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In addition to information in accompanying weekly report I want to add a few observations of some Kansas conditions—not because these conditions are general throughout the State, but sufficiently prominent to impress me.

I do not know of any State containing a larger proportion of brethren who will go almost any distance to attend a Pilgrim meeting or a Convention, and yet will not make the little effort necessary to have a regular class meeting, even when there are several interested. If such brethren could realize that they are disregarding the admonitions of St. Paul [R5937 : page 238] in Hebrews 10:25, concerning "not forsaking the assembling." etc., it might make them more faithful upon this point. "Not forsaking" means the keeping up of attendance at meeting with some regularity. And it seems to me that if we ignore this word of advice it will make it easier to neglect other Scriptural suggestions.

Quite a number use their automobiles for country volunteer work, but the character of this service is very discreditable. Instead of nicely folded tracts they are sometimes twisted into a shape that makes them unreadable when straightened out. Friends have seen newsboys do this with their newspapers, but they forget that a large newspaper has so much body to it that such treatment does not harm it, whereas the same procedure ruins a little two-leaf paper.

Then as the auto is going twenty-five miles an hour they pitch a tract at each mail-box on the road. Probably one in ten lands somewhere near the box while the rest fall from five to fifty feet away. Some tracts land in the mud in the middle of the road. A week later you can find mud-covered literature for miles. These brethren reason that the work is the Lord's and He will overrule it all for good; they make this as an excuse for not doing their best. Such ought to know that fifty tracts conscientiously distributed will accomplish more than five hundred distributed in the other fashion. On account of confusion caused by literature getting mixed with mail intended for carrier, money for stamps, etc., I find there is a general order against putting literature in mail-boxes; some carriers even throw it out. However, if it is laid squarely on the ground under the mail-box it will almost always be picked up by the person coming for the mail. But [R5937 : page 239] such distribution should be avoided in windy or wet weather.

An even better plan is to carry a supply of pins, and pin each tract near its corner to the post supporting the box. A pin is easily pushed into the post sufficient to hold the tract, and its unusual position is sure to attract the person collecting from the box. It takes a moment's time, but results are better.

Another successful way to waste tracts is adopted by some brethren. These go through a train and whenever they come to an empty seat they place one on it. In a few moments the porter comes through and, gathering the literature from unoccupied seats, proceeds to destroy it. Besides, this course embitters the railway employees; and they are more likely to stop the next brother who attempts to distribute tracts. Hundreds of thousands of tracts have been wasted as a consequence of thoughtlessness.

I continue to enjoy the opportunities for service, waiting actively and patiently for the Kingdom.

Yours by His grace, B.H. BARTON




I believe it is nearly a year since last writing you; and while realizing how much there is to take up your time, yet I feel I cannot put off longer sending you my Christian heart-love and affection, sympathy in trial, and rejoicing in faith and hope. I have been endeavoring to follow your suggestions in respect to developing Love, and wish to say that I have received a blessing thereby, with some good results, I believe; even though I can hardly specify any great thing, yet a general flow of help has come to me, and I hope by God's grace has gone out to others.

One thing that has impressed and helped me much is the thought of the Apostle Peter, "If these things be in you and abound." Yes, perhaps they are in me but do they abound ? I have a great desire to abound in the fruits and graces of the Holy Spirit, and try to think daily, "Am I abounding in love now, in this act or word? Am I abounding in faith, trust and hope? Do I abound in sympathy?" and so on. Dear Brother, I want to abound toward you now in love and appreciation and sympathy and to send you much from my heart. The words "More than conquerors" have also impressed me much, and an article of yours about Lot and Sodom. So with regard to sin, I want to keep a thousand miles from Satan. Dear Brother, I want your prayer in respect to the above mentioned desires. I must add a word of gratitude for THE MORNING RESOLVE. Its words have become very precious, and a great help to me.

I know that you will be interested to hear that by God's grace the work in British and Dutch Guiana continues prosperous; and much interest is manifested by the public, even though, as ever, true wheat is scarce. We hope to give a public lecture here Thursday on "Control of the Earth."

The brethren in these parts love you dearly, and would more than rejoice to see you in the flesh some day, if such were possible—God's will! With much love.

Yours by grace, in our dear Redeemer's Name,

ADDISON B. BLAKE.—British Guiana.




Frequently I have seen in THE WATCH TOWER little helpful hints to the Lord's children about their health and various similar things. It prompts me to write you concerning an affection, pellagra, which seems to be very wide-spread and is taking a large toll of death every year, especially among the poor. I have been making a special study of the disease for two years, having had its early symptoms myself, and can highly recommend a most simple treatment which I believe will relieve every case, unless the patient is practically dead, and which is easily available to every household.

As you know, pellagra is beginning to rank with tuberculosis as a scourge to the poor, and it may be that the Lord has led me to use my medical knowledge in His service in lieu of my deficiency in Truth knowledge. It might be more in keeping with the spirit of humility to omit my name in telling the brethren of this, though I have stood sponsor for it publicly by reading a paper on the subject before the meeting of the Texas State Medical Society held at Galveston on May 9th last. Trusting for your continued favor in the Lord, I am

Very sincerely, GEORGE D. FAIRBANKS, M.D.

[This formula we will be pleased to mail to any of our readers or their friends suffering from pellagra. Address WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY, Health Dept., Brooklyn, New York.]




I feel ashamed because for so long a time I have not written to you, yet I assure you, my Brother, that all the while you were in my heart; and I always remember you before the Throne of Heavenly Grace—that the Lord strengthen you and bless you abundantly.

I have seen, beloved Pastor, in the pamphlet, "A great Battle in the Ecclesiastical Heavens," about your trials and the assaults of the Adversary and the fiery darts of slander; and this deepens more and more my love toward you and my appreciation of your work of love and faithfulness to our dear Lord. Believe me, dear Brother, that these darts pierced my heart as well, and I wished I could stand between these darts and you.

I again express my deep appreciation of the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES and THE WATCH TOWER, and humbly thank the Lord for His great blessing and abundant food, which are before the Church. Never before were these books so precious to me as in the past year. This is the seventh time that I have read them, and I find them as fresh as they were the first time I read them. I more and more appreciate the Chronology as found in the 2d Volume, and rejoice because our salvation draws near.

I still try to walk in the narrow way; and day by day the Lord guides my feet and gives me grace to help. These last years I have passed through many painful experiences, because two of my little ones have fallen asleep, waiting for the Voice of the Lord to call them forth. Even in these experiences the Lord blessed me and led me, and gives me grace to trust Him still.

Remember me, beloved Brother, in your prayers that I may stand faithful to the Lord and prove worthy of the highest blessing. With deep Christian love,

Your Brother in our Blessed Redeemer, ATH. KARANASSIOS.




Should like to tell you briefly an incident in connection with the purifying influence of even the little PAX PIN:

A working man of our city who attended and greatly enjoyed THE PHOTO-DRAMA OF CREATION, was wearing the PAX PIN. He had been in the habit of stopping for a glass of beer on his way home from work. On looking down at the Pin he thought, "I can't disgrace that Pin by taking it in the saloon!" So he put it in his pocket. But, on further reflection, he could not even enter the saloon with the pin about him, though hidden, and he went home.

Realizing he felt better able to work next day without his accustomed drink, he decided he would not drink any more, but wear the Peace Pin in peace of mind. Some eighteen months have elapsed and he has not taken any liquor in all that time!

This has impressed me that we do not fully realize how much good the DRAMA and all connected with it may have done in such ways as this!

Trusting the Lord will assist us to live up to our great privileges in the spread of the Truth, I remain

Your sister in Christ, MAUD HODGSON.—Md.




I am just wondering if it isn't an opportune time for sending tracts pertaining to the War (Time of Trouble), such as "Armageddon," "Distress of Nations," "End of the World in 1914," etc., to the soldier boys of our vicinity, now on the Mexican border. If each class would engage in this work, serving their own regiments, the entire National Guard of the United States would be quickly served, and indirectly through this channel many in the standing Army might be reached, thereby permeating the whole Army with the Truth upon subjects which would be interesting to them at this particular time.

Praying the Lord's richest blessings upon you in your labor of love, I remain

Your brother and servant in the Lord, A.B. DABNEY.