In the city of Washington, whence I came, there are many sad hearts today, on account of the loss sustained in the death of our Beloved Pastor. Not only several hundred Bible Students, who diligently search the Scriptures, aided by his writings, but many thousands of others, recognizing the grandeur of his character, mingle their tears together. Sorrow and joy are mixed; for we are mindful that he has finished his course, that he was faithful, and therefore must now have the promised reward.
I have known Brother Russell intimately for twenty years. He has many times been a guest at my home, and I have also been a guest at his home. I was privileged to be associated with him for four months in a tour around the world; I lived with him, day and night, under varied circumstances; he was a gentleman, aye, more, a Christian, a highly developed Christian; in fact the most highly developed Christian I ever knew, a noble representative of our Lord. I loved him in life, I honor him now in death, and pay tribute to his memory.
His STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES will continue to make luminous the Bible. The Associated Bible Students throughout the earth will continue to look to Brooklyn as heretofore, thankful to our Lord for the wise provision our Beloved Pastor has made for the perpetuation of the work. Confidence and loyalty will be manifested by all true children of God; for the Truth is just as precious to us today as ever it was. It came from our Heavenly Father through our Lord Jesus, and was made plain by his servant, our dear Brother Russell, whom we all highly esteemed in love for his works' sake.