[R6010 : page 372]



I esteem it an honor to be here on this occasion. I wish to convey to you from the Detroit Church their greeting and their desire to let you know that they will be loyal to the memory of our dear Pastor.

It was my privilege to know our dear Brother personally; and I wish to state one thing with regard to him that possibly not all know. For years he suffered with a peculiar ailment, which rendered him very, very weak at times; and he could hardly go on with his discourses for pain. We can better appreciate the wonderful character of our beloved Pastor when we know that he was usually under stress and pain. I prescribed for him at one time; but when two years after, I asked him if he had taken the medicine, he remarked, "Dear Brother, I have not had time."

If our beloved Pastor, now glorified, has shown us such a wonderful example of cheerfulness and long suffering it behooves us to follow faithfully in his steps. The action of the Detroit Class, taken at the testimony meeting Wednesday, [R6011 : page 372] was in the nature of a renewal of their consecration, and they determined to renew it daily to the cause for which our loving Pastor so loyally laid down his life.

We wish to assure those whom the Pastor has left in charge of the Society's affairs of our loyalty and of our resolution to be good soldiers of Jesus Christ at all times. When a vacancy comes to the ranks, let us press together the harder, shoulder to shoulder, and close it up as best we can. Let us crystallize our character, so that we may be able to endure all things, for God will cause the wrath of man to praise Him and will prepare us for His presence by means of reproaches and persecutions, which probably await us.
