
From morn till set of sun,
And keep the other lifted high
For Faith, to overcome.

And O, some day I'll enter in,
His beauteous face I'll see;
Somewhere within the Father's House
He has a place for me.
And as I bow low at His feet
And hear His sweet "Well done!"
I'll say, Dear Lord, for every step
Thou gav'st Faith to o'ercome.