[R6009 : page 370]



We bring to you on this momentous occasion, the love and sympathy of the Church at Indianapolis, many of whom have known and loved our Beloved Pastor, and for years have been loyal to him—their teacher and friend. Now that he has been taken away, we have resolved to stand shoulder to shoulder and to hold high the banner of our King, whom our Pastor so dearly loved.

Twenty-five years ago it was my privilege to meet for the first time the few Bible Students who met yearly in Allegheny at the Memorial season. There at the home of our Brother we were privileged to meet him who has now sacrificed his life for the Truth he so dearly loved.

As years passed, we became more closely associated with him, and as we were enabled to see in him that wonderful, Christ-like character which has been a source of great blessing to many, our love and respect for him increased. We have never been disappointed in him.

As our studies in the Word of God progressed, perplexing questions continually arose. These we were privileged to take to him; and like the disciples of old our own hearts burned within us as we listened to his clear and beautiful unfolding of the Word of God. We thus learned that we were sitting at the feet of a man of God, and also the greatest Bible scholar since the days of the Apostles.

His kind, loving words and noble deeds will live on; and "he, being dead, yet speaketh."
