From various quarters we learn that the Berean Bible Study Classes are increasing in number. This is very gratifying, of course, but at the same time it is leading into a certain difficulty. Where Classes exceed twenty or so in number, they become unwieldy and proportionately less of a blessing and an aid. No matter how skillful the leader, it is impossible to do justice to larger Classes within reasonable hours. We offer a suggestion: namely, that the entire Class have a special time or times for meeting on Sundays when a part of the service might be in the nature of a short address, or several of them, from different Brethren manifesting ability along that line. Then, during the week, have Classes in homes in various parts of the city or town under different brethren manifesting ability as Class leaders. These new Classes, ranging from ten to fifteen, will have the opportunity of growing somewhat and then, later, develop into additional classes. Thus the witness of the Truth will reach larger numbers, and various districts will be served, each and all having opportunity of participating at every meeting.
This same rule, we believe, will be found advantageous in respect to the Wednesday evening prayer, praise and testimony meeting. Let us never forget the importance of furnishing an opportunity for each consecrated Brother and Sister to participate in the Class Studies and in the testimonies. "If thou believe in thine heart and confess with thy mouth" is the Lord's suggestion of proper faithfulness. It is those who are thus faithful who usually reap the greatest blessing.
We have secured, at a very low price, a supply of beautiful, illustrated Family Bibles and offer our readers the benefit of the bargain. This Bible is 8 x 10-1/2 inches, 2-1/4 inches thick, weighs 6-1/4 pounds, is bound in black seal skin over boards, gilt edges, nine-point type, nearly 1,400 pages containing over 800 text illustrations. It also contains family records and a concordance. Equal to $6 Bibles; our price, $2, charges prepaid.
After the close of the hymn the Bethel family listens to the reading of "My Vow Unto the Lord," then joins in prayer. At the breakfast table the MANNA text is considered. Hymns for July follow: (1) 299; (2) 230; (3) 259; (4) 78; (5) 14; (6) 50; (7) 303; (8) 293; (9) 144; (10) 164; (11) Vow; (12) 145; (13) 105; (14) 25; (15) 324; (16) 100; (17) 165; (18) 119; (19) 78; (20) 87; (21) 110; (22) 321; (23) 240; (24) 155; (25) 272; (26) 291; (27) 195; (28) 305; (29) 241; (30) 198; (31) 311.