[Ezekiel - General]
Ezekiel ranks amongst the great prophets. Most realistic were his visions and powerfully described. A portion of his prophecy was written before the final serious troubles upon the kingdom of Judah, which resulted in the overthrow of the kingdom. The
entire prophecy was given in Babylon, Ezekiel himself residing there and ministering as a Prophet chiefly to the captives, arousing their hearts to an appreciation of their situation and to a hope of return in God's appointed time to their own land.
Ezekiel stood for, or represented the Son of Man, the great Teacher, the Redeemer; he also represented the members of the Bride of Christ whom the glorious head may from time to time use as his mouthpiece. R4881:1,5
Ezekiel's prophecy is full of symbolism, and has appropriately been termed the apocalypse of the Old Testament. It was written in Babylonia in the Chaldaic language. Ezekiel was one of the captives of Judah taken to Babylonia by King Nebuchadnezzar on
occasion of his first invasion, when he placed Zedekiah on the throne, eleven years before his later invasion, when the city was destroyed.
The captives taken at that time included many of the chief men of the Jewish nation... some of them, as in the
of Daniel, rising to positions of very high honor in the kingdom. Ezekiel had great liberty, and his prophesying was done for the Jews of the captivity—exiles. The Lord's testimony through this prophet was undoubtedly intended to cheer and comfort those
of his people who were Israelites indeed, and to fan the spark of faith which still remained in their hearts—to lead them, as in the case of Daniel, to hope for the return of God's favor and the end of their captivity with the end of the appointed
years' desolation of the land. R3624:3
But although multiplied were their iniquities and their crimes, the Lord did not utterly cast away his people, but in great mercy remembered them, even in the land of their captivity, where he was represented in their midst by the prophet Ezekiel, who
twenty-two years delivered unto them the Word of the Lord—words of reproof and denunciation, and also words of promise and hope.
As we peruse these words of promise and call to mind the miserable idolatries, licentiousness and ingratitude of this
hardhearted and stiff-necked people, let us not fail to mark the lovingkindness of our God, his mercy and faithfulness, his slowness to anger and his plenteous grace. And while we do so, let us not forget the typical character of his dealings with
[Ezek. 1:1]
It came to pass —A portion of this prophecy was written before the final troubles upon Judah; the remainder, after the complete overthrow. The entire prophecy was given in Babylon. R4881:1Written in the Chaldaic language, this prophecy is full of symbolism and has been termed the apocalypse of the Old Testament. R3624:3
As I was —Carried miraculously forward to some of the captives residing by the river Chebar. R4881:5
Heavens were opened —Ezekiel, like John, seems to represent the living saints. (Rev. 4:1) R530:4*
Visions of God —Related not only to natural Israel, but also to spiritual Israel. R3624:6
[Ezek. 1:3]
Ezekiel —Ranks amongst the great prophets. R4881:1 Represented the Son of Man, the great Teacher, the Redeemer; and also the members of the Bride of Christ, used as his mouthpieces. R4881:5
[Ezek. 1:4]
Out of the north —The seat of divine empire. D653
[Ezek. 1:5]
Living creatures —Cherubim are always connected with the immediate presence or throne of God. R529:6* Personifying the attributes of God: Power, Wisdom, Justice and Love. R529:6* We can hear the Power, Wisdom, Justice and Love of God proclaiming in perfect harmony the glory and honor of our Father. R530:5*, R2372:4
[Ezek. 1:13]
Coals of fire —Or like fire, as all spirit beings are described in Scripture. R2350:1
Went forth lightning —Diffusions of knowledge. R511:2
[Ezek. 1:26]
A throne —Or chariot, supported by the living creatures, or cherubim; also represented in the Mercy Seat of the Tabernacle. R529:6*
[Ezek. 2:5]
Hear, or...forbear —Heed or refuse to heed. R3280:1
[Ezek. 2:9]
A roll of a book —The plan and purpose of God, as written in the Law and the prophets. (Rev. 10:2) R530:3*
[Ezek. 2:10]
He spread it —It was sealed until Christ began to open it. (Rev. 5:5) R530:3*
Lamentations —We are sent to preach a message that is offensive to "a rebellious house," the nominal "Israel of God." (Verse 5) R530:4*
[Ezek. 3:3]
As honey —A blessed feast; but, having been digested, leads to self-denial, crucifixion, death. (Rev. 10:9) R530:4*
[Ezek. 3:10]
Hear with thine ears —Few have hearing ears and understanding hearts. R5768:4
[Ezek. 3:17]
Watchman —The prophets and others. R1795:6 Every member of the Body of Christ. R4881:6
House of Israel —Even though today Zion be in Babylon, as were those typically addressed by the Prophet. R4881:6
Warning —Going forth since the Gospel has been preached: "He that hath an ear, let him hear." (Rev. 3:22) R4881:5
[Ezek. 3:18]
Wicked —Wilfully or intentionally wicked. R4881:5
Shalt surely die —All of God's consecrated people are duty-bound to make clear this feature of the divine program—that all wilful sin will bring death. R4881:6
To save his life —The evildoer, coming to God with full repentance and change of heart, is forgiven and received into God's family. R5781:2
His blood will I require —With knowledge comes responsibility. R5781:2
[Ezek. 3:20]
Turn from his righteousness —The fact that the Lord has richly blessed us in the past, while we were yet in the way with him, is no guarantee that he will continue his favor to us after we have forsaken him. R1869:5
A stumblingblock —"God shall send them strong delusions that they shall believe a lie." (2 Thes. 2:11, 12) R1869:5
He shall die —"Because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved." (2 Thes. 2:10) R1869:5
[Ezek. 3:21]
Warn the righteous —A fitting description of how the Lord has used the Vow. R4717:1*
[Ezek. 4:1]
Take thee a tile —The use of such signs was common with the prophets of olden times. R2223:4
Even Jerusalem —Although the trouble is divided into two portions, it is all represented as coming against one people, as illustrated by the one capital city. C295; R1341:4
[Ezek. 4:5]
390 days —Some suppose this dates from the revolt, when they went into idolatry, about 390 years before the desolation of Jerusalem. C295; R1341:4
[Ezek. 4:6]
40 days —Some suppose the wrath against the two tribes dated from 40 years before the desolation when, under Manasseh, the two tribes became idolaters. R1341:4; C295
Each day for a year —Time has its type and antitype, like every other part. HG49:3 The word day often stands for epoch or period. Thus the creative days were not 24-hour days. F19 A
literal year, Jewish reckoning, contains 360 days; and since in prophecy a day represents a year of actual time, each symbolic "time" would be 360 years. R5564:3 A prophetic year of 360 days, used to
360 years, is an arbitrary arrangement peculiar to its intended use.
It is neither a Lunar year of 354 1/3 days nor a Solar year of 365 1/4 days. R1979:6 A day for a year is Bible usage in symbolic prophecy.B91, B66; Q846:2; OV81:1; HG519:5
[Ezek. 7:7]
Of the mountains —Kingdoms. A318
[Ezek. 7:8]
Recompense —We are already entering the great Day of Recompense. R3619:2
[Ezek. 7:12]
The seller mourn —For trouble will be on the entire multitude and there will be no security of property. A315
[Ezek. 7:16]
Like doves —Symbols of peace and purity. E212
[Ezek. 7:17]
Shall be feeble —Helpless to turn aside the trouble. A315 Of little avail will be the protection which any government can provide, when the judgments of the Lord and the fruits of
their folly are precipitated upon them all. D149
[Ezek. 7:19]
They shall cast —The animosities of the masses will be exercised with violence against the rich. R1690:3, R2904:3 The rich will suffer most. D273
Their silver —The demonetization of silver seems to be referred to. OV339:1; SM691:1; D472
In the streets —Miller Bartella offered the mob, in vain, his fortune for his life—a picture throwing lurid light upon the situation. R2384:2 Financial institutions, including insurance
companies and beneficial societies, will go down; and "treasures" in them will prove utterly worthless. D45 Treat it as a commodity and not as money.
Shall be removed —"As though it were unclean." (Margin) D45 Become scarce and eventually be completely withdrawn by the people; hiding it as though it were an unclean thing, as the
Hebrew text implies. SM691:1; OV339:1
Silver and their gold —And bank notes and bonds. F554; D329 Neither silver nor gold will be available. OV339:1
Not be able to deliver —Procuring neither protection, comforts nor luxuries. F554 The character of the trouble will be one in which the animosities of the masses will be exercised
with violence against the rich. R1690:3
Day of the wrath —This is the predicted time of distress of nations with perplexity. (Luke 21:25) D149
They shall not satisfy —With their wealth. D45
Because it —The idolatry of money. B139
Is the stumblingblock —The spirit of acquisitiveness which lies at the foundation of all the trouble is to be found in every land, but nowhere more so than in so—called "Christendom." R2904:4Those who worship idols of gold, silver, stocks or bonds, will receive severe chastisement before being granted a share in the coming blessings.
[Ezek. 7:21]
The strangers —Others, beyond the revolting hosts of Christendom, will also form a part of the Lord's great army. D549 Anarchists outrivaling heathendom in barbarity; or, possibly,
uprisings of the peoples of India, China and Africa against Christendom. D550
[Ezek. 7:23]
Make a chain —Bind, unite them together, let them make common cause. D550
The city —Christendom. D550
[Ezek. 7:24]
Worst of the heathen —Probably those in Christendom without God and without Christian sentiments or hopes. D550
Their holy places —Their honored or sacred places, their religious institutions, etc. D550
[Ezek. 9:1]
Charge over the city —Babylon, Christendom. D527
[Ezek. 9:2]
And one man —Pastor Russell. R6011:5*
[Ezek. 10:1]
Of the Cherubims —Symbols of God's love and power. T125 Always connected with the immediate presence or throne of God. (Rev. 4:6) R529:6*
Likeness of a throne —Symbol of authority and rulership. A92
[Ezek. 10:2]
Over the city —Babylon, Christendom. D527
[Ezek. 11:17]
Even gather you —Even now beginning to be fulfilled. R1630:2 Not only out from among all nations, but also out of your graves. R1630:2
[Ezek. 11:19]
I will give —The King of Glory, the Good Physician, will fulfill God's promise to Israel, and from Israel to all the families of the earth. R4674:2
Them —A promise to natural Israel. SM368:T
I will take —In the incoming age, man's likeness of Satan will give place to the original likeness of God. R376:5
Stony heart —Of selfishness. R1244:6
An heart of flesh —Proper fleshly minds. R376:5 Restore the original image of God—restitution. A333; R4729:4, R5068:4 Tender, sympathetic, generous, God-like. R3202:6, R1244:6, R4777:2 The work of the Kingdom when set up in power and great glory. R5886:1 During the Millennial reign of Christ. R1617:5
[Ezek. 11:20]
That they may walk —Under the New covenant—the real Law covenant. R5071:3 The heart of flesh will enable them to keep his covenant, and walk before him with a perfect heart, and be a
of blessing to all the families of the earth. R1617:5
[Ezek. 11:22]
The Cherubims —Representing the divine attributes. R4787:2
[Ezek. 11:23]
Upon the mountain —Kingdom. A318
On the east side —Open to the Sun of Righteousness. D653
[Ezek. 12:13]
Not see it —Zedekiah never saw Babylon. His eyes were put out before he was taken there. R2402:1, R4866:3; PD47/59
Days are at hand —The vision is to be made clear at the appointed time. R5374:3
And the effect —At the time of the Millerite movement in 1844. C90* Matter or thing (as spoken). R5375:4
Vision —The fact that the vision is now speaking, made plain upon tables, is very convincing. R5375:4
[Ezek. 13:3]
Follow their own spirit —Instead of saying with confidence: "Thus saith the Lord, and here are the chapter and verse; and thus and so it harmonizes with every other chapter and verse of the Word." R1357:4
Have seen nothing —No man has a commission to teach divine truth who has not first learned what the truth is. R1357:4
[Ezek. 13:6]
Lying divination —"Lying wonders" (1 Tim. 4:1); and "seducing spirits" (2 Thes. 2:9); deceptions of the fallen angels. R2173:4
[Ezek. 13:9]
Writing of the house of Israel —The same book as in Dan. 12:1, "thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book." HG66:2, HG82:4
[Ezek. 14:14]
Noah —This commendation shows that God did not hold Noah's act of drunkenness against him, but indicates that Noah did it in ignorance. R3044:2
Daniel —Daniel was in a position of great prominence in Babylon at the time these words were written. R2492:3, R3630:3
And Job —Indicates that the narrative of Job is not a parable. R1505:3, R5401:3; Q793:2
[Ezek. 14:20]
Job —One whom God especially loved. R5878:5
[Ezek. 14:22]
The evil —Calamities and judgment. R1299:6*
[Ezek. 16:2]
Son of man —Ezekiel represented the Son of Man, and also the members of the Bride of Christ, every member of which is a watchman on the walls of Zion. R4881:5,6
[Ezek. 16:7]
Waxen great —Compare the description here given with that of the rich man in Luke 16:19-31. R802:3*
[Ezek. 16:32]
Her husband —Here the word "husband" means caretaker, referring to a union or covenant between Jehovah and Israel. R1388:6
[Ezek. 16:47]
Corrupted more than they —"It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment" than for Capernaum. (Matt. 11:23) HG149:6
[Ezek. 16:49]
Sodom —The Sodomites possessed a very rich valley, making hard work unnecessary, which induced much idleness. PD24/35 Sin there reached the enormity referred to by Paul in Rom.
1:18-32. R1617:6
Pride —Prosperity develops pride, instead of gratitude to God and a realization of increased responsibility as a steward. Pride begets misrule, arrogance, injustice and tyranny. R2306:1
Fulness of bread —Abundance of idleness is disastrous, making the downward course more rapid. SM157:1; PD24/35 Neglecting the poor and the needy. R3948:4 Some modern instances: jewels worth $1,000,000 on one costume, $50,000 for two vases, $350,000 for a horse, $50,000 for a coffin, $5,000 for burying a dog, $50,000 for a single entertainment. D294 Such displays of luxury and extravagance will surely excite the envy and hatred of the poor against the wealthy. R2105:3; D295
[Ezek. 16:50]
Took them away —Not to eternal torment, but from present life with its privileges and advantages. R1617:6 The death of the Sodomites was merely the Adamic Death hastened, not the Second
Death. OV43:2 Temporarily destroyed by fire as an example of the absolute annihilation which will ultimately come upon all wilful sinners, the Second Death. R4599:5, R5083:5 All human right in the earth was abrogated by the death sentence upon the sinner. R5335:6
As I saw good —Good, because it made an example of them for those who should afterward live ungodly. R1779:2, R1270:4 As with the Canaanites,
their further continuance would be neither for their good nor for the Lord's glory. R5335:6 In all these things God had a wise purpose; and in his own time he will make that purpose manifest to all, as he
now makes it manifest to the saints. R675:5 If death ends all probation, why did God see good to take this people away without giving them a chance of salvation through "the only name?" R259:2; A111 Because it was not yet their due time.
In "due time" they will be awakened from death, come to a knowledge of the truth, and have a full
opportunity for life everlasting. A111; R5083:5, R1779:2, R1270:5,R545:5, R259:2; PD24/35
[Ezek. 16:51]
Samaria —God here speaks of Israel and compares her with her neighbor Samaria. R259:2
Half of thy sins —The chastisement and discipline necessary to Sodom's and Samaria's restoration to righteousness will be less severe than for some who are of the natural lineage of Abraham. R1374:2, R5363:5
[Ezek. 16:53]
When I shall —Under the New covenant, under Messiah's Kingdom. PD24/35
Bring again —The Sodomites will be raised from death and brought to a knowledge of God. R5179:6, R4881:3 The Sodomites could not have had
judgment yet—their second judgment. Like the rest of us, they suffered in the first judgment which came upon Father Adam. HG223:2 Future probation is a doctrine of the Bible. R477:1*
Their captivity —In death, all are captives. R7:6, R259:3, R545:6, R236:1; A112
Captivity of Sodom —"There shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and of the unjust." (Acts 24:15) R351:1* In selecting so extreme an example of clemency, our Lord evidently
intended that we should see that the sacrifice which he gave was unquestionably "a ransom for all." HG336:3 Since Jesus says they were all destroyed (Luke 17:29), this must be by a restoration of life from the dead. R413:2
In the midst —Sodom, Samaria and Israel will all be raised together. R8:1
[Ezek. 16:55]
Thy sisters —The Lord will humble their pride by restoring peoples whom Israel detested as inferiors and sinners. SM211:2
Shall return —Even the Sodomites who are held up, all through the Bible, as examples of wickedness, and "as suffering the vengeance of eternal fire" (Jude 7), are to share in the restitution. HG17:3, HG14:5
Their former estate —To open the prison doors of the grave—restitution. R8:1, R259:3, R4881:3; A112 The Sodomites will be sharers in that restitution. R4594:4 Not to judgment merely, and then to heaven or hell.
HG39:5 Of human perfection—to all who
will receive Christ and obey him. R1718:4, R3452:5
Your former estate —Their former estate is as much beneath the Kingdom, which flesh and blood cannot inherit, as our present position is beneath that of the angel Gabriel. HG36:5
[Ezek. 16:60]
Remember my covenant —"For the gifts and callings of God are without repentance." (Rom. 11:29) R8:1, R259:3
I will —Showing that the Lord was not speaking ironically to the Jews. (Matt. 11:23) He was not saying that he would just as willingly bring back the Sodomites as them, but had no intention of restoring either. OV227:6; HG346:1
Establish unto thee —The Lord's dealings with other nations will be through natural Israel. R4464:5; CR59:5; PD24/35
Everlasting covenant —The Lord will restore Sodom, Samaria and Israel, and establish his covenant with them through Messiah in the Millennial Age. R4599:5 As the old Law covenant was with
Israel only, so the New (Law) covenant will be with Israel only.
Other nations will share it by becoming Israelites. R4321:1 Jesus is the Mediator of the New (Law) covenant, under which he will establish his
Mediatorial Kingdom for the blessing of Israel and the world. R4476:1
[Ezek. 16:61]
Shalt remember —Raised with the same nature and personality and able to recall their former degraded condition. R360:5, R604:3*
Be ashamed —"They shall look upon him whom they pierced and mourn." (Zech. 12:10) R517:1* If our ways are not right, they should be amended and not justified by saying, "It is my way." R705:3 Christ will set men's sins in order before them, and they must freely confess their sins and bear their shame. R1646:4
Shalt receive —The Lord's dealings with other nations will be through natural Israel.
Thy sisters —Sodom and Samaria, representing other nations of the world. R4464:5
I will —God is not here speaking ironically, as some suggest. R259:3
Give them unto thee —The Lord clearly indicates that his dealings with outside nations will be through natural Israel. CR59:5
For daughters —The nations are to be instructed and blessed under the New covenant by becoming "daughters" to Israel. R4464:6, R4371:3, R4575:4, R130:5 "Thy sons shall come from afar, and thy daughters to be nursed at thy side." (Isa. 60:4) D638Other nations will become Israelites, "proselytes of the gate," not under the Old, but under the New covenant. R4321:1 They will enjoy, as "daughters of Judah," the highest degree of happiness they are
capable of appreciating.
HG27:4 That she may instruct them and bring them into harmony with God's plans. R447:4*, R659:4*
Not by thy covenant —Not by the Law covenant, but by the New covenant. R4464:6, R4371:3, R4575:4,R236:1; CR59:5; SM212:T, Q622:1 Israel's Old covenant will cover them until they are brought under the new Mediator of the New covenant. Q134:2
[Ezek. 16:62]
I will establish —The Jews are to be the first to experience restitution favor. OV120:5
My covenant —The New Law covenant. SM212:T, CR59:5; R4354:6, R4575:4
[Ezek. 16:63]
That —In order that. SM212:T
Confounded —Ashamed. R4881:4
Open thy mouth —In boasting or complaint. R4881:4
Pacified —In the redemption accomplished by our Lord. R4881:4 "And so all Israel shall be saved." (Rom. 11:26) OV228:1 The promised restitution is not based on the merits of Israel, the
Samaritans or the Sodomites. R259:4, R546:1
That thou hast done —Which he declares to be worse than Sodom had done (see verses 47 and 48). R1618:1
Saith the Lord GOD —When God signs his name to a statement this way we must believe it. R259:4, R8:1, R546:1
[Ezek. 17:13]
Taken an oath —Of faithfulness as a vassal to the king of Babylon. R3623:2
[Ezek. 17:16]
Oath he despised —The taking of that oath was the immediate cause of Zedekiah's downfall. R3623:2
[Ezek. 18:1]
The word of the LORD —The 18th chapter of Ezekiel relates specially to the time when the Adamic transgression will be offset by the New covenant. Naught will remain against believers but their own misconduct. R2017:3
[Ezek. 18:2]
The fathers —Adam and his descendants, our ancestors. A109; R2220:2, R2608:5
Have eaten —Those who claim that God directly creates every human being, make out that God is responsible for all the idiocy, insanity and imbecility in the world. E309
Sour grapes —Of human sin and weakness. R4881:2, R2050:6, R3133:6; E309
And —In consequence. R2220:2
Children's teeth —By heredity, from their parents. R4881:2
Are set on edge —Now all suffer for what their fathers sowed.
OV392:3 By sickness, misery and death which follows. A109 They are all depraved. E309 All of Adam's posterity are fallen, depraved, dying, as a result of his transgression. R2398:6 Illustrated by the nearly one-half of the human family who die in infancy—thus obviously
not for their own sins. E331
[Ezek. 18:3]
Ye shall not —During the Millennial age. R4971:4; E331; Q288:6
Any more —No longer will men be held accountable for Adam's sin. R5292:3; A143 The parents' sins will not be upon the children. R381:2 The Adamic sin and curse being canceled by the Redeemer, men will be freed from that condemnation. R492:5 The weakness of heredity shall no longer weigh men
[Ezek. 18:4]
All souls are mine —God does not leave the eternal destiny of a single soul to the faithfulness of parents, or pastor, or any one. R944:6
The soul —The being. E465; R282:1, R1221:5, R1377:6, R3027:5, R5578:6, R205:4, R277:1 It was not
Adam's hand nor his body that sinned, but his soul, his intelligent will. CR170:1; R5611:3, R3174:1; Q835:TBecause
of sin, all souls die.
To redeem our souls, our Lord became a human soul and "made his soul an offering for sin." (Isa. 53:12) Therefore there is a resurrection of the soul, not of the body. R3027:5, R3854:5; HG135:3
That sinneth —Not the innocent children, as at present. E331 Wilfully and deliberately against full light and ability. R892 An
and deliberate act. R649:5 All the wicked—not all the ignorant—will God destroy. HG197:2
It shall die —The Second Death. R3175:6, R381:2, R553:5, R5292:5; HG283:6 Not suffer eternal torment. R4982:5, R5318:2, R1039:6, R1196:1, R2607:3, R5753:5; CR269:6, CR293:4, CR492:1, CR498:6; OV362:3, OV376:2; SM86:3, SM171:T, SM520:2, SM663:2;
HG394:6, HG707:2*; A128 The penalty for sin was not dying, but death. E465 The spark of life produced the soul, so taking away the spark of life
extinguishes the soul. R5611:3 "The wrath of God abideth on him." (John 3:36) E404 This scripture is not generally applicable to the present time because
all now die—saints and sinners; it is expressed as a second sentence based on individual action and the context refers to those who are free from Adamic sin. E330 A truth applicable to the Gospel
Church now and to the world during the Millennial reign, but not applicable to the Jews at the time of the utterance. R4881:1 The sinning soul, but none other. R363:1It is the soul, the living, intelligent being, which enters into death. Q834:3; SM86:3; HG654:1 It was the soul that died; it is the soul that is to be resuscitated. Q836:4 The full penalty of the divine law.
OV16:1 The just penalty for the unworthy. E404 The only penalty expressed against sin by the Creator and Lawgiver. R1983:3 God's law is that any creature who will not live in harmony with his law shall not live at all. R282:1 Everlasting punishment, but not everlasting torment.R2611:4; HG224:1 This shall always be the divine standard. HG233:1 Death is the absence of life, the loss of life. R3754:6 God gave us our existence and he has the
power to deprive us of it if we do not use it properly. R363:1, R1882:1 If it dies it does not have any punishment, or any more pain after that.
It has had its
punishment. It is a great punishment to die. HG221:6 But the breath of life (the spirit), the energizing of life principle, was removed from the body and returned to God. Q837:4 Death is the sentence, and
is from death that the world must be awakened in order to know the privileges of divine grace. HG115:2 In direct opposition to Satan's lie to Eve, "Ye shall not surely die." R910:5 The first death, Adamic
Death, was the death of the soul.
HG356:5 Never in the chemical laboratory, with analysis, microscopes or scalpel, has any scientist ever been able to discover that a man has a soul that could not die. CR209:1* "God is able to destroy both soul and
(Matt. 10:28) CR169:6 That God could create a human soul, but could not destroy one, is absurd and unscriptural. OV34:1; HG334:5 "All the wicked will God destroy." (Psa. 145:20) R2607:3 "The wages of sin is
death." (Rom. 6:23) R2607:3 The Second Death is not an enemy, but a friend. R3175:6, R1219:4, R1511:4, R4999:6; Q261:1, Q623:6 None but wilful sinners will die in
the Millennium. R1073:2
[Ezek. 18:8]
Usury —The meaning of the English word "usury" has somewhat changed—now it indicates oppressive interest. Formerly its meaning was, simply, interest. R1995:1 We do not understand the
of a reasonable interest to be usury. R1994:5 A reasonable proportion of the profit would not be usury; but there might be circumstances where even a small interest might mean oppression and injury. R1994:6
[Ezek. 18:20]
The soul that sinneth —See comments on verse 4. Verses 20 to 32 give the rules of the coming age. R2613:3
The son shall not bear —Each will have an individual trial, just as in Adam's case, and each will be sentenced for himself. R1222:4, BR2117:4, R2606:3 No one will die again on account of another; no one live again on account of another. R527:6*
[Ezek. 18:21]
Keep all my statutes —Implies also the pondering and study of them. R2016:6
Shall surely live —The evildoer, coming to God with full repentance, is forgiven and received into God's family. R5781:2 Verses 21 to 24 present the principle of divine justice. R4986:5
[Ezek. 18:23]
Have I any pleasure —The destruction of the incorrigible shows God's unceasing hatred of sin. R1782:1
[Ezek. 18:24]
Not be mentioned —If he sins wilfully, his past good deeds will not be remembered. R5781:2 Every act, down to the last, has to do with the sentence of the trial. R4986:5 Differing from the reasoning that a man's life should be judged by the whole, and not by the failures in it. R2016:6 Contradicting the concept of "once in grace, always in grace." R4971:2
[Ezek. 18:26]
Dieth in them —Unrepentant. R2017:1
[Ezek. 18:32]
I have no pleasure —Ours is a merciful God. CR277:4 He desires to "have all men to be saved." (1 Tim. 2:4) E466, E467 The
destruction of the incorrigible shows God's unceasing hatred of sin. R1782:1 He willeth not the death of him that dieth, but would (prefer) that all should turn unto him and live. R1026:5, R2398:6 Nevertheless, when Adam chose disobedience, God pronounced the penalty. E468 Not that he does not "will" the death of
sinner, for it is his will that the "soul that sinneth, it shall die." R1449:6* God changes not.
He has always had this good will toward his creatures. E467
Him that dieth —The Second Death is not an enemy, but a friend. R3175:6, R1219:4, R4999:6, R1511:4; Q261:1, Q623:6
Turn yourselves —Choose life by complying with the conditions on which God says we may have it. R363:1
[Ezek. 20:5]
In the day —The day of the Passover, the first feature of the Law. R1731:2,1
[Ezek. 20:11]
I gave them —So far as the Ten Commandments are concerned, there is no question that they were given only to Israel after the flesh. R1726:5, R971:4
Live In them —Jesus' life was not taken from him because of disobedience. He laid it down voluntarily that it might become an asset in the hands of divine justice to be used for mankind. R5342:4
[Ezek. 20:12]
Also I gave them —It was given to Israel. It was something new to the Israelites, not previously known among them or their fathers. R1731:3, R3752:3
To be a sign —In all ages God has made covenants, with visible signs thereof. R2032:1*
[Ezek. 20:20]
And you —You Israelites. R1731:2, R3752:6
[Ezek. 20:34]
Will gather you —Even now beginning to be fulfilled. R1630:2
[Ezek. 20:37]
Under the rod —Israel's experiences under the chastening rod have been painful and humiliating, but her buffeting is almost over and soon the blessings of the new everlasting covenant will begin to be showered upon her. PT369:5
[Ezek. 20:43]
Shall ye remember —Restored or re-created beings will recognize themselves, and also neighbors or former acquaintances. R604:3*
[Ezek. 20:49]
Not speak parables —"Not unto themselves but unto us did they minister." (1 Pet. 1:12) B23 They were stated in dark and symbolic language, and linked with events then future. To
understand them then was impossible. B23 The prophets acknowledge their own ignorance of what they wrote. It was not for themselves, but for the instruction of the Gospel Church, and especially for the
two ends—the opening and the closing end of the Gospel age. R1418:6
[Ezek. 21:25]
And thou —Zedekiah, the last king of the Jewish nation. A248; R2401:2, R3616:1; SM416:1;PD47/59
Profane wicked prince —"Death-deserving wicked one." (Leeser) R1372:6
Whose day is come —3520 years after the fall in the Garden of Eden, and 3520 years before the end of the Millennial age in 2914 AD. R3460:3,4* "Seven Times," or seven symbolic years, began
the day of Zedekiah's overthrow and are due to end October 1914.
OV80:10 Not that the Gentiles would be fully out of power by 1914, but, their lease expiring, their eviction would begin. Biii
Have an end —Termination of the typical kingdom of God. R1372:6
[Ezek. 21:26]
Take off the crown —The Davidic crown. OV52:4; PD47/59 The crown and diadem of authority and power. R3687:4 Because of sin, God removed
his throne from the Davidic line. R507:2 The typical crown of the typical kingdom of God. A248; B76,B79; Q80:1, Q93:8, R507:2 Israel had proven themselves unfit for exaltation to universal dominion, having become corrupt, vain and idolatrous. B75 From king Zedekiah in 606 BC. R5598:6, R5406:2; SM416:2; Q80:1; B79 God gave the lease of earthly power to Nebuchadnezzar and his successors.
SM478:T, R5328:5, R5526:1 God actually removed his typical kingdom
to permit Nebuchadnezzar's government to become universal; for it would be impossible for the Gentiles to have universal sway so long as God's kingdom, even in a typical form, existed. R1979:1 In 606 BC, at
midpoint between the ending of Adam's 1000-year day and the 1000-year day of the second Adam. R3460:3*
Not be the same —I will discontinue this order of things. Q79:2; R166:1*, R419:5
Him that is low —Humble. R2401:2 The line of Nathan. E133
Him that is high —Proud. R2401:2 The line of Solomon. E133
[Ezek. 21:27]
Overturn, overturn —Satan's earthly empires. R362:5 Completely overturn Solomon's line. E133 The typical kingdom of God. A248; R1979:1, R4497:3, R4833:4, R5673:4; Q83:1 First to Babylon, then to Medo-Persia, then to Grecia, then to Rome. B76, B79; R5673:4 First at the Babylonian captivity, 606 BC; second at the destruction of Jerusalem, AD 70; third will be the one spoken of in Zech. 14. R107:6* The new King (The Christ, complete) will
dethrone and bind the former prince of the power of the air, Satan, and accomplish the final overturning. R362:1 The overturning of Zedekiah's government until the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom,
corresponding to the 2520 years' lease to the Gentiles. R5526:2, R2977:1, R4867:2, R5564:3, R5598:6, R5710:3, R1979:2, R4497:3; CR41:3;PD47/59; HG48:1
Shall be no more —It shall not belong to anyone. R1372:6 There has been no king of Israel from Zedekiah's day to the present—the overturning has been very thorough.
The kings of Israel at
the first advent were not Israelitish nor of Israelitish birth, but appointees of Gentile governments. R3259:5, R4867:4; Q79:2, Q93:8; OV52:4; CR139:4 It was to
remain overturned until Christ, the rightful heir, should claim it. Thus, inferentially, any claims by others to be "kingdoms of God" are spurious. A249 There has been no earthly kingdom of God from
that time onward.
Q79:2 During which time kings and emperors did not reign by the grace of God, though he permitted various experiments at self-government for an appointed time. R1094:5 Though restored to
national existence by Cyrus, they were subjects and tribute-payers to the successive empires of Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. A248
Until he come —Until Messiah himself, at his second advent, shall take the throne as the antitypical Son of David. CR41:3 The Christ, Messiah. R166:1, R419:5, R5328:4, R5589:3; SM478:T; Bix The glorified Christ, Jesus and the Church. R3616:2, R1979:1; SM416:1; HG675:6 The great Prophet, Priest, King and Judge. R2609:1 The immediate beginning of the legal restoration of the Jews by the Anglo-Saxon treaty
circumstantial and visible evidence that "he whose right it is" has come. R82:2* The "Times of the Gentiles" applying to the interval between the removal of the typical kingdom and the establishment of its
antitype, the true Kingdom, when Christ comes to be glorified in his saints. B73; A249 The treading down of Jerusalem would then cease. R5328:5
Whose right it is —In whose hands is the shaping of the destinies of nations and individuals. R1619:3
I will give it him —The dominion is about to be given. R5489:4 We believe that the time for the giving of the Kingdom to the Messiah is near at hand. (1915 comment) R5680:2 1914 is the date when Christendom will lose its crown and when he "whose right it is" will take his great power and reign. R3574:1*, R4867:5 Speedily following the introduction of the Millennial judgment reign. R2609:1 We are not to expect that this transfer will come as a flash of lightning it
require a little time. R5328:5 The time of trouble will be the natural consequence of the transfer of rulership from the devil, the prince of this world, to "him whose right it is." R592:2 For an inheritance. (Psa. 2:8) D12 At, or during, the sounding of the seventh and last trump. (Rev. 11: 15) HG20:1 Has the Kingdom begun in any sense of the word? We so
The light now going forth is under the direction of the Captain of our Salvation. R5567:3 "And there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages should serve him."
(Dan. 7:14) R2609:1; OV83:4 "And the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom." (Dan. 7:22) R2609:1 EZEKIEL BIBLICAL COMMENTS
[Ezek. 22:4]
A reproach —This is Christendom's unhappy lot at the present time. D72
[Ezek. 22:28]
Thus saith the Lord —The Lord reproves very sharply some who recklessly use this expression to give weight to their own imaginings or opinions. R1481:4*
[Ezek. 28:2]
Prince of Tyrus —Verses 1 to 10 give an exact description of the Pope of Rome, who is Satan's vicegerent on earth. R1237:1* Tyre represents the kingdom of Satan. R1237:1*
[Ezek. 28:3]
Than Daniel —Whose great wisdom is thus acknowledged by Ezekiel, Daniel's contemporary. R3630:3
[Ezek. 28:12]
The king of Tyrus —Symbolizing Satan. R3187:2* Verses 11 to 19 give a description of Satan. R1237:1*
[Ezek. 28:14]
Anointed cherub —Satan was created an angel of a very high order. OV298:2; R3187:2*
[Ezek. 28:15]
Iniquity was found —Then estrangement from God becomes rapid. OV298:3
[Ezek. 28:16]
Mountain of God —Kingdom of God. A318
Covering cherub —Of the highest order of angels, glorious and beautiful. OV15:3; SM95:1; Q826:T
[Ezek. 28:25]
When I shall —Very shortly to be brought to pass, and is even now beginning to be fulfilled. R1630:2
[Ezek. 28:26]
Executed judgments —Under the righteous reign of "The Christ" before the great "white throne" of truth. R541:5*
[Ezek. 29:6]
Of Egypt —Of the world. R1828:2
A staff of reed —Better far will be those who lean not upon Egypt for help, but who lean upon the Lord. R1828:2
[Ezek. 29:21]
I cause the horn —Power. T42
In the day when he —Literal and modern mystic Babylon. E372; R2599:5
Down to the grave —Sheol, oblivion, death, not torment. E372; R2599:5, R2600:3 In it
(Sheol) the dead are spoken of as asleep or inert, or as deprived of the honor and power which they had in life. R828:6* Sheol—variously translated "hell," "grave" and "pit." There is no evidence that the
had more than one significance or that its later signification was different from its earlier. R828:6* The old-time nation of Babylon was overthrown by the Medes and Persians and went into oblivion, into the
death state as a nation. E372
[Ezek. 31:16]
Down to hell —Sheol, oblivion, death. E372; R2599:5
And all the trees —Showing that not only people are to be found in "hell." HG556:2, HG734:5*
[Ezek. 32:7]
Cover the heaven —The powers of spiritual control. A318; D591
Make the stars —The apostolic lights. D591
Will cover the sun —The Gospel light, the Truth—Christ Jesus. D590
And the moon —The light of the Mosaic Law. D590
Not give her light —Truth. A20
[Ezek. 32:21]
The strong —El, mighty ones, a name sometimes applied to Jehovah. E69, E66 "El" is sometimes, as here, used in connection with
inanimate things. E69
Among the mighty —The mighty nations which perished previously. E372
Shall speak to him —To Egypt, by the voice of history. E372
The midst of hell —Sheol, oblivion, death, not torment. E372; R2599:5 Representing Egypt's overthrow as a nation to join Babylon in
destruction—buried. R2599:5
[Ezek. 32:27]
Gone down to hell —Sheol, oblivion, death, not torment. E372; R2599:5
With their weapons —"He maketh wars to cease." (Psa. 46:9) E372 Showing that they take these weapons with them into "hell." HG556:2, HG734:5*
Under their heads —The grave is the only "hell" where fallen ones lie with their weapons of war under their heads. R2599:5
The watchman —When the foundations of all our faith are assailed, we lay aside mildness and cry aloud so as at once to arouse all Israel to the danger of the hour. R425:6, R431:6
Be not warned —It is our duty to warn against selfishness, our most imminent danger—our greatest enemy. R548:3
[Ezek. 33:7]
O son of man —Applying to any steward of the Lord. R1558:6
[Ezek. 33:8]
If thou dost not speak —There can be no compromise of truth, no mixing of it with human philosophies to make it more palatable or to avoid any measure of otherwise inevitable persecution. R1558:6
His blood will I require —"I am pure from the blood of all men, for I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God." (Acts 20:26, 27) R1558:6
[Ezek. 33:11]
Say unto them —The world of mankind in the incoming age. R2613:3
I have no pleasure —"The Lord is not willing that any should perish." (2 Pet. 3:9) R1449:6* Not that he does not "will" the death of the sinner, for it is his will that the "soul that
sinneth, it shall die." R1449:6*
Death of the wicked —Second Death. R904:3 In mercy God will blot such out of existence. R605:5, R3083:5Only when they absolutely refuse to be rightly exercised by the discipline of the Lord will he administer the final punishment which forever blots them out of existence. R904:3 This will be the last
unpleasant duty of the Creator. R1834:1 The destruction of the incorrigible will be in demonstration of God's unceasing hatred of sin. R1782:1, R1273:5
Turn ye —If men in this life repent of sin and continue the work of reformation to the best of their ability, they will reap the benefit of so doing in the age to come. R722:5, R2613:3
Why will ye die —"See, I have set before thee this day life and death." (Deut. 30:19) R401:1*
[Ezek. 33:12]
His transgression —If he sin wilfully, his past good deeds shall not be remembered. R5781:2
That he turneth —The evildoer, coming to God with full repentance, is forgiven and received into God's family. R5781:2
[Ezek. 33:13]
Not be remembered —The crown of life is promised to those who shall prove themselves faithful, even until death. R1699:6
He shall die for it —There is a possibility of failure in the Millennial age. R401:2* If one should make a covenant with God and then fail to keep that covenant he would lose his covenant
relationship with God as soon as he abrogated the contract. Q288:5
[Ezek. 33:15]
If the wicked restore —Godly sorrow for the wrong, turning from the wrong, and then, as far as possible, making the wrong right—that is repentance. R747:6*
Shall surely live —This principle applies at the present time to those who pass from death unto life as New Creatures; but it especially applies to the Millennial age. R4971:2; Q288:5
[Ezek. 33:16]
Shall be mentioned —His past evil is entirely ignored, except as it may bear its fruit in certain weaknesses of mind and body. R5781:2
[Ezek. 34:2]
Shepherds of Israel —All who accept the position of elders are, to some extent, representing the Lord, who is the Great Shepherd of the flock. R5389:4 Hireling shepherds of the pulpit. D62; HG715:6 Greedy, ignorant, lazy teachers. F287
Feed themselves —Divide amongst themselves the spoils of filthy lucre, honors, reverence, titles, etc. R1895:6 Many preachers have discerned the Plan but, instead of preaching it, have
it, to cause themselves to shine. R3138:4 These are warned by the Lord of his displeasure, and could not be expected to thrive spiritually. R3138:5
Feed the flocks —Not nominal Christians, but the true saints of God. R5693:3 Leading them to the "green pastures" of God's Word and to the "still waters" of divine truth. R5693:2
[Ezek. 34:3]
Ye kill —Slaughter their influence, cast out their names as evil. R633:2
Them that are fed —They that find pastures of truth and feed, despite the neglect of the shepherds. R633:2
Feed not —Their church arrangements are often especially for the goat or tare class. R5693:3 Very few of the flock of the Lord's consecrated people any longer seek spiritual food at their
hands. R5693:6
[Ezek. 34:6]
All the mountains —Kingdoms. A318 The Lord's sheep are intermixed with various nations. R633:2
Every high hill —Societies of earth—churches. R633:2
Or seek after them —The shepherds sanction the scattered and divided condition of the Lord's sheep, and claim that it is the Chief Shepherd's will that they should be separated in various sects. R633:2
[Ezek. 34:8]
There was no shepherd —Preferring to act a lie, to destroy the faith of the too-confident sheep whom they lead and whose praise and money they enjoy. SM298:1
[Ezek. 34:10]
The shepherds —Theological professors and pastors, by not explaining the meaning of the Hebrew and Greek words Sheol and hades, have permitted God's character and plan to be traduced. R2598:6
Require my flock at —Take my flock from. R633:1, R2599:1
Cease from feeding —They shall not continue to be God's mouthpieces, nor shepherd his flock. R2599:1
Feed themselves —Upon the husks of science and man-made theology, and in honoring each other with titles. R633:2
[Ezek. 34:11]
Behold, I, even I —Behold I am here and will enquire for my flock. R633:1
[Ezek. 34:12]
In the day —The "Day of the Lord." R487:3
He is among —Present among. R487:3
Will I seek out —This is having a fulfillment in the gathering of the sheep of both folds, natural and spiritual Israelites, out of their respective bondages and dispersions. R487:3
Will deliver them —Mark well that this will be when he is present, "here," and "among his flocks that are scattered." R633:2, R5693:6
Cloudy and dark day —The Day of the Lord, the time of trouble. R487:3, R633:2
[Ezek. 34:13]
Gather them —He is about to complete his flock of this Gospel age. R5693:6
Their own land —The homeland of the Lord's sheep of this Gospel age is heaven itself. R5694:1
[Ezek. 34:14]
A good fold —The whole world will become "the fold." R5694:6
[Ezek. 34:15]
Will feed my flock —This promised feeding of the Lord's flock is now taking place. R633:4
[Ezek. 34:16]
With judgment —A righteous recompense. R5694:3
[Ezek. 34:17]
O my flock —The beguiling of the attention of the flock from the one true shepherd to a fellow sheep is not always the fault of the leaders. There is a tendency of those of the sheep nature to follow one another. R2080:2, R5694:3
The rams —Elders in the church. R5389:1
The he goats —Whenever any one manifests the goat disposition the ecclesia should strictly avoid making him a leader. R5389:4 Owners of sheep sometimes use a goat as leader of the flock
because a goat is more combative than a sheep, and thus supplies the sheep courage. R5389:4
[Ezek. 34:18]
The deep waters —Of truth. R3076:1; C65
[Ezek. 34:19]
They eat that —Each sheep must see to it that he eats only "clean provender" and drinks only "pure water" as directed by the Shepherd. R2080:4
[Ezek. 34:20]
I, will judge —This already has begun in respect to the Gospel Church. R5694:4
The fat cattle —Some who have been considered quite prominent in Christendom, pushing and managing its affairs, will be reproved by the Lord in this day. R5694:4
The lean cattle —The poor, the outcasts, the peculiar, are styled his flock, which he is now gathering and feeding. R5694:4
[Ezek. 34:22]
I will judge —See comments on verse 20.
[Ezek. 34:23]
My servant David —The Christ, Head and Body. R5694:5
[Ezek. 34:25]
The evil beasts —The evildoers, those who will devour, destroy and do harm. R5694:6
In the woods —A quiet and restful condition. R5694:6
[Ezek. 34:27]
Yield her increase —In the "Times of Restitution" of Messiah's reign. R4674:1, R1248:3; A192;HG515:1 Already we have evidence of how these scriptures may be fulfilled. R4431:5 For the microbes of destruction and disease shall be restrained. R1771:6
[Ezek. 36:17]
Son of man —Ezekiel, representing the Lord in their midst, even in the land of their captivity—for 22 years delivering unto them the word of the Lord. R1373:4, R2503:1
[Ezek. 36:20]
Profaned my holy name —They brought disgrace upon the name of the Lord in all the countries whither they went. R1373:5
[Ezek. 36:24]
From among the heathen —Out of all nations. OV67:1
And gather you —This great regathering of all Israel to the land of promise, which shall by and by include their risen dead, is already begun. R1374:1
Out of all countries —From every quarter of the world. OV67:1
Into your own land —Not all Jews, but some of the most pious and zealous, will gather in Palestine. OV67:1 This unquestionably refers to the literal and final regathering of Israel to Palestine. R1373:6
[Ezek. 36:25]
Then will I —Through the Millennial reign of Christ. A333 Not before, but after, their return. R101:6, R1373:5
Sprinkle clean water —Pure truth and righteous influence. R1374:2, R101:6 Would seem to signify the application of the truth. R2503:5 Had some fulfilment in those who returned from Babylonian captivity, who were influenced by the truth of the promises made to the fathers. R2503:6
Cleanse you —There will be no desire nor temptation to idolatrous worship then. Satan shall be bound. R1374:2 In chastising, correcting, forgiving, restoring and promising to reinstate
to his favor, he is illustrating his great love and mercy toward the whole world. R1373:4
[Ezek. 36:26]
A new heart —Renewed, or repaired; such as belongs to perfect manhood. R636:6, R1374:2, R5164:4God
purposes to settle the whole matter for rich and poor in his own way—and his way must be the best way. He purposes to change the hearts of men. R5154:6; HG578:3 The work of re-writing the divine character in
the heart, which will progress in the world for 1000 years, is already begun in the Church. We write these qualities within our own hearts. R5309:5 The new heart condition is essential also to spiritual
Israel—to be free from idols and separated to the Lord God. R2505:1 The creating of man was a momentary act, but the re-creating, the re-generation, the re-newing, the re-storing of the heart will be a
work. R1374:4, R2503:6
Will I give you —Jesus did not do this at the first advent.
This was to be still a future work, the work of the Kingdom. R5886:1
A new spirit —Such as Adam had before sin entered. R111:1 New will, new mind, new disposition. This must come first before the new heart condition can be attained. R2504:3, R2503:1
I will take away —By means of the afflictions of the time of trouble. R2504:1 The gradual work of the Mediatorial Kingdom by instruction in righteousness. R5292:3, R2504:2 Sin is now written on the hearts of all humanity.
This must first be blotted out and the former image—the law of God—reinstated before men will be perfect men. R276:4 Through the better sacrifices, the antitypical Mediator will have the power to start the people with a clean slate. R5292:3
The stony heart —Of self-will and self-gratification; calloused and depraved. R2504:1, R636:6 The stony heart condition means "me," "my,"
"right if I can, wrong if I must." R2504:1 Not take away their flesh and make them spiritual beings. R276:4 It will be a time for melting and mellowing all hearts.R1655:3 Israel is probably as much, and probably no more, affected with the stony heart condition than any other nation. R2504:1
I will give you —Under the New covenant, the Lord will take away the sins and stony hearts of mankind.
But the New covenant does not become personal between God and mankind until the Mediator steps out of the way. R4903:4 This change of heart is entirely aside from the making of the New covenant. It will take 1000 years to remove the stoniness out of the hearts of man and to make them stand without a mediator. R5164:4
An heart of flesh —The restored image of God. A310; R276:4, R2504:2 Tender, sympathetic,
generous, godlike. R3202:6, R1374:2, R4777:2, R5154:6 Under the
gracious terms of the New covenant during the Millennium. R5947:1, R4903:4, R4309:6 This work will proceed from
Israel to all the families of the earth. R5058:5 The Mediator will have the power to start the people with a clean slate. R5292:3 With spiritual Israel the new
heart is not a heart of flesh, for they are begotten unto the high calling to partake of the divine nature. R2505:4
[Ezek. 36:27]
Put my spirit —A new will, mind or disposition, in harmony with God; the spirit of righteousness, truth and love; the spirit of grace and supplication. R2504:3,5, R1374:4 This does not refer to spiritual Israel, although spiritual Israel has a somewhat similar experience in advance. R2504:5 The same outpouring of the holy Spirit upon fleshly Israel is
referred to by the Prophet Zechariah (Zech. 12:10) and directly applied to the end of this age. R2504:5
Cause you to walk —Inclining and enabling them to be obedient. R1374:4
[Ezek. 36:28]
Ye shall be my people —All who, under the New covenant, shall become his people, typified by Israel. R1655:3 After he has made provision for all, only those who accept of those New covenant
favors will be recognized by him as "my people." R1374:4
[Ezek. 36:29]
Will increase it —The land, which has been so long desolate and unproductive, will return to its former fertility. R107:4* Artesian wells, irrigating canals, miracle wheat, the draining of
marshes are all evidences of how these scriptures may be fulfilled. R4431:6 In connection with the transformation of heart and will, will come the blessing which the Lord promised upon the earth—it shall
its increase. R2504:6 Many fold. R4431:6
[Ezek. 36:30]
Multiply the fruit —Burbank and others have, under divine guidance, worked miracles in horticulture. R5058:2
Increase of the field —In a larger sense, the renewed earth, Paradise restored. R1374:4
[Ezek. 36:31]
Shall ye remember —The restored being will recognize himself and neighbors of former acquaintance. R604:3 The restored ones will be reminded of their unworthiness of the free, unmerited
of God. R1374:5
[Ezek. 36:32]
Be ashamed —React with confusion and repentance. R1374:5
[Ezek. 36:35]
Land that was desolate —The land of Israel—the blessings beginning there will illustrate divine providence operating on behalf of those who are influenced by the truth and its spirit. R2504:6
The garden of Eden —The word "paradise" signifies "a delightful garden, park or pleasure ground." The Garden of Eden was the original Paradise, and mankind will be restored to that Edenic condition. Q845:1
[Ezek. 36:36]
Then —In the Millennium. A333
Shall know —As these blessings progress, all will be witnesses of God's faithful goodness to his people. R1374:5
[Ezek. 36:37]
Be inquired of —Cooperation necessary, prayer being a token of the soul's sincere desire. R1374:5
Like a flock —Every soul that longs for the truth is one of the Lord's lost sheep, and will be found during the Millennium. R1374:5
[Ezek. 36:38]
Flocks of men —"Other sheep I have that are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd." (John 10:16) R1374:5
[Ezek. 37:1]
The hand —Power. R2505:3 This passage of Scripture regarding the dry bones was addressed to fleshly Israel when in Babylon. R2505:2
Midst of the valley —The valley of Jehoshaphat, typifying Adamic Death. R2908:2 Representing the captivity in Babylon. R2505:2
Was full of bones —Captive Israelites, the whole twelve tribes. R2505:3 This was a vision, not literal. R2505:3 This vision does not refer to
literal resurrection of the dead, but to the restoration of the dead hopes of the Jewish nation and their gradual reanimation as a people. Q584:4 The dry bones represented the Israelites themselves. R2505:2
[Ezek. 37:3]
Can these bones live? —Is there any hope for the scattered people of Israel that they will ever be restored as a nation? R2505:5
Lord...thou knowest —Any hope must come from God. R2505:5
[Ezek. 37:4]
Prophesy —Ezekiel was to declare the divine message, foretelling what was to come to pass. R2505:5
Ye dry bones —Of hope of again becoming a nation. PD53/65
[Ezek. 37:5]
Cause breath —Ruach, spirit of life, life-energy. E315
Ye shall live —Not referring to a literal resurrection, but to the revival of Israel's hopes in the divine promises. R5503:3; Q584:4; PD53/65
[Ezek. 37:6]
Sinews —Of strength. PD53/65
Flesh —Of comeliness. PD53/65
Skin —Completion. PD53/65
And put breath —Ruach. E316 Be infused with the spirit of the Lord as the breath or energy of national life, begotten of faith in the promises, and standing again as a nation. R2505:6
Ye shall live —Though a symbol, it shows that a human organism has no life until it receives the ruach, the breath of life, which is common to all animals—none of them can live without it. E316
[Ezek. 37:7]
A noise and...a shaking —The Revised Version renders this: "Thunder and an earthquake." R2505:6 The commotions incident to the fall of Babylon and the transfer of the empire to the Medes
Persians, typifying the coming time of trouble. R2505:6 There is a commotion amongst those who are spiritual Israelites indeed, whose Kingdom hopes are now being revived. R2506:4 The great noise is the "seventh trumpet" which has begun to sound. R2506:1
The bones came together —Now in progress among the Jewish people through Zionism. PD53/65
[Ezek. 37:8]
No breath —Ruach. E317
[Ezek. 37:9]
Unto the wind —Ruach, spirit of life, life-energy—margin, breath. E317
Four winds —Ruach. E317
O breath —Ruach. E317
[Ezek. 37:10]
Great army —A nation. R2505:6
[Ezek. 37:11]
Whole house of Israel —The whole twelve tribes. R2505:3 No longer to be considered as two distinct nations. R2505:3 The rest of the world is
typified by the "whole house of Israel." R1377:2*
Our hope is lost —Does not refer to the literal resurrection, but to the revival of Israel's hopes in the divine promises. R5503:3; Q584:4;PD53/65 Of being God's favored people and the heir of the promises made to Abraham. R2505:3 Of ever again becoming a nation. PD53/65; R2505:3 We have lost heart, our ambitions are all gone, or are asleep. R4788:5, R2505:2 A lesson might also be drawn for spiritual Israelites, who, for centuries, lost sight of Kingdom hopes for blessing the whole world of mankind. R2506:2
For our parts —From our parts, from all tribal and national union. R2505:3
[Ezek. 37:12]
I will open your graves —Where the dead sleep, waiting for an awakening. SM39:T Blinded, stumbled Israel is still there. R4781:2 Restitution is spoken of by the mouth of all the holy
prophets. R545:3 The various provinces of Babylonia in which your national hopes are buried by your captivity; foreshadowing the general scattering among all nations. R2506:1
Out of your graves —Israel will be regathered out from all the nations whither they have been scattered, and also come out from the graves. R1630:2, R1652:4 The fulness of Israel will finally embrace the dead as well as the living. R107:3*, R1378:4, R1466:6 The power is with God to bring men to life again. R536:4 They go into the tomb as individuals, as everyone else; but as a nation also they have gone into the tomb—especially since
70. R4788:5
The land of Israel —Then Abraham will realize the reward of his faith. R1652:4 The present land of Palestine is a very small part of the promised land, which is to stretch from the Nile to
the Euphrates (Gen. 15:18), and appears to include Arabia, as well as parts of Egypt and the Sudan—an area equal to the half of Europe. Q792:2
[Ezek. 37:13]
Ye shall know —Be delivered from blindness and brought to that full, clear knowledge which will render every man without excuse and fully responsible for his choice of life through obedience to Christ. R4781:3
When —During the Millennial day. C260; A108
[Ezek. 37:14]
Put my spirit —Ruach. E317
In your own land —The land of Palestine. C260; R1373:6
[Ezek. 37:17]
Join them —No longer to be considered as two distinct nations, but henceforth as a reunited nation. R2505:3
Shall become one —This was done to show that the exiles of Israel (carried away to Babylon BC 722, when Samaria was destroyed) were to unite with the captives of Judah. R4893:5
[Ezek. 37:20]
The sticks —Two sticks representing the divided people. R2084:4
[Ezek. 37:21]
Will gather them —With the fulfilment of their "double." SM398:T This verse of Scripture appears on the official medal for the second Zionist conference in 1898. R2362:5*
[Ezek. 37:22]
One nation —No "ten lost tribes," for whom there has been so much seeking. R4893:5
[Ezek. 37:24]
David my servant —David's posterity, Christ. C257
[Ezek. 37:25]
Given unto Jacob —Natural Israel. A300
[Ezek. 37:26]
Covenant of peace —The New covenant. R101:6, R282:6, R4371:3
Sanctuary —Dwelling—the Church. R102:1, R111:1
[Ezek. 38:2]
Gog —The merciless plunderers of regathered Israel. D554 Representing the "all nations" of Zech. 14:2. D555
Magog...Meshech...Tubal —Descendants of Japheth, Europeans. D556
[Ezek. 38:5]
Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya —The very ones now occupying Egypt, Palestine and the east—and all these nations are Mohammedans. HG89:4
[Ezek. 38:6]
Gomer...Togarmah —Descendants of Japheth, Europeans. D556
Of the north quarters —Possibly Russia. HG89:5
[Ezek. 38:8]
After many days —Gathering of Israel to Palestine within this Harvest period. D553
Gathered out —Indicating that Palestine would be released from Turkish oppression, and the Jews persecuted and driven out of various countries, before the great climax of trouble. R2056:1During the Day of the Lord when the first return of the Israelites to Palestine shall have taken place (a second and greater returning evidently will not take place until after the time of trouble). R286:3
Dwell safely —At the time when the rest of the world is in its wildest confusion. D553
[Ezek. 38:11]
And thou —Gog—Europeans, with Asiatic and African allies. D555, D556
Unwalled villages —An open, defenseless condition. D554
That are at rest —Regathered Israel during the time of trouble. D553
[Ezek. 38:12]
To take a spoil —Toward, or at the close of the time of trouble. R148:4, R410:1 For "the day of the Lord cometh, when thy spoil shall be divided
the midst of thee." (Zech. 14:1) R148:4 Many Jews have doubtless gone to Palestine, not out of respect to God's promises, but, realizing the dangers to which property will be exposed, have chosen to be far
from the strongholds of communism. R26:5, R410:1, R593:1 Their wealth and prosperity excite the cupidity of the
nations.R286:3, R2056:1 To pillage and rob the wealthy Jews. R26:4, R410:1Palestine must become wealthy to permit fulfilment. R1846:4
[Ezek. 38:13]
Sheba and Dedan —Descendants of Ham, North Africans. D556
Tarshish —Descendants of Japheth, Europeans. D556
[Ezek. 38:15]
The north parts —Europe and Asia. D555
[Ezek. 38:16]
In the latter days —Literally, the last of the days. D555 The closing scenes of the day of trouble. D555
Sanctified in thee —Set apart, distinguished as thy conqueror. D555
[Ezek. 38:18]
My fury shall come up —The destruction of Israel's enemies can only be compared to the terrible overthrow of Pharoah and his hosts when seeking to repossess themselves of Israel whom God was delivering. D556
[Ezek. 38:20]
The fishes —The men. C214
Of the sea —Masses of mankind not under religious restraint. R333:1
Fowls of the heaven —Satan and his agents. R2634:6, R817:3; C162
Beasts of the field —Symbol of Gentile governments. A261
The mountains —Kingdoms. A318; R5992:1
And every wall —Civil power. D40
[Ezek. 38:21]
I will call —The Lord shall again fight for Israel. R1747:1
Every man's sword —National animosities will become personal animosities. R5852:5 The disconcerted hosts will effect the complete disruption of the present order of things. R5604:5, R5790:6
Against his brother —An outbreak of jealousy, revolution and anarchy amongst the various elements composing the mixed army, which will complete the universal insurrection and anarchy—the great earthquake of Rev. 16:18-21. D557 The spirit of anarchy will spread from nations to individuals.
[Ezek. 38:23]
They shall know —The miraculous overthrow of Gog will demonstrate to the world that Christ's Kingdom has come. R4751:3*
[Ezek. 39:1]
Gog —Russia. R107:5* That Russia and Great Britain were likely to come into conflict before the end of Gentile times was noted in Scripture in association with the prophecy of this
[Ezek. 39:21]
See my judgment —In the deliverance of regathered Israel. D557, R4751:3*
[Ezek. 39:23]
Heathen shall know —The purpose of the trouble is for Israel's own good and the good of the nations. R107:5*
Against me —In rejecting Christ. D557
Of their enemies —For all the centuries of the Christian dispensation. D557
[Ezek. 39:25]
Therefore —Now that the punishment is completed. D557
Captivity of Jacob —Natural Israel. A300
The whole house —Living and dead. D557
[Ezek. 39:26]
They have borne —They have (thus) borne. D558
[Ezek. 39:28]
Led into captivity —Exiled. D558
[Ezek. 40:2]
Very high mountain —Kingdom. A318
On the south —Symbol of restitution to perfect humanity. D653
[Ezek. 41:1]
To the temple —The fourth temple. R1297:1
[Ezek. 43:4]
Into the house —Representing the glorification of the Church. R3625:1
[Ezek. 44:1]
And it was shut —Representing the closing of the door in the parable of the ten virgins. R3625:1
[Ezek. 44:11]
Ministers —The Great Company, servants of the true Church, on a heavenly plane of existence. R4079:6*
[Ezek. 44:14]
Keepers —The Great Company. R4079:6*
[Ezek. 46:24]
Boil the sacrifice —In the beginning of the Millennial age, God may restore some of the features of the Jewish Law to serve as object lessons. R1732:6, R2488:6 We think it unlikely that typical sacrifices will be restored. R2488:6
[Ezek. 47:1]
Afterward —During the Millennial day. D655 After the closing of the door to the High Calling shown in Ezek. 44:1. R3625:1 Not until
glory of the Lord shall have entered the Temple, not until the Church will be glorified, not until the door will be forever shut, will the water of life issue forth. R3625:2
Of the house —The Temple of God, the Church glorified. R3625:1, R4882:3
Waters issued out —Truth; blessings of refreshment and restitution. R5846:2, R4882:3, R2508:3Not
the Gospel, flowing at the present time, but Millennial age blessings. R3625:1, R2507:5 "There is a river, the rivulets of which shall spring from the city of
the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High." (Psa. 46:4) R2508:5 "Living waters shall go out from Jerusalem." (Zech. 14:8) D650 "Water of life,
as crystal" (Rev. 22:1)—Restitution blessings. D665 "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." (John 7:38) R2508:4
Under the threshold —There was a fountain connected with the Temple hill but it never was of any considerable size and never will be without a miracle. R2507:3
From the right side —The Temple, the Church, is not yet completed; so there is no river yet. R2508:2
[Ezek. 47:5]
Waters were risen —Rapidly increasing; the rapid increase of the blessings of the Lord as soon as his time shall have come. R3625:2
[Ezek. 47:7]
Very many trees —The description of the river and trees is so similar to the Millennial age blessings of Rev. 21 and 22 as to leave no doubt that the same thing is referred to. R3625:1
[Ezek. 47:8]
Toward the east —Open to the Sun of Righteousness. D653
Go into the sea —The restless, turbulent masses of mankind. A318 Dead Sea, representing a class submerged in ignorance, superstition and degradation. R4882:6,3 The vast multitude of mankind which has gone into the tomb. R3625:4, R2508:2
Shall be healed —Revived, recovered from its deadness. The water of life, flowing from the church, shall reach even those in the tomb, awakening them to opportunities of restitution. R4882:3,R3625:4, R2508:1,2 A possible literal fulfilment of this may be the opening of a channel from the Mediterranean to the Dead Sea. R3625:4, R2507:2,3,5
[Ezek. 47:9]
That every thing —Nephesh, soul, sentient being. E335
Multitude of fish —Men-those reached by the Gospel. R3625:4
Whither the river cometh —The wilderness east of Jerusalem, representing the condition of all the families of the earth. R2508:2
[Ezek. 47:12]
Grow all trees —Seems to demand a literal interpretation as well as a symbolic one—a return to Paradisaic conditions. R2507:5 Refers to the Millennial age. R2508:4 Also see comments on Ezek. 47:7
Whose leaf —Representing restitution. R3625:4
The fruit —Representing the abundance of instruction and encouragement—mental, moral and physical. R3625:4
For meat —For the sustenance of everlasting life. R4882:6
For medicine —Healing the repentant peoples of earth of all imperfections. D656
[Ezek. 48:1]
From the north —A new division of the land of Canaan among the twelve tribes. R2507:2
[Ezek. 48:35]
The LORD is there —Jehovah-shammah, the Wonder of Jehovah. E43