[Philippians - General]
The epistle to the Philippians is one of the most loving of all the church letters written by the Apostle Paul. Apparently this little company of the Lord's people loved the Apostle as fervently as he loved them. His afflictions on their account bound
their hearts to him in lasting gratitude. Evidently the Apostle needed some manifestation of affection and appreciation of his efforts on their behalf, for his own encouragement. R3127:2,3
Paul wrote this epistle in acknowledgment of a substantial gift from the church at Philippi, and took the opportunity to tell them fully of his own condition, the progress of the Lord's work, etc., and to encourage them to steadfastness to the end. R1827:2, R1703:3 Written while Paul was a prisoner at Rome. R1018:6*, R1570:5He wrote to the Philippians about AD 62, when circumstances intimated that his death was imminent. R4536:3
The church at Philippi was the first ecclesia established in Europe.
It had a very small and humble beginning. Philippi was one of the principal cities of Macedonia. In seeking an opportunity for service for the Lord in this place, the Apostle went on
Sabbath day down to a river bank, where a few women habitually resorted for prayer; and he spoke to them the Word of God. Dr. McLaren, commenting upon the small beginning of the church at Philippi, says, "...a few women and some worn-out travelers
together by the banks of the rushing river. How scornfully the great folk of Philippi would have smiled, if they had been told that the chief title of their city to be remembered at all would be the presence in it of that one insignificant Jew, and his
letter to the church founded on that morning!"
The general character of the Philippian church is revealed in St.
Paul's epistle, written to them at a later period. We find in it nothing like correction or reproof, as we note in most of the epistles written by the Apostle to other churches. His
Philippian letter is a particularly beautiful and loving one, and indicates a very close bond of sympathy between him and this church. On four different occasions that are recorded, this church rendered practical sympathy and service to St. Paul, by
financial assistance, as well as by words of comfort and cheer. Twice he received gifts from them for his support while he was at Thessalonica. Again, while he was at Corinth, they ministered to him. When he was a prisoner at Rome, this loving church did
not forget the Apostle.
It was their messenger, Epaphroditus, who brought to him the last touching memorial of their love.
Epaphroditus, it will be remembered, was the brother who was brought "nigh unto death," for the Gospel's sakebecause of his faithful service in the assistance of the Apostle in the work of the Lord when there seemed little help coming from other
Upon his recovery from this severe illness, the Apostle Paul sent by him to the church at Philippi this beautiful letter known to us as the epistle to the Philippians. R5810:1,2, R4399:3, R3122:2, R2227:3, R2176:4
[Phil. 1:1]
All the saints Applicable to all the saints everywhere, the well-developed, who have already made considerable progress; not applicable to the worldly, nor any not fully consecrated, nor to "babes in Christ." R2891:2 With us, as with the apostles in their writings, the word saint is used to designate the truly consecrated among professing Christians. As the church began to grow popular, this Scriptural use ceased.R1139:1 Spirit-begotten ones, the smallest section of those who profess Christ, are the only class addressed throughout the New Testament prospectively "the saints," the "elect." SM628:1
With the bishops The word "bishop" signifies "overseer," and is evidently another name for the elders mentioned here. R1957:1
[Phil. 1:4]
In every prayer of mine Paul's two years in Rome, awaiting the due processes of the law, were years of special advantage to the work of the Lord. He was safe from his Jewish enemies. He prayed for the churches. R1570:5
[Phil. 1:5]
From the first day A few women and some worn-out travelers talking together by the banks of the rushing river. The chief title of Philippi to be remembered was one insignificant Jew and his letter to the church founded there. R2227:3
[Phil. 1:6]
Being confident Full assurance of hope and faith are the proper conditions for the Lord's people. (Heb. 6:11; Heb. 10:22) R2642:1 Lay hold upon the exceeding great and precious promises.
must draw our supplies of strength from above: they are not within us except as implanted there by the Spirit of God. R2154:3
He which hath begun Whatever our endeavors, success is not brought about merely by our own aspirations. We are not alone in working out our salvation. R4796:2
A good work Of developing character. (Heb. 12:6-8) R1721:2 As Zerubbabel laid the foundations of the temple, he would also complete it. As Jesus founded the house of sons at Pentecost, he
will chisel, polish, shape, prepare, complete the good work. R3651:4
Will perform it Is both able and willing to complete it. R5425:2, R5118:5, R4133:5, R3651:4, R3155:6, R2738:4, R2642:2 The only condition is our own
God will never fail. He never makes an arrangement which he would wish to abrogate or amend. There is no changeableness with God. R5855:6 The few who enter fully into sympathy with Paul and
(Psa. 23:6) in their expressions of confidence have therein a great joy, a great blessing, a great rest of heart which none others possess. R5425:2, R2642:2 We
as dear to him as the apple of his eye. Any whom he accepts as his children will have divine love and care in the supervision of their affairs, making all things work for good to them. R5118:5 A realization
the grace of God should lead us to that faith in him, that confidence in his Word, which would believe in him to the extent of accepting all of his gracious provisions with full confidence. R4133:5 We are
assured that he will finish it, if we let him. R2154:3 "The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord.
Though he stumble, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand."Psalm
37:23, 24; R3155:6 Continue to submit our wills, our lives, our all, to his wisdom and loving care. Look up, lift up the head, realizing that our deliverance is nearer than when we first believed. He will
complete the good work. R2738:4 Paul speaks of the full assurance of hope (Heb. 6:11) and of full assurance of faith (Heb. 10:22) as being the proper conditions for the Lord's people. "I SHALL dwell in the
house of the Lord forever." R2642:2 It is a great perversion of language to apply to the world of mankind the promises which are intended for the Church: divine assurances of God's present interest, care and
faithfulness toward them. R1298:1 We rejoice that there is hope for the Great Company.
He who began the good work in them will continue it and perfect it for even these who really love and trust him. They
still wear the robe, though soiled. R2160:6
Until In. R5118:5
The day of Jesus Christ The Millennial ageearly in the morning of which the Church is to be helped, delivered, "changed." R4133:5; HG315:3 The crowning day. R1721:2 The Church's trial or judgment, which has been going on during this age, ends in this day of the Lord. Paul points to this day as the time for the consummation of the Church's hope. R593:2The Millennial Day was specially preached about by the Apostles as "The Day of Christ," "The Kingdom of God." It was the earnest faith of the early Church.
HG315:3 This "day of judgment" is not to be understood as a 24-hour day, but as a day on a
larger scale"a day with the Lord is as a thousand years." (2 Pet. 3:8) NS329:3 He who began the good work in the Great Company will perfect iteven though it be completed in the great tribulation at the inauguration of the Millennial or "the day of
Jesus Christ." R2160:6
[Phil. 1:7]
In my bonds Paul was then a prisoner in Rome. R5846:2, R1018:6*, R831:2* Paul's epistles to the
Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians and to Philemon were all written from Rome. R1570:5
[Phil. 1:9]
And this I pray "We have a care for the churches and the scattered sheep, and continually bear you before the throne of the heavenly grace, and watch as well as pray for your interests and welfare." R2576:2 Awaiting the arrival of witnesses from Jerusalem and the formulating of charges, Paul was relatively free to preach and teach and write and pray. R1570:5
In knowledge Whoever has little knowledge of God and His character and His Word has proportionately little of the sanctifying power of the truth. "The excellency of the knowledge of Jesus." (Phil. 3:8) NS505:6-506:3
In all judgment To exercise human judgment in condemning others would be wrong, but to apply the judgment of God as expressed in his Word, we are commanded to do.
Even here, love must abound. R664:4*
[Phil. 1:10]
The day of Christ The Millennial age, the day of glory. R5538:5 The new dispensation is also styled "The times of restitution" (Acts 3:21)the Millennial day. R5378:2 The seventh day of a thousand years. In it Satan and sin are to be overthrown; righteousness is to be established by the Redeemer. R5139:5
[Phil. 1:11]
Being filled with the fruits of righteousness If we would have increase of the spirit of Christ and bear much fruit, we must be particular to have pure seedfollowing only our Masterletting the sunlight of heaven and dew of truth
into our hearts. R455:3
[Phil. 1:12]
The things which happened Those who tread the same narrow way as Jesus refuse to ask for earthly blessings; but, without asking, some have been relieved of maladies to enable them to accomplish further labor in the Lord's vineyard. R749:5
[Phil. 1:13]
In all the palace "Throughout the whole Praetorian guard." (Revised Version) R831:5*
[Phil. 1:14]
Without fear Disciples of Christ, by example, had been confirmed in their faith and emboldened to speak the Word. R1018:6*
[Phil. 1:15]
Some indeed Enemies (seeing his liberty for two yearsActs 28:30) were explaining Christianity, hoping thereby to add affliction and perhaps death to Paul's bonds. F672; R1827:4
Preach Christ even of envy and strife Many thus have their attention called to certain truths, which we would never be able to give them: the nominal church is Babylon, our Lord is present, the end of the Gentile times will come in
1914. R5412:1
[Phil. 1:16]
Preach Christ of contention We can only rejoice if some are brought to a proper knowledge of the Lord even though we must greatly regret the improper motives of the presentation. F317Seems to refer to those who have not known Christ, but who nevertheless draw attention to the fact that they had heard that there was such a claimthat there is a Christ. They are opponents. R5259:2
To my bonds Paul was a prisoner in Rome, at times well treated by some of the emperors, yet constantly liable to be put to death on some caprice, which affliction or death his enemies hoped to accomplish. F672; R1827:2
[Phil. 1:18]
Every way The scoffing author of the drawing "Blasphemous Graphite" (on the guardroom of the Imperial barracks of the Palatine) only intended to cast ridicule and contempt, but notwithstanding Christ was preached. R831:5*
Christ is preached The Lord has not given any of us a right to supervise his work nor to forbid another to preach the Gospel. The disciples of old did this and Jesus rebuked them. (Mark 9:38-40) R5122:2 "We have never offered objections to the many who have quoted at length from our writings without mentioning them.
Yet our observation is that those who are ashamed of the channel finally lose the truth." R1537:4
Therein do rejoice We rejoice in the hope of coming glory, not only because it means blessing to ourselves, but because also it means participation with the great Messiah in extending blessings to the world. HG374:3 We think it unwise
for a brother to hold meetings during the regular hours of class meetings. However, even though this were done, rejoice to know that the Gospel of the kingdom is being preached. R5122:1
[Phil. 1:20]
Christ shall be magnified Whatever might be his own lot, Christ would be honored, and in this Paul rejoiced. R1019:1*
[Phil. 1:21]
For to me to live For me to live in the world is for a member of The Christ to be living here. R4526:3 In this sense, Christ is still in the world as its teacher and
the word and love of God. All the body following the Leader have been "despised and rejected of men." R455:5
Is Christ "Is (to live) for Christ." (Diaglott) F670; R1827:1 Paul remained, by God's grace, that he might further serve the Lord's
flock. R4526:3 For those who are dead to self, to live is for Christ to live; and in them Christ is still present in the flesh, they being his representatives before men. R1008:2 Christ in the flesh is still in the world as its teacher and reproverillustrating the word and love of God. R455:5 As a member of the Body of Christ.
OV317:2 And a member of the
of Christ. That is the only standing I have. Q390:T
To die is gain For Paul to have died and rested from his labors, to await the resurrection morning, would have been gain. He did not expect his reward until the morning of the Millennial day. R4526:3; R4527:1
[Phil. 1:22]
I wot not "I do not exactly know." (Diaglott) F670; R1827:1, R284:5
[Phil. 1:23]
For Having reached the mark of perfect love. R4050:1,2
In a strait betwixt two "Hard pressed by the two things." (Diaglott) F670; R1827:4, R284:5Paul was in a strait of indecision as to his own preference of the two possible thingsto live and serve the Church in suffering, or to die and rest from his labors. F672; R5133:4; R1827:5, R284:5; Q751:2; HG586:5 He was full of joy in the
assurance that whatever might be his own lot, Christ would be honored.
If his imprisonment and ill treatment had magnified Christ, how much more his death as a martyr. R1019:2*, R284:5
Having a desire to depart "I have an earnest desire for the returning and being with Christ." (Diaglott) F670; R1827:1, R284:5 Greek, analusai; loosing again or returning. F670, R1827:1, R1019:3*, R284:5; HG586:6 Plato sometimes used the Greek word analusai to mean depart and sometimes used it to mean return. F671; R1827:2 Also
occurs in Luke 12:36Diaglott footnote. F670; R5133:4, R1827:1, R1019:3*, R284:5; Q751:2; HG586:6 It could not mean depart (death) here because life or death seemed a matter of indifference to Paul. F672; R5133:4, R1827:4, R1019:2*, R284:5; Q751:2; HG586:5 He had a longing,
intense desire for a third thing: a thing he knew was impossible, a thing he knew and had taught the Church was a long way off (2 Thess. 2:1-8)the returning of Christ and being with him. F672; R5133:4, R1827:4, R1018:6*, R284:5 In coming again, Jesus would "depart"
from the Father and at the same time "return" to his disciples. Q751:2
Which is far better "Since it is very much to be preferred." (Diaglott) F670; R1827:1,4, R284:5Far better than either living under the present trying conditions or dying, sleeping, resting and waiting for the Kingdom. F670: R5133:4; HG586:6
[Phil. 1:24]
To abide in the flesh "To remain in the flesh." (Diaglott) F670; R1827:4 Tradition declares that Paul was acquitted by Nero and had
five years of liberty and service before being rearrested and executed. F672; R1827:4
Is more needful for you "Is more requisite on your account." (Diaglott) F670; R1827:1 It is the mission of the Little Flock to lay
their lives as human beings, but sometimes their lives are prolonged to enable them to accomplish further labor in the Lord's vineyard. R749:4,5
[Phil. 1:25]
I know that I shall abide Satan's power does not extend to the Church. Paul's confidence here supports the thought that Satan does not have the power of death (Heb. 2:14) but that his dominion is the dominion of death. R1779:6, R1271:3
[Phil. 1:26]
By my coming Greek, parousia; presence. B159
[Phil. 1:27]
Let your conversation be as Out of the good treasures of the heart we shall speak the words of truth and soberness, and honor our Lord by a godly walk and conversation, subduing the tendencies of our fallen nature. R4805:5, R1938:6 We know of no evil to which God's consecrated people are more exposed than to doing injury with their tongues to their fellow-creatures while
offering praise to God. R2443:5
I may bear of your affairs Paul was desirous that these disciples should continue to manifest the fruits of the spirit and to grow in grace. R1703:3
Stand fast To stand is to adhere to fixed principles.
We are frequently exhorted to stand, to be steadfast, to continue. No one can stand in his own strength; we are admonished to stand fast in the Lord. R90:1
With one mind The Greek word psuche, (sentient being) is translated "soul" fifty-six times, "mind" three times, "heart" once, "life" forty-one times. E335
[Phil. 1:29]
It is given It was graciously given. (Diaglott) R4491:1*
In the behalf On behalf. (Diaglott) R4491:1*
On him Into him. (Diaglott) R4491:1*
To suffer The Church's sacrifice is not to get the world free. Christ's sacrifice is all that is necessary for that. Our sacrificing is that we may suffer with the Lord; and, consequently, reign with him. R4765:3,4 This epistle is one of encouragement and wise counselto learn more fully how to deny ourselves even as Christ did. R1703:3 Paul's life was a practical exemplification of his
teaching in this text.
One example: Although forewarned of persecution at Jerusalem, he was willing to be bound or to die for the name of the Lord Jesus. R1559:2,5 "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus
shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim. 3:12) Faithful Jeremiah, typifying the faithful of the Gospel age, was persecuted because he boldly declared the word of the Lord. R1372:2 The flesh of the goat was treated
in the same manner as the flesh of the bullock. It was consumed with fire outside the camp. Jesus' sufferings when ended resulted in death of the flesh. So should ours. R80:3 We are living in the period of
Christ's parousia, so it comes to us with peculiar force that we should "not be ashamed before him at his presence." R51:1,4*
For his sake On his account. (Diaglott) R4491:1*
[Phil. 2:1]
If there be therefore They should be on the alert to appreciate true quality and character wherever foundgenerously looking for noble qualities in others. R5846:3 If you have found
fruits to be a part of the character-likeness of Christ, let these be more developed in you. R5810:3 It is as though Paul would test them whether or not any would deny that these graces appertain to all who
have come into Christ. R2227:6, R5810:3
Consolation Comfort.
Let us be more worthy of the name BarnabasComforter of the brethren. R3436:6
Comfort of love Service, when love prompts, is pleasant, and renders the most arduous task an easy one. R31:6*
If any bowels The bowels were formerly considered the seat of the tender emotions, pity, compassion of heart. R5810:3 If they have any heart. R2227:6
[Phil. 2:2]
Fulfil ye my joy "Complete my joy." (Diaglott) R309:4* The Epistle to the Philippians has been styled an epistle of joy. Paul's joy would be filled full in proportion as he could realize
that the brethren had the proper mind of Christ, its love and harmony. R5846:3, R5810:4, R2228:1 Paul's joy would be
full by knowing that they truly loved, sympathized with, and consoled one another. Mere professions were not enough. R5810:4, R2228:1
Be likeminded By being thus minded toward each othera spirit of perfect unity and fellowship. R5810:4, R2228:1 "That you may think the same
thing." (Diaglott) R309:4*
Of one accord The comfort and peace of the Church are dependent largely upon unity of the spirit of the Lord in the various members. R3436:5 "United in soul." (Diaglott) R309:4*
Of one mind It is one thing to love all God's children though entangled in sects, and another to avoid the meshes of their captivity. R1130:6* "Minding the one thing." (Diaglott) R309:4*
[Phil. 2:3]
Let nothing be done "Preserve the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace." (Eph. 4:3) F282 "Do all to the glory of God." (1 Cor. 10:31) R5956:3 When we come together to study the divine Word and to help one another as members of the Body of Christ. OV426:T "Doing nothing." (Diaglott) R309:4* In the Church nor in the home. R3940:1
Through strife "From party-spirit." (Diaglott) R5842:3, R309:4*, R69:5* Our conduct should be as
peaceable as loyalty to righteousness will permit, but not lacking firmness nor combativeness when suitable.
Or vainglory "Self last" is the very essence of this admonition. The apostles had to learn the lesson. The principle extends to the ecclesia. R5958:6 Self-laudation and strivings for
preeminence are the greatest enemies to the Spirit of the Lord and to the attainment of his blessing. R5810:5, R2228:1
Lowliness of mind "Humility." (Diaglott) R5842:6, R309:4* God cannot exalt any who are not humble. Submission indicates faith. We look for his
providential detailed guidance daily. R5844:2 Considering the evil results of the pride of Lucifer and Mother Eve, and the beautiful example of the Logos, we find humility is basic. R5843:3 We should think soberly of ourselves.
All our powers come from God. The fact that God has given us a gift indicates that we lacked it. R5843:4 The most submissive will receive the
greatest blessing. If we would make true progress, we must say from the heart, "Thy will be done." R5843:6 A mental quality which enables its possessor to look up with appreciation, not only to God, but also
good earthly qualities. R5842:3 Some of the Lord's people may be proud of having the truth or of their ability to serve the truth. Such pride indicates a very small mind. R5842:3 This does not signify an ignorance of talents which we possess, but no one person would have developed all the graces of the holy Spirit. R5810:5, R2228:1 Even if born with humbleness of mind, we should need to take care that self-conceit and pride do not come in. R4928:2 Christian humility is one of the most important graces,
continual cultivation. R2227:6, R4928:2
Let each esteem other Discerning the good qualities of others; noting wherein others were superior to themselves. R5846:3, R5810:5, R2228:2 Considering the interests of the Lord's cause, and ignoring self-will or pride. R5846:3 Though they may have less than I have, they may be using all they
with more resolute purpose to succeed than I am with what I have. R5843:1 God may esteem that brother more highly than he does us.
Since God is dealing with this one as a son, he is therefore to be so
esteemed.R5843:2 Not considering our own good qualities so much as those of others. R4928:3 We should not be envious. If we cannot speak well of our brother, do not let us
speak evil, for God will bring all things to light. R31:6*
Better than themselves More important. R5901:1 "As excelling yourselves." (Diaglott) R5842:6, R309:4*If we look at our own imperfections and the good qualities of others, we shall find ourselves more and more appreciative of others. R4928:3 Greater in saintliness. R2407:4; OV426:T "In honor preferring one another." (Rom. 1:10) R2011:4
[Phil. 2:4]
On his own things Troubles and interest. R1676:6 Interests, welfare, talents. R2228:2, R69:5* To
look merely on his own interest or welfare or comfort or talents, and to ignore those of others would be a manifestation of selfishness. R5810:5, R4928:5, R2228:2
On the things of others The rights of others, the ability of others. R5846:3 In proportion as we are filled with the holy spirit of love, we shall find ourselves interested in the welfare
and happiness of others. R5810:6, R4928:5, R2228:2 The principle of love. R1213:2* Not education, but supreme love for God, will solve men's problems. R1190:5*
[Phil. 2:5]
Let Permit. R5844:5; CR444:3 Have. R316:1* God was not seeking to force this mind upon Christ, nor is he seeking to force it upon us. R5844:5 It is a call for sacrificers. R5324:1
This mind The Father's Spirit was communicated to our Lord Jesus, Luke 4:18, Isa. 61:1, Isa. 11:2,3. E169 Only the humble-minded are prepared to learn the great lessons which must
learned before they will be ready for profitable exaltation. R5847:5 One of the qualities necessary to the Church in order that they could be acceptable to the Father is an eager desire to please God. R5844:4 The most wonderful demonstration of humility, meekness and obedience to God ever manifested or conceived. R4929:1, R2228.3; CR402:6 Because the Lord will
equitably adjust human affairs in his own due time, we can afford to endure hardness now, as Jesus did. R2613:5 This disposition of heart and consecration of will. R1563:4 He became obedient unto death.
We are to be crucified with him, baptized into his death, dead with him, offering our all. R328:3* "Disposition." (Diaglott) R309:4* A desire to do only the Father's will. R35:3
Be in you Work out in us the character-likeness of our Head. R5844:5, R5810:6, R4929:1, R2228:2 Not only crucify our own wills, but fully accept of and use the Lord's will. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly." (Col. 3:16) R962:5 It is for us to
follow the leadings of the Lord and the arrangements he has made that we may obtain the spirit of the Master. CR444:3
Which was also in Christ Jesus "Not my will, but thine, be done"; "I came not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me"; "My Father is greater than all." R5846:6 The Heavenly
Father set before his son a great proposition.
The Logos, full of faith and obedience, heartily entered into the proposition. R5352:4 "The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister." (Matt.
20:28) "He began to wash the disciples' feet." (John 13:5) R1987:3 The Lord gave words of warning against pride, but also gave words of encouragement to strengthen them. R1988:1 Jesus Christ was sanctified, and sent into the world for the good of the human race; and his body or bride are for the same purpose. R69:5*
[Phil. 2:6]
Who That we may discern how our Lord exemplified the spirit of humility, the Apostle sums up the story of his humiliation. R2228:2
Being Existing. R5767:6, R1337:1*, R316:1*
In the form of God There are different orders of spirit being. Some are: the angelic nature, different from the Logos, both different from Jehovah. A178 As the Logos, he was in the
form of Godthe spirit condition. R5844:4, R802:6, R725:6, R316:1*, R280:4, A178 A spirit form, a high and glorious condition. R4928:6, R2228:2, R547:1; CR451:5, A178 A likeness of Jehovah. R2408:2 A mighty one. R1686:2, R1337:1*, R422:4 Unitarians take away from the dignity and honor of our Lord by denying that he had an
before his conception in Mary. R505:2* It is strange that Christian leaders question the miraculous birth of Jesus and his being our Redeemer and reject his pre-human existence. R5767:6 Although a spiritual being, he was not equal with God.
If he had been immortal, he could not have become a man. R316:1*
Thought it not robbery Even the King James version does not teach the doctrine of trinity. A being does not rob himself, nor think about being equal with himself. E79 This opposes
Apostle's meaning. Could be translated "Who thought not by robbery to be equal with God," or other accurate ways. E80; R5748:3, R2408:2, R1515:1, R422:6 "Did not meditate a usurpation." (Diaglott) E81; R2408:2, R1686:3, R725:6, R422:4, R369:6, R306:2; OV306:2 "Counted it not a thing to be grasped to be on an equality with God." (Revised Version margin) E81, R5767:6, R2408:3, R802:6, R316:1* Thought it not robbery to speak of
as being a member of God's familythe Son of God. R280:4
To be equal with God The Apostle is urging the Christian to have a mind of humility like Christ, not to consider being equal with God. E80 No translation save our Common Version
the thought that Jesus considered himself equal to the Father, but all are to the contrary. R5748:3 Not selfishly, ambitiously, grasping higher things than God conferred upon himnot seeking to set up a
empire, as Satan did. R4928:6, R2228:2 Satan's course: "I will be as the Most High (his peer, his equal)." (Isa. 14:12-15) R2228:3, R1515:2, R725:6, R490:2; E80 "The
condemnation of the devil" (1 Tim. 3:6)the ambition to be greatis a warning against having novices as elders. R1892:3
[Phil. 2:7]
But On the contrary. R1686:3, R1515:2, R725:6; OV306:2
Made himself Our Lord's change of nature is represented as a voluntary act on his part. R5128:1; CR451:6; HG309:2; OV407:2
Of no reputation "The oil of gladness above (his) fellows"holy joy, holy prospectssustained him when he made himself of no reputation and became poor. R5847:2 Divested himself of his
former glory and honor. R5844:4, R1686:3, R1515:2 Emptied himself. R5767:6,R316:1* Stooped from his high position. R5352:2 There are sons of God on the heavenly plane who were never given an opportunity to manifest such a zeal as
given to the Logos. R5250:3 To humble himself, to take a lower nature, and to do a work which would involve humiliation, pain and suffering. R4928:6 This humbling
was no part of the ransom nor of the sin-offering.
It was a preparatory work. R4535:6 Typified by Moses leaving the Egyptian court and taking his place amongst the Israelites. R4058:2 His sacrifice began with his riches, heavenly glory and subsequently human talents, his reputation and will; it ended with his life. R2761:4
Took upon him the form of a servant "Taking a bondman's form." (Diaglott) R4058:2, R5352:2, R1686:3,R490:2, R422:5; E394 All Christians must be servants, if like their Master. R2725:2 An inferior one. R1337:1* He had none of this world's goods.
The wealth which he left was the glory he had with the Father before the world was. R1060:2, R446:5* Taking the form of a bond servant. R316:1* Our High priest had a body prepared for him, and this body he offered. This change in
condition is what the apostle meant in this Scripture. R144:6* God gave his Son. The Son gave himself. The love of the infinite God was shown; part of the work of the Son was to reveal the Father. R9:3*
The likeness of men "Was made flesh." (John 1:14) A178; R4098:2, R1603:6, R1515:2 The divine, angelic, and human natures are separate and distinct. A178, R122:2, R89:1 Our Lord left his glory and came down two steps to become a man, the same nature as the sinner whose substitute in death he was to become. A178 Not a
sinful man, but a perfect one, in the image and likeness of God, as was the first Adam originally"holy, harmless, undefiled." R5846:6 A perfect man had sinned, only a perfect man could pay the price. R4535:6 The form or condition of a manthe human condition. R1603:6, R709:4, R482:2* As the man Christ Jesus, the Son gave himself a ransom for Adam and his race. R1230:6, R1228:4, R709:4 It was not a pretense but an actuality, that he was a man, tried and tempted like as we are, weary, hungry, sorrowful, praying, dying. R809:3 Although human and spiritual beings are
dissimilar, some during this age are offered a change of nature.
Jesus changed natures twice. R547:1 Becoming in the likeness of men. R316:1* The ransom cannot
for a God to redeem a man, nor any spirit being to do so; for there could be no correspondency between them. SM659:T
[Phil. 2:8]
And Afterward. R1515:2
Found in fashion as a man "A little lower than the angels." (Heb. 2:9) A179; R5830:1, R4098:2,R1278:3, R1228:2, R463:1 "Verily he took not on him the nature of angels." (Heb. 2:16) A178 A human soul. R5578:6 Took the bondman's form, "the seed of Abraham." (Heb. 2:16) R5578:6, R5352:2; Q447:3 If the Father had been incarnated in a fleshly body, he could not have done his own will more perfectly. But Jesus was not incarnated. R5292:5, R5157:1, R5064:3 The first step toward the achievement of the Father's will was the taking of a nature lower
than any on the spirit plane. R5128:2 "He was rich, but for your sakes he became poor." (2 Cor. 8:9) R1879:3 He who had a higher form became a mannot an
man, but a full, perfect representative of the highest order of earthly beings. R463:1, A178 Thirty years old. R314:5, R1385:4 "Holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners," no need for imputation of merit as we require it, a full offset for Adam.
He humbled himself This one, found so humble, learned his lessons well: "He learned obedience by the things which he suffered." Heb. 5:8; E51 Satan thought to exalt himself (Isa.
14:13-14), Jesus to humble himself. R5981:3, R5186:2, R1515:2; E80;NS16:5 This involved a great humiliationleaving the dignity of the chiefest on the spirit plane, the chiefest of all God's creatures. R5846:6; E81Not
for all eternity, but merely "for the suffering of death." (Heb. 2:9) R5622:4, R2317:4 He humbled himself unto death.
He did not humble himself before he became a
man, but afterwards. R5128:2, R101:4* He left the glory which he had with the Father and humbled himself to the human nature. R4964:3, R3378:3, R2981:1, R1603:3, R1278:3, R810:4, R482:2; E81; SM67:T "In him was life." He did not receive his life from an earthly father but was
from above his life transferred from a higher plane. R4154:3 Humility is the underlying principle of the divine government. Jesus' example of humility provides lessons for us. R3537:2, R1487:5; NS16:5 Cain is an example of Satan's folly and ambitions, contrasted to Jesus' quenching all ambition in devotion to God. R2777:3Our Lord's perfect humility demonstrated that he was loyal to the core to the heavenly Father; he shared the Father's love for the race. R2228:4 Humbled (sacrificed himself during 3 « years). R314:5, R1385:4; E394
Obedient unto death It was needful that Jesus be perfected in experiences through things which he suffered. (Heb. 2:9-10) E51 All who would share with him the divine nature must
share with him in trials and sufferings and testings, proving faithful. F66; R456:6, R314:5; CR274:4 As a
child he said, "Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" As a man, he promptly testified his consecration to death. R5847:1 The Lord's hand may be heavy, as in the case of Jesus.
But it did not
crush him. It was the hand of love, testing his obedience. R5844:1 His death was the antitype of the serpent raised on the pole by Moses, of the bullock of sin-offering slain by Aaron, of the Passover lamb.R5847:1 He surrendered his will, and with it everything and every power he possessed. He zealously carried out his covenant unto death. R5690:5 It was the Father's
proposition that the Logos should demonstrate his faith and loyalty by becoming man's Redeemer at Calvary. R5352:4; HG309:2 The Messiah had to demonstrate his worthiness by humility, obedience, loyalty, even
unto death. R4964:3, R4494:6; E81; SM67:T Humility enabled our Lord to render perfect obedience. R4929:1 Moses pictures the unselfish Jesus when he tells the Lord that if Israel's sin could not be forgiven he would desire to be blotted out. R3048:4 He tasted
for every man. (Heb. 2:9) R1278:5 Death in no sense had any claim upon Jesus.
He offered himself, a man for men. He became obedient. He was free from sin and its wages. R573:3 The divine nature was being perfected by the obedience of the already perfect human nature. R456:5 If he had been immortal as a man, he could not have died. R316:2*, R280:4 His last act was as much and no more, a part of his obedience, than his first. He kept giving until he had given all he had. R157:6Death was the last act of his humiliation, not the first. R145:1* The order of this text teaches that Jesus left the glory of his pre-human existence, but he did not die until he died as a man. R106:3*, R47:2* By one man's obedience the world is justified unto life. (Rom. 5:19) R37:3, R676:6*, R430:5 To demonstrate his love and loyalty.
Even the death of the cross The life Jesus now has on the spirit plane was a reward from the Father for his obedience unto death, "even the death of the cross." R5946:6, A178 The Jews expected the promised kingdom of Messiah, but failed to realize the need for a ransom-price, and that Messiah must die. R5761:3 It was
that Jesus should suffer the death of the cross, in order that he might redeem the Jew. R5421:6 The most ignominious form of deathdying as a culprit, crucified between two thieves. R4964:4, R4098:2, R2775:2, R2316:2, R1879:3, R1515:2; E37, E394 It was not the pain, not the agony, which constituted our ransom-price; it was our
Lord's death. R4929:1, R2316:3, R1231:1, R75:4* Jesus' disgraceful
demonstrated his loyalty so that angels and men would know that the Father was just in rewarding him so highly. R4171:2 The shame of crucifixion as a malefactor was probably kept hidden from Jesus until just
before it happened.
He prayed this might be removed. R2467:4, R981:2 When it pleased the Father to require that the death should be an ignominous one, Jesus did
draw back, but said: "Thy will be done." R2228:3 Jesus was begotten at age 30 when he consecrated himself wholly to God, even to death. R1385:4 As our ransom,
death in any form would do; but as proof of his obedience to the Father's plan, the shame of the cross was added. R1231:1 The obedience implied in becoming a man was great, yet the trial was severer still
would lead to death as and for the sinner. R981:2 Jesus' death on the cross was the one righteous act that made it possible for all men to be justly entitled to liferesurrected. R676:6*
[Phil. 2:9]
Wherefore He was not exalted to the divine nature until the human nature was actually sacrificeddead. A179 Because Jesus was found so loyal to Jehovah, he was entrusted with
honor and power. E51 On this accountbecause of his exhibition of loyalty, humility, and obedience even unto death. E82; R5180:6, R5055:1, R4929:1, R4855:4, R2228:4, R1985:1, R1278:4, R667:5, R422:5, R280:4, R61:3*; CR462:5; Q657:5 Jesus' previous station had been second only to Jehovah.
He exchanged that nature for an earthly one, to give his flesh for the world. R5748:5 Had Jesus failed to faithfully keep his covenant of sacrifice, he would not have been exalted, but lost life itself. R5078:6 The Lord was first of all a spirit-being; secondly, he
made flesh; thirdly, God rewarded him personally with a high exaltation. R4905:3, R875:1*; A178, Q443:1 His glory and honor, influence and power, will be proportionate to the sufferings and ignominy which he experienced. R3590:1 He was only made flesh so that
should taste death for every man (Heb. 2:9). When he had finished that work, he was glorified. R3476:5 By virtue of his sacrifice of riches and honors and will and life itself. R2761:4 "Blessed are the humble-minded (poor in spirit) for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Our Redeemer was thus, the adversary the opposite. R2585:5 Because of our Lord's obedience in
laying down his life as our sin-offering. R2519:2, R1278:4 As a reward for his atoning sacrifice. R1829:3, R667:5
humiliation and vicarious sacrifice of Christ is the cause of his present exaltation and glory and power. R1599:5 Jesus was, because of the sacrifice of his humanity, endowed at his resurrection with the
divine nature, the express image of his Father. R1592:1 Because he did not attempt to usurp, but on the contrary was humble. R2761:4, R2046:4 "Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors." (Isa. 53:12) R1360:4 Because the
Lord Jesus was put to the severest possible test, and the test proved his loyalty and faithfulness, God exalted him. R1252:4* The ransom given in the person of Jesus, the willing sacrifice, is made to redound
to his higher exaltation far above angels. R872:5 It had been Jehovah's power, delegated to Jesus, which performed miracles.
Because of Jesus' obedience he was now given this power. R810:4 As the sacrificing of the human rights progressed, his right to the divine increased; at Calvary, the right to divine nature was secured. R456:5; A179 Because of his obedience, one of the joys set before Jesus was to be accounted worthy of more intimate relationship with Jehovah. R418:1 Because of this obediencedeath on the cross. R280:4; E37 Because of his obedience to death, he had immortality and more glory and honor than that which he had with the Father before the world was. R233:6; A178 The ransom price was paid; then Jesus had to be exalted to present it to the Father.
Then the divine nature could come to his church. R182:4 Our glorified Lord was once the man Christ Jesus. The new creation consists in making the old man new by the power of the spirit. R66:5* Because Christ is our
ransom to redeem us, our example of voluntary obedience, and he consented to the crucifixion, God exalted him. R51:3; HG309:2 Rewarding our Lord for what he was to do for mankind, the Father gave him the
of the divine nature; and our Lord has attained it. SM668:T
God also hath highly exalted him "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time." (1 Pet. 5:6) A84; E151; R5666:5, R51:3* His pre-human existence was not as high as he is now.
He is now of the highest order of spirit being, a partaker of the
divine nature. A178 He is now highly exalted to the divine nature and likeness. B108 Clothed with all power. B238 The Father exalted Jesus to his right hand, giving him, beyond what he had resigned, glory and immortalitythe divine nature. R5847:2 Jesus is a spirit being of the highest order who
down at the Father's right hand, on the Father's throne. R5830:1, R667:5, R329:3 Making him partaker of the divine nature and inheritor of all the promises of
glory, honor, immortality. R5761:3, R5690:5, R5250:4, R3048:4, R2317:5, R1879:3 What contradiction to say that Jesus is God! The Father has always been immortal, whereas our Lord attained his present status. R5749:2 Raised to the highest position. (Strong) R5684:4 Jesus was the first one who descended to the tomb, and was raised from the dead, and who has ascended far
above every name that is named. R5612:5 The Lord of Glory in heaven is not flesh.
If he were, he would be "a little lower than the angels." He has ascended far above the angels. R5579:4, R5223:1 The fleshly nature was only for the purpose of giving man's redemption-price; afterward, Jesus surrendered that ransom-price. R5578:6, R1873:4, R1278:4, R709:4, R329:2 To assume
that Jesus is now a fleshly being with wounds and scars, is to suppose that the Father never really exalted him. R5416:2, R1952:5 He was raised from the dead by
Father, more highly exalted than in his pre-human existence, to the divine nature with its glory. R5352:4, R1278:5, R329:3All mankind shall see him with the eyes of their understanding.
Like God, he is one "whom no man hath seen nor can see." R5269:2, R242:3 The Captain of our
Salvation, the Redeemer, has already reached his destiny of high exaltation, "at the right hand of God." R5263:5 As Moses illustrates the principles of God's dealing with those whom he would make his special
servants, he reminds us of Jesus. R5252:5 Our loving Father highly honored and glorified our dear Redeemer and arranged to select a bride and joint-heir in glory for his Son. R4783:4; HG298:5 Christ became the express image of God; the Logos had been an express likeness of the Father's person; Jesus was in God's likeness. R4667:3 If Jesus was raised a human
he would have been circumscribed in his powers, talents, dignities, honorsforever humiliated. R4176:1 This means that here are two persons, for in no other way could one exalt and honor another. R4165:2 This text alone would be convincing that our Lord is no longer a man. R3378:3, R5416:2, R4176:1, R1873:4 It is gratifying to all who truly love Jesus to know that his generosity and obedience did not result in a permanent loss. R3378:3, R2479:1 The exaltation came to him in his resurrection change. R3376:2 God did not provide our redemption by
an injustice to his Son; his full consent was first secured, and he has been abundantly rewarded. R3028:5, R387:2; HG309:2 "I, if I be lifted up, will draw all
unto me," John 12:32, secondarily applies to this exaltation. R2519:2 Justice might properly object to the recreation of Jesus as a man, but would have no ground for objecting to the creation of a new
creature.R2477:4 Our Lord is the great example of a proper humility and obedience to God, and the reward of this obedience encourages us, his joint-heirs. R2228:5 With its
companion texts, 1 Cor. 8:6 and John 5:23, this makes it clear that the Father and the Son are two different personages. R2199:4 Though highly exalted, Jesus' heart is never lifted up by pride, as have been
hearts of all human kings. R2046:4 Jesus is our exalted Lord with power to deliver us from the sleep of death and to train all the willing up to fitness for eternal life. R1849:3 We now know him as the King of glory, the same seen by Saul of Tarsus, a spirit being shining above the brightness of the noon-day sun. R1693:1 This exaltation was part of the
which the "spirits in prison" witnessed, and by which Jesus preached to them. R1679:4; HG728:2 God takes us into fellowship as co-workers together with him in the lifting up of the fallen world which he loved
so much. R1670:2 He was highly exalted and given all power for the purpose of accomplishing the complete deliverance of all those whom he purchased. R1583:1 God
inspired Paul to approach the truth reasonably, that we might have a reasonable faith.
Jesus' high exaltation is a reasonable reward. R1566:1 Jesus was fully born by resurrection to the divine nature. R1385:4 God's justice did not compel our sinless Lord to suffer the penalty of man's sin; but it did permit and reward the Lord's willing sacrifice. R1286:6, R387:2 All men shall honor the Son even as they honor the Father. (John 5:23) "He is Lord of all." (Acts 10:36) R1278:5, R280:5 This is God's means of providing for the recovery to full harmony of whosoever will obey His representative, the Anointed. R1269:6 This is the "likeness of his resurrection" (Rom.
an exceeding high exaltation. R1262:6 He only asked to be restored to what he was before; but the Father exalted him beyond that previous glory. R1161:5 John 6:62
and Mark 16:19 testify that before Jesus' advent to earth he occupied the place next to the Father; later, he was highly exalted. R1059:3 If he had been equal to God before his earthly experience, he could
have been more highly exalted afterward. R803:1 "Though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him (so) no more." 2 Cor. 5:16. He is now exalted, spiritual. R578:2 Most Christians who consider the second advent think Jesus is now a glorified man, failing to see that he laid down his human nature. R546:3 Compare with Heb. 1:4. Now he is a new
creature, a sharer in the glory of the divine nature; not the glory of a man, below the angels. R453:5 We are assured that Jesus did share in the Father's plan: "For the joy that was set before him, he
the cross." (Heb. 12:2) R387:2; CR451:6; HG309:2 The additional honors and glory Christ has received will magnify and multiply with the revolving ages. R445:5*What
the sacrifice of Jesus did for him, our sacrifice is to do for us.
Laying down our human nature, we partake of the divine nature. R382:6; HG298:5 Implies that Jesus' present glory is greater than that he
possessed before becoming a man. R370:2, R280:5; Q448:T, CR413:5 One joy set before Jesus was to release humanity
from death; one was to bring many sons to glory. Another was his exaltation. R164:3, CR451:6 Instead of pardoning sinners, instead of making new, imperfect laws adapted to human degradation, God's plan
rewarded a savior.
HG309:2 An assurance of the Heavenly Father's faithfulness in not leaving his Son on a lower plane. OV354:3 God commissioned Jesus to execute all the divine purposes; and to him he handed over the scroll with the privilege of
comprehending it. SM489:2
Given him a name Authority above every name, next to the Father. A92; R2550:5, R710:4 A
title and honor, a distinction, a place above all others. R5847:2, R4213:3, R2819:3, R1515:2, R1278:5; E444 One name he shall be called is Wonderful, which describes his career, his character, his life among men, his
resurrection, his exaltation. R3912:2 "His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace." (Isa. 9:6) R3687:3Honor, dominion and power above all others, next to his own. R2550:5, R710:4 Official position. R61:3*, R316:2*
Above every name "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." (Matt. 28:18) A289; B111; R1592:1, R1269:6 The Father's name only excepted. (1 Cor. 15:27) B108, E394, E444; R1879:4, R1252:4* "That all men should honor the Son even as they honor the Father." (John 5:23) E83; R2199:4, R1278:5, R1231:4, R667:5, R418:1; HG298:5 Far above angels and principalities and powers and every name that is named in heaven and in earth. (Eph. 1:21) E393; R4929:1,R3378:6, R2761:4, R2408:2, R2228:4, R1262:6; OV407:2; SM74:1 After his resurrection to the right hand of the Father, he was glorified and received a name above every name.
The angels sang. R2156:2 Lord of all. R1278:4, R709:4; OV307:6 The Greek word for "every" is also translated "all" elsewhere. R838:4
[Phil. 2:10]
That at the name Messiah's Kingdom must first enlighten the world. R5008:2*
Of Jesus Our Lord's resurrection was to glory, honor and immortality, far above human nature, angelic nature, principalities and powers. (Eph. 1:21) SM74:1; R5269:1 He has become the
of Abraham" which is to bless the race redeemed when Jehovah's "due time" shall come. R4929:2
Every knee Those who crucified him, yea, all the world of mankind, will know of his great sacrifice and of his high exaltation.
They must bow to him. R5847:4 During his Messianic kingdom
a thousand years. R5587:6 Soon every knee will bow to God and every tongue confess his praise. All lovers of sin will be destroyed in the second death. R5286:6,R2972:5, R1057:2 All mankind will come into fellowship with the kingdom. It will spread for the thousand years, from one individual to another. R5183:2 Before the close of the Millennial age. R3687:3 All must hear the glad tidings: the living nations (to earth's remotest bounds) and all who have gone down
into death. R2972:5, R331:5 The authority of Christ is not confined to the house of Israel nor to the land of Palestine, because all authority is his. R1283:2* Because the sheep are more numerous than the goats, it would seem the obedient will outnumber the disobedient in the end of the Millennium. R1057:4 God's
original plan (of peopling the earth with human beings in harmony with himself) will be accomplished. R1057:4 The second Adam's glory is so much superior to angels, as well as being superior to the first man,
that every knee shall bow. R486:4 All will recognize the power of Jehovah's anointed. R331:5 After the thousand years in which Satan is bound, after the little
season, the agency of evil being ended, then every knee shall bow. R255:1 Only Gospel age saints will share in the first resurrection, but vast multitudes will be saved in the earthly resurrection.
earth, after the glorification of the Church, all men shall have a full opportunity to come back into full harmony with God. HG234:3 Offers of grace will no longer be held out, with reward for faith attached, for knowledge shall fill the whole earth.
11:9) SM440:T Of the heavenly and earthly families. OV307:6; R5292:5
Should bow The work of the promised Kingdom is not merely a work of grace in the hearts of believers. A282 The selection now of the "little flock" confirms these promises. A283 To the power then in control. D520 But not yet.
Many fail to see God's purpose included a Church class. The Church must be completed and then
inaugurated with Messiah. R5761:6, R4964:5 Recognize and render obedience. R5587:6 Testifying to the success of the
blessing which will attend the work of the Church. R5057:3, R4534:4, R4527:6 In that great seventh day, the
of Messiah will rule and reign in the world for its judgment, uplifting and b1essing. R4879:6 That which will specially mark Messiah's kingdom will be that it will have perfect ideals and it will be backed by
divine power. R4875:1 Joseph reminds us of the Lord Jesus: Pharaoh provided that he should be escorted before the people that they would bow the knee. R3979:4First
he appeared in the presence of the Father and presented before him his complete work; then he was glorified above every name. R2819:3 Because our Lord was found worthy to be the head of the "seed of Abraham,"
to him every knee shall bow. R2228:4 The stony and proud hearts will be broken.
Humbled, mankind will be able and willing to appreciate the grace of God. R1466:1Forced submission, by a rod of iron (Rev. 2:27). But, at the same time there will be a drawing of men's heartshearts cannot be forced. R1057:1; SM440:T It is God's purpose, committed into the hands of
Jesus Christ, to save a lost world. The end gained is the fruit of God's love. R99:2* The Lord's people now recognize Jesus as their king: he is not yet the king of the world. HG663:5 As a result of the
knowledge of the glory of God filling the earth. (Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14) SM130:2 In bowing to Christ and the Church the world will be bowing to Jehovah (Isa. 45:23); Jesus will forever be the representative of the Father. OV351:4
Of things in heaven Spiritual beings. A289 He was received into glory; and all the angels of God worshiped him whom the Father had thus exalted to his own right hand. R5847:2 The Church also acknowledging him her Lord, her Head. R4476:3 Heavenly beingsangels. R458:1, R331:5, R61:3* Already the heavenly hosts have bowed.
CR435:3, CR452:1; Q394:T "Let all the angels of God worship
(acknowledge) Him." (Heb. 1:6) OV307:6
Things in earth Human beings. A289 It is by the Father's decree that our Lord Jesus will take possession of earth. (Psa. 2:8) R1385:4Living men. R458:1, R331:5, R61:3* Things of earth will bow during the Millennial age. Q394:T, OV307:6
Things under the earth Those now in the tomb, but yet to be raised to learn the truth as it is in Jesus. R5748:5, R458:1, R331:5, R61:3* The duration of perpetual (olam) is determined by context.
See Jer. 51:39 and Jer. 51:57. Paul does not here consider death perpetual. R3725:5 Neither death nor hades is an insurmountable barrier to this opportunity of bowing and confessing; the Lord holds the keys of both. R1283:3* They that are in
their gravesthe dead. R280:4 Underground ones. (Diaglott) R69:6*
[Phil. 2:11]
Every tongue should confess To the justice of the arrangement. D520 The most wonderful thing that the Bible tells us respecting that new day is that it will bring enlightenment to
every creature. R6013:5 At the close of the Messianic reign. R5927:6 For a thousand years the restitution privileges will be open to the whole world of mankind.
All will know the Lord. R5919:6 Will be heard praising God. R4974:2 The multitude, seeing the blind man had received sight, praised God. All spiritual blindness
will change to spiritual sight, praise God. R3848:5 Knowledge shall fill the whole earth as the waters cover the great deep. (Isa. 11:9) All shall know the Lord. (Jer. 31:34) CR51:3, CR21:6 Confess with joy.
OV175:6 By and by Christ shall reign; he shall put down everything contrary to God. He will reign for a thousand years, but he is not reigning now. HG188:6 The jewels, the Messianic Kingdom, will bless the world. Satan will be bound. Blinded eyes will be
opened; deaf ears unstopped. (Hab. 2:14) SM130:2 Antichrists compelled each knee to bow, taught that they were God's kingdom, caused persecution of the saints, hindered truth-seekers. R321:2
That Jesus Christ is Lord He is to be the world's King of Glory and is to reign for a thousand years. R5847:4 That the Savior Anointed is the Lord. R1283:3* Because he humbled himself to manhood, and then to disgraceful death in obedience to the Father's plan for our redemption. R810:4 Master, ruler. R458:1 Every inferior creature will recognize man as its lord, and every human being will recognize Christ as Lord. R419:2, R165:4 Let us not
abandon hope of a Golden Age, the Restitution of All things, or Future Probation, for they are taught by many scriptures.
HG337:2 The Scriptures speak of our Lord as already the Mediator, because the Father has indicated him as the one who will later
perform mediation. SM720:1
To the glory of God the Father All this glorifying of the Son will directly be to the Father's glory; the entire plan of salvation is of the Father and through the Son. R5847:4
[Phil. 2:12]
My beloved St. Paul dearly loved the Philippian brethren, and he had received many proofs of their love for him, aiding him in time of need. R5846:3, R5810:2 Not an exhortation to the world, but to the Church of Christ alone, sons of God, through consecration and spirit-begetting. R5758:3, R5304:1The new creation, the spiritual new creatures in Christ, yet they are the same ego, the same personality, as before becoming a new creature. R5303:2 Let us apply to ourselves the loving exhortations of
Apostle to the church at Philippi. R4929:2
As ye have always obeyed The Apostle Paul pays a beautiful tribute to the church at Philippi.
He refers in tender and loving terms to their obedience always. R5854:2, R2228:5
As in my presence Greek, parousia. One of two places in the common English Bible where properly rendered "presence." B158, B159;R2979:1; HG24:4
Work out We are under a solemn contract to see that the work of transformation steadily progresses. Our agreement was to be dead to the world. R5855:2 A work of sacrifice, a daily work of
crucifixion of the flesh. This slow, painful, lingering process ends only with our death. R5855:4 Studying would not have made new creatures of us, nor any works.
But after we have come into God's family
through Jesus, good works show. R5759:2 We are to accept the Lord's providences as nourishments for the new creature, appropriating them to ourselves, that we may grow. R5759:5 This expression suggests something that is difficult, that requires time and patience; painstaking care. R5304:2 Treading the pathway of humility, continually checking human
aspirations, keeping the sacrifice on the altar until consumed. R5186:4, R1920:3, R1487:5 Working out in ourselves
through humility and obedience the character, the disposition of Christ. R4929:4, R2228:5 God does not purpose to take us to glory regardless of our own
The exhortation is to "work," to "labor," "to strive." R4796:2 No scripture implies we can be independent of our Lord. The perfect work of Christ, his merit imputed to us, is the basis of our own work. R4796:6 The new will must hold its dominating influence over the fleshly mind and body. R3986:5 Self-denial and self-sacrifice are works which must be performed if
would be of the electworks not ours (as men) but as "new creatures." R3586:2 Those who are not up and doing are giving the enemy great advantage over them. R3150:1Being justified, being called, we can make our calling and election sure. (2 Pet. 1:10) R2228:5, R4929:4, R2094:1*A faith that Christ will save us in our sins is a misplaced faith.
Rather, God will cleanse those who come to him by Christ and repent. R2154:6 The zeal which strives, runs, fights, and watches with
vigilance that the sacrifice is kept upon the altar is regarded as extreme, peculiar. R2123:2 In the next age as in this age, it would be vain to expect eternal life because of Christ's righteousness and yet
continue in sin. R2094:1* It is BY our willing and BY our running that we obtain the prize; it is not OF our willing nor OF our running, but OF God's mercy. R2001:1If you keep faith locked in your bosom and live as an earthly being, the works of earth will swallow up and destroy the faith. R216:4 God has placed you in the school of Christ, until you come to the full
stature of Christ Jesus. Q619:4 We are to show our loyalty to the principles of God's Word and character by putting away all filthiness of the flesh and spirit.
Your own salvation Salvation is "not of ourselves, lest any man should boast." It is through Jesus, our Savior; our salvation is by grace. (Tit. 3:5) R5854:3 We cannot work out our own
justification; but being justified by the blood of Christ, we can do our share in this great work. R5854:3, R2228:5, R741:6 A salvation from death to life, from sin to righteousnessa transformation from human nature to divine. R5854:5, R741:6 No one has
salvation now except in a reckoned sense. R5304:1 The salvation peculiar to this Gospel age, "so great salvation" (Heb.2:3). R5304:1, R741:6 The great salvation to glory, honor and immortality which God hath promised. R4929:4, R2228:5, R741:6 Paul is addressing the Church, not the world. R5303:2 In this age and the next age, justification through faith in Christ does not insure eternal life; it secures legal standing
God. R2094:1*
With fear and trembling A most solemn matter.
The Lord requires the fulfilment of vows. If death is not voluntary, he will destroy our flesh or our being. R5855:5 Showing need of great
carefulnessresponsibility, liability to failure and its serious consequencesnot to be taken lightly. R5856:1, R4796:6, R2154:6 Praying, watching, losing no time in retracing a wrong step and calling for forgiveness, never presuming upon God's mercy. R5492:4 A condition of great earnestness. There is no room
for foolishness, or lightness, or frivolity. God is testing every power we possess. R5304:5 Lest we come short of worthiness for the prize promised to the faithful overcomers. R5186:4, R1167:1 Rebellion of any kind in our heart must be thoroughly killed, mortified, bringing our will into perfect submission to God's. R4910:4Not the dread of Isa. 29:13, but like Jesus' fear of nonattainment of the promises. Not literal trembling, but proper fear of God is wisdom. R4796:3 Paul desired that these disciples should continue to
manifest the fruits of the spirit, to grow in grace, and to learn self-denial. R1703:3
[Phil. 2:13]
It is God All evils permitted (sickness, pain, sorrow, trouble) shall by divine wisdom and love and power be overruled for good. E410, E411; R5855:5 By means of the promises in his Word. F71; R4929:4, R4790:1, R3586:2, R2879:1, R2228:5, R2123:4*, R597:6*; CR335:1; SM389:T It is God who planned the whole matter and who has been working in us. We did not begin this work. It should never have occurred to us. R5855:5 It is encouraging for us to know that this warfare is not one which we must wage alone.
All the powers of heaven are enlisted on our behalf. R5854:3, R2228:5 We could not do this work ourselves. The power that is working in us is of God. R5284:4, R2878:6 We may boast,
but not of ourselves. Our boast is in God who is working in us. R5114:1 The Spirit of the Lord gives us a spirit of power, strength, courage, energy; we are able to do more than we could otherwise. R5094:2 We cannot work out our own justification. R4929:4, R3586:2, R2228:5By means of the various experiences of life, its disciplines and humbling processes.
We must take heed to each lesson as it comes. R4790:1, R2123:4*, R1920:3 By his indwelling spirit or disposition. R3251:6, R3586:2, R2123:3*It is the Lord's part to provide the way, the truth, the lifethe means. It is our part to use the means and thus to attain the prize. R3021:4 God works in us through Christ, while in his strength we
out our own salvation. R2123:4* We are continually dependent on the Lordfor our first impulse toward holiness, and for the encouragement which his promises inspire. R1698:6 We can rejoice that our infirmities will cause God's power to shine forth the more brightly; our ability is from his favor. R1046:2* Christian Sabbath-keeping is to refrain from
our own ways, finding our own pleasures, speaking our own words, every day.
HG583:5* God's part is to forgive our past sins, cleanse us from past condemnation, cover our unintentional blemishes, and encourage. SM395:1
Which worketh in you The Church. R1175:3, R5303:6 The work of grace goes on in our hearts and lives by his providences and by the
warnings and counsels of his Word. R5855:6 The Father works in us as New Creaturesas we exercise ourselves in the control of the flesh, we become strong. R5759:4Not as soon as you were bought, but from before the time of your begetting and quickening. You were called of God before consecration. R5303:2 The willing comes first, then the quickening, energizing,
His promises help; and He provided the Advocatewe cannot do perfectly. R5303:6 It was God that worked in Jesus. It is God that is now working in us in the same manner. R4597:1, R1920:3, R164:6 After our justification, God's power begins to work in us, knitting us together, making us completely one with the
Shepherd. R4321:4 God strengthens our new minds by revealing to us more clearly the significance of the exceeding great and precious promises of his Word. R3986:5,R2661:4 "Our sufficiency is of God." (2 Cor. 3:5) It is only as we become filled with the spirit of God that we can do these things. R2123:3* We are
dependent on the Lord. R1698:6 Let God speak and guide through his Word.
Search the Scriptures. Let us not magnify ourselves in relating our experiences nor in prayer. R317:4* He will not work in us contrary to our will. CR444:4, CR335:1
Both to will and to do Our progress is gradual, growing in grace, in knowledge, into God's character-likeness. R5759:5 To do what he has given us in his Word as his will. R5728:1, R4910:4, R1175:3 The willing comes first, then the quickening, energizing, doing. R5303:6; CR458:1 To willas when we made our consecrationis not enough. To doour good intentions must be brought into practice in our lives. R4796:2 Rather than only receiving more
knowledge of God's plan, the facts of the Truth, we must permit the truth to work in our hearts. R2753:1 If you have been led of the Lord to will, to desire, to please him, you surely have a way to perform,
do, his pleasure. R548:6 From the time of his baptism, Jesus' words and works were of God.
As we are led by the spirit, we will become sons and he will work in us. R418:4
His good pleasure Which is to carry out the work of self-sacrifice even unto death. R5720:1; Q264:5 Christian common sense notes the
principles and precepts of the divine law and acts accordingly. R1781:4 It is God's good pleasure to guide those who are fully consecrated. R1272:6
[Phil. 2:14]
Do all things In following in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus. R4929:5, R5855:6, R5811:1
Without murmurings We are not to find fault with the difficulties and narrowness of the way. R5811:1, R5855:6, R4929:5, R2228:6 The murmurers and complainers in typical Israel were not permitted to enter into Canaan's blessings, for murmurs are against the Lord. R4502:4
And disputings Nor are we to dispute how or where we are to be led, nor to seek to have any other way than that which divine providence marks out for us. R5855:6, R5811:1, R4929:5, R2228:6 Work without complaining, without fault-finding, leaving to God the management of his workrealizing we would be
to manage it. R4502:4
[Phil. 2:15]
That ye may be blameless Devoid of any disposition to do evil; not controlled by anger, malice, hatred, strife. R4797:1 Not necessarily perfectto be blameless in the sight of God is to
live so that he may see one's intentions to be just, loving, kind. R4797:1 We cannot expect to please everybody. We are to be blameless in the sight of those who are recognized as having the best judgment. R4797:2 It is safest to suppose our flesh is not dead, to keep guard against every snare of the adversary.
Danger lurks in over-confidence. R4191:4 The "Head" will
present us before the Father "blameless," "irreproachable," with the evidence that we followed in his steps. R3710:4 Those who come unto the Father by the Son will not be fully, actually presented until the
Son shall have cleansed and perfected them. R1713:5 Our Lord Jesus will present before the Father all of the world counted worthy to attain to the Millennial age and full perfection of being. R916:5
And harmless Not merely so far as God or the brethren would see, but in the sight of the world. R4797:1
The sons of God, without rebuke Not yet sons of God without imperfection; but in the future, in the moment of our "change," we shall be "sons of God without rebuke." R5219:1 As such the
Father received us the moment that Jesus applied to us his meritwhen we accepted the Lord's terms and presented ourselves. R4578:6 Let not our former master, Sin, rule in us.
We must overcome the world,
throwing all our influence on the side of our new Captain. R1007:1
A crooked The life of the Jewish nation not always open wickedness, but a crookedness, doing right and wrongceremonies, hearts of unbelief. R4797:4
And perverse Implies unwillingness to be guided by the Lord. R4797:4
Nation Israel had continually gravitated toward idolatry. When corrected and brought back, their prosperity lasted until they strayed again. R2370:6
Ye shine as lights It is the light of God's truth shining in our hearts which shines out upon the world. (2 Cor. 4:6) E293; R375:2"Let
your light so shine before men." (Matt. 5:16) E293 "Now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light." (Eph. 5:8; 1 Thes. 5:5) E293
In the world The Lord's people are to seek to walk in his ways, that they may "show forth the praises of him who has called them out of darkness." R4797:4 Whatever light the world gets
the Bible reaches them indirectly, as reflected from the children of God. R3646:3 The world will fail to apprehend the light until "the heavenly city" is as a "city on a hill" which "cannot be hid." R421:6, R338:5
[Phil. 2:16]
Holding forth The work of the Church during this age (the Golden Table in the Holy) has been to feed all who enter the covenanted spiritual condition. T115
The word of life We preach not ourselves, but Christ,the power of God and the wisdom of God. R1536:5 Represented by the shewbread. T115;R4782:4
In the day of Christ When our "change" shall come. R5811:4 A period, not a 24-hour day. R2836:1 Paul urged the Church to so run, that they
share in the rejoicing in that day. R593:2
[Phil. 2:17]
I joy Paul was glad to pour out his own life on their behalf (margin) that they might attain unto the fullness of the likeness of Christ. R5811:1
[Phil. 2:19]
To send Timotheus From Rome, Paul sent messengers and helpers to distant churches. R1570:5
[Phil. 2:25]
Your messenger Epaphroditus had brought the memorial of the love of the Philippian church. Paul sent back with him this beautiful letter. R2227:6 From Rome, Paul sent messengers and
to distant churches. R1570:5
[Phil. 2:27]
Indeed he was sick Upon Epaphroditus's recovery from his severe illness, the Apostle Paul used him as messenger to take this epistle to the church at Philippi. R5810:2 Epaphroditus,
at Rome in the malarial season, took dangerously ill, probably with what is termed the Pontine, or Roman fever. R3127:2, R2227:6
Sick nigh unto death Divine power, so far as we are informed, was neither invoked nor exercised on his behalf. F653; R4980:1, R2838:1, R2364:6, R712:6 For the Gospel's sakebecause of his faithful assistance in the work of the Lord when there
seemed little help coming from other sources. R5810:2 Usually, saints have only received the healing of spiritual blindness and faltering; now, restitution healing of men (not saints) begins. R712:6
But God had mercy It was of divine mercy and not of prayer that the recovery took place. R2838:2 God sometimes grants his "New Creatures" special favors and manifestations of an earthly
in their hours of need. R2009:2
[Phil. 2:29]
Receive him An introduction by letter, as a safe-guard against "false brethren." R1707:1, R1720:2
Hold such in reputation Paul wrote not commandingly but entreatingly; not arbitrarily, but giving the reasons why those commended should be held in esteem. R1822:2
[Phil. 2:30]
For the work of Christ Epaphroditus's sickness was of the same class of afflictions as the sufferings of Christ, aggravated by activity in God's service. R2007:3
Not regarding Not sparing. R2007:3
His life Greek, psuche; soul, being. E338
[Phil. 3:1]
Rejoice in the Lord The grand climacteric of Christian experience is this ability to rejoice in all affairs of life; they are under divine supervision. HG374:4 We rejoice in our privilege of election to the high calling, because it
means the privilege of sharing in the uplift of the non-elect. NS653:2
[Phil. 3:2]
Beware Be cautious, careful and watchfula wholesome dread should keep us continually on guard. R1670:6, R1671:1 The church militant has
almost accomplished her warfare; her great foe, seeing his time is short, is industrious to foil God's purpose. R1661:6* If you find any dogs, don't rub them the wrong way. Q227:2
Of dogs "His watchmen are blind: they are all dumb dogs. Yea, they are greedy dogs." (Isa. 56:10-11) F287 The great Adversary will oppose our progress, and his emissaries will
slander, backbite, and generally seek to injure us. R1751:3 In the Scriptures dogs are generally used as symbols of evil. R1671:1 Apt symbols of a dangerous and
wicked class of peoplethe idler; the filthy, breeding spiritual contagion; the greedy, self-seeking; those that snarl, bite and devour, or treacherously lie in wait to deceive. R1671:1, R1661:6* Quarrelsome, snappish dispositions, always selfishly seeking their own advantage. R1661:6 Not literal dogs, but figurative dogsany that have the
characteristics of dogs, snapping and barking. Q227:2
Of evil workers Those given to evil-speaking and evil surmising. R1671:2 Those who are injuring others. Q227:3 Do not have fellowship with
them. Q227:3
Of the concision Those not fully and truly consecrated to God; but who stir up strife and factions in the Church. R1671:2 The influence of the semi-worldly mind is often more subtle, and
therefore more dangerous. R1671:2 The dividing spirit, the spirit of contention, which genders unholy strife. R1661:6* Those who were in opposition to
circumcision. Q227:4
[Phil. 3:3]
For we New Creatures in Christ. R3200:2
Are the circumcision The real circumcision. R3200:2 Signifies a cutting offa separation from the flesh, its aims, hopes, desires, etc. R3022:3;HG452:2; NS616:1 Whose circumcision is in the heart. R1671:2; HG452:2 Cutting away from our affections the injurious things. Q227:4
No confidence in the flesh Or the fleshly relationships. R3200:2 We are to reckon the flesh dead indeed unto sin, and alive toward God and toward the performance of good instead of evil
works; but we are not to trust it for a moment.
[Phil. 3:5]
The stock of Israel Not just the "ten tribes," but "all Israel." C293, R1341:1
[Phil. 3:6]
Concerning zeal Paul had a religious zeal which led him to persecute Christ and his followers as heretics against the Mosaic institutions. R2823:3
Persecuting the Church The thought seemed to influence Paul to labor the more diligently. R1885:4
Blameless Paul was blameless in that he had been trying to keep the Law. As a member of the Jewish nation, he was not blameless because the nation was responsible for the blood of Jesus. Q601:3 Paul would not need to be baptized, for baptism was needful for an outward sinner who wanted to come back into harmony with God. Q602:T
[Phil. 3:7]
What things Ambitions, honors, position, power, etc. R5319:2 His being a circumcised Hebrew, his zeal for God and his Law, etc. R1671:5 Home
comforts, influence, etc. R832:5, R465:4*
Were gain to me Valuable. R1656:6 Paul was fitted for a high social and political position, both by birth and education. R133:6, R2729:2, R1656:6, R478:3
Counted loss He threw them all away after comparing them with the prize of the high calling. R5319:2 Paul's prompt transfer of his affections and desires and everything he possessed to
Lord is a beautiful illustration of those upon whom the Lord shines.
[Phil. 3:8]
I count all things The Apostle had learned to view the present existence as of small value"Neither count I my life dear unto myself." (Acts 20:24) E337 Earthly favors and
advantages. F467; NS79:3 As Jacob forsook his father's house so must we spiritual Israelites forsake all earthly hopes and aims. R5206:2 Earthly
and hopes. R4526:1; F467 Our time, our influence, means, opportunitiesall earthly things which we have held most sacred and most dearall we have
sacrificed. R2268:4, R3001:4
But loss Paul counted every other interest and consideration as of no value. R4605:4 The apostles gladly paid the price of the truth. R4526:1If
we suffer losses or injustice in earthly matters let us remember that to us those things are already counted "loss and dross." R1037:6 Daily losing sight of these earthly things, considering them unworthy of
notice, hoping they might never again have a place in his heart.
HG452:3 Paul was willing to count everything of his previous hopes and ambitions as unworthy of the slightest notice. NS616:2 The heavenly, divine hopes and promises are so glorious that
earthly things fade into insignificance in comparison with them. NS270:6
The knowledge of Christ Jesus A knowledge of Christ's character, a knowledge of God's grace toward us through him, a knowledge of the plan which centers in him. R3001:4, R1656:6; HG423:5 Not only were the future glories worthy of loss, but even the knowledge of Christ was alone worth the price. R3001:4; CR320:2 Heart sympathy and
communion with the Lord. R2037:2; NS616:3 Knowledge of the treasure hid in Christ Jesus. R1656:6 Growth in knowledge of truth is the privilege and the duty of
The education of the saints will not be complete until they have laid off the flesh, and been made like Christ. R127:3* You cannot become a servant of the Lord without knowledge. CR320:2 As the
Messiah. HG452:3; NS616:2 Far from ignorant of his Saviour, Paul intimates that the more he knew the more he realized the love of God, "manifested in Jesus." NS616:3
I have suffered In trials, besetments, burdens, sacrifices and sufferings. R643:3
The loss of all The apostles' preaching did not bring them wealth, but cost them much in self-sacrificeconvincing proof of their sincerity, their honesty. R4526:1 In espousing an
cause, Jesus' followers became objects of hatred and derision and were boycotted socially and every way. R4526:1 Could imply that Paul had been disinherited by his father because of his acceptance of Jesus
Messiah. R2969:1 Every cross seems harder before than after we lay hold to lift it.
The Master himself will come the closer and help us. R832:6 At great cost, Paul
sought membership in that Body and the superior or chief resurrection it will enjoy. R827:6
Count them Honor amongst men, favor, influence, etc. R5978:2 All earthly glories and honors and gains. R366:5 Earthly wealth, influence,
pleasures. R245:4
Dung Those who see the prize may count all other hopes as but loss and dross in comparison. A218, NS467 Vile refuse. R5978:2, R478:5, R245:4 If we do not consider it a privilege to experience earthly loss, it must be that we lack the love of God. R245:4Gladly sacrificing earthly conveniences and comforts that they might have a share in the great work of proclaiming the message of the King.
That I may win Christ Gain a place in the everlasting kingdom of Messiah. R5720:2 Attain divine favor and chief blessing as heir of God and joint-heir with Jesus Christ. R3965:2, R5206:3, R4526:1 Win a membership in that glorious Body. R1512:5,R133:6; HG668:1 Let not this greatest of all gifts slip from us, but let us hold fast to that which we have already attained, and onward press our way. NS339:4
[Phil. 3:9]
And "That I may win Christ and (abiding in him to the end) be found in him" complete at last. R1008:2
Be found in him A member of the Anointed One. R2729:4; HG230:2 The robe of Christ's righteousness is provided for him who abides in Christ, was chosen in him, walks in him, is built up in
him. R1008:2 As members of the Body of Christ. R361:3, R4680:3, R3001:4,R1656:6, R827:6, R643:3; NS214; CR320:3 In the anointedmembership in the Body of that Great Mediator.
CR328:6 As a member of the glorious Body beyond the
veilthe Bridethe Lamb's wife, who shall sit with him in his throne. HG230:2 The Father has promised and provided glorious things for Jesus, the great Sacrificer, and all who walk in his footsteps as members of the Royal Priesthood. NS214:2
Which is of the Law Of the Law covenant. R4680:3
But that which is through the faith of Christ Where entire consecration to the will of God exists, based on the ransom here expressed, such consecrated ones are in the right way. R479:5Our
standing in God's sight is no longer as sinners, but as sons in Christ. R193:4
Righteousness which is of God The righteousness of Christ which God imputes to us.
By faith Not by the New (Law) covenant. R4680:4
[Phil. 3:10]
That I may know him Fully. R361:3 That I might be raised as he was raised. R277:4 Paul was desirous of realizing God's love fully, of having
intimate heart communion with him, of copying the Son in acts and viewpoint. HG452:4; NS616:3 Might be identified with him. HG230:2 Signifies an "intimate acquaintance" with himto enjoy more and more of fellowship with himto really know him, not
know about him. CR320:4,5
And the power Sharing it. R4177:5 Experience the power. R2138:2, R672:4 "All power in heaven and
in earth." (Matt. 28:18) R1692:1 Sharing in the power of HIS anastasisraising to perfection. R361:3 If we are submerged into the will of Christ, we lose
and the only controlling authority, the power, in this body is its Head; raised in his likeness, we shall know the power of his resurrection. R132:3 The power that not only raised Jesus from the dead, but far
above all othersto experience the power, not merely by and by, but now, to rise with Christ, walking with him in newness of life, a New Creature.
Of his resurrection The Church's part in his resurrection will be effected at the second advent of her Lord, as the completion of his resurrection. HG299:5 Our grand hope is that we may share with our Lord in his resurrection of
perfection of being on the highest of all planes. NS534:3 After the true Church has finished its course, and been made sharers in his resurrection, their probationary membership in the Church of Christ will shortly be changed to actual membership. E230 As a member of his Body, his Church. F441; R4680:4, R3174:4, R3132:1, R2795:2, R2318:3, R1642:4, R1204:2; NS616:5, R339:1, R52:5 The special resurrectionto the divine nature. R4964:6, R4504:1, R1179:6, R1437:1, R930:4; HG333:6,
HG299:5; NS534:3, NS341:3 "Christ's resurrection," the "first" or "chief resurrection." R4588:1, R5105:2, R2797:2,R2138:2, R2051:2, R1642:4, R1260:1, R1179:5, R827:6; E230; F699; HG299:5; NS616:5, NS534:3, NS341:3; Q309:T His Body, the Church, is now being born in the end of this Gospel age. R4464:2; CR59:2 "We shall be like him" (1 John 3:2)our resurrection is a part of
"his resurrection"raised in glory, power, a spiritual body, immortality. R1857:1, R4549:1, R4545:5, R4534:1, R4527:5, R3376:1, R2618:6, R2477:2, R2318:3, R1656:6, R729:5, R206:1, R133:6; CR316:1; NS341:3; Q179:5; SM143:1 The resurrection of the just (Acts 24:15)"THE resurrection" (Emphasis in the Greek1 Cor. 15:42; Phil. 3:11)"the
resurrection of (or to) life." (John 5:29) R1854:4, R672:4, R277:3, R205:6;HG334:1 The faithful, overcoming Bride and joint-heir will share with Christ Jesus this resurrection to the highest station. R1642:4 All who share "his death" will also share "his resurrection." R1542:5, R1437:1, R930:4 The resurrection. R1512:6, R1204:2 The "first-fruit" class will be first in order and first in rank because they were associated with Christ in sacrificing now. R1511:2, R1204:2 The first fruits include the Redeemer and all of the Gospel age overcomers. R1437:1; NS341:2 Immersion manifests one's desire to symbolize his death with
Christ, his begetting to the new nature, and his hope of full birth to the divine likeness as sharers with Christ in his resurrection. R1302:3, R930:4, R396:2 Fulfilling the exceeding great and precious promises, this resurrection, on which all else depends, occurs during the sound of the seventh trumpet (the last). R1260:1 This first resurrection will precede the general resurrection of all mankind, and have preeminence over it. R1204:2, R1179:6 The choice
resurrection. R1179:6 According to the Greek, the "out-resurrection," exanastasis, the selected-out ones, out from among the dead. R1179:6, R672:4, R624:3*; HG230:2 As we review the closing hours of our Redeemer's ministry, we would be profited by a fresh examination of his resurrection, "the firstborn
from the dead," "the firstborn among many brethren." R850:3 A resurrection to spiritual being. R729:5, R672:4, R277:3 Called "his" resurrection because he was the first so raised. R277:3 We prefer to sacrifice our humanity because of our faith in God's promise of a higher
rather than to share with our human father Adam a restitution to human perfection. R382:6 Jesus' resurrection was the first to be raised completely out of death's control.
Will God deliver the Head and not
complete the work? (Isa. 66:9) R361:2 Experience the same resurrection as Jesus. R133:6; NS341:3, NS339:1 Different from the human race generally, who will rise to
human perfection. HG452:6; NS616:5, NS341:4 Only those who are called of the Lord here in this Gospel age are invited to suffer with him, and then share in his resurrection. HG230:1; R1437:1 The Body is
as participating with their Lord in the glorious things of his resurrection, which is so different from the resurrection which will come to the remainder of mankind.
NS637:3, NS341:3 As we endeavor to walk contrary to the world, temptations will come;
our glorious Master thus fits and prepares us for participation in the first resurrection, "his resurrection." NS228:6 The Church shall share our Lord's reward of glory, honor and immortality and with him shall be the Mediator between God and men. Q179:5 The elect Church, the Royal Priesthood, are to enter upon their priestly office after sharing with Christ in his resurrection. SM143:1 The Great Company will have no part whatever in the first
resurrection. R5105:2; Q308:4
Fellowship of his sufferings The members of his Body fill up the measure of the sufferings of Christ which are behind (Col. 1:24; 1 Pet. 4:13; 2 Cor. 1:7)these sufferings require all of the Gospel age to complete. T50 Our Lord's Church is to share his reward on condition she share in his cup of suffering and self-sacrificeshare in his baptism into his death. R4549:1, R4680:4, R4504:1, R478:5 The worthiness of consecrated believers to share Christ's name and coming glory depends upon
their faithfulness in suffering with him. R827:6 Because glory with him is dependent upon suffering with him, the consecrated will not ask for physical healing. R379:1The necessary condition of the higher life is the death of the lower one, by the crucifixion of its evil affections and desires. R145:5* Suffering with Christ involves more than a simple separation from
We must be dead to the world; then we shall not love the world or worldly things. R127:3* While doing the work of Christ during the fifth and sixth thousand-year-days, the Church has also been called
upon to suffer with Christ. R92:4* As Jesus suffered without the gate"Let us go forth therefore unto him without (outside) the camp, bearing his reproach." R80:3The
fellowship in his sufferings and his death and his resurrection are some of the ways that show our unity with Christ. R30:6* If you managed to avoid all suffering it would mean that you were not living as you
CR320:6 Paul considered these sufferings of the present life a privilege. HG452:3 The learning of valuable lessons to fit and qualify us for the work of being kings, priests and judges with our Lord in his coming Kingdom. Q429:4
Being made By being made. R2138:2, R4964:6
Conformable unto his death Not only a passive conformity to his disposition or spirit; also an energetic zeal in the promulgation of his truth at all hazards. C207 Not a different
death from his, but a similar onenot a death as a sinner, but a sacrificial one. R4680:4; NS339:4 Such full surrender is possible to those only who know him well and have drunk in his spirit. R2138:2 If we suffer with him and endure afflictions even unto death for righteousness' sake, we are counted as sharers of his death. R1542:5 Immersion in water is
beautiful and appropriate symbol of burying the will into the will of Christ, living only unto him. R1278:6 The blood, the wine, the cup, represents death, of which the Church partakes.
The flesh is for all
world. R1015:6 As grains of wheat, believers (reckoned perfect by his sacrifice) are invited by Jesus to do as he did, to sacrifice, to lay down all their human rights and privileges, to be made conformable
his death. R729:5 We rejoice to be delivered from Adamic death, but we seek and rejoice to be dead with him. R382:6 During this age, so many of the believers as
desire may join themselves to Christ in sacrificing their humanity, and become thereby sharers with him of divinity. R364:1 "Present your bodies"powers, talents, reputations, all. (Rom. 12:1) The glorious
resurrection is only attained by those who consecrate themselves entirely to God's service. R277:4, R206:1 By giving up things not sinful and to which you have a
right. R133:2 From the moment we enter into this covenant of death and life, we begin the work of crucifying the human nature, and God begins to develop in us the divine nature by imparting to us the holy
spirit. R131:5 To die with him. R117:2* Paul does not mean that he must die on the cross, but that he must die a sacrificial death; he must lay down in his life in
God's service.
HG230:3; R1542:5
[Phil. 3:11]
By any means At any costany sacrifice. The prize offered during the Gospel age is so infinitely sublime that it is priceless. The advantages of the next age will be favorable, but the prize less valuable. R643:3 By fellowship in his
sufferings. R1512:6; NS616:6 By all these earthly sacrifices. R361:3 If seeking truth, and through it the crown, you must come prepared to pay for them. Many
these things, if they could get them cheap. R672:4
Unto the resurrection The first or chief resurrection to glory, honor and immortalitydivine nature. R1642:4, R4534:1, R4527:5, R1511:2, R1260:2, R277:3, R131:4, R80:3; NS341:3 The world will be granted full opportunity for life everlasting in and by a judgment-resurrection after the special resurrection. R1512:2 One of the most prominent doctrines of the New Testament. R1508:6 Greek, exanastasis, the out-resurrection, the resurrection of the selected-out ones, the chief or choice
resurrection.R1179:6, R672:4, R624:2*, R361:3, R131:4 Emphatic article in Greekthe special or chief resurrection. R672:4, R1854:5, R1512:2, R277:3, R205:6; NS616:6 Blessed and holy are all theythe churchthe new creaturesthe "little flock"his Bodythat have part in the first (chief)
resurrectionthe first saved from deathraised spiritual. R364:4 The chief perfecting of the chief class is a special thing which began with Jesus, the Head of The Christ, is shared by the "little flock."R361:2 We know little about the perfection and grandeur and powers of the resurrection, but the second death will have no power on those priests reigning with him a thousand years. (Rev. 20:6) R277:4
Of the dead Greek emphaticthe special dead. R1854:6, R1881:4 Because Christ redeemed us from the penalty of Adam's death, we can be counted
crucified with Christ, a voluntary sacrifice for the world in him. R128:1* The resurrection of "the dead in Christ"provided only for the spirit-begotten members of the Anointed.
[Phil. 3:12]
Not as though I had already attained Our present union with Christ's Body, though precious, is probationary, and will be confirmed at the close of this life. R1570:3
Apprehended of Christ Jesus The Lord has laid hold upon usneither will he let us go so long as our hearts are loyal to him. R4100:5 One object of knowledge is to enable us to "apprehend
that for which Christ apprehended us." R85:5* The Lord laid hold upon Saul (Paul) when he was in a hopeless positionbecause he was honest-hearted though wrong-headed.
HG451:6; NS615:5 Character development
sacrifice are necessary to attain that for which we have been apprehended of the Lord (to show forth his great character to the world of mankind, and to bless them). NS373:2
[Phil. 3:13]
I count not myself At the time Paul wrote he had not yet reached the standard of character-development. R2753:5
To have apprehended Grasped the prize to which God called me, and for which I, with you, am running. R1457:6 Paul counted not that he had already attained the mark for the prize, nor that
was already perfect. R1884:3, R1885:3 Though Paul already had this pledge of the inheritance, he said, "I do not reckon myself to have attained it." (Diaglott)R494:1* To have grasped or taken possession of.
This one thing I do Full consecration will not permit one to study every truth. As those who seek for earthly prizes must give their whole attention to that, so the winning of the heavenly prize demands complete concentration. F139 That was the secret of the Apostle's power. That is why the Lord has used him so much. R5968:1; HG453:2 Paul had one mind or willhe was not a
double-minded man. R5081:3 Relaxing our efforts in various directions in order to concentrate our energies upon those things which we can best bring to perfection. R5044:3, R2466:2; F139 Only one real aim or purpose in life, bending all energies to serve the Lord, the brethren, the truth. R2951:2, R5044:3, R2466:2 The fruit-bearing of works is not to be understood as the principal thought; the first
is that we should have the fruits and graces of the spirit brought to maturity. R2466:2 The Father's business. R2222:2 In this singleness of purpose, Paul was
relieved of many temptations. R1885:4, R478:6 We are not to be distracted by modern theorizings, fancied new light, prosperity, or the cares of this world. R526:1 Doing the will of God. R479:1 "Seek ye first (chiefly) the Kingdom of God." (Matt. 6:33) R479:4 "No man can
two masters." (Matt. 6:24) "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." (Jas. 1:8) R478:2 Implies: (1) There was one all important thing which was worthy of his whole life, of his very best endeavors.
Any division of his interests, a scattering of his powers, would be detrimental.
CR35:1; F139 All Paul's energy was applied to God's service out of a faithful heart, not from slavish fear; and the
became ever brighter. HG453:2
Forgetting those things Forgetting my former ambitions as a student, my former hopes as a Roman citizen. F139; R5319:2 We forget the
things that are behind because God forgets them. R3306:1 Let us not over-estimate the earthly. He that putteth his hand to the plow and looketh back is not fit for the Kingdom. (Luke 9:62) R1263:4 No "looking back" like Lot's wife, forgetting old hopes, aims, ambitions. R478:6, R901:6 However unwisely,
foolishly, we have neglected the heavenly calling in the past, there is still time to run in the race.
NS265:5 Let the old nature with all its interests, die daily. Q613:3 Our father's house is the world.
the Lord's Bride, we join a new family. We must forget our old family. SM261:T
Which are behind There are some who weep for the past, when they should be rejoicing for the future. R3649:3 The lessons we learn from experiences should be kept in memory, but need not be
mourned over, for the merit of Christ's sacrifice covers all unwilling blemishes and mistakes. R3649:3; HG453:5 The treasures of the past or the blindness. R1885:4If we keep looking at the things behind, we lose sight of the heavenly things. R1263:4 The house and family to which we formerly belonged.
Reaching forth unto those things Seek new conquests over the world and flesh and devil. R901:6 Fill our minds only with those aims and hopes which are laid up in reservation for us. R478:6 The heavenly glories which belong to the future are made so real, so precious to the truly consecrated, that they more than fill the losses and sacrifices of this present time an hundredfold. NS271:1
mostly about the blessings and the glorious hope. Q613:3
Which are before Joint-heirship with the Lord in the blessing of the world. F140 In the promises of God's Word. R5968:1 Paul's faith
took hold of the promises of God with such tenacity that to him they were living realities. R1885:5 The real work of bruising the serpent and blessing the nations belongs to an age after Christ comes and
gathers his Church to himself and to a share of his glory. R99:5* The better things, the things of Godseeking a place in the divine favor.
[Phil. 3:14]
I press Along the "Narrow Way." A218 It will encourage us to note the marks on our way, and to perceive our progressif we are coming nearer to the mark which wins the prize. R2754:1 As runners must positively declare their intention, so must we make a covenant with the Lord. As it is not the prize toward which racers run, but the mark, so too the Christian. R2753:5 The Apostle has in mind foot-races.
As racers must enter in a legitimate manner, so must we get on our race-course through faith in the precious blood. R2753:6 By: (1) avoiding
self-satisfaction, (2) singleness of purpose, (3) forgetting the things behind, (4) good habit of thought (Phil. 4:8), (5) energetic zeal. R1885:2-6 The narrow way leading to the royal priesthood is a
difficult way, and few have ever found it; but they will in due time receive the crown because they have pressed forward for the prize of the high calling. R33:5* We are not to content ourselves as babes in
Christ, nor with the milk diet suitable to that age, but should go on unto perfection. R1906:6
Toward Down upon. F140 Those who turn aside from the true and only Gospel are quickly turned out of the way, or else are hindered in their course toward "the prize." R5126:5 We are going on.
We have no disposition to go back. R1071:4
The mark Of perfect love, where our Lord always stoodattained by us by making a consecration and passing through the four stages of: (a)duty love to God, our Lord Jesus, and man; (b)love for God because of his glorious character;
love for the brethren, which overlooks their imperfections; (d) perfect love, toward God, our brethren, all menwhich includes even our enemies. F187-F189, F369-F371; R2879:5, R2755:1,2, R2754:3-6 Few have reached the mark; the measure of our zeal and
will be indicated to God and to brethren by the speed with which we attain it. F373 We attain the mark of perfect love gradually. R5172:2, R3645:4 Having reached this character-development, it is for us to stand faithful"having done all, to stand." (Eph. 6:13) R5081:2, R5082:1, R2755:5; F369; Q456:T Heart-likeness to God's dear Son; perfection of
love for righteousness, for God, for the brethren, for the world, even our enemies. R5080:1 Crystallization of character in the likeness of our Lord.
The mark of crystallized character is not attained so
as is the mark of character-development. R5080:1 This mark of perfection is not a mark of fleshly perfection. R4470:1; Q458:T, Q449:3, Q50:3 No Christian should be satisfied with a long delay in reaching the mark. R4470:5; Q456:T Our Lord was tested at the mark of perfect love. The severest temptations come after we have reached the mark. R4470:5; F373; Q456:T The same character or disposition of love that God possesses and that was manifested by our Lord Jesus. R2754:1, R4837:2; Q456:T That holiness which brings every thought into captivity to the will of God. (2 Cor. 10:5) R1885:1 The line marked out by our
Head and Fore-runner. R965:4 When we reach the mark of perfect love, a crown is ours, we are overcomers.
Q50:3 Keep your eye on the mark. R99:5* The mark of
development, the mark of perfect love, once attained must be maintained. A deviation might be restored to the prize, but could lead to the Great Company or second death. Q455:2 Whoever will receive eternal
life on any plane will have to come to the mark of perfect lovethe Little Flock, the Great Company, the restitution class. Q449:3, Q50:3
For the prize The "Narrow Way" is a special way leading to a special prize. A218 Those who strive to live in full harmony with God, seeking by prayer and study to ascertain his
shall win the promised prize. R5687:3 Some will be more than overcomers and will receive the prize. R5319:2 If we fall away from the condition of perfect love,
shall lose the prize. R5172:2 It is not the prize that we run toward, but the mark.
The prize is entirely beyond our grasp. R2753:3,6 Joint-heirship with God's
Son.R2753:6, R2755:2 The true Church is laboring not merely for a blessing, but for the blessing. R2415:6 "Press toward
the mark (of character) for (the attainment of) the prize." R1886:4, R2754:1, R2138:2 Press on for the heavenly
prize. R99:5*
Of the high calling A call to glory, honor and immortality. (2 Pet. 1:3; Rom. 2:7) F92,91; R5459:1, R4855:4 The calling of this present Gospel age is a "high calling," a "heavenly calling." (Heb. 3:1) F67; R5772:2, R5459:1, R211:1*; CR392:1; HG333:5; NS340:6, NS69:4; Q436:1 All the Gospel Church are called to heavenly conditions;
therefore they are cut off from their earthly rights as men. R5023:2; Q436:1 The condition upon which it is offered is the giving up of everything that we have.R4796:2 The Church is called to a high stationnow to suffer with Christ, that she may in due time reign with him. R4616:3 "Partakers of the divine nature." (2
Pet. 1:4) R1585:3, R4855:4 The "holy calling." (2 Tim. 1:9) R659:5*, R447:5*; HG333:5; Q436:1 Oh! that all Christians might have "the eyes of their understanding enlightened," that they might "know what is the hope of his calling." R25:4* The high calling is a part of God's loving plan of the ages, a part of his systematic work which reveals his wisdom, power and love. R21:6* A special salvation, a "high calling," is
referred to as "so great salvation," which our Lord provided for the "elect." NS652:5 This call, privilege, is offered during the entire Gospel age, and to each faithful one, not just the clergy.
NS615:6 God during this Gospel age has proclaimed a
calling for a special class of the human family, called a little flock, to whom is specially granted the hearing ear and the understanding heart. NS340:5 The book of life now open is for the overcomers of the present, called in advance of the world; the
world of mankind during the Millennium will also be interested in a book of life, but not the same one. NS69:4
In Christ Jesus The result of belief in Christ as the Redeemer is justification.
The justified human nature must be presented to God a living sacrifice. This is the basis required to seek the high calling. R659:5*, R447:5*
[Phil. 3:15]
As be perfect Perfect-willed, at the mark of perfect love. R4153:6, R1892:3 Perfect in heart, will. R1892:3 Standing complete in Christ. R479:4 The "Body" figure shows the possibility of the perfect thing growing or maturing in perfection. Thus, as members of the Body we are perfect in
Christ from the very first. R398:1
Be thus minded Seek the "one thing" (vs. 13)the prize; forget those things behind. R479:4 "As many, therefore, as are perfect should be of this mind." (Diaglott) R478:6
If in any thing "If in any other thing." (Diaglott) R479:4, R478:6
Ye be otherwise minded "You think differently." (Diaglott) R2755:6, R479:4, R478:6 Paul seems to
mean that though consecrated ones might hold minor errors, it was only a question of time when they would come to appreciate the truth. R479:4, R1573:1 All led
the same Spirit may and do come to a knowledge of the same truth. R458:5, R1573:1
Reveal even this unto you If one is honestif he has become dead to self, to the world, and alive toward God. F449 In due season. F449; NS54:6
[Phil. 3:16]
Let us walk by the same rule Under our Captain, all the truly sanctified are closely united by the spirit of Christ in faith, hope and love; and are moving in solid battalions for the accomplishment of his purposes. R458:5
Mind the same thing If any differ in their judgment of the Lord's will, they should differ in love, and endeavor by prayer and study and by earnest endeavor to purify their hearts to come speedily to the unity of the faith. R1892:3 Even if some see and believe more elaborately than others. R1573:1 It is one thing to love all God's children though entangled in sects, and another to
the meshes of their captivity. R1130:6* Paul urges all to unity of the faith and purpose. R458:5, R1130:6*
[Phil. 3:17]
Be followers together of me "Become joint-imitators of me." (Diaglott) R2755:6, R914:6 None should follow us, except as they discern that we
following the Master. R2433:5 "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ." (1 Cor. 11:1) R1886:4 It would be well for each to examine himself to see how
like, or unlike, his course is to that of Paul. R478:3 Paul sets himself as at the head of those who are living properly, and exhorts all to follow and imitate him. R366:5
Mark them "Watch those." (Diaglott) R2755:6, R914:6 The Apostle recommends us to observe those who walk according to Scriptural rulesproperly
combative, properly meek. R1041:1
For an ensample "Pattern." (Diaglott) R2755:6, R914:6 Every Christian should strive to be a pattern worthy of imitation. R1886:1 So assured was Paul of his own continuous faithfulness he could say this. R1884:6 The apostles were noble examples of faithfulness, zeal, patience,
and true Christian fortitude and heroism. R1884:6, R641:5, R463:6 Jesus' life and death were much more than valuable
examples for us to follow.
The prophets and apostles were examples but could not redeem. R463:6
[Phil. 3:18]
Weeping Paul's grief was of an unselfish heart yearning over the salvation of others. R1886:5 True love was the cause for Paul's comment herelove for truth, love for God, and love for
people who were being deceived by the error. R439:2 If Paul had covered the truth, shielded error, or failed to warn an erring brother against the encroachments of the enemy, he would have been an unfaithful
steward and lost his stewardship. R416:1*
The enemies They have gone into error, out of the court condition. R5259:1 All under-shepherds who do not echo the Chief Shepherd's words and do not have his spirit of meekness and
simplicity. R1536:5 To exercise human judgment in condemning others would be wrong; but to apply the judgment of God as expressed in his Word is right. R664:2*,R416:2* False Christians. R366:5, R2135:3
The cross of Christ Denying a ransom from the condition and penalties of a fall, they are denying the very center of the Gospelthe very essence of Christianity. R2135:3, R2147:3, R423:1
[Phil. 3:19]
Whose end There surely will be some lost as well as some saved. R3083:2 If they pursue that course to the end. R914:6
Is destruction "The wages of sin is death." (Rom. 6:23) R1085:5, R1298:2* The penalty of wilful sin is deathdestruction. HG305:6 Not
everlasting life in torment. R1085:3, R1298:2*; SM314:2 Not eternal torment, but destruction. Compare 2 Thess. 1:9, Rom. 9:22, 1 Tim. 6:9, 2 Pet. 2:1, 2 Pet.
3:16, and John 3:16. HG163:1
Whose God is their belly Suffering because of gluttony is not suffering because of Christ. F634 Their appetite. R366:5 Living for
earthly honors and the good things for their stomachs.
CR297:5 There is a blessing in self-denialself-restraintfasting. Even worldly intelligent people eat and drink in harmony with their ambitions. Gluttony stupefies intellect and higher goals.
Glory is in their shame No man can make commendable progress toward perfection in any direction who does not recognize his shortcomings. If we say we see, our blindness remains; if we say we are wise, our ignorance remains. R2094:4*
Who mind earthly things We are not to expect this class to appreciate holy, heavenly things. R2589:6 Giving effort, time, attention, and interest to them. R1103:6 Which they covenanted to sacrifice. R1041:1 Who are engrossed with earthly things. R914:6 Who make the earthly interests the chief
of life.
[Phil. 3:20]
For our conversation is in heaven As representatives and ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20) we should feel both the dignity and the honor of the position and the responsibilities. R3330:2 While
living in the world we are not of it (John 17:16), but have transferred our allegiance and citizenship to the heavenly Kingdom. R3330:2, R1096:5*, R424:3, R362:5 "Your citizenship is in heaven." Revised Version (et al) R3179:6, R2039:3, R1103:5; NS102:2 Therefore, under the kingdom of this world the saints have a right to expect only such rights and privileges as are accorded to aliens and foreigners. R1103:5 Literally, communitythe government or polity in which we are sharers. R1102:1, R1096:3* We who have
consecrated our lives to God must be about our Father's work.
Going into politics is to enter a crooked path of the enemy. R1096:5* Our citizenship is of the heavenly Kingdom, therefore we should be diligent
learn its language. R1062:6*
"Our concern (interest) is with heaven; [We are not minding earthly things]." (Murdoch's translation from the Syriac.) R366:6 The Church should stand aloof from governments and their opposers. "We are not of
this world." (John 17:16) God is raising up his great army, the masses of the world, who know him not but who will overturn evil. R362:5 "Set your affections on things above and not on things of the earth." Am
living for the flesh, or for the spirit? Am I ignoring or neglecting the interests of the spiritual existence? NS102:2
We look for the Saviour "And so shall we ever be with the Lord." (1 Thes. 4:17) Diaglott footnote on Phil. 1:23. Paul was looking for the Savior's return from heaven. F671; R1827:1* "From thence we expect our vivifier, our Lord, Jesus the Messiah;" (Murdoch's translation from the Syriac.) R366:6
[Phil. 3:21]
Who shall change Transform. R1096:4* The natural body is changed by the power of the spirit indwelling. R66:2* "We shall not all sleep, but we
shall all be changed." (1 Cor. 15:51) The contrast between the two conditions is great and clearly marked. R41:3*
Our vile body Both individually and collectively the Church in the flesh is now "in dishonor," (1 Cor. 15:43) in disesteemour body is at present a "body of humiliation." (Diaglott) F728, R2064:5, R1768:5, R1102:2, R315:6* Our
body. R1102:4, R1103:4 "The body of our abasement." (Murdoch) R366:6 The natural body. R66:2* Refers to the Church as a whole, not to individualsa body, or company, that is despised of men, a humiliated body"We are counted as the filth and offscouring of the earth." (1 Cor. 4:13) R5579:5, R1103:4, R1102:2, R827:6, R366:5 Now the
Church is merely the "espoused virgin," called to Brideship, in her body of humiliationnot yet the Bride in glorious garments.
Like unto his glorious body Paul desired to be with the Lord at once, but knew the second coming could not occur soon. F672 At the second coming the humiliation of the Church will
ceaseit will no longer be reviled, but glorified. R5579:6 We shall be his glorious Body, or his Body in glory. R4602:2 Not the body that died, with wounds and
imperfections"We shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is," 1 John 3:2, not as he was. R2479:4, R277:4, R206:1;HG513:6 The reward of "overcomers," those who delight to do God's will, who do not need to be whipped into an appreciation of right and wrong. R1669:3 With Christ in his Kingdom, kings and priests unto
the "seed" of promise through whom all the families of the earth shall be blessed. R1505:5 A condition suitable to its real character, and the high position it is destined to fill as the Bride of Christ. R1102:2 Joined in dominion and heirship with Jesus to partake of his divine, immortal nature, being raised spiritual bodies. R569:3, R4071:3, R18:2 "That it may have the likeness of the body of his glory." (Murdoch's translation from the Syriac.) R366:6 He comes at his second
advent in a glorious body, and his Church will have a second birth of the same kind as his. R261:2 As the risen Christ was invisible to mortals except when he appeared for special reasons, so we will be
invisible. R237:1* We are thus changed in order that our installment in official power with him may followsymbolically called marriage. R172:3 This will be when
shall be exalted to his throne and sit with him.
Jesus cannot appear with us in glory until we are glorified with him. R169:3* There is a distinction between the terms "nature" and "form." Those who in this
become partakers of the divine nature have the assurance that we shall be like him. R89:2 The espoused virgin shall be "changed" in the First Resurrection, and thereafter be the "Glorious Body," the Glorious
Bride. HG448:6, HG802:6*
According to the working According to the energyGod given. R1768:5* By "a process of divine chemistry which, we may not fully understand." R146:1*
Whereby he is able By virtue of the power vested in him. A92
Subdue all things With the power, authority, and rulership meant by sitting at Jehovah's right hand, Jesus will come for the purpose of subduing all things. A92 All the families of
the earth shall be blessed. (Gen. 28:14) R1505:4 Jesus and his Church will doubtless be the active agents of Jehovah. R286:2 Clad in his robes of glory, the high
priest of the Tabernacle represented Messiah, empowered to bless mankind. PD36/47
[Phil. 4:1]
Therefore In consideration of this coming change from a condition of degradation to glory. R366:6
My joy and crown The Apostle addressed the Philippian church with affection. R4827:2, R1703:2 A close and dear relationshipthese words are
fragrant with the very essence of Christian love and fellowship. R3127:3
Stand fast They had reached a considerable attainment in the graces of the spiritthey must needs be tested, however. R3127:3
In the Lord Trusting in his power, in his grace. R3127:5 No one can stand in his own strength. R90:1
[Phil. 4:2]
Euodias, and beseech Syntyche Two sisters of this congregation who appear to have been prominent helpers in the work. R3127:5
Of the same mind Implies that in some respects these two were at variance. R3127:5
In the Lord Preserve a unity of heart and head in all things relating to the Lord and his cause, not necessarily in everything else. R3127:5
[Phil. 4:3]
And I entreat thee The apostles issued neither bulls nor anathemas. F232 There are times when it is appropriate to introduce brethren and commend them to others. R1721:4, R1707:2
Yokefellow Apparently the proper name of a brother in the Philippian church. R3127:6 Dear "Yoke-fellows" in foreign lands and pilgrims and colporteurs, we offer our cooperation as we see
harvest work, and that the time is short. Let us draw closer, and pray and assist one another. R3288:6
Help those women Over their difficultieshelping them to preserve the unity of the spirit. R3128:1 Paul mentioned with evident appreciation the activity of certain females in the early
church. R1549:3, R1076:5*, R766:5*, R227:3
Which laboured Women did a work which was approved and appreciated. R227:3, R1076:5*, R766:5*
Fellowlabourers Who supported his work by their influence and by their means. R3152:3
The book of life Christ and the apostles rebuked sectarianism and declared it an evidence of carnality.
The church which they loved was the one Church whose names are written, not on earthly scrolls, but in heaven. R1309:2 Those who secure the divine favor have their names written in God's remembrance, the "book of life," as his friends. They enjoy his love and his blessing. NS69:1
[Phil. 4:4]
Rejoice The Christian's life is not a sad or morose one, but a most joyful one. He can even be joyful in tribulation. R4592:4, R3305:6;NS633:5, Q613:2 To the true followers the light of the Lord's kindness shines through all earth-born clouds and troubles to bring joy and peace and blessing. R3305:6 In serenity, happiness, peace, pleasure of soul, not necessarily with noisy demonstration. R3128:2 While the flesh suffers, the spirit should rejoicewe rejoice because God's favor
and blessing are with us as New Creatures. Q613:2, Q579:6 The exultant songs of the prophets and the apostles sounded through trials, difficulties, and
They were joyful in the house of their pilgrimage, and a note of triumph is found in their messages. NS633:5 We are anointed with God's holy spirit, the spirit of gladness, the spirit of joy, which drives away much of the spirit of
mourningnot only in the blessings that are ours, but in tribulations also. NS224:1
Alway The only ones who can rejoice alway are those who are living very near to the Lord. R3128:2
[Phil. 4:5]
Let your moderation Reasonableness, gentlenessthe spirit of a sound mind, of gentleness, meekness. This attitude of mind comes in large measure as a result of knowledge of God and his plans. R5840:3, R3306:2 Surely there never was a time when this counsel was so much needed as now! The very air seems charged with some exciting, nervous force. R5249:2, R2460:5 Let the fact that we know only in part and understand only in part keep us humble and moderate in word and deed and thought. R5249:6The promises made to us tend to make us soberthe truth is a restraining influence. R5099:2 Temperance, self-controllet men see by our thoughtful (not rash and hasty), careful and considerate demeanor
every affair of life, that we honor our profession. R4809:1, R2460:4 If we feel the leader of a meeting is not following the best Scriptural course, we must show
moderation in our approachapproving what we can, objecting in kindness, meekness, and brotherly love. R3866:2 The Greek seems to carry the thought of reasonableness, of not exacting our rights too
rigorouslymercy and leniency. R3128:2 Keep yourselves well in hand, subject and obedient to the will of God. 2 Tim. 3:3 warns against incontinence in the last dayslacking self-control, led of passion,
impulsive. R2460:4 As you make decisions in your consecrated life, such as baptism, who should baptize you, where you should be baptized. R396:5 We are all in
of going to extremesimmoderate statements may arouse a spirit of antagonism.
CR415:4 Moderation in balance of thought, in word, in action; probably considered extremists in our faithfulness to the Word and to our covenant of self-sacrificeas Jesus
the apostles were. HG447:4 While wars are maneuvered by selfish, depraved minds, the Christian must use the wisdom from above, rejecting the greed and aggressiveness of nations, trusting God's promises to bless in his due time. NS132:5
Be known Even in discussing the time of trouble, emphasis should be laid upon the glorious Kingdom which will be inaugurated. R5716:4 In faith and conduct in all mattersincluding
chronological forecasts of the future.
We should be using the knowledge we possess, doing with our might what our hands find to do. R5249:3 In eating, drinking, clothing, pleasure, sorrow. R3455:1, R4808:6 Be specially on guard that the influence of every word and act should be in accord with law, order and peace"live peaceably with all men." (Rom.
12:18)-"In your patience possess ye your souls." (Luke 21:19) R3242:2 The Lord's Word counsels the wisdom of moderation; let us not suffer because we do not heed this counsel. R2493:3
Unto all men Would begin at homemore particularly in the Churchbut should be manifested toward all with whom we have dealings. R5840:6
The Lord is at hand Messiah's Kingdom is shortly to be establishedthis should help the Lord's people in living an exemplary life. R5840:6 This clause implies the exhortation belongs
specially to the closing of this Gospel ageto the opening of the new dispensation. R5249:1 We are expecting great changes soon and can well afford to be generous and liberal in our sentiments toward others.R3128:3 The doctrine of the second advent is the motive for moderation in all things, patient waiting, divine hope, and heavenly-mindedness. R298:2*
[Phil. 4:6]
Be careful for nothing Be not over-anxiousan anxiety which would rob the soul of rest and peace, and would indicate a lack of faith. R5874:6 "Take no thought" (Luke 12:22; Matt.
6:25-34)be not anxious, burdened, full of care. R3128:4 "Be not anxious about anything." (Diaglott) R1046:4* Be worried, harassed and overcharged on no
account.R874:5 Critics assail the Scriptures as being opposed to progress; but there is a difference between Christian contentment (based on godliness) and worldly contentment (slothfulness, love of ease,
But in every thing In today's household or business cares, in the guidance of wayward children, in the pinch of poverty; all of earth's trials and cares; its wants and woes; its disappointments, calamities, failures, etc. R1865:5,6
By prayer Communion with God is a great privilege and an evidence of his favor. R4983:1 Acknowledging our own lack of wisdom. R3128:5
And supplication Supplicating his promised providential care. R3128:5 Earnest pleading. R1865:5
With thanksgiving "Continue in prayer; watch in the same with thanksgiving." "Offer the sacrifice of praise to God, giving thanks to his name." "I will offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving." "Magnify him with thanksgiving." R5381:4 The thankful heart will conclude that he who favored and redeemed us will much more favor and do for us now we are his. R3128:6
Requests "Petitions." (Diaglott) R1046:4*
[Phil. 4:7]
And If we have the spirit of rejoicing and trust, and make our requests in harmony with his promise, and accept with gratitude and thanksgiving whatever his providence may send, then the peace of God comes to us. R3128:6
The peace of God This peace depends to a considerable extent upon one's clear understanding of what is meant by the witness of the Holy Spirit. E226 Not the peace of the flesh, but
the peace of heart. F602 This peace should have such control of all who would represent the Lord that a hallowed influence would go with them. R5980:2This
peace can come only to those who have given themselves unreservedly to God.
It is the direct result of a close personal relationship of the soul with God. R5432:1, NS66:5 A peace which none of the changes and
vicissitudes of this life can take and which enemies are powerless to touch. With it we can endure all things which the Father's loving providence shall permit. R5432:4, R5879:2 This peace can look up through its tears with joyful expectancy for the glorious fruition of our hopes. R5432:6, NS435:3 The rule of this peace in their hearts is one of the grand
blessings enjoyed by the embryo Kingdom class. R5097:4; HG720:3 The perfected peace imparted by the holy Spirit, which results from a full consecration to the will of God. R4901:2, R4579:3; NS66:5 Not our own peace, but the peace of God, the peace which comes through a realization of God's power, his goodness and willingness to hold us by his right hand as his
children. R4898:2, R3128:6 Peace centered in God, by faith. R4818:2 God's peace reigning in a heart would control
ambitions and energies. R3306:3 A peace which springs from God's inherent wisdom and power.
A peace that coexists with much disorder and trouble. R1833:1,4 Peace
defined to be a state of quiet or tranquility, freedom from disturbance or agitation, calmness, repose. R1832:3 Our Lord spoke gracious words, the apostles did not preach fear; we, too, should spread the
of peace, glorifying the Father and blessing our fellow man. R1502:4 It seems peculiar to those asleep in Zion that a man would leave the pastorate of a church, and search from denomination to denomination
truth, but the Lord guides such a one and gives him peace. R1237:6* Also, our Master said, "My peace I give unto you!" While temptations and "fiery trials" are permitted to develop our character, we are
peace in our hearts and grace sufficient.
NS597:1, NS66:,5 A rest from the worrying cares common to the world, often bringing a measure of health as faith in Christ removes anxiety. HG720:3 Many know an outward peace when all is favorable, yet an inward
unrest and unhappiness; but the peace of God can be maintained through outward disturbances, conflicts, and distresses. NS594:4 This peace rules in the hearts of the "brethren"; it is not a transient guest. We must continue to cultivate it, but we leave
all to the Master, with hope and sympathy for the world. NS525:1, NS435:3 "There is no peace unto the wicked," Isa. 48:22. "The wicked are like the troubled sea when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt," Isa.57:20. Neither can the ignorant
have the peace of God.
NS524:2 Fearsome teachings of eternal torment or esthetic, hollow formalities are offered in churches, so that discontented, nervous, worried congregations know "a famine for the hearing the words of the Lord." NS522:4 "Man cannot
live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." (Matt. 4:4) For this reason, man's prosperity has not brought peace and his more humble, godly ancestors had greater peace. NS521:3 Enjoying God's peace and favor and
hopes, the Lord's people will communicate them to all, with zeal in the service of the Lord. NS67:6 This peaceful condition is to be the rule; anything else is to be the exception and more and more the rare exception. NS66:5
Which passeth all understanding All human understanding. R5591:3; NS594:5 All worldly understanding. R1652:3 "Which surpasses all
(Diaglott) R1046:4* It is a rest of heart by faith.
In this peace lies a satisfaction for all the various qualities of the mind which none can comprehend save those who possess it. R4818:2, R1652:3 Even those who possess the peace can with difficulty understand, fully comprehend the philosophy of it, so contrary is it at times with the outward experiences upon which
human peace generally depends. NS594:5, NS24:6 God's dealing with us, and also the love of God, "passeth all understanding." R4972:3
Shall keep From worry, anxiety, etc. R3129:1 "Shall guard." (Diaglott) R1046:4*, R3306:3
Your hearts Peace promised the Christian is to rule and keep his heart, not applying to its outward life. "In the world ye shall have tribulation" (John 16:33), but in me ye shall have peace (in your hearts). R1652:3 The Lord's people should enjoy the Lord, rest their hearts with contentment on him, study and rejoice in the glorious "things which God hath in reservation for them that love him." NS67:6
And The Apostle differentiates between the mind and the heart.
The heart represents the affections. Not only should we have good feelings, but our minds should be at rest. R4898:1
Minds Thoughts. R3305:6, R3306:3 "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee." (Isa. 26:3) God gives quietness. We have
refuge which none but his own can know. No harm can reach us. R5879:4 This peace stands guard continually to challenge every hostile or worrying thought or fear. It keeps the Christian's mind, so that he at
heart has peace with the Lord, fellowship, communion. R3129:1, R4898:4
Through Christ Jesus Suggests that, as we entered into this peace through our great Advocate, so we can continue in this peace only by his continuing to be our Advocate. R4898:4 His
worthiness, his sacrifice, his aid. R3129:1
[Phil. 4:8]
Finally brethren This lesson is not specially applicable to any but the most advanced Christiansthose who are seeking to perfect holiness. R2891:2; SM256:T, NS638:2 The Apostle sums up
this advanced position of grace as the finality or finish of the argument, and of the process of character-development. R2891:3 If the begetting to the new nature, the heavenly nature, is in us, there should
be correspondingly an interest in and a longing for the heavenly things, the higher things, the things above.
Things are true The truth of a thing is but one of the tests to which we should subject every matter. R4827:2, R2891:4 Is this true, or is it
false? is the first question to be asked in the consideration of any matter. Love for the truth lies at the very foundation of a righteous life. R4827:2, R3306:5,R2891:3; NS638:3 "Thou desirest truth in the inward parts." (Psa. 51:6) R3306:5 Whoever sympathizes with falsehood or exaggeration is more or less defiling
himself. R3129:2 God's Word of law, prophecy, precept and promise, and the open book of nature. R1703:6; NS638:2 If we be without love for righteousness and truth
and without hatred of iniquity, it would be a sure evidence that we were not new creatures at all, that we were not risen with Christ.
NS638:3 Excludes: indulgence in visionary and foolish fiction, all idle speculative theories of men, vain philosophies
the creeds of "Christendom," all idle gossip and evil surmisings. R1703:5, R3306:5
Things are honest There are many things that are true, yet dishonorable, not worthy of our thoughtssuch as the errors, follies, of our neighbors, our brethren. R4827:3, R2891:4 The test of honor is to be applied after the test of truth. The thing might be true, but is it honorable? R3129:2 Honorable, noble. R3129:2, R3306:5 Excludes: all deceit and hypocrisy, all evil scheming and intrigue, thoughts of deliberate plunder, falsehood, evil speaking. R1703:6
Things are just That which is just is that which is right.
Justice and righteousness are synonymous terms. R4827:3 The Golden Rule is not the rule of love, but of justice. We have no right
to do unto others anything that we would not that they should do to us. R4827:3 No one can cultivate justice until he gets some appreciation of what it is. This necessary knowledge is obtained through the
Scriptures. R4827:4 The injustices practiced about us and elsewhere should not be the subject of our general thoughts. R4827:4, R2891:5 Things might be true and honorable, yet not be just or equitable to others.
Such must not be entertained, but must be repelled. R3306:6 We are to apply this test of justice to every
thought and word and act. R3129:2 No vain philosophy of men which suggests another scheme of salvation can claim the attention of those whose habit of thought is just and to whom the divine plan has been
revealed. R1704:1 This would discard all unjust weights and balances in estimating the character and motives of our fellow-men. R1703:6
Things are pure Not sensual, not selfish. R5908:6; Q643:8 We are to love that which is pure to such an extent that that which is impure will
become painful to us, distressing. R4828:2, R3129:3, R1704:1; NS638:3 We should consider, first, the nature of the
thoughts; second, their influence upon others.
They should not excite others to impurity. R4827:6 We can overcome evil surmisings and evil speaking by purifying the heart, by prayer, and by keeping the mind
filled with holy thoughts. R3783:6 Pure body, clean clothing; pure, good society pure literature and art. Vile insinuation, rude jest, unchaste art, are an abomination. R1704:1 The Apostle urges pure love among the saints, and the conduct consistent with trust in God "abhor evil, cleave to the good," "abstain from the appearance of evil," even think on the "pure." R1586:6; NS638:3 Whoever maintains purity of thought will have comparatively little effort in maintaining purity of word and of action. R2891:6 The new creature will disesteem more and more
whatsoever things are vile, impure, ignoble, slanderous, and all evil speaking.
By our progress along these lines, we may evaluate our resurrection progress. NS638:3
Things are lovely Things that are lovabledoes it excite lovable influences, or is it identified with hate, resentment, anger, malice? R5908:6, R3306:6, R2891:6; Q643:9 Not only the thoughts relating to the beauties of nature, but also and chiefly the things of character. R4828:1; NS638:2 The loveliness of the perfect character of our God, our Lord Jesus, and the followers of Jesusthe lovely perfections of the truth. R3129:3, R4828:4 Amiable, lovely, lovable, kind, gentle thoughts, not gendering anger, hatred, strifenot vexatious, quarrelsome, vindictive thoughts. R2891:6 In everything
that is beautiful, the awakened, quickened soul finds a hint of the grander, nobler things which God hath in reservation for those that love him.
NS638:2 Thus our faces will show joy, peace, patience and love. Our spiritual and physical health and
will prevail more and more. SM338:1
Things of good report Not by the world, but by all reputable people, if they knew and understood everything connected with the thought. R5909:1; Q644:T Implies only things that could be profitable should be entertained, considered, discussed. Frivolous things would be excluded. R3307:1 Things of good reputethe noble words or deeds
sentiments. R3129:3, R3307:1 The world does recognize to a considerable extent a right standard, even though it does not follow that standard. R2892:1 Worthy of praise. R1704:4 This is learning to speak evil of no man, to have no sympathy with slander, backbiting and evil surmisings, to rejoice in the
SM372:T; R1938:5; NS638:3 With tender conscience, those who are particular about the spots and wrinkles on their robes love things that are lovely, of good report. SM256:T
Any virtue Any value. R3129:3, R5909:1
Any praise In any sense praiseworthy. R5909:1, R3129:3; Q644:1 We should not think to praise
ourselves nor strive to obtain praise; we should strive to be praiseworthy. We should think about the praise of God. We should note in others praiseworthy elements of character. R4828:4
Think Comparatively few, even of educated and scientific people, seem to appreciate the great power of the mind and its potent influence upon all the affairs of our lives. R5908:2 "As a
thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Prov. 23:7) R5908:5, R4826:3 "In his law doth he (the godly man) meditate day and night." (Psa. 1:2) R5518:5 "Mine eyes prevent (anticipate) the night watches, that I may meditate in thy Word." (Psa. 119:148) R5518:5 If every mother realized that during the period of gestation her mental
moods were blessing or cursing her offspring, how carefully she would guard her reading, companionship, mental reflections! R5251:2 The religion of the Bible is the only one that lifts its standard far above
all baseness and demands the highest ideals. R3392:2 By filling the mind with the divine plan and will, the transforming influence may extend into every avenue of life. R2891:2 "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Rom. 12:2) R2890:3, R3129:3 Our love for mankind will go further than the Golden
and take hold upon our thoughts and intents of the heart.
The Lord takes notice not merely of the Christians' actions and words, but of his thoughts. OV368:2
On these things With which God's anointed are brought into harmony by the purifying influence of the "new heart." E282 To keep our companionship with those in harmony with the new
mind, will help us to keep our minds on the pure and noble things. F588 We desire to have in our hearts and minds things that are positively good, helpful, beneficial in some way. R5909:4, R5518:6 Restraint of conduct and of word is difficult unless the mind, the will, be brought into line with the will of God. R5908:5 All who are eager to be in harmony with God will think upon things that are good, pure, holy. R5518:6, R3783:6 Give the message of hope
and joy and peace.
Draw attention to the blessed privileges, rather than trials and hardships. As God's promises abound in our hearts, we preach the Gospel of hope. R5214:4 As we continue to recognize the
commendable things in our lives and in the lives of those about us, we shall become the more God-like. R4828:4 The thoughts must not be neglected and permitted to browse in every pasture, but must be
disciplined to feed upon pure and healthful food. R4827:2 Holy thoughts produce holy words. R4805:5, R1938:6 "Out
the abundance of the heart (the mind) the mouth speaketh." (Matt. 12:34) R3307:1, R3305:5 It is one evidence of the possession of the holy spirit when we rejoice
all good things, including God's grace operating in ourselves and in others. R2998:1 In mankind during the Millennium, and in the saints at the present time, noble thoughts have an invigorating influence upon
the physical system, and ignoble thoughts germinate seeds of physical disease. R2014:6 to R2015:5 Those who are thinking on these things will speak to each other
the same. R2588:3, R5214:4 And stir up each other's mind with these, not delving into psychic phenomena. R2540:1 We
now stand before the bar of judgment, and must daily settle our accounts with the Lord, making sure that no record of idle words stands against usthat we have only spoken words honoring God. R1938:5 As he
advised others, Paul's mind dwelled on the heavenly thingshis faith took hold of the promises of God with such tenacity that to him they were living realities, inspiring zeal and faithfulness. R1885:5 Not
think of self too highly, but to think soberly, measuring by the divine standards, living apart from and far above the spirit of the world. R1767:2 If the thoughts be impure, unjust or unholy, the power of
will becomes more and more impaired. R1703:3, R4828:4 The Apostles do not ignore or belittle the necessity of knowledge and faith, but they do exalt the
of holiness of heart and life and thought. R121:5* Undoubtedly a poisonous effect upon the system is engendered by thinking about sinful or injurious things of any kind.
[Phil. 4:9]
And seen in me This should be the standard of every Christianall are ambassadors for the Lord. R3129:4
[Phil. 4:10]
Your care of me The Apostle labored at tent-making when it was necessary; but he also recognized the Lord's judgment that a laborer in the ministry is worthy of his keep. R2514:2
Hath flourished again "Ye have revived your thought for me." Implies their earnestness to serve relaxed for a time. R3129:4
Wherein ye were also careful "Ye did indeed take thought, but ye lacked opportunity"Paul apparently added these words fearful that his previous words might be understood as a reproof. R3129:4
[Phil. 4:11]
Not that I speak Paul was not in want, for he was satisfied that the Father would provide the things which he really neededand more he did not want. R3129:5
Whatsoever state I am Whatever condition in which duty required him to be. R946:6
To be content The example and counsel of the saints should be that of contentment, joyful anticipation, cheerful submission. A341 Not after the manner of the indolent and
but after using our talents and opportunities to the best of our ability we should be content with the result of such efforts. R3129:5 Even if the results should be the barest necessities of lifeif such be
the best obtainable from a reasonable and judicious use of opportunities and talents. R3129:5
[Phil. 4:12]
To be abased Be ready to receive humiliations as necessary for your discipline and the proper balancing of your character. If you fret under humiliation, beware; you are not as roundly developed spiritually as you should be. R1920:6
To abound If the Lord gives you a little exaltation today, a little encouragement of success in his service, receive it humbly, meekly remembering your own unworthiness and insufficiency apart from God. R1920:6
To suffer need Let us learn also how to be in want (need) and yet not to want anything beyond what the Lord sees best to give. R3129:6
[Phil. 4:13]
I can do all things Through consecration and spirit-begetting we can do acceptable works as New Creatures. R5759:2 "This is the victory which overcometh the world, even your faith." (1
5:4) R3088:4 God will so fortify and equip those who depend upon his grace"It is God that girdeth me with strength." (Psa. 18:32) R2154:3 All the things of
11 and 12. R1920:6 It is by the spirit that we can overcome and reach glory. R160:2* Our sufficiency is of God's providenceour Advocate is able to succor us,
provide ways of escape, strengthen us, give us the "meat in due season," make us strong, remind us of his promises.
Through Christ His is a power sufficient for us. R5330:1 Confidence in God and reliance upon his promised grace maintains the desirable humility and meekness, yet gives the courage and
suggested by Paul"our sufficiency is of God." (2 Cor. 3:5) R5113:6 In proportion as consecration, the full submission of our will to the Father's, is attainedin such proportion we may be used of the Lord
as his mouthpieces, his instruments, ready for his service. R4458:5 "Without me, ye can do nothing." (John 15:5) "All things are yours, for ye are Christ's and Christ is God's." (1 Cor. 3:23) In the strength
these promises, we receive courage, and enter into the blessings of the Lord. R4064:1 "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you." (John 15:7) What we are to do is clearly indicated in the divine Word.
are not to look for divine aid beyond those limitations. R4061:6 Our source of strength in battling with the current of life is never to be forgotten. R4005:1 It
was the power of Christ that rested on Paul. (2 Cor. 12:9, 10) R1558:5 Through Christ's strength freely given into us for the seeking. R772:5* It is only by the
Spirit that we can overcome and reach glory. R160:2*
[Phil. 4:15]
Giving and receiving The Apostle gave his entire time to the ministry of the Gospel, and did not request assistance; but he did recognize as the Lord's judgment that any laborer is worthy of his keep. R2514:2 The traveling "Elders" were sometimes supported in part by the voluntary contributions of those previously served with the truth. R1822:4
But ye only Apparently other churches missed a great opportunity. R5810:3, R2227:6
[Phil. 4:16]
Ye sent once and again The special assistance from the Philippian brethren is mentionedtwice in Thessalonica, once in Corinth, and now at Rome. R5846:3, R2227:3 Whenever one has special talent for the ministry, others should take pleasure in assisting and thus be reckoned as having a share with him. R2514:2
[Phil. 4:17]
Not because I desire Although Paul urged brethren to send relief to the church at Jerusalem during a period of famine, he would not make a request for personal assistance, however much he may have been in need. R2227:6
Fruit A richer spiritual growth. R1486:5, F346
To your account Because it will assist in their development, God permits his work to be in such condition that it will have need of all the efforts of those who are truly his. F346The Apostle was specially sent forth.
Others less qualified in this ministry could support him, and thus have a share with him in the fruit of what would then be considered their combined labor. R2514:2
[Phil. 4:18]
Epaphroditus Upon Epaphroditus's recovery from severe illness ("nigh unto death"), Paul sent this faithful brother with this beautiful letter to the church at Philippi. R5810:2 See Phil.
2:25, 27, 30. Epaphroditus was Paul's "companion in labor and fellow soldier," who ministered to Paul's wants. By God's mercy he was restored to health, to continue to serve Paul and the brethren. R3127:2, R2227:6, R5810:2
Sent from you Their gifts expressed their love and sympathy and care for Paul's temporal welfare. R1703:2
An odour of a sweet smell Our humble efforts are spoken of in this way.
[Phil. 4:19]
God shall supply "He careth for you." (1 Pet. 5:7)illustrated by the feeding of Elijah by the ravens. R3400:4 When tempted in any line or to any degree, "Let us fly to the Word" for
"exceeding great and precious promises" (2 Pet. 1:4) such as this, upon which we may stand. R1802:5*
Your need The absolute necessities, not luxuries. R3400:4 Your ability to present the truth to others in the most effectual manner. R415:5
[Phil. 4:22]
All the saints salute you Even with their limited means of communication, whenever there was opportunity the churches were prompt to send Christian greetings and benedictions. R1895:4