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The remains of Pastor Russell—announcement of whose death was published in the last issue of THE WATCH TOWER—arrived in New York from the West on Friday morning, November 3, accompanied by his traveling secretary, Menta Sturgeon.

When the body reached Chicago, a large number of friends had assembled at the station, and as it was necessary to transfer the casket from one depot to another, a long procession of automobiles bearing the sorrowing friends formed and followed through the city. The casket was opened during the delay here, and many took the last look at him whom they knew so well and loved so much. From Chicago the body was accompanied by a delegation, delegations from other cities joining en route to New York.

The remains reached the Bethel Home on Saturday, where they were viewed by the Family and by members of the Congregation. On Sunday morning they were removed to The Temple and lay in state until 10 o'clock in the evening. Thousands saw them here for the last time.

All day Saturday and Sunday representatives of congregations in many of the cities east of the Mississippi and in Canada arrived on almost every incoming train. The Temple was inadequate to accommodate them all. The lecture room below was opened for the overflow. Every inch of available space was occupied from the basement to and including the second balcony.

Two services had been announced for The Temple—one to be held in the afternoon for the friends, the other for the public in the evening. But in view of the rapidly increasing numbers, the Committee of Arrangements provided an additional service, to be held on Sunday morning. The speaker was Brother Macmillan, whose remarks will be found elsewhere.

The afternoon service, which had been especially announced for the friends, was opened with a solo, "Be Thou Faithful Unto Death." These words were especially impressive, because one of the most beautiful floral designs surrounding the casket bore a broad white ribbon on which were the words of this beautiful hymn. The other hymns were 23, "Blest be the tie that binds," so frequently used by the classes and by conventions when welcoming Brother Russell in their midst; and No. 273, "Sun of my soul, my Father dear," one of Brother Russell's favorite hymns.

Each speaker, when he had completed his remarks at the side of the casket in the main Auditorium, proceeded to the lecture room below and repeated the same address to the friends crowding the smaller Auditorium. All of the addresses—seventeen in number—appear in this issue of THE WATCH TOWER.


Elsewhere in THE WATCH TOWER will be found a full-page view of the floral display on the rostrum. It was the finest we have ever seen on such an occasion. The scene surpassed description. The rostrum of The Temple was so completely occupied by plants, ferns, flowers and a most wonderful collection of appropriate floral designs as to leave barely room enough for the speakers and the remains of our beloved Pastor. Moreover, the entire facing of every balcony and box was artistically decorated with a great variety of ferns and flowers.

At the foot of the casket was placed a broken pillar of flowers, fittingly representing that dear body which, like the Lord's body, had been broken in the service of the brethren; while at the head was a magnificent floral cross and crown, the cross symbolizing his share in the death of Christ, and the crown symbolizing the Crown of Glory, which we believe he now wears with our dear Lord in Heaven.

The rostrum was not large enough to contain all the floral designs, nor was there space available in the interior of The Temple to display all the floral contributions. But however beautiful and numerous all these were, they [R6000 : page 360] but very imperfectly represented the degree of love and esteem in which our departed Pastor was held by all who knew him well.

The Committee of Arrangements were of course desirous of following Brother Russell's suggestion in his Will, and to this end requested several brethren to speak at the services. Among these were A.H. MacMillan, Menta Sturgeon, W.E. Van Amburgh, P.S.L. Johnson, E.W.V. Kuehn, Toledo, O.; C.A. Wise, Indianapolis, Ind.; J.T.D. Pyles, Washington, D.C.; I.I. Margeson, Boston, Mass.; F.W. Manton, Toronto, Canada; C.B. Shull, Columbus, Ohio; G.C. Driscoll, Dayton, Ohio; Dr. L.W. Jones, Chicago, Ill.; D. Kihlgren, Springfield, Mass.; Dr. A.E. McCosh, Detroit, Mich.; C.J. Woodworth, Scranton, Pa.; George Draper, Wichita, Kansas; C.H. Anderson, Baltimore, Md.; W.L. Abbott, St. Paul, Minn.; and J.D. Ross, Truro, N.S. But to have carried out the program in its entirety would have consumed considerable more time, and as The Temple was so crowded that many were obliged to stand for hours, it was deemed wise to reduce the number of speakers. The addresses of those at the three services follow in regular order:
