1 John

This epistle is supposed by scholars to have been written in the year AD 90. By that date Christianity had attained considerable prominence in the world. It had gathered the "remnant" of fleshly Israel and drawn upon itself the hatred and persecution of the vast blinded majority of that people and been scattered everywhere throughout the then civilized world. Many things in Christianity commended it to the Greek philosophers of that time who sought to combine with it and to become philosophic Christians and Christian philosophers—still holding their philosophies which the Apostle Paul points out were "falsely so called." John's epistle is written to fortify Christians against these subversive doctrines. He exhorts them to hold fast the teachings heard by them from the beginning and to consider these philosophizing teachings as lies and all such false teachers representatives of the Antichrist which they had so often heard would be manifested in the Church. E285, 286
The object of the Apostle John in writing this epistle he clearly states, saying, "These things write we unto you, that your joy may be full." It is a noteworthy fact that the vast majority of Christians never experience the fullness of joy and peace and blessing that they might possess. Too many are content with simply diluted first principles of the doctrine of Christ; and are merely "babes in Christ." The object of the Apostle's writing them was to stir up the pure minds of believers to an appreciation and enjoyment of their privileges, that thereby they might grow and develop. R2235:2

[NTC - 1 John 1:1]

From the beginning— The beginning of the Lord's ministry. R1145:6
Which we have heard— This was their testimony. That they saw Christ in his life and in his death; they saw him after his resurrection, and they knew these things. The apostles suffered the loss of all things in proclaiming the truth.R460:2* The testimony on which faith rests is not man's, it is God's own. Man had no testimony on this matter worth listening to until God spoke. God made himself responsible and he is sure to fulfill his promise.R1329:1
Which we have seen— The evangelists testified to that of which they had positive knowledge. They saw Christ after his resurrection. R1145:6

[NTC - 1 John 1:2]

Manifested unto us— The inspired Apostle saw the Lord and heard his teachings when he was here in the flesh. R1495:1

[NTC - 1 John 1:3]

Declare— Teach. E284 Sound doctrine, necessary to be taught. John's writings were not meant merely as social letters, devoid of doctrine or teaching. E284
With us— Fellow-heirs of the same promises. R1495:1
Our fellowship— No one has fellowship at all with the Lord unless he comes into covenant relationship with him. CR317:1 To be established in Present Truth signifies that we have partaken of the sweets of fellowship with him. R1627:3 What condescension on the part of the divine Father and Son and what favor toward us! R1495:1
With the Father— We all are one family—the divine royal family whence universal blessings shall shortly flow to all in heaven and in earth. R1495:1, 2508:6
Jesus Christ— The second Adam becomes the head of a new or spiritual race, and the restorer of the human race. R623:3

[NTC - 1 John 1:4]

Unto you— He is addressing the justified and sanctified in Christ Jesus. R5938:1, 2235:1 To stir up the pure minds of believers to an appreciation and enjoyment of their privileges, that thereby they might grow and develop. R5938:2, 2235:2
Joy may be full— Joy may be regarded as the effervescence or overflow of true and genuine happiness. It is our Heavenly Father's good pleasure that his children be so full of happiness as to bubble over all the time. R1494:2 Theirs, if they progressed in grace and knowledge to the full stature of a man in Christ Jesus. R5938:2, 2235:2 To this end the Father has prepared a table before them, in the presence of their enemies, and filled their cup of happiness full, even to running over. (Psa. 23:5) The table of good things is his precious truth. R1494:2 The vast majority of Christians never experience the fullness of joy, peace and blessing that they might possess. R5938:2, 2235:2

[NTC - 1 John 1:5]

God— God is the impersonation of every virtue and every grace; consequently he has the blessed satisfaction and peace of conscious moral perfection as well as inherent wisdom and power. R1833:1The Creator of all things, he is also the competent Sustainer of all things. In silent grandeur, from age to age, the whole physical universe fulfills his will, without a suspicion of disorder or mishap; and the same power is pledged for its sustenance throughout the eternal future. R1832:6
Is light— Light is healing, beneficial and health-giving. R5544:6 Light stands for truth, for righteousness. R5718:3, 5938:2, 5038:1, 2235:2, 647:4* Divine truth—coming to us through the appointed channel of God's Word and declared by his faithful servants imbued with his Spirit. R2057:3*
In him— Since in God is no darkness at all, and he has promised to guide us continually by his Spirit through his Word, we cannot walk in darkness while we follow his leading. R1495:4
Is no— No sin, no imperfection. R5938:3, 2235:2
Darkness— Represents error, superstition, sin. R5718:3, 5938:3, 5038:1, 2235:2

[NTC - 1 John 1:6]

We have fellowship— In proportion as we are seeking to walk in his ways, we become intimate with God in the particular sense in which a child knows his father. R5118:5 If we have fellowship with him we are walking (progressing) in the light—in the light which divine truth sheds about us and in the light of his approving countenance. R1495:4 It must be along the lines of truth, goodness, purity.R5938:3, 2235:3 The truth is all clear and plain in God's sight and he, by his Spirit, through his Word, will lead all of his children into light in its due season, if they are in actual fellowship with him.R647:2* It is a great mistake to imagine that we have communion and fellowship with God, when we only speak to him in prayer, and never examine the Word to hear him speak to us. R647:5* None can commune with God without becoming acquainted in some measure with his truth; and if they are in harmony and fellowship with him, his plans and purposes will become theirs. R647:5*,888:4*
Walk in darkness— If we are unfaithful, even for a little space, we shall fail to make development along spiritual lines. R5118:5 If our course of life is dark, a sinful one. R5938:3, 2235:3 If any walk in darkness—away from the truth and toward error, it is not God's fault, but their own, in not obeying the truth. R1495:4
We lie— Speak falsely. R13:4 For God does not lead his children that way. R1495:4
Do not the truth— Perform not the truth. R13:4 They don't want to know it, because they don't want to do it. R647:5* If they do not desire to obey the truth, they will deceive themselves in an endeavor to disbelieve it, and to substitute something else in its place. R647:5*

[NTC - 1 John 1:7]

Walk in the light— Truth. A20; R647:2* Be guided by God's Word. R5055:4 In harmony and fellowship with God—to the extent of our ability. R5938:4, 2235:4 It does not imply absolute freedom from the imperfections of sin. R5938:4, 2235:4 If we are still trusting in the finished redemptive work of Christ, and obedient to the heavenly calling, we are walking in the light of God's promises and instruction. R1495:4 We may maintain our communion with God, and may realize, on confession, the forgiveness of every sin and that the precious blood—the ransom—keeps us clean from every stain of sin. R689:5 In the presence of the "true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world." (John 1:9) R159:4*
We— And Jehovah. R689:5
Have fellowship— With all saints who are faithfully traveling in the same way. R1495:4, 647:5* True fellowship implies love, sympathy, a mutual sharing of good or ill, common principles, common interests, and a common aim. R647:1* Let us see to it that our fellowship is based upon the sure foundation—the blood of Jesus Christ—and that our rejoicing and communion be of the increasing light as we walk together. R647:2*
One with another— If we do not "love the brethren whom we have seen," so as to be able to have fellowship and spiritual pleasure with them, it would be an indication that we are not wholly in harmony and fellowship with God. R5938:3, 2235:3 Between all such there must be a bond of fellowship and union—whether hidden or open—that bond is the one faith and one baptism into the one Lord. R5938:4, 2235:4 We have sweet fellowship not only with God and his Son, but with all saints who are faithfully traveling in the same way. R1495:4 God and we. R689:5
The blood— A life given, i.e., death. R93:6; NS847:5 The ransom. R689:5, 652:6; E445,461;F105 The blood shed on Calvary. R1336:3*, 1298:6* The merit of our Lord's sacrifice. E445; NS847:5 In Scriptural usage blood stands for, or represents, the life. NS847:5
Of Jesus Christ— His blood became the basis for the forgiveness of our sins, made peace for us, and transferred us from the domain of sentenced culprits back to sonship. R1230:3, 1231:2 It was by his death on the cross that Christ made atonement for the sins of the world. R1299:1
His Son— After he came. R316:1*
Cleanseth us— Washes us. R4870:3, 416:6* When we come short. R5924:1 In answer to earnest prayers. R4870:6 By the grace of God our deficiencies are made good. R5005:2 Because we are unable to walk up to the spirit of the Law perfectly, although desiring to do so. R5005:2 God forgave us freely "for Christ's sake" because he paid the penalty which was the full satisfaction of justice. E461 The blood cleanses us and commutes our sins. R4982:6 "Keeps cleansing"; Not merely what he did at first—but the Apostle says his blood keeps cleansing us from all sin. CR390:1; SM723:1; NS357:4 Keeps us clean from sin, if realizing our imperfections we continually make application for forgiveness. R2235:4 It was efficacious for us as men, justifying us; and it avails for all the weaknesses and imperfections of our flesh after we become "new creatures." R4484:4, 689:3; SM723:1; NS357:1 A cleansing which may be ours after we are the Lord's and have the robe. SM255:1 Any who do not persevere in keeping their garments clean will have their names blotted out. R4870:3 If a scarlet or crimson object is viewed through a red class in the light, it appears white; so, though our sins be as scarlet or crimson, when we come where God will view them through the blood of Christ, they are accounted as white. R13:4, 689:6 Every error, every slip, every mistake, is a spot upon our wedding garment. With great humility we should go to the Master that we might have such spots promptly cleansed away. R4634:4
From all sin— Not only from the sins that are past, but also from all stains upon the robe; unintentional blemishes, spots upon our garments. R4870:3 He is not speaking of original sin—but sins due to the flesh or ignorance. Q302:T

[NTC - 1 John 1:8]

If we— New creatures. R4615:2, 2721:3; NS243:5
Say— Speaking of our flesh, and ignoring the justification provided in Christ to cover its blemishes. R2721:3 The Apostle was surmising that some would claim that they had reached perfection and that their daily life was perfect. SM723:2; NS357:4 "Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?" (Prov. 20:9) R2053:2
That we have no sin— No imperfection in our fallen flesh. R3281:5, 5903:1, 5440:1; NS243:5 No actual sin; if we claim that our every word, thought and deed is perfect. R689:5 That we are free from any breaches of the perfect law of love toward God and man. SM723:2; NS357:5 We cannot fully avoid sin in the flesh, on account of its weaknesses, and the deceptiveness and unfavorable conditions surrounding us. R5440:1 We will commit trespasses; for we have merely good intentions of the heart, with only an imperfect body in which to operate. R5750:3The new creatures are responsible for sin—the new creature never willfully sins, never intentionally does wrong, but may be ensnared through the evil propensities of its fallen body of flesh. R4615:2,3281:5, 2440:3 There is no more serious condition for the Lord's people to get into than to imagine that they are perfect in the flesh. It implies that they are blind to many of their own failings. SM723:2; NS357:5 All who are honest with themselves will acknowledge that they are imperfect and cannot do the things that they would perfectly. Q809:T
We deceive ourselves— Anyone who would say that he was perfect and without flaw, would be deceiving himself. R5041:5 Those who deny that they have any sins, imperfections, have a great load of them uncanceled, charged up to them. R5939:2, 2235:6 Some Christians have gone to the extreme of claiming that they can never commit sin, after their past sins have been graciously forgiven of the Lord, and after they have entered into the covenant relationship. R5938:2, 5939:2, 2235:1,5 "Holiness people" boast that for so many years they have lived perfectly, without sin. The human being who considers himself absolutely perfect in thought, word and deed is sadly deceived. NS469:3; R5938:2, 2235:2 Get into a snare of the Adversary. R5939:2, 2235:5 If they do not desire to obey the truth, they will deceive themselves in an endeavor to disbelieve it, and to substitute something else in its place. R647:5* We are weak through the fall, and liable to deception and error at the hands of the world, the flesh and the devil. R3281:6

[NTC - 1 John 1:9]

If we— The justified and sanctified in Christ Jesus. R5938:1, 5939:4, 2236:1, 2235:1, 1654:3, 769:3 Those now called of God to be members of the Bride of Christ. R4931:6 The Church. Q656:4 Not the world of unbelievers, "sinners" in the ordinary sense of the word. R5938:1, 4931:6, 2235:1
Confess— And only if we confess. R5939:2, 2235:6 Our daily trespasses are to be acknowledged to the Lord, and forgiveness sought and obtained. R5440:1 This confession of sins does not relate to the world, who have not yet become children of God. R4931:6
Our sins— Unintentional faults and shortcomings. R2235:4, 5938:4, 5903:1, 4932:1; Q656:4 Trespasses. Q656:4 In our flesh dwelleth no perfection. R5939:6, 5750:3, 5440:1, 2721:3, 2236:5 To the extent that the will consented to sin, even for a moment, it was unforgivable, and for that measure of responsibility we must expect to suffer stripes, i.e., chastisements. R1985:4 The Apostle is not referring to the question of mortal sin again, and the applying for a new robe of Christ's righteousness. All that was done in the past. SM724:3; NS358:1 Not referring to original sin, Adamic sin. Q656:4 This principle will be applicable also during Messiah's reign. None will make progress on the highway of holiness except first they confess their sins and turn from them. R4931:6 Thus will Christ set men's sins in order before them, they must freely confess their sins and bear their shame as did Joseph's brethren. R1646:4 Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isa. 1:18) R13:4
He is— God commended his love to us, and it is his love which constrains us to seek him and to desire to serve him. R4931:3
Just— Because Christ died. R3281:5 We can see readily enough that the Almighty must be the very embodiment of justice. R4931:3 God's will meant the requirement of justice and he opened up the way by which he could be just and yet be the justifier of those who believe in Jesus, who become his disciples, to take up their cross and follow him. R4931:3,5903:1, 769:3; HG299:2 Since the precious blood of Christ redeemed us from the curse of death. R3656:3 God can be just in forgiving our sins because Jesus has appeared for us. Our Redeemer has become our Advocate. NS243:6; R5939:4, 4931:6, 2236:1 As he would have been unjust to have allowed us to escape the pronounced penalty before satisfaction was rendered, so also it would be unjust were he to forbid our restitution, since by his own arrangement our penalty has been paid. A157 Christ's sacrifice having been accepted as "the propitiation for our sins; and not of ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world," (1 John 2:2) all must go free. R252:2; 5939:4, 2236:2
To forgive us— Those who have become new creatures in Christ by faith and obedience—God has agreed to forgive all their unwilling trespasses upon request. R4932:1, 2822:3 These assurances of divine favor and willingness to forgive are designed to have upon our hearts a mellowing influence which will make us all the more careful to avoid sin and to maintain fellowship with the Lord. R5939:3,2235:6 Stumbling into sin contrary to the will, through weakness of the flesh and temptation, is to be considered a stumbling from which there is every hope of recovery. R3260:4 If we find ourselves cold or lukewarm, let us cultivate fervency, let us fan the flame of sacred love in our hearts by frequent reflection on the Lord's grace toward us. R2388:4 We should go to the Lord and seek forgiveness, and assure him of our intention to do better in the future. Q656:4
To cleanse us— Keeps us clean from sin, if we continually make application for forgiveness, because of realization of imperfections of our flesh. R5938:5, 2235:4; NS165:1 Purify us. A gradual process, accomplished often through tears and tribulations Not merely the setting aside of our sins and trespasses in a legal way. Q656:5 We may keep ourselves in the love of God by keeping ourselves clean.R5440:1 It is in this cleansing process, which follows the legal justification, that the justified believer must experience some of the baneful results of a past course of sin; reap the reward of his former sowing. R1654:3
All unrighteousness— Natural imperfections and shortcomings. SM724:2; NS165:1, 358:1 Sin. R5938:4, 2235:4 Except sin against the holy Spirit (Matt. 12:31, 32); all manner of sin amongst the sons of men shall be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. Q280:7; R5105:6 It is evident that the tendency of mixed sin is toward mortal sin. R1985:4

[NTC - 1 John 1:10]

Sinned— "All have sinned." (Rom. 3:23) R93:3
Make him— God. R5440:1, 5939:2, 3281:5, 791:4, 93:3
A liar— Make God a liar and disown the Advocate whom God provided. R3281:5, 5440:1 Those who take any other course than that of confessing sins and asking forgiveness, are making God a liar; and he will leave them to the darkness of their own way. R5939:2, 2235:6
His word is not in us— We have not properly studied or understood God's Word. SM723:2; NS357:5

[NTC - 1 John 2:1]

My little children— According to the original this would more properly read, "My darlings." At the time of this writing, the Apostle John was quite old, very mellow in character because of his experiences. R5491:2 New creatures who have only started in the new way of full consecration to God's will. R5445:2
These things— John had, in the chapter preceding, been pointing out that sin is a trait or quality of perversity which affects all. R5491:2
Write I unto you— To teach you. E284 The object of my writing is that you might realize the responsibility of abstaining from sin and continuing in God's love. R5041:1; Q653:5
Ye— The new creature. R5041:4; Q653:5
Sin not— Avoid sin. SM719:1; NS355:3 That we become not boastful of self, self-righteous, self-justified. R5939:3, 2236:1 He does not say: Yes, we are all sinners—we cannot help it—and must continue in sin. R5491:2
And if any man— In Christ. R5939:3, 5270:5, 2236:1, 1985:3; CR88:5 In the Church. R4585:2, 4931:6, 3255:5 Those who are under the terms and conditions of the covenant of grace alone are addressed in this epistle. R5939:3, 2236:1
Sin— Stumbles into sin through weakness and temptation—not intentionally. R3255:5, 4908:5, 2235:5, 1962:2 Any trespass under deception or weakness, and not willfully. R3281:5, 4585:2; CR389:3 Flaws not of the new creature, but chargeable to the flesh. R5041:5; Q653:5, 809:T Our Father knows that we all come short on account of the weaknesses of the flesh. R5491:3,2; Q654:1 Imperfections of the flesh we cannot fully control. R5928:4, 5751:5, 4615:6; CR487:4; NS357:5; SM722:1 Jesus did not die for the willful sins of the new creature, but for the sins due to the fall—Adamic sin. R5491:6No matter how trivial the sin may be, it is a sin. God keeps no accounts with the flesh, but holds the new creature responsible. R5089:3 The Lord would not allow any who really love him, who are loyal of heart, to go into second death, but any misstep would have a tendency to lead us farther and farther away from the goal. R5270:5 Stumbling into sin through weakness of the flesh—from this there is hope of recovery.R3260:4 David's sin was one which may be repented of and forgiven—not willful. R3260:3 "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin." (1 John 1:7) Q302:T; CR390:1 There are more sins than our original sin. These are designated trespasses, and should be mentioned at the throne of grace daily. SM722:1; R4354:2;CR389:5; NS357:5 After we get the robe of Christ's righteousness, if we get a spot, we are immediately to come to the Advocate. Q302:T; CR389:6 The robe was pure and white when you got it, and if you have neglected it some, see that you go to the Lord and stay with him until you have the assurance of his forgiveness. CR390:4 In the case of a partially willful sin, stripes would be administered in proportion to the willfulness. R5492:1, 1985:4, 5106:1; CR389:3 The merit of Christ is not only sufficient for all the sins and blemishes of the past, but is sufficient for all the imperfections and blemishes as long as we remain in the flesh. R4616:6,5 A full sin would be a full consent of the new will, a full turning away from God. R5492:1 If any man sin willfully as a new creature, he perishes thereby.R5491:6, 5041:5; Q653:5 The death of those new creatures who live after the flesh will be the second death. R5270:5;CR389:4
We— The Church. R4516:6 The spirit-begotten. R5775:5; CR387:1 Believers. R1601:2 The world has no Advocate with the Father, because it has not accepted Christ. R5939:4, 5775:5, 5491:3, 4998:3,6, 4931:6, 4560:6, 3915:3, 3708:5, 2236:1; CR389:2; NS359:2; SM728:1
Have an advocate— One who stands alongside, and intercedes for you, in every way representing you. CR88:5; R4560:6, 4476:1; Q108:4 Advokat in the German represents the thought. It signifies one who pleads the cause of another, standing as his representative. The Germans use the word advocate as a synonym for our word attorney, lawyer. CR388:6 An attorney—he is never for any side but your side. Q466:2; R5197:2 An attorney appears to answer for his client, not to answer for others. The world has not retained our Lord as an Advocate. SM728:1; NS359:3 Jesus will represent to the Father that we have imperfections but he knows our hearts are right and this would be a proper case for leniency. We have forgiveness of sin through faith in his blood. Q467:T Jesus has appeared in the presence of God as the Advocate for all those who, during this Gospel age, turn away from sin and consecrate their lives to his service. R5491:3, 5041:5; CR389:1; NS359:3; Q654:1; SM728:1 The first-borns alone have an Advocate during this Gospel age. SM559:T; OV280:T Our Lord will be the Church's Advocate with the Father until the last member of his Body and the Great Company shall have finished his course.R4585:3, 4761:1 Our sins are against God. We must come to the Father in the name and through the merit of the one who redeemed us. Q734:6; R4643:1 Remember that there is a place to go, a Mercy Seat, where you may confess your sins and obtain forgiveness. R5491:3, 4805:2, 4625:2, 1938:2; CR487:5 Jesus applies enough of his merit to cover all our defects. R4764:6, 4554:4; CR88:5 To whatever extent our bodies fall short of perfect obedience, Christ makes good. R5089:3If overtaken in a fault, we should quickly repent and seek forgiveness. R1922:4, 5041:5, 4908:5, 1962:2, 1239:6; Q654:2 Our Advocate will intercede for unintentional sin, but not for deliberate sin. R5491:6, 4554:4 He is our representative; he now speaks for us. R3708:5, 1601:2 It is evident that our imperfect prayers now have to be revised by our Advocate, they might not contain all the things asked for but would contain all that is good for us. R469:5* Followers of Jesus have success in their warfare only through their Advocate. R5285:2 God has provided that we shall have an Advocate, and to go aside from him and address somebody else would be to do dishonor to the Advocate, and to the one who appointed him. Q617:2; OV181:4 We have no other Advocate; and anyone who goes in any other way is taking a side-track, and will never reach the destination. Q617:2 We need an Advocate because the Father's requirement is that our hearts be perfect in love but this is beyond our accomplishment, because we have the treasure of the new mind in earthen vessels—in imperfect bodies. SM721:1, 725:1; R5440:1, 4388:6; CR389:6; NS356:5, 358:5 Our Lord Jesus continues to be our Advocate. R4625:2, 4597:2 He who appeared in the presence of God for us at first is the same one who ever liveth to make intercession for us. R4898:2, 5041:5, 1836:6; Q654:1 The evidence of our ransom, presented by Jesus when he ascended on high, is, and ever shall be, our Advocate. That sacrifice presented by Jesus is our Advocate, ever heard on behalf of every repentant sinner. R791:4 John points us to Calvary and to the acceptance of the ransom price as our Advocate. R791:5 It is the High Priest who does all the offering and of that Priest the Head represents the entire Body. R4310:4 The really loyal ones will suffer death rather than deny God and his arrangements, when brought into this position by the great Endorser, the Advocate of the Church. SM669:1 "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (Heb. 4:16) R1829:5, 5491:3, 5270:5, 5089:3, 5041:5, 3255:5, 1865:3; CR390:5; NS358:1; OV181:4; Q654:2; SM725:T The Scriptures do not say anywhere, we have a mediator between God and us. R4680:1, 4584:6, 4388:6; Q302:T God deals with the Body during their trial day through Jesus. The world will require a Mediator. R4339:2*, 5491:5; NS359:4; SM728:2 Our Lord Jesus is not the Church's Mediator before the Father, but the Church's Advocate. A Mediator implies a hostility between two principals, requiring the intervention of a third party, and this is not the case with the Church. SM720:2; R4516:6; NS356:3; Q466:2
With the Father— Through the imputed merit of Jesus. R5491:3, 5928:4 Let us lose no time in retracing the step, and in calling upon the Father for forgiveness. R5492:4, 5041:5; Q302:T, 654:2
The righteous— The absolutely righteous one. R3281:5 "God hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world by that man whom he hath ordained." (Acts 17:31) A137

[NTC - 1 John 2:2]

And he— Jesus. CR490:4; R420:3 Our Advocate is more than a representative at the bar of justice, interested in our welfare and forgiveness; he is in addition the one who gave himself for our sins. R5939:4, 2236:1
Is the propitiation— Greek, hilasmos, satisfaction. A157; E441; F164,334;T124; R5939:4, 5193:4, 4982:2, 4633:2, 4574:3, 4515:2, 4504:6, 4497:6, 4340:3, 3066:1, 3013:6, 2596:2, 1865:3, 1590:1, 1425:1, 1256:3, 1026:6, 838:3, 791:4, 641:1, 420:3; HG177:6, 316:3; NS769:4, 804:2; SM539:2 The Greek word hilasmos signifies "that which satisfies or propitiates," and occurs only here and in John 4:10. R641:1, 420:3; E442; T124 Expiator. (Strong's Lexicon) R4519:5 Webster's definition of its meaning: "The act of appeasing wrath and conciliating the favor of an offended person—atonement or atoning sacrifice." R420:6 A sufficient satisfaction. R3279:5 Appeasement. R866:4 Covering. R704:5 The sin-offering. R5939:5, 2236:4 His death constituted the satisfaction price. OV253:3 The work he finished at Calvary. R5939:4, 2236:1 Giving his life for us as our ransom—that he might buy back the forfeited life of Adam. R4792:3, 1256:3, 128:1* Divine justice is satisfied to release the sinners as soon as the purchase-price is made available. CR490:4; NS248:1, 321:4 The first-borns alone thus far are reconciled to God. SM559:T When Jesus ascended up on high he appeared for us, the Church class, and made satisfaction for our sins. R4633:5, 4515:2, 3708:5; NS359:6; SM728:1 The great Redeemer has the satisfaction price; it merely awaits the due time for application. R4633:3, 4504:6, 2733:4 His crucifixion was necessary; that by the blood of the cross, by the death of the crucified one, atonement is effected for the sins of the Church and of the world. R4171:1, 5925:1, 5164:2, 2832:6, 2197:4 The divine provision of a remedy for sinners is co-extensive with the blight of sin. R3066:1 The same death of the same Jesus makes satisfaction for both, the sins of the Church, and the sins of the world. CR227:6 And therefore the life-giver. E328 God's love and wisdom, operating in harmony with his justice, succeeded in clearing the guilty, without any injustice. R429:4; HG595:4 The proof of God's love. "He sent his Son to be the propitiation for ours sins." (1 John 4:10) R1328:2*, 788:2 Typified by the offerings in connection with the Tabernacle. T26; NS365:4 The Church's share in the atonement is in the sense that the Church is reckoned as the Body of Christ, so its sacrifices are reckoned as being joined with that of Christ. R2052:2 The merit, the ransom, lay in the sacrifice which our Lord offered. Ours is merely incidental, and reckonedly accepted as a part, in order that we might be granted a share in the rewards. R2052:2
For our sins— The Church's sins. A157; E442; F77, 164, 334; R5939:4, 5925:1, 4633:1, 4519:5, 4497:6, 4340:3, 4171:1, 4126:2, 4114:2, 3844:6, 3066:1, 3013:6, 2733:2, 2708:5, 2596:2, 2236:2, 1816:2, 1590:1; CR490:4; HG114:1, 120:5, 316:3; NS356:1, 392:6, 769:4, 804:2, 860:6; SM719:1, 539:2; OV253:3, 197:6 Jesus gave himself a ransom-price for all, and the merit of this price was applied by imputation on our behalf. R5491:3, 4633:1, 418:6 Throughout the Gospel age. R4497:6, 1590:1 It is nearly nineteen centuries since the first application for the Church. R4504:6 By his paying our penalty we might be released from death—have a right to live—to a resurrection. R563:3 "I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins." (1 Cor. 15:3) R2601:1
Not for ours only— God recognizes the sins of the Church as one thing, and the sins of the world as another. CR227:6; NS356:1; SM719:1 The expiations are separate and distinct, but the one sacrifice, finished at Calvary, is the ransom-price by which both are to be effected. R4519:5, 4574:3
But also— But also is sufficient. R4633:1 Additionally—subsequently. R4504:6 Afterwards. R4633:2The Scriptures clearly distinguish between the sin of the world and the sin of the Church. HG177:6 Secondarily, Christ will make use of his sacrifice on behalf of all the people. R4819:1 Both the just and the unjust shall come forth from the grave. R1816:2, 5108:4; NS804:2 The redemption of mankind will be universal. R5925:1 If the elect Church received her trial in advance of the world, as a result of the redemption, the same redemption will provide a trial for the non-elect world. R2733:4 The world still has a place in the divine plan. The time must come when it will receive a blessing through the sacrifice of reconciliation. NS367:3, 769:4
For the sins— This secondary application of the merit of our Lord on behalf of the world, corresponds to the second sprinkling of the blood on the Atonement Day, the blood of the Lord's goat, sealing the New Covenant. R4498:1, 5342:4, 4819:1, 4574:3, 4515:3, 4514:1, 4504:6 When justice accepts of Christ's atonement for all the people, the formal transfer of the kingdoms of this world will take place, and God will put all things in subjection, under his feet. R4640:4 As the death of the sacrifice was not for the priests alone, so Christ's death is not for the Little Flock alone. As the animal's life was not for the tribe of Levi alone, but also for the "whole congregation," so the blood of our substitute was not for believers alone. R17:3
Of the whole world— Adam and all of his race, who died in him. R5880:1, 5939:5, 3844:6, 2733:2, 2236:2, 838:3, 165:2; HG654:6; OV197:6; Q567:1;SM68:T How many does that leave out in this great salvation? HG120:5 It has not as yet been appropriated for the world. R4633:1 The work of the Millennium. R5939:5,2236:4, 1590:1, 33:2*; NS670:4, 804:2 In due time. R4340:3, 4497:6, 2596:2, 1026:6, 165:2, 33:2*; NS804:2, 392:6 The abundance of the divine provision. R3261:6Of which the Jews are a part. OV226:4 The completeness of the ransom is the very strongest possible argument for the restitution of all mankind who will accept it on the proffered terms. A157Jesus, in laying down his human life, was laying down sacrificially the ransom price sufficient for the sins of the whole world. CR452:2; R1336:1, 685:2; NS248:1, 613:1 He will have all of this merit of his sacrifice to make satisfaction for the sins of the whole world—not a single individual omitted. R5622:3 Eventually the whole world shall have the privilege, opportunity, of having their eyes and ears opened that they also may see and understand the riches of God's grace in Christ. R4126:2, 5939:5, 2236:4 These sins of the world may include murder, but as far as justice is concerned, there can be no more objection to the forgiving of the sins of the whole world than to the forgiving of the sins of the whole Church. NS248:1 "Jesus Christ by the grace of God tasted death for every man." (Heb. 2:9) R2596:2, 1026:6, 429:4, 17:3; HG420:2, 437:3, 654:6; NS392:6; OV197:5; Q818:4; SM539:2

[NTC - 1 John 2:3]

Keep his commandments— "That we should believe on the name of his son Jesus Christ, and love one another." (1 John 3:23) R976:4, 1731:1 Not the ten commandments of Israel's Law as a covenant.R976:4, 1730:6 The Jewish Law cannot here be referred to, because, "By the deeds of the Law (covenant) shall no flesh be justified in his sight." (Rom. 3:20) R1730:6

[NTC - 1 John 2:4]

I know him— Christ as my Lord and Savior. R2154:6 Intimate knowledge of God, communion with him. R5939:6, 2236:4
Not his commandments— To do the works of righteousness, to bring forth the fruits of repentance of sins. R2154:6
Truth is not in him— It is thus very evident that the Apostle does not mean merely a knowledge about God, but an intimate knowledge of God, implying fellowship and communion with him. R5939:6,2236:4

[NTC - 1 John 2:5]

Keepeth his word— Only those who have received the Word of God can keep it, can retain it and comply with its requirements. R4897:4 Loves the Word of God and takes pleasure not in turning, twisting, and endeavoring to avoid the force of that Word, but keeps it, cherishes it, loves it, and seeks to conform himself thereto. R2649:1 We should strive to regulate our lives and all of our doings by the Word of God. R5276:5 Those who hold fast to the Word are "overcomers." R4897:4 This test of obedience proves whether or not we are new creatures. R5939:6, 4897:4, 2236:5 On all sides we hear various reasons why we should retain the world and the flesh, rather than that which the Lord's Word holds out to us. R4897:4
The love of God— Love is based on a clear knowledge of God, on an undissembled faith, a faith fully appreciating what he has said. R5276:6 That love which is most perfectly represented in God—pure, free from all selfishness, from all stain—God's love, the very underlying principle of his character. R5276:5 Whoever is so in harmony with God that they delight to do his will, have in this an evidence that the love of God is dwelling in them richly and abounding. R2648:6
Perfected— To have this love perfected in us would seem to indicate that we would love as God loves. R5276:6 The test is obedience. In proportion as we keep the Lord's Word, in like proportion the love of God is perfected in us. R4897:5

[NTC - 1 John 2:6]

Abideth in him— Abideth in Christ. R5446:6 This gives us the thought of a body. It implies that one has first come into him. R5446:3 This profession should be borne out by our walk. R5447:4 By feeding constantly on the Word, and by following closely in Christ's footsteps. R1802:6* Abiding in him to the end. R1008:2
Also so to walk— To do the will of God in all things. R5446:6 Be willing to do "everything written in the Book"—not merely forcing ourselves to it, but delighting to do God's will. R5447:1, 4897:4, 2649:1 In our general relationship and deportment to everything that is good, and correspondingly to avoid everything that is evil. R3237:5, 5447:5 That we still love him—are still in harmony with God's Word—have no will but the Lord's will—his peace in our hearts and lives. R5446:3 Not according to the flesh, but according to the new creature—to love everything that is good and avoid everything that is evil. R5447:5 In the same way, in the same direction, toward the same mark and standard that he recognized and established. R3237:5, 5446:3 "We are buried with him" and rise to "walk in newness of life." (Rom. 6:4) R5446:3
Even as he walked— Whoever walks as Jesus walked is in harmony with the divine Word and will—in holiness, devotion and opposition to sin—he lived daily in harmony with the will of the Heavenly Father—fully submissive—a sacrifice unto death. R5446:6 In the same path, in the same direction, toward the same glorious goal—not according to the desires of the flesh. R5447:5 The word disciple signifies one who follows—as a pupil follows his teacher. R5447:4 He pleased not himself, but delighted in doing the Father's will. R493:4*

[NTC - 1 John 2:8]

A new commandment— Teaching. E284

[NTC - 1 John 2:10]

He— Represented in Joseph—The Messiah—the class that includes the specially faithful of God's people during this Gospel age. R5231:3
Loveth— The testimony of God is that Christ is the love of the world. R1329:2*

[NTC - 1 John 2:11]

Hateth his brother— He who loveth not his brother loveth not God. He who hateth his brother and back-biteth him is not under the control of the spirit of God. R4327:3
Darkness— A synonym for the condition of those in sin. R4327:3 As are the worldly. R1063:4*
Blinded his eyes— We must not be surprised if some of those who have manifested a bitter, loveless spirit, and who have been harrying the Lord's flock in a backbiting and wolfish manner should become uncertain in respect to the truth.R4327:4 Blindness and confusion are of the Adversary. R4328:1

[NTC - 1 John 2:12]

Little children— Babes in Christ. R97:5*, 1906:3 We realize our adoption as sons only when we have renounced the vain pomp and glory of this world and turned fully to God, claiming no righteousness of our own. R1906:3 No one is even a babe in Christ who still cherishes iniquity in his heart, or who fails to recognize his need of the covering of Christ's righteousness. R1906:3
For his name's sake— Because he paid the penalty, which was the full satisfaction of justice. E461

[NTC - 1 John 2:13]

Fathers— "When I became a man, I put away childish things." (1 Cor. 13:11) R1906:6
Young men— Beyond both infancy and boyhood, the stature of a young man in Christ. R1906:6

[NTC - 1 John 2:14]

Ye are strong— Spiritual new creatures in Christ must have appropriate proper nourishment that they may continue to live and grow. R1906:3

[NTC - 1 John 2:15]

Love not the world— The love of fellowship, which implies the partaking of the world's spirit—its aims, ambitions, hopes and its methods of pursuing them. R1955:6 To fellowship the world is to talk in harmony with its ideas and to conform to its ways. In this sense we may not love it, but must be apart from it and in opposition to it. R1956:4 This signifies that the world's standards, customs, ambitions, views, etc., are so different from those inculcated by the spirit of the truth that it is impossible for these to fully harmonize the one with the other. R5513:4 We are not to be in sympathy with any of the present selfish institutions, even though we may be obliged to conduct our affairs considerably along its selfish lines. F606 The world is traveling in the opposite direction to righteousness—in the way of selfishness and gratification of the flesh. R5218:2 The worldly spirit of selfishness and sin; the spirit of ambition, envy, hatred, malice and strife. SM607:1 Evil deeds and thoughts—sinful practices. R4766:5, 4765:6 We are not to set our hearts upon these things. Our hearts are to be set upon the doing of the Lord's will. R5512:5 We should be on guard against every indication of sympathy or affiliation with the spirit of the world. F606 Have no affectionate love for evil doers. R1251:1 Even a good work could be engaged in from the spirit of the world rather than the spirit of God. R5139:2 Our ability to run the race set before us in the Gospel will be in proportion as we shall be obedient to the divine counsel. F729; R5139:4 There are many who have been begotten of the spirit, who are partially overcome by the allurements of the world, they partially lose sight of the prize set before us, and try to keep the favor of God and the favor of the world. A213 The love or charity which goes out toward the enemies of the cross of Christ—those who have been once enlightened by the truth and have turned away from it—is not the right kind of love. R1589:5 The world operates along lines different from those of love. The spirit of selfishness belongs to the present order; we see it everywhere. R5138:3 Its spirit lays hold of all the forces of nature and seeks to control these, to adapt them to its own selfish interests. R5138:3Those who have the selfish heart, the selfish intentions, will continue to love the things of the world. R5138:6 It has become an enemy and a tempter by reason of the fact that the Church have been "begotten again" to new hopes, new ambitions—which are along radically different lines from anything the world knows or has sympathy with. R4811:1 But we are to be the enemies of none, and the friends of all.R4765:3, 1955:3 Many of the poor love the things of the world, and hope some day to get their share. R5138:6 "World" does not refer to either the human race, or to the planet on which we live. It is from the Greek word, kosmos, signifying, arrangement, the present order of things. R5138:2, 97:3* St. John does not refer to the world of mankind, for we should have sympathy similar to the Heavenly Father's for the fallen race. R5138:3, 2755:2, 1955:3
Neither the things— God's people recognize the things of the world in general as being in opposition to the service of God. R4766:1 Every child of God should be on guard against the spirit of selfishness and against willingness to participate in the things of this world. R5139:1, 5138:3, 4766:4 A man who would truly rejoice to have a better arrangement of affairs, would not have the spirit that dominates in the present order of things. R5138:6 Those whose eyes of understanding have been illuminated can never be satisfied with present conditions under the rule of the prince of darkness. R4196:2 We cannot condemn the ways of the world, yet delight in the good things of life provided—the automobile, the pleasant home, etc. R5139:1 Not that we are not to appreciate beautiful things, or that we are not to like to see others striving to benefit the world; but that we should not be satisfied with any of these things, so far as we are concerned. R5139:1
In the world— Of the world. R1096:5*
If any man— The Apostle seems to be addressing this message to the Church. R5139:1
Love the world— Greek, agapee. Used in an inferior sense. R3949:4 We do not understand that such a one has no love for the Father, or that the Father has no love for him. R5139:1
Love of the Father— Greek, agapee, disinterested or divine love, as representing the highest type of love when used respecting the Lord and his people. R3949:4 The Spirit of God, the spirit of love, the spirit that will dominate the new order of things, that will control during the thousand years of Christ's reign. R5138:6 Those who love God will be fully out of harmony with the spirit of the present evil world. R5139:4
Is not in him— The love of the Father had not gotten full control of his heart—meaning if he did not overcome his selfish disposition he would not be accepted as a son. R5139:1 If any man in Christ partake of the poor substitutes which the world has to offer he is thereby proving his lack of appreciation and hence his unworthiness of heavenly things. R1956:4 Those who are serving the ministry merely from the worldly spirit will be vexed with every thing that is making for truth. R5139:4 "Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever, therefore, will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." (James 4:4) R4765:3

[NTC - 1 John 2:16]

For all— The Apostle very briefly summed up the world's treasures. R1956:1 Worldly desires. R2154:2, 2123:3
In the world— The spirit of the world is the very opposite of the Spirit of God and of Christ. R1956:1 When the lusts of the flesh and the eyes have brought their curse of narrowness, bigotry and conceit; depriving fellow-men of their rights and privileges, then pride, the exultation of meanness has its short triumph. R1859:4 These three points of attack by the great enemy are the points which the Lord would have us guard with unwearied vigilance. R1859:4 The pride of life and desires of the flesh never had so deep and broad an influence over the minds of the majority of mankind as they have at present. NS468:2 All these things appeal to us and strive to get from us precious moments, talents, opportunities and influence, which as ambassadors for the great King we feel we ought to be rendering to him and his service. NS468:2
Lust of the flesh— Undue cultivation of all the appetites and passions common to the whole human family. R1859:3, 2154:2, 1956:1 The merely animal instincts. To these, thousands sacrifice all the higher interests. To fare sumptuously in eating and drinking and frolic and pleasure is their delight. R1956:1
Lust of the eyes— Ambitions to acquire and possess whatsoever the natural eye or the eye of understanding perceives to be good; i.e., to be gratifying to the carnal mind, the old unregenerate nature. R1859:3 Craving wealth, fame, power, social distinction. R1859:3 Impels to self-gratification regardless of the rights and liberties of others. R1859:3 Demands luxury in dress and home appointments and the gathering for self-gratification of all that is admired and desired. R1956:1
Pride of life— It is that disposition in a man which glories in his shame—exulting over those in humbler walks in life. R1859:3 It is the blossom of selfishness, so abhorrent to God and to all good men. R1859:3 Glorying in the shame of selfishness which has ignored the wants and woes of the needy and suffering, and saying to self; Soul, take thine ease, eat, drink and be merry. R1956:1 Loftily soaring above the unfortunate subjects of its power and gloating over the desolation it has wrought. R1859:4 Pride is connected with nearly everything that is injurious to the people of God. R5125:5
Of the Father— Only a new mind, secured through a complete consecration of one's being to God will transform the motive of the depraved heart. R1189:6* "Simplicity and godly sincerity," delighting in the beauty of holiness, adorned with a meek and quiet spirit, submissive to discipline, patient in tribulation, abounding in the work of the Lord. R2123:3
But is of the world— According to the spirit of this present evil world. R1955:6 If we yield to the spirit of the world it means a corresponding loss of favor with our King, and if loyal to our King and our ambassadorship, it means that the world will think of us as foolish. NS468:3

[NTC - 1 John 2:17]

Passeth away— Present governments, though permitted of God, must pass away. R1189:5*
But he— And only he. R1781:5, 1273:2

[NTC - 1 John 2:18]

Last time— Last hour. R4692:4*
Antichrist— Opposed to Christ. F260 That Wicked One, the Man of Sin, the Mystery of Iniquity, the Son of Perdition, the Abomination that maketh desolate, the Beast, the Little Horn, the Papacy. B271, 277; R1775:5, 980:2, 143:6; HG76:2-5 An organized body—not a sinful individual. R980:2The term applies to anything or any person opposing Christ—it means, against Christ—it is found only in John's epistles, where it appears five times. R143:2 Against, in the sense of misrepresenting, counterfeit, taking the place of the true Christ. B281; HG76:5 So perfect is the counterfeit that many have mistaken the false for the true and really suppose the thousand years reign of Christ and the saints is in the past. HG76:5 John tells the Church that there are some of the nominal Church who have become Antichrist; opposers of Christ. R380:1 Protestants are willing to conciliate Rome in almost every way; they retract the statements of the past that the church of Rome is the Antichrist. R1775:3
Many antichrists— The Greek distinguishes between the special Antichrist and the numerous lesser ones. B281 Adversaries of the true Church—the anointed body of Christ. R813:6* Powerful organizations known as churches have been established, and by their opposition to the truth, and those who hold the truth, have become anti-Christ. R813:6* The same spirit which in our day has become so formidable, manifested itself in Apostolic times and has been alive during the entire history of the Gospel Church. R814:1* The world is still opposed to the Christ of God, both Head and Body, because it knoweth him not. R143:6 The Greek philosophers and philosophizing teachings. E285, 286

[NTC - 1 John 2:19]

Went out from us— Deserted the truth and its interests. R1589:5 Who have separated themselves from us. R4531:5 Were sifted out. R1132:3 A departure from the faith. R694:6 With pain and sorrow we part company. R126:1 They go out from us because they lack full consecration and full submission to the will of God. R1279:6 All who do not rightly appreciate and value the ransom accomplished by the Lamb of God for the taking away of the sin of the world. R1289:2, 5191:2, 2270:3 All who have not the spirit of humility, patience, gentleness, brotherly-kindness, love, will surely be separated. R2407:4 If we were speaking of the Great Company and those who during this age go into the second death, we might say they went out from us before they had known of us. They certainly were of us, but not of the elect class. Q728:4
But they— A certain class who, still professing to be of the Christ Body, the Church, had left the foundation principles of the truth, and were, in the eyes of the world, taking the place and name of the true Church. B281 Who claimed that the prophecies of a Messiah were figurative and never to be fulfilled. F260
Were not of us— Either they never were true Christians, or they had ceased to be such. F260 Did not represent us, even though they might deceive themselves and the world on this subject. B281 Gradually they are going into darkness on all subjects. R4585:4 Because the old fleshly mind and disposition are still there. R1589:5 What more can we do for them but leave them in the hand of him who is too wise to err and too just to be unkind. R4585:5 We should not by word or act be unkind to those who in this hour of temptation are being smitten down by the arrows of the Adversary. R4483:6 The Great Company are not of us in the sense that they are not of the class that will attain unto the Kingdom—the elect. Q728:5
They went out— If, after we have done all in our power to hold a fellow-member with our love and with the truth, he departs, we are to take the matter with equanimity. The Lord will bring back into fellowship all that are truly his. R4375:5
Made manifest— It is doubtless as necessary that the Church be sifted, purged, tested, as that it be "built up". For either work, God uses the ready and willing. R2368:6 "There must be heresies among you that they which are approved may be made manifest among you." (1 Cor. 11:19) R4375:5, 2368:6 Trials and siftings are as necessary to the Church's prosperity and development as is the truth, and none of these things need discourage any. R1318:5*

[NTC - 1 John 2:20]

Ye— Who? Why, all those who receive the holy Spirit. CR251:5; R2225:2 No one can have a right to serve in the capacity of a priest unless he be anointed of the holy Spirit. SM600:T
Have an unction— Greek, chrisma, endowment of the holy Spirit—anointing. SM597:1; E281; R5616:4, 4841:6, 2225:2, 380:1, 126:1; OV160:3 From custom, the Greek word chrisma carried with it the thought of fragrance, perfume. What a sweet perfume does this anointing of the holy Spirit of love bring with it to all who receive it! E281 An anointing, oiling, making smooth, lubricating. R2225:1, 2227:1, 2224:6; E281; F261; CR441:3; SM608:T, 597:1 Its tendency is to follow peace with all men, so far as is possible. It is opposed to friction—to anger, malice, hatred, strife. F261; SM607:1 Oil was used in olden times for anointing the skin to give smoothness and softness, so the holy Spirit brings to all who are anointed with it a smoothness and softness of character and manner not previously theirs. R2225:2; F262 From earliest times God has used oil as a type of the holy Spirit: for instance, the kings of Israel were anointed; likewise the priesthood. Christ is the antitype of Israel's kings and high priests. R2225:1; E281; SM598:2, 601:T The work as priests begins immediately after we receive our anointing—sacrificing unto death. But the same anointing which we received as respects the kingly office has a future fulfillment. SM601:T This holy anointing implies a power and authority—it will quicken our mortal bodies, energize our faith, and open wider the eyes of our understanding, that we may be daily the better able to comprehend the length, breadths, heights, and depths of the divine character and plan. SM605:2, 606:2 It gives the spirit of joy, peace, benevolence, goodness, mercy, brotherly kindness and love—which is the character of a true Christian. SM607:1, 597:1; E281; F261 Whoever has received the spirit of love, the holy Spirit or disposition, the Spirit of the truth, has an unction, anointing, lubrication from the Holy One. R2225:2; F261 It is the Spirit of God, which proceedeth and came forth from him, bestowed upon his faithful. R2225:2 This unction gives more or less ability to understand the deep things of God—in proportion to the measure of the holy Spirit received and in proportion to the natural talents of the person thus blessed. OV160:3 The lubricating and mollifying of character will come slowly, gradually, and we must not expect a miracle or as sudden a change in our earthen vessels as we had in the spirit of our minds. R2227:1 The one thus begotten of the holy Spirit is spiritually minded. R4968:3 The holy Spirit has revealed to us the presence of the Bridegroom—he has caused us to sit down to meat (truth), and himself has been our teacher and served us. R126:1 Under this blessing of the Lord, we are to develop more and more, in preparation for our position of royalty. R4210:5 It also brings a desire to tell of the goodness of God. CR297:3 In considering olive oil in connection with an anointing, we have several very beautiful and forceful thoughts as respects the blessing conferred by the anointing. It represents a peace-producing and light-giving influence. SM606:3 Illustrated by electricity being supplied to a trolley car. SM605:3, 608:1
From the Holy One— The Father. E282 From the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. SM605:1 It has no other author; it is the Spirit of God. R2225:2 The holy Spirit. SM597:T This text does not declare that we are anointed WITH the Holy One, as though the Holy One became the oil or influence. SM605:1 By being taught of him. R51:1*
Ye know all things— Ye all know it; you have this evidence that you are members of the Body of Christ. E283; F262; R4989:3, 4210:5, 2226:6; SM597:1, 600:T Rendering of Sinaitic and Vatican manuscripts—"You all know it." (Diaglott) R380:1, 4841:6, 2225:2; F261 The one receiving the anointing should know it, whether others know it or not. R2224:6, 5616:5, 4841:6; OV160:3 It manifests itself to us as it would not to the world. We know that we have the mind of Christ—the opposite of selfishness. R4841:6 We can readily discern the change of our own sentiments; and it should not be very long after we receive it and know it, before others should know it also. R2226:6 If we have the holy Spirit, this anointing, this unction, we surely know it as a fact, whether or not we have always discerned it as being the Spirit of our adoption to the divine nature. R2225:6 Have an understanding of heart and of mind which is different from that any natural man would have, the privilege of growing in grace and knowledge. R4968:4; E283 "Now I know in part." (1 Cor. 13:12) SM597:1 The words "all things" are omitted by oldest Greek manuscripts. E283 See also comments on verse 27

[NTC - 1 John 2:22]

He that denieth— Teaching that the prophecies of a Messiah are figurative. F260
The Christ— The Anointed. R144:4
Antichrist— The Greek philosophizing teachers and all such false teachers. E286 Those against which we most guard are the power and influence of the various false heads and so-called bodies of Christ. R144:4 As the dragon, the civil power of the nations has been in the "bottomless pit" under the antichrist, so the nations are to be subdued under the real Christ. HG76:4
Denieth— Denying means acting contrary to. HG76:1
Father and the Son— The Greek philosophers were quite willing to acknowledge Jesus as a good man and a wise teacher but not as the Son of God. E285 People believed that Jesus had lived, but denied his being the Christ, the Sent of God, as the same class of anti-christs do today who deny that "Jesus is the Son of God." R144:4 This means something quite different from denying their existence. HG75:6

[NTC - 1 John 2:23]

Denieth the Son— Although it might have been possible to trust in and believe on the Father without believing on the Son before the Son was manifested, yet now, whosoever denieth the Son of God thereby denies the Father. F260

[NTC - 1 John 2:24]

Which ye have heard— John exhorts the Christians to hold fast the teachers heard by them and to consider the philosophizing teachings of the Greeks as lies. E286

[NTC - 1 John 2:25]

Promised us— The promise is now to the Church, and to no others. R5608:5 This "us" class includes not only the antitypical Priests, but also the antitypical Levites. But while both classes will have eternal life, "the crown of life" (immortality) is only for those who will prove themselves to be "more than overcomers—conquerors." R5608:6
Even eternal life— When Jesus came, he brought the words of eternal life, everlasting life. He "brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel." (2 Tim. 1:10) R5608:3 If we would make our calling and election sure to glory, honor, and immortality, we must exercise great carefulness indeed. Those who attain the prize will get the grandest blessing God has to give. R5609:4 "Which salvation began to be spoken by our Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him." (Heb. 2:3) R5608:5 "The gift of God is eternal life." (Rom. 6:23) E385, 386; R1878:3 And though it is promised as a gift, yet it is only to a certain class that he ever agreed to give it, viz., to those believers in Jesus who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for glory, honor and immortality. R279:3, 142:5 The Lord will make it quite possible for the world to gain life everlasting on the human plane, just as he is now making it possible for the Church to attain life on the divine plane. R5608:6 The Greek philosophers were teaching a future, eternal life and were glad to find Christians teaching the same: the difference being that they (Plato and others) taught that eternal life is a human quality. E285 If any "fall away", they will not receive the eternal life promised, but the opposite, eternal death, the second death. R138:1* From the standpoint of Christian thought in general, these words are practically meaningless; for most believe that everlasting conditions are forced upon all humanity from the moment of birth. R5608:1 The Scriptures nowhere teach that all have life inherently. R5608:4

[NTC - 1 John 2:26]

That seduce you— That seek to seduce you from Christ. E286 "Those who (would) deceive you." (Diaglott) R380:2 In addition to the Word and its God appointed expounders, it is essential that we have also the mind of Christ, else we might be deceived into a misconstruction of the plainest statements of God's Word. R380:2

[NTC - 1 John 2:27]

But the anointing— The one anointing, the holy Spirit. E215; T37 The word "Christ" signifies "Anointed"; "The Christ is not one member but many." (1 Cor. 12:14) A81, 82 Divine recognition of them as kings and priests. R5393:4; SM600:1 As a member of a special class. R5550:1 The whole Church of Christ is the anointed one, the Christ of God. CR270:2; R218:5 When we come into Christ we come into the anointing. The anointing belongs to the entire Body. Q23:T Our begetting is individual—our baptism, or anointing, is collective, but the one is as personal as the other. R5393:5; E215 The anointing is represented as of the whole Church collectively. The begetting is an individual matter. R5550:1 We are not anointed as individuals, but as members of his Body. CR436:1; SM599:1 All who come to God, by Christ, are immersed into membership in his Body, thus coming under the anointing. R5394:1; CR436:1 We all have received this anointing of the holy Spirit. It is now a matter of development. R5393:2 The qualification by which God recognizes us as his children. R5392:5 The mind, will or spirit of God—the same mind which was also in Christ Jesus our Lord. R380:1 Our Lord calls it a begetting, in the sense that a new life is started. R5392:4 Our Lord and Head was anointed; and this same anointing extends to all the members of his Body, the Church. R1891:2, 5807:3, 5394:1, 1917:5, 1688:4; F261; Q514:3; SM599:T Ordination came upon the disciples at Pentecost; and all down the Gospel age it has come upon the followers of Christ, anointing them to preach the Gospel. R5807:3, 241:2; OV160:3; Q514:3 Both classes, the Little Flock and the Great Company receive the anointing of the Lord, the begetting of the holy Spirit. R5393:2 The holy Spirit is the influence or power of the Father by which we are anointed, consecrated, recognized as the Lord's people. It is not part of a trinity. SM603:T
Ye have received— Consecrated believers. A81 We receive this anointing from the Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ. R5549:4, 5537:1 All who have received the ordination of God have the authority to preach according to their opportunities and abilities. Q514:4; R241:2 "Anointing of the Spirit" must include that mellowing development which comes as we grow in grace and in knowledge, and not merely the time when we were anointed (begotten) to come into the family of God. R5728:3, 2227:1 To share with our Lord in the present time the dishonor and sacrifice and in the coming age of glory to be joined with him in glory and power. R241:2; SM600:T Beginning at Pentecost. E281; T37; R5549:6, 2225:5, 1917:5, 241:2 The anointing which the Church received at Pentecost was the divine sanction, the divine recognition, of those consecrated to follow in the footsteps of our Lord. R5549:5; SM602:1 Since Pentecost the same Gospel call has gone forth throughout all the world—to as many as the Lord our God doth call. (Acts 2:39) Those who accept the terms and conditions of that call come into the anointed company. R5549:5 When we come into Christ, we come into this anointing. R5549:6 "Christ in you, the hope of glory." R4841:6, 5228:3 No one can be a member of the new creation before being anointed of the holy Spirit. R5393:3 In the type, the under-priesthood received a measure of the anointing oil, prefiguring the real priesthood to come. R5392:3, 5549:4 Some who have received of the Lord this anointing will not be accounted worthy to reign with him because of lack of zeal in carrying out their covenant. R5393:2
Of him— The Lord Jesus, the Head of an anointed company. R5392:3 Jesus was anointed at Jordan; the antitype of the Jewish High Priest. He received the holy Spirit without measure. R5549:4 In the type, the oil was poured only upon the Head. T37; F261; R5549:2, 2225:1
Abideth in you— Continues in you. R5549:6 So long as we continue obedient. R5393:6 All of the anointed have the mind of the great Christ. So we are to seek to abide in him individually as well as collectively; for as we have come into the anointed class, so it is possible for us to go out of this anointed class. R5550:5 The anointing which the Church received at Pentecost abideth in her. R241:2 One is a member of the anointed the instant he is begotten. It is the new creature that is anointed. R5393:4Evidenced by the appearance of the fruits and graces of the holy Spirit. R5549:6 Sooner or later affecting their outward conduct, gradually. R5393:3 So long as you have this holy Spirit of love abiding in you, it will serve as a guard against all blasphemous, antichristian theories. E287 The anointed office may be forfeited, without the spirit-begotten life being forfeited, as in the case of the Great Company. R5393:5
Ye need not that— Mistranslated in our Common Version—under this delusion many are turned aside from the instruction which the Lord designs should be given through teachers whom he would raise up. R2810:5, 2224:5 Satan has used this mistranslation to befog the minds of the Lord's people and to make them believe contrary to the testimony of their own senses. R2224:2
Any man teach you— The fundamental truth that all were sinners and in need of a Redeemer; and that Jesus, the Anointed One, had redeemed them by the sacrifice of his own life. F260;E287 That Jesus is the Son of God, the Redeemer, the Messiah. F261; E287; R2224:6 These Greek philosophers, who claim to be such great teachers, can teach you nothing of value. E286 Ye are not dependent upon human wisdom and science. R218:5 All the consecrated are anointed to preach, and they need no other authority. R1891:2, 1917:5 Those who have this anointing have no need that any one teach them that fact, for they have the evidence of it, the proof of it in their own hearts and experiences. R5228:4 This passage has no reference whatever to general instruction in righteousness and in the Word of God and in the plan of salvation. R2224:6 This does not mean that teachers are not to be recognized, and that none are needed. John does not contradict other Scriptures which show that God had appointed teachers in the Church. R380:1; E284; F262 John himself was a teacher and in this very epistle was teaching what he and we appreciate as sound doctrine—necessary to be taught. E284
The same anointing— The same anointing that has come down throughout the age upon all the members of the Body. R5393:5 Those who had received the holy Spirit of the Lord should in this fact have sufficient proof to offset any arguments of the Adversary to the effect that Christ was an imposter. R2224:6 You will find the same test of loyalty to the holy Spirit of love received through the Father and the Son helpful in proving all matters. E287
Teacheth you of all— "Teaches you concerning all things, and is true." (Diaglott) R380:2, 218:5
And is truth— Whatever contradicts or ignores the Spirit of love is an unholy Spirit—a false teaching. E287
Ye shall abide— Who constitute his Body. R5392:3 That ye must abide. F261 To abandon Christ is to abandon all. E287
In him— To abide in Christ, we must, as new creatures, grow in grace, knowledge and love. R5550:5 Abiding in him to the end. R1008:2; E287 Whoever abides not in him, in the Vine, is, like the branch cut off, sure to wither. Whoever abides in him is sure to abide in his Spirit also, and cannot deny him. F261 See also comments on verse 20.

[NTC - 1 John 2:28]

At his coming— Greek, parousia, presence. B159; R1693:1, 223:1, 51:1*

[NTC - 1 John 2:29]

Is born of him— Greek, gennao. God being associated with the action, it should be rendered begotten. R837:1; A278 Is begotten. A278; R3476:3, 837:1, 51:1*

[NTC - 1 John 3:1]

Behold— Greek, eidon, consider, know, understand. A278; R837:3 Did you ever think of that? Called to be sons and daughters of the loving God, adopted into the family of God, with Jesus as our elder brother, to share with him all the glories of the heavenly Kingdom. R31:3*
What manner of love— Greek, agapee, disinterested or divine love. The highest type of love when used respecting the Lord and his people. R3949:2 God's special love and provision for his saints as distinguished from the world. R1254:5 It astounds us to know that the same love is exercised toward us—the same love that he had for our Lord Jesus. R5082:6,2466:4 Our Lord expressed and fully manifested the Father's love. R5082:6, 2466:4 "The Father himself loveth you." (John 16:27) R5082:6 Even worldly physicians, skeptics, are coming to recognize the fact that the peace of God ruling in and keeping the heart is not only an excellent medicine, but a great preservative of health. R2083:5
Us— Consecrated new creatures. R991:2; NS79:2
The sons of God— Christians. R761:2 We are his and the King of Glory is supervising our experiences. R4465:6 God has granted us the privilege of witnessing, as his servants and ambassadors. B264 While the sons are being perfected, it is not expected that the world will understand it. R50:3* "And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ." (Rom. 8:17) R4465:6, 2352:1
Therefore the world— Because we make the Gospel the all-absorbing theme of life. A347 A mystery to the world. R368:6; A85; NS399:6 They can never understand. CR410:2 The world in general is growing more and more atheistic and pantheistic. NS328:1
Knoweth us not— As new creatures. F437; R368:6; NS51:3, 337:1 As Christ's joint-heirs. A85 Members of his Body, parts of his sacrifice. F467; R5455:3; NS79:2 Understandeth us not. R1653:2, 991:2 Understands us not, appreciates us not. HG264:5; NS61:5; OV359:6 Comprehends nothing of the change by which we are risen with Christ. NS337:1 Because they realize not that they are united to their hidden Lord. R3797:6 "Your life is hid with Christ in God." (Col. 3:3) NS639:4 God's saintly ones have not been generally the great, the influential. OV194:5 The selection of a Little Flock was unexpected of the angels and of men and hence was a mystery, and still is to mankind. R4398:5, 1653:2; NS399:6 The great religious teachers have not recognized the members of the Body of Christ. R4755:1 The world does not yet understand that the Church of Christ is not to be found in any of the professed churches. OV359:6 The fact, as well as the philosophy, of the Church being members of Christ is to the world a hidden mystery. OV124:1; NS337:1 The world reckons the Little Flock as a part of the filth and off-scouring of all things, knows them as fools for Christ's sake. R4133:6, 962:2; A347; SM9:1 This which we now have is a bitter foretaste; but coupled with this there is a joy which the world cannot give. R4841:6 For eighteen hundred years this has been true—Christ and the Church have been only the incipient Kingdom. R5455:3; NS79:2 These new creatures are all sons of God, though the world does not understand that they are in any way different from others in their relationship to God. R5439:3; CR132:1; NS51:2, 337:5 They see no reason why we should sacrifice or consecrate our wills to the Lord. NS51:2 Some highly esteemed among men, are not highly esteemed in God's sight; and some not much esteemed among men, are highly esteemed of God. R5259:1 The true Church, the Body of Christ, is disesteemed amongst men. NS682:4 If humble of mind we shall not expect great things for ourselves, or special attentions. R4466:6, 2556:4 How often, while endeavoring to walk in Jesus' footsteps, and to overcome evil with good, we are misunderstood and our purposes maligned. R255:2 Let us feel more content to be sharers for the time in the blasphemous reproaches and misrepresentations which come to us in connection with our endeavors to show forth the praises of him who hath called us. NS557:4 As Joseph's brethren were blind to the fact that their brother would be their savior from famine, as well as the savior of the Egyptians; so the world fails to realize that only through the Messiah will any have eternal life. R5215:3 When the last members of the Lord's Body announce the parousia of the Lord and that his Kingdom is at hand, there is a beauty in the message in the sight of the household of faith, but not so with the world. R3762:5 he minds of the majority of mankind as they have at present. NS468:2 Few will be able to comprehend our message in the full, nor are we to parade our ambassadorship before the world. NS466:1
Because— For the same reason that. A85; R962:2 "The god of this world hath blinded the eyes" of the vast majority of men. (2 Cor. 4:4)R1653:2; NS331:5
It knew him not— The Master. R5439:3 The Forerunner and Captain. R3797:6; NS61:6 They knew not the great religious Teacher and Redeemer whom God had sent. R4755:1 The world did not know Jesus to be begotten of the holy Spirit, the son of the highest, etc.; nor that he is highly exalted at the Father's right hand. CR132:1 The disciple must not expect to be above his Lord. R2556:5

[NTC - 1 John 3:2]

Now— Consecrated believers are actually sons of God. R4932:3; Q665:1 Even in our imperfect condition. HG449:2 We already enjoy this blessed relationship. CR109:2 The Lord's faithful, consecrated ones, though hampered with unfavorable surroundings and imperfect conditions. NS527:2 But not glorified. NS187:5
Are we— The saints, the truly consecrated. R1006:2 His Body. R659:5*, 447:5* Reckoned by faith—faith in the ransom; in promises of grace to overcome; and a desire to do the Father's will. R1006:3, 197:2; NS336:2
The sons of God— Begotten of the holy Spirit. F365; NS458:5 We have come into this blessed union with him through consecration. CR109:2; R4932:3; Q665:1 Reckonedly, hoping by divine grace to "become partakers of the divine nature." (2 Pet. 1:4) E69; R5317:1, 4014:6, 2843:5 In embryo. R5317:1; CR432:1; Q405:4 Our present sonship is tentative. The actual sonship will begin after we shall have passed our probationary trial. R5317:1, 4014:6; Q405:4 The fact that we are called sons of God implies the beginning of a new life. The new life which we have received is not from Jesus, but from the Father. R5623:5 God owns and accepts all who have come unto him through Christ. These will continue to be owned as sons to the end of the present journey, to the end of the present time of sacrifice. R3203:6 To all three different natures—human, angelic, and divine—Jehovah is Father, yet only one of them is of his own nature. R354:5, 1052:5*, 816:5 The only ones who have a right to call God "our Father" are those who have come into covenant relationship with him through Christ. R5219:1;CR499:5 Jesus was the first son of God after Adam; and since our Lord's time the Church have been called sons of God. R5623:5 Just the same as a child adopted into a family takes the name of the family, so we have taken upon ourselves the name of the sons of God in accepting the divine proposition to this effect. R4014:5 With these sons of God, the new creature is the special thing, in God's sight. The flesh matters little. R5624:2 When Jesus said he was a son of God the Jews were about to stone him, reasoning that if a son of God, he was making himself to be also a God, or of the God family—just what we claim.R301:3 "The God and Father of our Lord Jesus hath begotten us." (1 Pet. 1:3) R301:3, 474:1 "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God." (John 1:12) R1005:5 Partaking by faith of the glory to follow. SM147:2 Those who shall be of the Bride class will be changed in their resurrection to a new nature, the divine nature. R1510:5, 752:4*; NS551:6, 610:4; OV353:2; SM154:3 The Jews were afraid to call themselves sons of God, or to call him their Father; and it was not until some time after our Lord's death that their faith began to grasp the privilege. R5219:2 The world cannot call God their Father. CR499:5
Doth not yet appear— To our human understanding. B108 What a spirit body is, and therefore what our Lord is. B128; A182; R5547:5, 578:5, 454:1, 277:4, 206:1 The full completeness of the glory and blessing that shall come to us at his second advent. R2352:1, 1262:3; HG334:3; SM361:1 Whatever it may be, we know it is not composed of flesh, blood and bones; it is heavenly, celestial, spiritual. A182; B128 We do not know experimentally respecting the glorious conditions of the new nature promised us in the resurrection. NS458:6 It must be very different from our present animal body. R454:1
What we shall be— What we shall be like. R360:6 How glorious. SM619:1, 154:3; HG449:2; NS187:2 In the resurrection. R1996:1 How great our glory and exaltation in the resurrection change. NS256:5; SM154:3 How much of a change we shall experience when we shall receive the new resurrection bodies which the Lord has promised us. F365; R66:5*; HG390:1; SM532:1 "For we shall all be changed." (1 Cor. 15:51) R5299:2, 5589:6, 4914:3, 3075:3, 2798:6, 1873:5, 1693:1, 1496:6, 952:6, 242:2; E299; HG145:2; NS458:5; SM154:3 We shall be incorruptible, powerful, and have spiritual bodies. R3174:6, 5416:6, 2587:5, 1996:4, 1952:6 We do not know how grand and glorious a spirit being is. CR109:3 The new conditions will be so different as to be beyond the power of the human brain to comprehend. R5103:5, 242:2; F694; HG367:1 A human being is so totally different from a spirit being that the Scriptures do not even attempt to give us an explanation. OV353:2 It is but natural that we should have clearer ideas and keener appreciation of the restitution blessings than of the heavenly. R3891:3 The Church is to see him only with the eye of faith until that time when they shall experience their change, in the end of the age. R5589:6, 127:6*, 102:6*; C305; F694; NS638:4 This new life, begotten from above, continues to grow by the assimilation of spiritual nourishment, until it will, in due time, be born a fully developed spirit being, like unto our Lord. R5580:1, 1511:5 When perfected as sons, when our adoption shall be completed, as members of the Body of Christ. R2843:5, 69:4*
But— However the position of God's saints in the present life. NS822:4
We know— Our knowledge is purely a faith knowledge, dependent upon our confidence in our Lord and his promises. R3891:6
When he shall appear— Our Redeemer and Head. R5317:1; Q405:4 Our Lord and Master, the only begotten Son. NS256:5 Shall be revealed at his second advent, in power and great glory. R4675:3, 4966:5, 1881:6; CR117:4, 424:3*; PD71/85 The apostles expected glory at the second coming of Christ, not at death. HG334:3 "When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him, in glory." (Col. 3:4) R1881:6, 1669:3, 98:5*; HG334:3 Very little is known of the nature of a spiritual body. But we know many things they have done, and which, comparing spiritual things with spiritual, we know the saints will do. HG28:2 All who believe that Christ is a man since his resurrection and that he will come a second time as a man, thereby deny the ransom. Our Lord's humanity was never taken back. E299
We shall be like him— Made like him by our resurrection change from the human conditions to the divine plane. R5034:6, 4625:4, 3174:6, 2454:3, 659:5*, 447:5*; A200; CR250:4; HG366:6; NS458:6; SM154:3 The hope of the Church is that she may be "partaker of the divine nature." (2 Pet. 1:4) R5822:5, 5748:6, 5152:2, 4734:2, 4372:2, 3694:2, 3294:2, 2750:5, 2238:2, 2055:2, 1910:2, 1750:2; OV384:T, 427:2; SM361:1 The glorified, "changed" Jesus. F722, 729; R5440:5,4966:5, 4675:3, 504:6; A182; CR117:4 Our Lord and Bridegroom. NS638:5 The Church will receive spirit bodies like to that of their risen Lord and wholly unlike their earthly bodies. E349; HG513:6 A change of nature. E175; HG366:6; SM733:T By being changed from mortal to immortal; from flesh and blood to incorruption. R1857:4, 5623:4, 5575:1, 1996:4, 1952:6, 1496:6 We must all be changed that we may be like him. CR468:1; R5189:5 Far above angels, principalities and powers. CR109:4, 117:4; F722; R5711:1, 4675:4; HG366:6; NS395:5, 551:6, 610:1 We shall have individuality beyond the veil; but not as respects the glorious office. R4864:3 Hearts of flesh are promised to the world under the New Covenant. We are to be spirit beings like unto our Lord and not flesh beings like Adam. HG235:4 All that is revealed of Christ, is just so much revealed of our future. HG28:1 When the Church shall be changed, all the peculiarities of male and female will be obliterated, for there is neither male nor female in the glorified Church. Q461:5; R4914:3 The Church will not be like either the white or the black man, no longer flesh and blood. HG513:6 This promotion can be received from no other quarter than God himself, on his own terms. R5711:1 "There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body." (1 Cor. 15:44) A200; R1996:1 "Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God." (1 Cor. 15:50) OV353:2; HG145:2, 231:4; NS199:5; SM154:3 "Now the Lord is that spirit." (2 Cor. 3:17) A powerful and invisible being. E175; NS6:6, 32:6 "The express image of the Father's person." (Heb. 1:3) T67; A200, 211; F722; R2587:6, 1872:5, 1585:3, 1262:4, 1210:6*, 277:4, 206:2; CR19:4; HG449:2 "He called you by our Gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Thes. 2:14) A211; R5748:6 This, according to popular theology, would mean that we must all bear all our scars and blemishes throughout eternity. But this is not the case. B132;R1857:1
For we— The Church. R1817:2; B108; HG513:6 The Little Flock. T86 Who are now in the spiritually-minded condition typified by the Holy. T21 Men will not see The Christ by physical sight, because on a different plane of being. T86
Shall see him— Jesus, in the perfected spiritual condition, typified by the Most Holy. T21 We must all be changed and made spirit-beings like our Lord before we can ever do this. D600; R5299:2, 4914:3, 1904:1, 1693:1; OV353:3; Q461:5 The change comes to us not to him. R159:1* Not as the man Christ Jesus, nor as he appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, robed in flesh. R5103:5 Others, not changed from human to spirit nature, will not "see him as he is," but only as he shall be revealed in his providences and judgments, which every eye shall recognize. R4966:5; HG628:1 The spiritual rulers will be unseen by the world. R1872:5; SM226:1 The fact that Aaron met and saw Moses in the mount, indicates that we must go up, or into the spiritual condition before we can meet and see Jesus. R169:1*
As he is— A glorious spirit being. C305; R5822:2, 5103:5, 147:3; HG367:1; OV384:T; SM458:1 In the first resurrection. R5416:6, 5149:1, 3203:6, 3174:6; NS341:4, 351:4, 551:6; OV384:T; SM147:2, 733:T See him and share his glory. R5326:1, 5570:1, 5416:6, 5149:5, 5103:5, 4914:3, 3075:3, 1996:4; A211; F467, 694; HG449:2; NS351:4, 483:2, 638:4; Q461:5; SM147:2 The hope of the Church.R5822:2 And this thought is satisfactory to us. F365 We shall be satisfied when we awake in the glorious likeness of our Redeemer. NS178:5 And with him scatter divine blessings to all the families of the earth. R4892:2; NS466:6, 822:4 Fullness of joy in its widest sense is reserved for that blessed time when we shall be in his presence and at his right hand.R1949:2, 1797:2; NS483:2 The Apostle Paul was the only one who saw our Lord "as he is." The Lord's spiritual presence, so far from being fleshly or human-like, shone with a brightness "above the brightness of the sun at noonday." (Acts 26:13) HG347:3; NS89:1 It will not hurt our eyes to see our glorified Lord. R5623:4, 5299:2; NS89:1 When we shall awake in his likeness. (Psa. 17:15) R1387:6 Not as he was, when he had for our sakes become poor, nor as he appeared to his disciples after his resurrection. F694; B109;E349; R5589:6, 5416:6, 4185:5, 2798:2, 2789:6, 2479:4, 1952:6, 1873:5, 1817:5, 1693:1, 361:1, 262:3, 169:1*; NS6:6, 33:1

[NTC - 1 John 3:3]

That hath this hope— The hope that we shall soon experience our resurrection change, and be made like our dear Redeemer. R3193:6, 3280:5, 351:4*; NS351:4; OV205:2 That we shall be changed to spirit beings and shall see him as he is, and shall share his glory. R5149:5, 2517:5, 1138:3* That we have been adopted as sons of God. R2517:5 The new hope, the new spirit. R2456:2 This knowledge of God not enjoyed by the world. F315; R829:5* To become a joint-heir with our Redeemer in the Kingdom. R2314:4; NS329:4 Of being made perfect in Christ; of completing our adoption as sons of God. R351:4* None but the pure in heart can honestly and truly entertain this hope. R3193:4, 830:1* That we shall ultimately have a completeness of divine favor in life eternal, in the resurrection. NS302:2 Of the new wine in the Kingdom, the participating with the Master in the glories and honors and blessed opportunities for uplifting the world of mankind. R3880:4 Not only great honor and blessing in the Millennial age, but also in succeeding ages the exceeding riches of God's grace. NS338:6 Absolute perfection need not be expected while we have this treasure in imperfect earthen vessels, but perfection of purpose, aim and effort, should be manifest to those about us. R558:2 He who has not this hope may purify himself in some measure from other motives, but is not likely to be purified to the same degree as he would be purified by this hope. R3193:4"That blessed hope." (Titus 2:13) NS408:3
Purifieth himself— Seeks to be in an attitude of heart and life pleasing to the Bridegroom. C192 He who would endeavor to purify himself, to cleanse his conduct, must, to be successful, begin with the heart, and progress, using the inspired promises; and this means a knowledge of the doctrines of Christ. F315 If we maintain our purity of heart by purity of mind, we may have the assurance of future blessings as well as of present favor and happiness. R5149:5 Seeking to be as much like Christ as possible now. R3280:2 Walking in newness of life. NS329:4 How carefully we must guard our every thought and act. R1139:1* Although we cannot hope to be like him in the flesh, we can be like him in the spirit of our minds. OV205:3; R3193:5 Become more and more God-like, loving, gentle, compassionate, merciful. NS302:3 The Word of God, like water, is purifying, cleansing. R2671:4 Our faith and hope lead to a transformation of life. NS302:2 God provides the helps in the promises, etc., but leaves us to do the purifying. To the extent that we let his truth dwell in and operate in and control us, to that extent will the purifying progress. R830:1*, 1628:5* Get the heart (mind) started toward purity, and the literal water will be used as well as the symbolical, and the outward man will soon be clean. R2022:3It is necessary to the cleansing of our moral characters, that we have the pure water of divine truth, and not muddy polluted teachings. R2671:4 Not only in his thoughts, but also in his words and deeds and all his affairs, inward and outward. R2456:2 Controls himself, purges out more and more of the old leaven. R2037:3 Beholding the character of God as it shines in the face of Jesus Christ, we endeavor to eradicate from our own character and disposition that which is impure and out of harmony with the perfect pattern. R829:5* Set our affections on things above, and seek to conform our lives to the divine requirements, that we may be counted fit for the Kingdom. NS31:4 The purifying process progresses from day to day in all who are truly God's children. R829:6* The fine linen must not be mingled with other material, and must be kept clean and white. R351:5* Quickened by "this hope," how we are strengthened to lay at the foot of the cross all our worldly desires. R1138:6* "Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves." (2 Cor. 7:1) R3986:6, 1849:4 "Cast aside every weight and every besetting sin." (Heb. 12:1) NS338:6 It is in vain to hope for future glory if we are not trying to subdue sin now. R830:1* We cannot imagine our Lord reeking with the fumes of tobacco or putting into his mouth anything defiling. R1849:4
Even as he— Who called him. R2671:4, 2517:5, 2022:2 The Lord. R2517:5; OV205:3 Christ, our Redeemer and exemplar. R2063:5, 3280:2, 2692:3, 188:2; NS302:2 God. R829:5*
Is pure— He is our Exemplar, our pattern. We seek to copy him. OV205:3 As we seek to reciprocate the divine form of love and to copy it, the cleaning and purifying of our hearts follows. Our hearts (wills, intentions) become pure and we set a guard upon our words and thoughts. R2517:5 Few are so gross as to suppose that God would have any fellowship with that which is unclean and impure. R3987:1

[NTC - 1 John 3:4]

For sin— Unavoidable trespasses; unintentional violations of God's law. R5750:5 Whoever is consecrated to God is opposed to every sinful thing; for God and sin are in antagonism. God stands for his own righteousness, and sin is a violation of that righteousness. R5446:6, 1983:3 Any violation of divine law is sin; whether committed willingly or unwillingly. R1983:3
The law— The divine law was originally written in the very heart and character of man—Adam was created in the image and likeness of God. NS409:2

[NTC - 1 John 3:5]

He— Jesus. R211:6
Manifested— In the ransom. R864:1 First, Jesus was manifested, tried in all points yet without sin, that he might after being thus proved, act as our High Priest, and "put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." (Heb. 9:26) R93:6
Our sins— All were condemned to death because of sin. R94:1
In him is no sin— He knew no sin. R416:6* When he died it was willingly a sacrifice for our sins. R608:1 "Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?" (Job 14:4) is not in conflict. In view of harmonious testimonies of the Bible and science, it is a reasonable deduction that if the father were perfect, the child would be perfect. E97, 100 "Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth." (1 Pet. 2:22) R2767:1* "Holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners." (Heb. 7:26) E97; R1585:5

[NTC - 1 John 3:6]

Him— Christ. R1250:6
Sinneth not— Sin in its full or absolute sense, willful sin. R5938:5, 2235:5 Sin is not charged up to the new creature. F369 So long as we remain willingly faithful to our vows of fellowship with Christ in his sufferings, in opposition to sin—reckonedly dead to sin and alive as new creatures, we have no sin. R3246:6 Maintain our justified standing before God. R1250:6 When we commit unintentional sins, we are so fully cleared by the imputation of the merit of Christ's sin-offering of our behalf. R1250:6,4616:5 The new will is counted the new creature, separate and distinct from the flesh, so that while the will, the heart, is fully loyal to the Lord, in opposition to sin, the flesh is reckoned dead to sin. R3246:6 Any weaknesses and imperfections which are unintentional, not assented to by the new will, the new creatures, are not counted by the Lord who knows us not after the flesh, but after the spirit. R3246:6, 3154:4 Not that any of the Lord's people become perfect in the flesh, so that they never err in thought, word or deed. R3246:6, 3154:4
Whosoever sinneth— Willfully. R1250:6
Neither— Nor even. R5938:5, 2235:5

[NTC - 1 John 3:7]

No man deceive you— Heed my teaching. E284 After we have become new creatures in Christ. R3323:5 Many are thus deceived, professing to be the Lord's people, and yet blind to justice (righteousness), in many of the affairs of life. They exercise too much mercy in dealing with their own shortcomings and not enough in dealing with the shortcomings of others. R3323:2 Those who find themselves in any degree of sympathy with evil qualities (adultery, thievery, drunkenness, etc.), are deceived if they think themselves to be the Lord's people. R3323:3
Doeth righteousness— And not merely he that professes to be a follower of Jesus. R5427:5 To the extent of his ability, trusting to the Redeemer's merit to compensate unintentional shortcomings. R3323:3 The object sought in giving men the truth, is character—to bring men into a Godlike condition. R49:6*
Is righteous— Approved in God's sight. R3323:3 Moses imparted righteous words and righteous motives. In addition to these, the Righteous One imparts righteous life—the power which embodies righteous words in righteous deeds. R1323:1*

[NTC - 1 John 3:8]

Committeth sin— Willingly practices sin. R3323:6, 5750:5, 2320:2, 1250:6 Practices sin knowingly, willfully. R4909:5, 3281:5, 2320:2 Meaning willful, deliberate, intentional sin; not merely shortcomings and faults due largely or wholly to imperfections of the flesh. R5938:5, 2235:5, 3154:3; NS243:6 It is evident that a full, deliberate sin cannot be committed while we are in the Body of Christ, possessed of the holy Spirit. To do so would mean our having left all. R3154:5 A willingness of the heart to sin, to do unrighteousness; not someone whose heart is loyal to the Lord and who is momentarily overtaken in a fault. R3323:6 "All unrighteousness is sin." (1 John 5:17) R870:3 Nevertheless, it may require years of schooling and discipline under the Great Teacher before some who were deeply sunken in the mire of sin and selfishness, and many consequent meannesses of disposition, become even moderately or passably good, noble characters. R2320:3
Is of the devil— Who was once a holy angel. The term Satan signifies Adversary, opponent; for the devil is the opponent of righteousness and of Jehovah. R5183:3 Satan, the adversary of the Church, is strong and lion-like, vigilant and fully awake. He lies in wait seeking to devour us. R5183:6 "In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." (1 Tim. 4:1) R1782:4 The majority of Christians in the churches manifest the spirit of anger, malice, hatred, envy, strife—works of the flesh and of the Devil. SM128:2; HG693:2 God is not the author of sin. R870:3
The devil sinneth— By permitting pride and ambition to gain control of his heart, Satan became an opponent of God and of righteousness. R5183:3
For this purpose— Because through sin mankind had become subject to death, Christ Jesus came to deliver us and save us from death. R2610:3, 1086:3, 453:4 Such a ransom and deliverance was a part of God's plan from the first. R164:1, 417:5 The Kingdom of Christ is to bring joy and peace, and the nations shall walk in the light of it. (Rev. 21:24) R430:6*
Was manifested— In the flesh. R1086:3 Jesus gave himself as the Redeemer of mankind. R3323:6
He might destroy— Satan and all who sympathize with him in their opposition to God and his righteous arrangements. R3323:6 The present domination of evil is to end, and the prince of darkness (Satan) is to be bound. R430:6*, 542:2* "That through death he might destroy him that hath the power of death, that is, the devil." (Heb. 2:14) R2610:3, 701:2, 553:4, 453:4, 164:2 And thus release from his grasp all of the race. R164:2, 417:5 This means death, not eternal torment. R1085:5; HG609:4
The works— Envy, hatred, murder, are evil works of the flesh; they are of the devil. R1299:4* Evil speaking, slanders, backbitings, bring anger, malice, envy, hatred, strife. NS565:2 All evil. R255:2 Sin and death. R164:2, 553:4, 417:5 Satan's reign has been one of terror under cover of the darkness (ignorance) of this world. R430:3* Malice, envy, hatred and strive, are the kind of works which Satan supports and into which he endeavors to lead mankind. R5184:2 His methods are deceptive. His suggestions come along the lines of pride and self-conceit. R5184:2 He started those works, it was through the sin that he introduced, that all these depravities came to us. CR447:2
Of the devil— Whose very existence is now denied by many. F609

[NTC - 1 John 3:9]

Is born of God— Is begotten of God. A278; T54; R5938:5, 5742:2, 5451:3, 5438:2, 5197:4, 4810:6, 4614:3, 3476:3, 3323:6, 3246:6, 2941:3, 2235:5, 1697:6, 837:1 Improperly translated "born"—should be "begotten" because the new creature is at this time but an embryo, it has not a new body. R4614:6,2440:3; Q808:4 Merely a new mind, a new will, a new disposition, which has been engendered by the spirit of truth and accepted of the Father as a begetting to the spirit nature. R4614:6, 5439:2; Q809:T To be begotten of one signifies to be a son of that father. R5439:2 The Lord purposes during the Gospel age to develop creatures of a new nature. These are spoken of as begotten of the holy Spirit at the time of their consecration. R4614:3 God accepts one who has consecrated and begets him of the holy Spirit, thus making him a new creature. R5439:2, 4614:3; Q649:T
Doth not commit sin— "Doth not practice sin," (Diaglott) could not practice sin in their lives. R5742:5, 1151:4*; T54; Q808:4 "Doeth no sin." (R.V.) R5197:4 Willful sin. R5439:6, 4843:1, 4252:3, 3281:5, 3154:3, 216:6; Q507:8 Willingly, designedly, or preferably. R2941:3, 2440:3 As a new creature. R5439:6, 5440:1; Q649:1 Willfully; for the old will to thus triumph over the new would signify the death of the new creature. T54; E461; R5451:3, 5197:4; Q649:1 The holy Spirit of God is opposed to sin. In proportion as we have the mind of Christ we will not only love righteousness but also hate iniquity. R3154:3, 2440:3; Q808:T Those begotten of the good seed of truth, begotten of the holy Spirit, cannot, so long as that seed of truth and the Spirit of the Lord is alive in them, willfully, deliberately turn to sin to practice it. R3323:6, 5938:5, 5439:5, 4830:2, 4810:5, 4614:6, 2941:3, 2440:3, 2235:5; Q649:1 As the new mind controls, and we love righteousness and hate iniquity, we shall have strength in battling with the conditions of the present time, and the greater success in battling with our own flesh. R5439:4, 4615:1 The righteousness which is imputed to the members of the Church is imputed to their flesh. The new creature itself is perfect. R5439:6, 5197:4, 4616:1 But we have this treasure of a new mind in an earthen vessel. We are a combination of a heavenly will and an earthly body. R5440:4, 1698:2; Q649:1 Whoever has this embryo of the new nature could not sin willfully, could not take pleasure in sin, could not give himself over to sin. R4742:6, 4843:4, 4810:6, 2440:3; Q507:8 The person having the new mind, the new will, and desiring to be in harmony with God, cannot sin the sin unto death. R5451:3, 5751:1, 4810:6; Q809:T If any of those who were once begotten of God should get into the attitude where they would willfully desire to commit sin, it would indicate that they had ceased to be sons of God and had become sons of Belial. R5439:5, 4843:1; Q507:8 Step by step of indulgence in sin gradually leads away from God, until the new creature ceases to exist. R5439:6 The Scriptures ascribe no sin to the new creature—and no perfection in righteousness to our fallen flesh. R4810:6, 2440:3; Q649:T All unrighteousness is sin. R4614:3 The great Advocate appropriates to us a share of his merit to justify us from Adamic sin and the imperfections of the flesh, which we no longer approve. R4614:3, 4616:1,5, 4615:5, 4614:6, 3281:6 This Scripture is not in conflict with 1 John 1:8-10 which applies to the fleshly body. R5440:1, 5938:5, 4615:2, 2440:3, 2235:5
For— Because. R1697:6; Q808:4
His seed— The seed of truth, the seed of the power of God. R4615:1, 3281:5, 2440:4, 1698:1 The begetting power of the holy Spirit. R4252:3,4810:6, 4252:3, 2941:3, 2440:4; Q809:T The heavenly seed; the seed of the new nature. R5742:5 So long as any of the holy mind of God is present, there is life. R5742:5 So long as the "seed" of God abides in the individual. R4830:2, 4842:6; Q507:8 The truth-seed is incorruptible, but not so the newness of life begotten by it. The truth may be let slip, and leave us as though we had not known it. R1698:2
Remaineth in him— Abides in him. Q808:4 While it remains he cannot love or willingly serve sin. R2941:3, 4843:4,1, 4830:2; Q507:8 Being begotten of the Heavenly Father by the holy Spirit, we are new creatures, and the flesh from this standpoint is counted out of the way, and the new creature is the only one that God is dealing with.Q649:T You are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be the Spirit of Christ dwelleth in you. Q649:T So long as the begetting seed of the new nature abides, so long as the spirit of truth rules in the heart, there can be no love of sin and no willful sinning there. R1250:6, 4842:6; Q507:8 Just as a person could not go north and south at the same time. R4830:2 The new mind is in harmony with God and anything which might distract it in any degree would be merely a temporary matter and would not necessarily mean our imperfection as new creatures. R4615:4 But if he sins willfully, this holy seed is dead—the individual is dead as a new creature—the second death. R5742:5,5439:6, 4616:2, 4615:1, 4252:3, 3323:6, 3246:3, 2440:5, 1698:2
He cannot sin— He cannot intentionally and knowingly approve or practice sin. R4615:1, 5751:1, 5742:5, 4842:6, 4810:6, 2440:5; Q507:8Everything connected with the new creature is pure and sinless; it has none of the Adamic condemnation nor imperfection. It cannot agree to sin because it is out of harmony with sin. R4614:6 The Redeemer forgives and pardons, counting all blemishes of thoughts, words and deeds as a part of the original sin and its depravity, still working in our flesh through heredity. E461 The new creature might be overtaken in a fault; but it could not be a new creature and yet have a will or intention to do that which is evil. R4615:2, 5197:4 For it would mean that one had turned again, as a dog to his vomit, and as a sow wallowing in the mire. (2 Pet. 2:22) R4252:3, 5742:6 Our natural preference for sin by reason of the fall having given place to a preference for righteousness, we cannot sin willfully. R1698:1 God is not judging the body; he is not noting what you as a human being did, because you no longer exist as a human being, from the divine standpoint or records. R4615:2
Because he is— Your whole standing with God is as a new creature. R4615:2
Born of God— Begotten of God. R5438:2, 3323:6, 3246:6, 1697:6, 837:1; T54; Q808:4 Greek, gennao. Should be translated begotten when the active agent is male. A278 Begotten of the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of holiness and truth. R5938:5,2235:5

[NTC - 1 John 3:10]

Children of God— All who are on the side of righteousness are on God's side. R3324:1
Are manifest— There is a possibility of misconception, miscarriage, etc., after the spiritual begetting; and it is therefore possible to fall from grace. R1698:1
Of the devil— Who love darkness and who thus show that they have the spirit, or disposition of Satan. R5938:6, 2235:5, 1180:1, 97:6* Such shall be destroyed with Satan in the second death, symbolized by the lake of fire. (Rev. 20:14) R1180:1
Doeth not righteousness— Like the sow that was washed returning to her wallowing in the mire. R5742:6; Q507:6
Not of God— All who love sin and willfully do it are children of darkness. R5938:5, 2235:5
Not his brother— The perversion of love for the Lord, for the brethren of the new creation and sympathetic love for the world of mankind is self-love, self-importance, self-honor, self-glorification. F411 If men do not obey the truth, and fail to express love in their lives, all is vain. R49:6*

[NTC - 1 John 3:11]

Love one another— Special brotherly love among the saints, as distinguished from our benevolent sympathy for the world. R1254:5

[NTC - 1 John 3:12]

Not as Cain— Cain was not rightly exercised by his experience. He went about sullenly for a time, brooding over the fact that God had not recognized his offering, and had recognized Abel's. R3928:3 The curse of God was upon Cain, the murderer—divine condemnation rested upon him; he was cut off from communion with God, previously enjoyed; and according to his own language felt his condemnation severely. R3930:4 Typifying Ishmael, Esau, fleshly Israel, and the tare class. R2777:5, 2778:2 Cain failed to heed the Lord's warning and allowed the crouching enemy, sin, to enter into his heart and to make of him a murderer. R3928:4
Of that wicked one— Cain willingly copied Satan's disposition, became a son "of that wicked one." R1175:6 Of his spirit or disposition of ambition and pride. R2777:3, 3928:4 As Satan was a murderer from the beginning, so his spirit in Cain was a murderous spirit. (John 8:44) R3928:4 The spirit of Satan took the place of the spirit or disposition of the Lord, which was Cain's originally as one closely in the likeness of God, not greatly marred as yet by the fall. R3928:4
Slew his brother— In Cain's case, he was not counted as having sinned at the time he thought of his brother in angry mood—his sin was in the outcome of that angry mood—murder itself. R3928:5We are not to think of Cain's crime as a first-degree murder, deliberately plotted and executed; but rather as "man-slaughter," a crime committed on the spur of the moment and under the influence of sharp disappointment. R2777:3

[NTC - 1 John 3:13]

The world hate you— Including the nominal church. NS135:5 Especially the religious world. R5545:3, 5872:1 Because it cannot endure the brilliancy of the clear, searching light of the true gospel—the great light of the holy Spirit shining in and through the Lord's fully consecrated ones. R2415:2, 4813:3 Darkness hateth the light. R4967:5, 4813:3, 4677:1 The powers of darkness serve to test us as new creatures. R4967:5 The effect of the light of truth upon the darkened world is to awaken opposition, antagonism, and thus to disturb and make uncomfortable those in sympathy with darkness. R4813:3, 943:1 Because Satan, the god of this world, is your implacable opponent. R3300:1 All through the Gospel age, those who have been burning and shining lights in the world have been hated and persecuted. R4813:5, 4675:6, 2415:2; SM9:1 We are not to expect any special sympathy from the world, but rather that they will misunderstand us. SM704:2 It is a mistake to suppose that letting our light shine before men could convert the world. R4677:1, 4967:5; CR126:2 Jesus was hated chiefly by the most prominent, the most influential amongst the people. In time their hatred extended to the common people. R4813:2, 4814:1, 4677:1 The Lord's followers are called upon to suffer persecution for righteousness' sake, to test, prove and polish them. R4813:6, 4677:1, 2415:3, 969:5 The more faithful an elder, the more sure he will be to have enemies—not Satan and his messengers only, but as many also as Satan can delude and mislead. F293 An ambassador of a hated government is more critically and unsympathetically watched than under other circumstances, and such ambassadors would endeavor to be all the more careful as respects their every word and action. R3330:4 The Church has always been persecuted. R4818:3 "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim. 3:12)R2415:3, 4813:5, 3223:2; SM9:1 "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake." (Matt. 5:11) R4369:6, 943:1 "Ye know that it hated me before it hated you." (John 15:18) F293; R4967:5, 4813:5, 4677:1, 3330:4, 3281:4, 3223:2, 2778:5, 2415:3; NS71:1, 135:5, 743:2

[NTC - 1 John 3:14]

We know— One of the surest signs by which the Lord's people may know positively that they have been begotten of the holy Spirit. R5948:4 One of the prominent evidences. F468; NS79:4
We have passed— Speaking of the Church class exclusively. R4657:1 A very essential test. The best sign is that you love all other children of God, no matter what their color or sex or position in life, rich or poor, bond or free; you must love all those whom the Lord loves. Q450:4
From death unto life— From the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God's dear Son; from a condition of condemnation and death, to a condition of justification to life. SM705:T By faith we are reckoned dead with Christ, counted members of his Body. That future life is reckoned to us. R4989:2 Reckoned free from sin and its condemnation. R1738:3 Only those who have made a consecration, and have the merit of Christ imputed to them, and are accepted by the Father. R4656:6, 1738:3 Everlasting life is already considered ours while we abide under the robe of Christ's righteousness. R5931:2 If we love the brethren fervently out of a pure heart. R32:1* It is one thing to pass from death unto life, but you may pass back again from life unto death. CR449:1
Because we love— Love as new creatures. R5348:4 As the truth opens the eyes of our understanding it enables us to see our own and others imperfections more clearly. Unless there be a large amount of love, this will mean a disposition to find fault, to criticize. R5346:3 One of the final and most searching tests and the one under which probably most of those once awakened and armed will fall, will be love for the brethren. R2453:4
The brethren— Love all the brethren. CR448:6; R5348:4 Because they are brethren, even if they have not all the lovable qualities. CR166:3 How strange that love of the brethren should be the crucial test, as we fear will be more manifest as we come down toward the consummation of our hope. R5948:4 Seemingly many will fail at this point and be therefore accounted unworthy of an abundant entrance to the Kingdom on this score. R2453:4 Intimating that a love of the brethren will be so difficult as to constitute an absolute proof to us that we have passed from death unto life, from the death state in Adam, and have become new creatures. R4253:6, 4995:5, 4863:1 Some of the brethren would be hard to love, and, unless we had passed from death unto life, we would be unable to love them. R4995:5 It is more difficult sometimes to exercise the fruits and graces of the holy Spirit toward the brethren than toward others. Such a development of character is essential as a proof of our acceptance as new creatures. R4863:1 The more the Lord's jewels come together, the more opportunities there will be for friction, and the greater necessity there will be that all be thoroughly imbedded in and covered with the holy Spirit to prevent friction. R4995:6 One of the most beautiful experiences of the Christian. Whoever finds he has full love and sympathy for all the brethren, has a specially strong Scriptural proof that he is a new creature—passed from death unto life. R5346:5; Q155:6 A true loyalty to God includes a love for all those whom he has recognized by the begetting of the holy Spirit, and is a part of our loyalty to him and to the Captain of our Salvation. R4863:1 The measure of our love for the Lord will be indicated by our love for the brethren, the fellow-members of his Body. F468,137; NS79:4 If you love the Lord you must love all those whom he loves and has chosen. We all belong to the Lord and every member of the Lord's family must be loyal to every other member of his family. Q450:4The willingness and desire to be broken for the good of others is the result of our first feeding upon our Lord's broken body and receiving of his spirit, mind, disposition, love. R2292:3 Who are the brethren? If by their fruits we shall know them, there are not many brethren of this kind in the world. SM705:1 If we lose our love for the brethren it is not a favorable sign. Q450:4 The test is whether or not we love all the brethren because they are his—because our Heavenly Father loves them. CR166:5,3 One of the highest tests of character development. CR447:1 As our sympathies grow and go out toward the whole world of mankind, they must grow especially toward the Lord, and, consequently, especially also toward those whom he recognizes. F468, 137; NS79:3 Special brotherly love among the saints, as distinguished from our benevolent sympathy for the world. R1254:5 We will do them no injury, we will speak no evil respecting them unless of absolute necessity; and we will not even surmise evil in respect to their words and deeds. R5348:4 In proportion as we can come into harmony with the divine principles, we shall be at peace one with another, joyfully assisting each other toward the Kingdom. R5348:4 All the exercisings of our energies for others are merely so many ways in which our own sanctification may be accomplished. As iron sharpeneth iron, so our energies on behalf of others bring blessings to ourselves. F137 Any lack of fellowship with all who love the Lord and are consecrated to him should be considered as a sure sign of a spiritual decline, and should be correspondingly opposed with all our energy. R2241:4 The apostles, and many in humble stations followed closely in the Master's footsteps; and all the way down through the centuries, and today, in all denominations and outside of them—have this general character likeness; but they are few. SM705:1; R1309:2, 811:2 The appreciation of the true relationship between the elder and the class should help the elders to cultivate meekness, gentleness, patience, brotherly kindness, long-suffering, love. R5347:4 In their endeavor to measure up to the divine standard, some are in danger of erring in an opposite direction—of manifesting a brotherly love where it should be withheld, and that in the interest of the brother. R3033:3 Whoever then does not love the brethren cannot be sure that he has passed from the death condition to the free condition of mind and heart. SM704:2 Whoever has any other sentiment than love to any of the brethren surely lacks proof, or demonstration, along this line of his relationship to God as a new creature. R5346:6, 4863:1

[NTC - 1 John 3:15]

Whosoever— Applies to the Christian. R4728:3, 5151:4; NS745:3 Crucial words! Let us not lose their import, their value, let us test our hearts, our standing with the Lord, by our love or our lack of love for the brethren. SM705:T
Hateth his brother— Hatred would be murder for the new creation. R3928:6, 5151:4 The new creature cannot deliberately entertain a feeling of hatred toward a brother—it would mean the spirit or disposition of murder, and thus the reverse of the Lord's Spirit. R3928:6 We can see that that spirit in a Christian which would content itself with hating, instead of killing, a brother, would be a very evil condition. R4728:3 Let us fear any approximation of a feeling of hatred, anger or malice against a brother in the Lord or against anybody. R3930:5; OV281:T What any of God's agents do, according to God's estimate, is what they intend to do, and not what they accomplish. R423:6* "Whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment." (Matt. 5:22) R4226:4, 3595:4, 2444:6, 2249:2; HG582:5
Is a murderer— In the Lord's sight, hatred is murder. R5123:1, 5151:4, 2777:4, 2710:6, 2444:6 By this standard every slanderer is a murderer. R3595:4, 2444:6 The spirit or disposition of murder is the spirit or disposition of the Adversary, who was the first murderer. R3928:5 Alas, how many are guilty along these lines. How many murderers and thieves in the Church! A thorough renovation in many is needed. "Let none of you suffer as a murderer." (1 Pet. 4:15) NS580:4 Many who outwardly claim to be governed by the law of love seem to have a morbid craving to speak evil one to another. This is the spirit of murder. R2460:1 One may hate his brother though he outwardly violates no law and is esteemed among men. Yet such a one is a murderer at heart, restrained from outward violence by fear of the consequences. R1655:4 Thou shalt do no murder would be violated by anyone's becoming angry and manifesting in any degree an injurious or murderous spirit. R5027:5; HG582:5; OV281:T Envy is closely related to and apt to be followed by malice, hatred and strife, which under some circumstances mean murder, according to our Lord's interpretation. R2249:2, 5151:4 To render evil for evil; to assassinate our neighbor, our brother—to kill his influence, his reputation, etc. R4226:4; SM220:4 Whatever elements of the spirit of murder may still lurk in our flesh must be determinedly warred against. R5151:5 Fear of sectarian fences, gates and bars is seizing some whom the Bible denotes as "hypocrites" (Isa. 33:14). Wild, lest their hypocrisy should be revealed to the public, these murder a Christian brother. HG557:6 They that preach the golden rule and profess to believe that everybody who breaks it is going to everlasting torture, do they forget that their course is, in the sight of our Lord, really murder? R5172:4
Hath eternal life— No one of a murderous condition of heart, seeking to do evil to a brother, could possibly be of a suitable character to be a joint-heir with his Master in the Kingdom. SM221:1; R3930:4; NS745:4 For willful and deliberate hatred toward a brother to be engendered in the heart would seem to mean the perishing of the spirit of love there, and if so would mean the second death. R3930:4 This would not signify that one who had been a murderer might not, by a sound conversion and by faithfulness in the School of Christ, become a member of the Kingdom class. NS745:3

[NTC - 1 John 3:16]

Hereby— The Apostle caps the climax of the subject. SM705:T
Perceive— Discern. R2648:3 The first blessing that comes to us, as the eyes of our understanding open and we come to some knowledge of the divine character and love. R2648:3 "Hereby we know love." (Diaglott) R2442:4; SM705:T
The love— The higher type of love. R2648:3
Of God— Not in any manuscript. R735:5, 1329:3* Italicized words in the Bible indicate that such words are not in the original Greek, but have been supplied by the translators. R735:5*
He— Christ. R2648:3
Laid down his life— Greek, psuche, soul, being. E338 "He poured out his soul unto death; He made his soul an offering for sin." (Isa. 53:12, 10) E338 The giving of his life as the purchase price for ours. R2343:5, 128:1* He bore the infirmities and cares and griefs of others. R4138:3 Not merely for his friends, but even for his enemies. R5562:1 God required and accepted the death of Christ as man's ransom sacrifice. E450
For us— "On our behalf." (Diaglott) R2442:4
And we— Who have received the begetting of the holy Spirit and have grown to some extent in the knowledge of him. R2330:5
Ought— Also. R4540:6, 4138:4 Following the example of our illustrious Redeemer and glorified Head. R4540:6, 4568:4, 4526:4, 2507:4 After we have perceived the love of God, the effect upon the good-ground heart is that it decides it could do nothing less in return and thus willingly lays down life itself in God's service. R2648:3 "Love as brethren" ought to love. (1 Pet. 3:8) HG447:5 The brethren could not demand this of us, nor we of them; but we should all do so gladly, as we have opportunity. R5644:4
Lay down our lives— Greek, psuche, souls, beings. E338 Our human lives. R4692:4 This is our Lord's new commandment to us. R4475:5, 4501:6 What a brotherhood is thus implied! Where else could we hope to find such love. F468; NS79:5 In small affairs of service, temporal or spiritual, the spiritual being the higher and therefore the more important. F469 In preaching the Gospel, building one another up in the most holy faith, and in doing good to all. F137 We are to have a love which will gladly lay down the life purchased for us by the death of Jesus. This life is laid down as a sacrifice with our Lord and Head. R5644:2, 2722:6, 2518:4 Suffer for one another. "if we suffer, we shall also reign with him." (2 Tim. 2:12) HG230:1 We lay down our lives in service for the brethren, and this sacrifice is acceptable because the merit of Christ is imputed to us, making us reckonedly perfect before God. R5644:1 Classes should seek to avoid captiousness and faultfinding. They should esteem the spirit of the Lord, the knowledge of the truth and talents for its presentation, and should gladly help one another to opportunities for development in grace, knowledge and utterance. R5921:3 Forbearance, one with another, a willingness to wash one another's feet, symbolically, and to esteem each other for all Christ-like qualities, should be cultivated. R5921:4 Voluntarily; willingly. R2457:1, 2751:6, 2518:4 Every member of the Melchizedek priesthood must sacrifice his life in the interest of the order. SM10:1; R5947:5; Q10:2 Self-sacrifice even unto death. R4568:4, 4540:6 Be ready to die for a brother, to seek to win him, not to cast him off nor excommunicate him. R4209:1 Not literally, but day by day, and opportunity by opportunity. R2751:6, 5642:4, 5127:6, 4128:5, 2807:5; F137 All who have the Spirit of the Lord, which Dorcas had, and which she so nobly exemplified, will surely find opportunities some way or other in the service of the household of faith. R2988:1 Let us make this a matter of personal study and of practical application to our own hearts, minds, thoughts, words, actions. R5948:5, 2649:5 After the example of Jesus. OV231:3; R5664:5, 2772:6 Jesus' followers are to emulate his example and spirit and from similar motives of generosity and kindness are to be burden-bearers, helpers, self-sacrificers. R4138:3 As he became obedient unto death, so ought we. R328:3* The laying down of life frequently means the laying down of health and strength; self-denial in the interests of others. SM329:1 We should not merely refrain from robbing our neighbor, but be ever ready to share with him what we had. HG582:6 If the thought of the intimate relationship between the Head and the members could be always fresh before our minds, how often we would improve the opportunity of assisting in bearing fellow-members burdens. R2824:2 We begin laying down life by laying down luxuries and worldly advantages and end the service with the actual death of our human self. R942:3 Willing to sacrifice the comforts and advantages which, to the natural man, go to make up the sum of earthly life and happiness. R2751:6 Willing to lay down time, influence, or money for their assistance. R4526:4, 2807:5; SM329:1 Although a grand attainment was achieved when the love of the brethren reached the point of willingness to lay down our lives, yet it is not the full attainment of the "mark" for which we are running. R2754:6; NS417:4 The spirit of Christ will be the spirit of service. It will be a zeal, a warmth, an energy, prompting us to serve in the Church—be consumed as the Master was—in the service of his Church, which is his Body. R5250:2, 4524:4, 2988:2 Our love for the Lord, and for the brethren, will increasingly fill our hearts as we grow in grace, knowledge and obedience to the divine Word and example. R5127:6; HG447:5 Fight a good fight against sin in themselves, to defend others, to help others likewise to overcome sin. NS61:4 With a warm strong love in our hearts there will be no room for any selfish or envious thoughts, words or deeds. How blessed would all gatherings of the brethren be if such a spirit pervaded all of them. R2518:4 Even with good resolutions and intentions, we would still be in danger unless we observe to the full the Lord's direction as to how love should deal with the brethren if in our judgment they have committed any fault. NS566:1 We should gladly let our light shine and render every other assistance, even though it test our willingness to lay down our lives for our brethren in Babylon. R2507:4, 2457:1 "That ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." (Rom. 12:1) R2659:4, 2456:3, 2292:3 "We fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ for his body's sake (service), the church." (Col. 1:24) R4128:5, 2787:2, 2442:4, 128:1*; F468, 633; SM144:T; NS79:4 This does not mean that we could do sacrifice for the Church's sin. R4492:3; F468; NS79:5 If this is the love standard, how sorely some will soon be disappointed in respect to the Lord's will if they have ignored this requirement. SM222:3
For the brethren— In their service; the service for the world belongs chiefly to the Millennium. F468; R5726:5; CR475:2; NS79:5 For the fellow-sheep. R2442:4 In serving them. R4492:2 In copying the Lord Jesus. CR274:2 In seeking to assist the brethren out of difficulty and to bring them nearer to the Lord and to his standards. R5562:1 The mission of the Church is not to rule or judge the world now, but to "lay down our lives for the brethren." R2415:3 It is indispensable to those who have reached the mark of perfect love that they shall keep actively engaged in the service of the Lord, laying down their lives for the brethren. R2755:5; NS417:4

[NTC - 1 John 3:17]

This world's good— Interests, affairs. R2649:2 The Apostle intimates differences in financial condition. R2932:4
Have need— The Lord's work and the Lord's poor are permitted by him to be in need sometimes, in order to furnish opportunities to test those who have means entrusted to them. R2102:3 He who is unfaithful as a steward of earthly wealth need scarcely expect to be entrusted with spiritual riches. R2102:3 Such a lack of love—such a restraint of assistance from a brother in need, would imply that the love of God either did not dwell in such an one, or that it was but slightly developed—far from being perfected. R2649:2
Shutteth up— An indication that he lacked the spirit of the Head, the spirit of love. R4358:5

[NTC - 1 John 3:18]

Not love in word— These words intimate that some do love merely in word—feigned words and smooth speeches. R4480:4, 1845:2 If we merely say that we love one another and yet pursue a steady course of self-seeking, wherein is the love manifest? R5116:3, 2011:4
Neither in tongue— Merely. R1845:2 Had the apostles loved the Lord with their mouths, or professedly only, and not acted in harmony with their profession, we know they would have been acceptable as members of the Body of Christ. R941:6
But in deed— The sincerity or truthfulness of our love is evidenced by our deeds. R4480:4 The quality of love is not merely a form of loving, kind words and smiles, but it goes deeply into our natures and includes our deeds and our heart sentiments. R4444:5 This willingness to sacrifice in the interests of the brethren will prove each one of us either loyal, faithful to our covenant, or unfaithful. R5948:5 Not merely to love one another and to serve one another in word, in profession, in title. R2343:5
And in truth— Sincerely. R1845:2

[NTC - 1 John 3:19]

Of the truth— He whose life is entirely given up to God and whose aim is to do God's will, and honor him, is supremely happy. R943:5
Assure our hearts— Let us put away every feeling of condemnation as respects the sins which God has freely forgiven. HG454:6; NS617:6 Let us set our affections, aims, purposes, zeal, on the things that are before, and make haste towards them, with full assurance of faith in him who promised them. HG454:6; NS617:6

[NTC - 1 John 3:20]

Heart condemn us— If our course as new creatures is condemned by our own conscience it would also be condemned by God. R5425:1, 2671:2 Whoever would make progress in drawing near to God must seek continually to have a "conscience void of offense toward God and man," (Acts 24:16)—a conscience that is clear. R2671:2 If we have not been living faithfully to the extent of our ability, then our hearts will condemn us, and what our heart condemns in us, God will also condemn. OV422:6

[NTC - 1 John 3:21]

Condemn us not— Do I use my time, strength, influence, and all that I have, sacrificially, to the best of my ability, not counting my life dear to myself? R5227:2; Q361:6
Have we confidence— If we are studying to know and to do God's will, are having trials and difficulties in the pathway and are being rightly exercised thereby, we may count ourselves as his faithful people. R5227:5; Q361:6 Thus we have confidence, in accordance with the divinely appointed conditions. OV422:6

[NTC - 1 John 3:22]

His commandments— The Jewish Law cannot here be referred to, for, "By the deeds of the Law shall no flesh be justified in his sight." (Rom. 3:20) R976:4, 1730:6

[NTC - 1 John 3:23]

Is his commandment— The commands which we keep, are not those given at Sinai. R976:4, 1731:1
Love one another— Special brotherly love among the saints, as distinguished from our benevolent sympathy for the world. R1254:5

[NTC - 1 John 3:24]

Keepeth his commandments— The commandments under which we are placed, are not grievous and impossible, as the Jewish Law was to them under it; for his yoke is easy to all who have his Spirit. R976:4, 1731:1

[NTC - 1 John 4:1]

Every spirit— Mind or theory. R651:6 Influence—doctrine. R371:2, 651:6 Every doctrine amongst men. This has no reference to spirit beings. R2180:1,4; E295 Believe not every dream, but test the dream—whether it be of God or not. R3144:4 We are warned against those who claim to see the Lord in the secret chamber—against all spirit-mediums. R1947:1
But try— Test, prove. Not by their outward appearance and claims, but by the Word of God. E187; R371:2 Receive nothing with blank, unquestioning minds. F232; R1524:4 Every one presenting himself as a teacher and claiming to be a servant of the truth, is to be tried, tested, as to whether he is preaching truth or error. The Word of God is to be the standard. E295 To prove the testimony. F232; R1524:4 It is a duty to decide whether the doctrine is Scriptural or unscriptural. R651:6 The Apostle places the responsibility where God placed it—on the ecclesia. F278 We advocate no general rejection of healings and miracles as being Satanic; but a careful scrutiny of every person or system seeking to establish itself by miracles. Test them and deal with them accordingly. F638 Give no support to that false caution which never fully believes anything, and is never grounded. R651:6 "If any speak not according to this Word it is because there is no light in them" (Isa. 8:20); and "from such turn away." (2 Tim. 3:5) F278
The spirits— Teachings and teachers. F278 The teachings, the doctrines. R5913:5, 1947:1, 651:6; E295, 297 The doctrines that present themselves to us, claiming to be of the spirit of truth. E187
Of God— Whether they be holy or evil, of God or of the Evil One—the Spirit of truth or the spirit of error. E295; R2180:4 Of God and the holy Spirit, or of Satan and the spirit of antichrist. E297; F638

[NTC - 1 John 4:2]

Christ is come— "Has come."—Goodwin's Greek Grammar. E298; R1993:6* Greek, eleeluthota. R149:1*; E297 Greek, erkomai, came. R144:1, 909:2 Erchomai is the root word from which eleluthota is derived. E297 The word eleluthota is the accusative, singular, masculine, of the second perfect participle of the verb erchomai, having the same relation to this verb that any other perfect participle has to its verb. R1993:6*; E298 The context proves beyond peradventure that an occurrence of the past is referred to. (Verses 14 and 15) E298; R1993:6, 909:2, 148:6*, 144:1
In the flesh— He "was made flesh." (John 1:14) E297
Is of God— Tending in the right direction. E296

[NTC - 1 John 4:3]

Every spirit— Theory, doctrine. R980:4, 981:5
That confesseth not— Which denies. E296 The test which will prove whether or not any faith is well founded—on the Rock—the true and only basis of faith—"Other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, Jesus Christ." (1 Cor. 3:11) R981:5
Jesus Christ— Jesus the Lord. R980:4 The world does not confess Jesus to be "Lord." and few of the professed Christian systems are ready to confess that Jesus came in flesh. R980:4 It is claimed by many that, in our Lord Jesus' case, he was really and truly the Father, Jehovah, who thus for a time appeared in flesh, but that he himself was not flesh. R980:4
Is come— This was the only thing necessary to combat in that day. People believed that Jesus had lived, but denied his being the Christ, as the same class of anti-christs do today who deny that "Jesus is the Son of God." R144:4 John is not discussing the second coming of Jesus, but is endeavoring to prove his having come once. R144:1
In the flesh— Became flesh (holy, undefiled) in order to pay the price or penalty against us—death. R981:2 The affirmation or denial of Messiahs having come in the flesh was and still is a sure test—the ransom test stated in one of its forms: every doctrine that denies it is an active opponent of the truth. E296, 299 All who believe that Christ is a man since his resurrection and that he will come a second time as a man, are thereby denying the ransom. E299
Is not of God— By this test all so-called "Orthodox" doctrines are condemned, because none believe that our Lord literally came in the flesh—"Was made flesh." (John 1:14) R980:6 The theory of Universalists, Unitarians, Swedenborgians, Spiritists, etc., is opposed to Jesus being "made flesh." R980:6
Is that spirit— The theory. R980:4, 981:5 Disposition; influence. E187, 188
Of antichrist— Against Christ. E296; R371:2, 143:2 This word occurs five times, and only in John's epistles; and applies to anything or any person opposing Christ. R143:2 Not a sinful individual, but an organized body—the counterfeit nominal system, the "Man of Sin." (2 Thes. 2:3) R980:2 Never applied to the world, but always to professed Christians who have turned aside from the truth, and by becoming advocates or error, are in Christ's name opposing him, his followers, and his doctrines. R980:1"Anti" means more than against, it contains the double thought of instead and against. R980:1 This doctrine or spirit of antichrist known as that of the trinity, is so firmly intrenched in the hearts of many, that they prefer to deny that Christ came in flesh and gave himself a ransom. R981:4; E297
Even now already— John recognized the tendency or spirit of antichrist in his day. Though the system had not organized, some were already going out from them because not of them, denying Jesus "in flesh." R981:4; E297 Many of God's children have been blinded, and while not anti or opposed to Christ at heart, have been beguiled by Satan's falsities, promulgated even in the Apostle's days and brought to a climax in Papacy. R981:5

[NTC - 1 John 4:4]

Greater is he— The Lord of hosts is with us. His promises, as well as his providences, are walls of salvation and protection on every hand. R1653:5 Opposition of evil can work only good to "the elect," those who are called according to God's purpose. "No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper." (Isa. 54:17) R1956:2 Charmed with the prospect of being joint-heirs with Christ, these are not daunted by the trials and difficulties of the way. Fear not, "I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) HG652:2
That is in you— With you—for you. R5488:6 The power tendered to all who earnestly undertake the work of ruling one's spirit is none other than the almighty arm of God. R5488:6 From the moment of our positive resistance of temptation and positive standing up for the Lord and his cause, we become stronger in the Lord and in the power of his might. R4814:1
In the world— The powers of the world, flesh and devil are closely allied, and therefore, he who plans for conquest and an established reign thereafter, must seek alliance with another and stronger power. R5488:6 Not merely flesh and blood, but principalities and powers and wicked spirits in high positions of power. (Eph. 6:12) R4813:6 All they that be against you. R5488:6, 4814:1, 1956:2, 1653:5

[NTC - 1 John 4:5]

Are of the world— Are really of the world, though professing otherwise. R980:1
They of the world— According to the spirit of the world. R980:1

[NTC - 1 John 4:6]

Heareth us— Obeys our instructions, our teachings. E284 The spiritually minded would receive the Lord's counsel through his mouthpieces—the apostles. R1822:2
The spirit of truth— The spirit of God, the Spirit of holiness, is a spirit of joy and peace; it leads to faith in God's promises. The Spirit of truth leads to activity and energy in the divine cause. E199 God is true and righteous, hence the spirit of God is called the "spirit of truth." R370:5
The spirit of error— Erroneous doctrines; not a person. E187 Leads to unbelief, credulity, superstition and believing things which God has not spoken and which are unreasonable; a "spirit of slumber." (Rom. 11:8) E199 Satan is recognized as the chief or prince of evil during the present time, and his influence or spirit is exercised in his servants. R370:6 Or the influence which error exerts. R370:6

[NTC - 1 John 4:7]

Let us love— The final test of character is love—in deed and in truth. R4524:4
Every one that loveth— Is love then not important? Think of these things, meditate on them, grow in love. R32:1*
Is born of God— Greek, genao. When the active agent with which it is associated is male, it should be translated begotten. A278; R837:1

[NTC - 1 John 4:8]

Knoweth not God— There is a kind of knowledge that cannot be gained from books, but comes by experiences as a fruit of the indwelling Spirit of God. R78:5 We cannot know God without loving him and those who bear his likeness, for we are taught of God to love one another. R493:4*
For God is love— In the Scriptures the word love is used to express the complete whole of the grand and glorious qualities which make up the perfection of Jehovah. God is the personification of love. R5124:1; NS524:4 Love also is the special characteristic of our Redeemer. R4460:5 Shown in that he made provision, not only that believers might be saved, but also that all might hear in order to believe. A104; OV225:T; HG343:6 This is the grand expression of the Bible—the keynote of Christianity. It is the foundation of the great plan of creation and redemption, and the underlying principle in the structure of the Word of God. R9:2* God is love, our Lord Jesus is love; and when the Church is perfect, each member of the Body will also be love. R5124:1When man is restored to the image of God, man also will be a living expression of love. R2607:4 Shown in the glorious doctrine of the restitution of all things. R659:4*, 447:4* The very highest of God's attributes—in the sense that it implies something more than justice. SM432:3; R5978:4, 5172:1, CR446:3 God's Spirit must partake of all the qualities which go to make up love. R5094:3 God is the very personification of love, yet he has been provoked at times. Lack of ability to have just indignation would imply lack of morals and of harmony with God. R5124:6 A person who is indifferent to matters of right and wrong is indifferent to the character of God, who is in opposition to all forms of iniquity. R5125:1As it is impossible to fully describe God in his greatness, so it seems impossible to fully describe all that would be comprehended in the word love. R5265:5 This great principle controls in the hearts of the Lord's people, despite the weaknesses of the flesh, which prevent its full expression. R5124:1 Without which none will get the prize of the high calling. R5172:1Our Father does not expect us to develop perfection of love in the flesh. R5124:2 God was just when he condemned the race of Adam. In due time, he provided the Redeemer—this was love. SM433:T This feature of his character is not clearly exhibited in the Old Testament scriptures. R5275:3 Love is always kind—cannot willfully injure another—it makes us very patient with those with whom we are associated; it is anxious to throw the mantle of charity over everything that seems to be wrong. R5124:3,6, 5125:2 In proportion as love controls our minds and hearts, we shall feel sympathy for those who are in iniquity. Love is patient and tries to find extenuating circumstances and conditions. R5125:2, 1845:2 God is the very personification of sympathy and love. R5417:1 First through providing the Savior, then making provision for the Church. SM433:1 Love represents the full standard of the golden rule and the full character of God. R5308:6 This is the standard for all whom he will acknowledge as his children on either the heavenly or the earthly plane of perfect existence. R4479:2 A thought peculiar to the teachings of the Bible—the heathen religions seem to recognize nothing of this kind. R5275:3 To grow in this grace of love of God necessarily implies a growth also in love toward mankind; and especially toward those who are in sympathy and harmony with righteousness. R2757:2 The degree of love, the strength of love, can be measured by the ease with which we can be aroused, to impatience or anger. R5185:2 The fear of future torment is the principal incentive held out to induce men to come to God. R659:4*, 447:4*

[NTC - 1 John 4:9]

In this— Few realize the great act of justice accomplished in the sentencing of father Adam and his race to death; and few appreciate the death of Christ as the full offset for Adam's sin, the full ransom. R2713:5, 496:1; CR209:3; NS17:1 By meeting for man the penalty inflicted by justice (death) love forever releases mankind from the Adamic curse. R685:6, 10:1*; NS17:1 Because of the suffering which it cost him to thus sacrifice the dearest treasure of his heart. R1833:6
Was manifested— Although it had existed all along. E451 The Redeemer provided a redemption coextensive with the fall and with the condemnation. R3321:2, 2713:5 The first blessing that comes to us, as the eyes of our understanding open and we come to some knowledge of the divine character and love, is that we realize the higher type of love—the love of God. R2648:3 When we believe the "good news" of our justification, it causes us joy and peace to realize that we may now come to God. R199:5 God had revealed his justice and his power, but his love was never manifested before. R3658:4, 3321:2, 2225:3, 2120:6, 2070:5; HG298:5 When love had ransomed man, and was ready to reveal itself by restoring mankind to harmony with God, wisdom postponed it that an interlude might occur to select the Church to ultimately enhance love's glory. We are living in the day when power begins to act, in harmony with wisdom, justice and love, in crushing out sin and evil and legally removing the penalty of sin and dominion of evil, cancelled through the ransom paid by Jesus. R1681:4 Give the full weight to the word manifest. The angels never had an illustration of God's mercy, but his justice, in their case of condemning in darkness. The first illustration was the same that came to mankind. Q564
The love of God— God never fully manifested his love and mercy to the world until our Lord's first advent. R5299:5, 1681:4; E451;NS510:4 When Christ came and suffered and died, the just for the unjust, the beautiful, divine quality, love, was made manifest. R2120:5 God's love has been manifested only once, namely, in the ransom. God has loved the world always; but his love has been vailed, not manifested, except by this one act. R864:1 His great love and pity is seen the more clearly as we mount it upon the background of unbending justice, which could in no wise clear the guilty, even though pitied and loved. R504:1, 1328:2*, 685:6, 387:2; NS17:1, 863:2 God's love began to be revealed eighteen hundred years ago, but not seeing all of the plan, few rightly appreciate the love. HG298:5; NS462:5 For over four thousand years only the severity, the justice, of the divine character was manifested. R3321:2, 2120:5, 1681:2; NS462:5, 863:3 The wisdom of the Lord's plan will not be appreciated until the blessings come to all the billions which justice condemned, and which love redeemed. God's power will be seen later in the Millennial Day. HG298:6; R2120:5
Toward us— God's love has not yet been manifested to the world in general—only to a small number as yet, and it is seen by them only with the eye of faith. R3862:2
God sent— To be our redemption price. R2713:5 Only begotten Son—The Logos was the only direct creation of the Father. E88; R1609:3 "He was in the beginning (of creation) with God." (John 1:2) R1609:3 Jesus was God's Son before he came into the world, and, as God's Son, he was given a mission in the world to perform. E88 The belief that Jesus, the Son of Man, was also the Christ, the Son of the living God, lies at the very foundation of Christianity—on it the Church was to be built.R944:4*
We might live— Opening up a way by which God could still be just yet the justifier of sinners who believe in Jesus as their ransom. R496:1
Through him— The Son. R9:6*

[NTC - 1 John 4:10]

Herein is love— Love provided the ransom. R324:5, 1059:1, 709:3
He loved us— God's special love and provision for his saints as distinguished from the world. R1254:5 Love begets love. If we would open another's heart, we have to lay bare our own. God acts upon this principle; and God manifest in flesh was an embodiment of it. R1322:5 The knowledge of the mercy and love of God should draw our hearts to him and incline us to love him in return, and to seek to do those things which would please him. HG451:3; NS615:3 He loved us before we loved him. When we were without strength, when there was no arm to save. R31:3* It was a responsive love that came into your heart. CR463:5 Contrary to the thought of Orthodoxy that God is an angry Father. R405:3*, 290:2*, 9:2*
Sent his Son— As the Great King God gave a great gift, because of mankind's great need. Nothing less would have availed for our relief, and manifested the opulence of the divine mercy and love. NS609:4 This gift has been more or less appreciated by mankind and is celebrated by the Christmas festivities of Christendom with more or less sympathetic intelligence. NS609:3
E The propitiation— Greek, hilasmos, satisfaction. E442; T124; R4982:2,2225:4, 1256:3, 881:1, 864:2, 641:1, 563:3 The definition of hilasmos by able Greek scholars is: "What appeases, or propitiates." R420:3, 641:1 Satisfaction or appeasement. R1681:4, 864:2 Covering. R709:3 The death of "the man Christ Jesus" was our ransom, or corresponding price by which a satisfaction of the divine law was effected. R1256:3, 10:1* By his paying our penalty we might be released from death—have a right to life—to a resurrection. R563:3 The atonement is based upon the sacrifice made by the High Priest, who "offered up himself." The Church's share in the atonement is a reckoned one. The merit in God's sight as the ransom lay in the sacrifice which our Lord Jesus offered. R2052:2

[NTC - 1 John 4:11]

Love one another— Special brotherly love among the saints, as distinguished from our benevolent sympathy for the world. R1254:5

[NTC - 1 John 4:12]

Hath seen God— Means that no man ever saw the person of God. In the Old Testament it speaks how that at various times he was seen, but that was through a representative (an angel). Q360:1,2
Love one another— There should be something about the character of the Lord's people which would demonstrate on all occasions that they possess true love for one another. R4849:3 The love required of members of the Body of Christ is a love resulting from mutual relationship to the Lord—quite different from the human or animal love, such as the members of a family have for one another. R4849:3We should love all of the brethren all of the time, and overlook their frailties and imperfections, forgiving one another as God, for Christ's sake, overlooks our blemishes. R4849:6 Where fervent love rules in the heart it implies that the heart is fully submitted to the Lord, and that means that nine-tenths of the battle is already won. R4850:4 "Love one another as I have loved you." (John 15:12) To do this would be far more than to do no injury to another. It would be laying down our lives for one another. This is far beyond any requirement of the Law. R4850:2 It is an evidence that God dwelleth in us. Love for the brethren—for those who have the Spirit of God, especially, but in a general way at least a sympathetic love for all mankind. R2649:2 If we have not love in our heart for the brethren, and the love of gentleness and benevolence toward all men, and even toward the brute creation, we have not the spirit in making necessary sacrifices. R4850:3 We are to press on and make our sacrifice, if possible, larger every way to the Lord and the brethren. R4850:5
God dwelleth— It is an evidence that God dwelleth in us. R2649:2 Hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us, because he hath given us of his spirit. R32:1*
And— And that. R2649:2
Love is perfected— No one can be of the "elect" class unless this love be perfected in him. Although not gaining a full control of the flesh, he must reach the place where he will be perfect in intention. R4850:1 As we learn to love one another the love of God is being perfected in us. R4849:6

[NTC - 1 John 4:13]

Him— God. R5536:6
Of his Spirit— It is from the Father and by the Son. R5537:1 His love. R1164:1

[NTC - 1 John 4:14]

To be the Saviour— "Savior" signifies "lifegiver." CR321:1 Our Lord Jesus acts as the representative of the Father in the work of salvation. E35
Of the world— Jesus is not the Savior merely of the Church. R5108:3 Those who believe that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and of the unjust, speak of the whole world in exactly the same way that they speak of those who have slept in Christ. R5108:3 But in the awakening, those of the world who are asleep in Jesus will have the earthly nature, and those who have slept in Christ will have the higher nature. R5108:4

[NTC - 1 John 4:15]

The Son of God— People believed that Jesus had lived, but denied his being the Christ, the Sent of God; as the same class of anti-Christ's do today who deny that Jesus is the Son of God. R144:4
God dwelleth in him— The provisions of God's grace are not only those of the future; we are actually being transformed today, by this love of the Father. CR474:3

[NTC - 1 John 4:16]

Love that God hath— God's special love and provision for his saints as distinguished from the world. R1254:5
God is love— Greek, agape, true, disinterested character love. R2807:4 It is the very essence of God's character; it particularly represents his personality. R5668:5 God is the very personification of sympathy and love. R5417:1 Since God himself is love, he can do nothing that can be derogatory or opposed to love. R2328:1 The fact that God sent his only begotten Son—is proof of his love beyond all question. R880:6 The more clearly we grasp the plan of which the cross, the ransom, is the center; the more truly we see light in God's light, for this is the only manifestation or proof of God's love yet given to the world. R881:1 This does not militate against the other statements that God is just, wise and powerful. But this quality of love best of all represents the divine being. R5210:5,6, 2328:1, 880:3-6 By faith we see proofs of his love and care where others see just the opposite; we walk by faith and not by sight. R881:1 "God is love," and since he was without beginning, so love was without beginning; because it is his character, his disposition; and as he endureth forever, so love will endure forever. R3151:6 The Bible statement that God is love, and also its teaching that he is wise, just and almighty is very generally accepted by Christian people. R880:2
Dwelleth in love— Greek, agape. R2807:5 We dwell in the love and favor and in the spirit or disposition of God; and his spirit or disposition dwells in us. R3251:6 The divine arrangement is that love shall be the rule among God's creatures. R5138:3 The object of all instruction and discipline on God's part is to bring us to the character likeness to himself. R2807:5 In proportion as we develop strength of character as new creatures, this quality of love increases. R5417:2, 5094:3 "Love is the fulfilling of the law." (Rom. 13:10) R5348:4; NS564:3
Dwelleth in God— Is fully in accord with God, and hence in the condition pleasing to the Father. SM281:1 The Lord specially delights to see us cultivate his own spirit of love and kindness and generosity. R5369:6, 3831:4 No man can love his neighbor in this Scriptural sense, until he has first loved his God to such a degree as to be not only willing but anxious to do those things which are pleasing in his sight. R4662:3 "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." (Psa. 91:1) NS564:3
And God in him— By his Spirit dwelleth in him. R5348:4 The development of God's characteristics in our hearts and characters is our highest possible attainment in the present life. NS564:3 The Father took up his abode in Jesus from the time of his baptism, and qualified him to make known the divine plan. R5291:6

[NTC - 1 John 4:17]

Love made perfect— Completed. R1956:4 Love to be made perfect in us. R5901:6* Nothing but the love described in 1 Corinthians 13 will fit us to deal with the fallen race. R5901:6* God's love is not discouraged with the deepest moral degradation, but follows the welfare of the sinner with an unchilled devotion, though he hates the sin; and we are to be "filled with all the fullness of God." (Eph. 3:19) R5901:6*
Day of— The harvest, the end of this age. R2430:3
Judgment— Greek, krisis, This word includes the thought of trial culminating in a decision that is final, irrevocable. R2430:2
As he is— As Christ was despised and rejected of men. R2789:3 Ostracized, misunderstood, reproved and slandered. R5426:3, 5189:3 An outcast. NS819:1 The Master of the house was called Beelzebub and seditious, and an enemy of law and order, against Caesar's government. etc. R2789:3; NS816:3 As God is. R1956:4
So are we— So are we to become. R5901:6* Living embodiments and representatives of love. R1956:4 Christ's fleshly representatives now, and if faithful, his joint-heirs hereafter. R2881:1, 2789:3 The Head having been manifested in the flesh, seen of men, testified of angels, etc. all the members of his Body should likewise be manifested in the flesh.R3192:6 Jesus went about doing good. We should make application of this principle to ourselves. R5375:6 We are to walk in his footsteps. R3805:1 All the sufferings of Christ are sacrificial. The sufferings of the Head are the sufferings of the Body, and the sufferings of the Body are the sufferings of The Christ as a whole. R4547:5, 5215:3, 3192:6, 713:1 The members of his Body would be similarly misrepresented, slandered, maligned, despised, rejected by the popular religionists of Christendom. R2789:5; NS816:3 These oppositions from the world, the flesh, and the devil are a part of the chiseling, polishing, testing and proving of the Lord's people, to determine who are worthy a share in the Kingdom. R2789:5 The duties and privileges of this Royal Priesthood are now a sacrificing service; by and by a reigning, restoring and teaching service. R4542:6, 3805:1, 713:1 As Jesus was rendering obedience day by day, so are we rendering obedience day by day. R4922:2 Jesus was the great light which came into the world, and his followers were to be lights and candles also. R4558:5 From this standpoint, the first advent of the Christ in the flesh has been a gradual one, covering a period of nearly nineteen centuries. R3192:6 The world knew not our Captain, and likewise knows not his real soldiers of the cross. R1864:1 "The world knoweth us not, even as it knew him not," (1 John 3:1) but our duty is the same; his message is that we shall let our light shine before men. R3484:3 We are not to allow the troubles of life to distress us as they distress other people. R5670:6
In this world— As God is love and is so manifested to all his creatures, so ought we to be love, and thus to shine as lights in the world. R1956:4

[NTC - 1 John 4:18]

No fear in love— There is no dread in love. We do not dread that which we love. R4841:1 The Adversary would seem to take advantage of our fallen condition of sin and cause us to fear our Heavenly Father, because whoever we fear we keep away from. Q270:6
Perfect love— The test of character approved of God, is love—perfect love for God, for the brethren, yea, also for our enemies. R4208:3 The perfecting of love is a gradual matter. R4051:2 The Lord gradually makes known his "secret," which illumines, transforms, and strengthens us and develops in us his spirit of perfect love. NS397:3 Our love for God grows in proportion as we perceive that he loves mankind and has made provision for them whereby they may have an opportunity for everlasting life. Q450:7, 271:1; E255; NS301:4 No one can have this perfect love until first he has the perfect message—the true Gospel—"good tidings of great joy which shall be unto all people." NS301:6 A very scarce commodity even amongst the saints. R2289:5
Casteth out fear— Dread to offend. R5390:3 Abnormal fear and superstitious dread. R2210:3 All fear. R1151:4* After we have come to love God perfectly, all fear in the sense of dread is cast out. R5245:3, 4796:3; Q450:7, 271:2 Those who have the fear of the Lord and who are granted an understanding and appreciation of his secret, gradually lose all fear of man. NS397:3 Those who have the "spirit of fear" are helped to counteract it by the "Spirit of truth," the "Spirit of love," if they receive it. E255 Perfect love casts out all servile fear of our Heavenly Father, for we love and trust him. R5296:4 The best antidote for the fears taught by the precepts of men is love for God and an intimate acquaintance with him. NS301:4 Not the fear of displeasing God. Proper fear (reverence) must never be cast out. The more we have of reverential love, the more of the proper fear we shall have. R5245:3; Q271:2, 450:8 As we gradually come to a clear knowledge of God and of the principles by which he regulates the universe, we lose this improper fear; and in its stead comes a love for God and a realization that he has love for us. Q450:7; R5245:3, 4841:5, 4796:3, 3770:5, 2210:3 Love inspired by a true knowledge of God and begotten of his spirit delivers from the fear of man in proportion as it abounds in us. R5977:6; NS301:5 We find ourselves possessed, not of a spirit of bondage, but we receive a spirit of adoption whereby we cry "Abba, Father." (Rom. 8:15) R1151:4* The Apostle in this text does not intimate that all hearts have fear; but that if any heart has fear, perfect love will cast it out—as the knowledge and love increase, the fear diminishes. R4841:1 Perfect love will cast out dread and slavish fear but it will cultivate, stimulate and increase our reverence for the Lord. R2986:6, 4051:2 This principle should operate between husband and wife; parents and children—and should fear to wound or offend the other. R5245:4; Q271:2, 451:1 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." (Prov. 9:10) This fear of the Lord—the reverence of the Lord increases as the child of God comes to know his Maker; but it is a gradual process. R4841:1, 2986:6; NS300:2 "A book of remembrance was written before the Lord for them that feared him." (Mal. 3:16) Christ "was heard in that he feared." (Heb. 5:7) "He that feareth God and worketh righteousness is accepted with him." (Acts 10:35) R2289:6 "Fear not: I am thy shield, and thine exceeding great reward." (Gen. 15:1) R1906:1 If the Master feared, as in the Garden of Gethsemane, so should his followers. Let us fear respecting ourselves lest in any degree we should come short. R4841:4; NS300:3 How difficult it is to believe two opposite suggestions; that "God loved us while we were yet sinners," (Rom. 5:8) and yet made a place called hell, large enough to receive the entire race of Adam for torturing. NS301:5
Fear— A mental condition which is begotten of uncertainty. It is natural to avoid whomsoever we fear. R5245:3; Q270:6, 450:6 Timidity—a servile fear or dread of the Lord, or of Satan, fallen angels, or men, and what they might do to us. R4379:1 Fear of God due to lack of knowledge of him and his principles. Q271:1 Fear is not a good motive to obedience. The unfaithful servant who hid his lord's money said, "I feared thee." (Luke 19:21) R21:4* Fear may have to do with the beginning of a change of heart, but it certainly cannot carry the conversion to completion. The results of fear are imperfect. R3735:4 Greater knowledge of God and his character will dispel this kind of fear. R4796:3 There is a proper and improper fear toward God. One is reasonable, the other illogical; one helpful, the other injurious; one is the beginning of wisdom; the other the beginning of folly, irrational anguish. NS300:2 All who have the Nicodemus disposition should seek to overcome it and get their hearts filled with the love of God and his truth that it will make them free from bondage to sectarianism and fear of man. R2421:3
Hath torment— Or trouble. SM332:1* Greek, kolasin; restraint, improperly rendered "torment." R1040:1, 2608:1 The heathen have a dread of God which amounts to torment. R5304:2 The heathen have devilish doctrines mingled with dread of God; and all the worldly who have knowledge of God, Jews and Christians, have fear also—dread. R4841:4All heathen religions teach torment after death for the great bulk of the human family. NS301:2 Satan would try to give us, through his various theories, a dread or fear of God, and of torture. Q270:6;NS300:4, 301:2 Some Christians are paralyzed for life by the monomania of fear. The cure for a foolish fear is faith and a forced obedience of duty. R632:2*

[NTC - 1 John 4:19]

We love him— The effect of God's love upon the good-ground heart is that it decides that it could do nothing less than love similarly in return, and thus be willing to lay down life itself in God's service. R2648:3 Not that we first loved God, but that his love attracted and developed ours. R2648:3 God's love known—"shed abroad in our hearts" (Rom. 5:5)—produces love to him in return. As God's love shows itself in his works, so will our love show itself in our works. R21:4* To know God, we must know Christ, for God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. (2 Cor. 5:19) R42:3* It is not possible for a child to love a father in whose word he has no confidence. Nor could God recognize as children those who do not love him. R556:1*
Because— Because we believe. R556:1*
He first loved us— The love we see reflected in his great plan for the uplifting of our race. CR474:3 A sense of justice told us that since God had so loved us as to provide for us so great salvation, it would be as little as we could do—it would be our duty to love and serve him in return. R2754:4 The beginning of our experience as Christians—that attracted us to him. R2754:3 God himself is the one who has the attraction. It is the love of God, the love of Christ, that binds us to the magnet of truth. OV402:6 One of the prominent features of God's plan by which his love is manifested is Christ's death. R42:3* An appreciation of God's love to us "while we were yet sinners," (Rom. 5:8) must be an important cause—not only of turning men to God, but also of keeping our hearts in the way of righteousness. R42:3* His love was first; not created, nor purchased, but original, self-moved and inexhaustible. It can be known only by its fruits. R42:3* An imperfect idea of the fruit of God's love must cause an imperfect idea of the love itself, and the effect produced on our hearts and lives must correspond. R42:3*

[NTC - 1 John 4:20]

I love God— The Lord especially delights to see us cultivate his own spirit of love and kindness and generosity. R5369:6 Those who have reached the mark of perfect love must keep actively engaged in the service of the Lord, laying down their lives for the brethren, as an assurance that he loves God. R2755:5 While God should be first in our hearts and affections, nevertheless our love for God is more difficult to measure than is our love for man. R3862:5
Loveth not— Brotherly love in the Church is an indication of its godliness. R2228:1 Love to God alone is not the full manifestation of this grace; nor can there be a sincere love for God, without a corresponding love to man. R2155:5 If our hearts do not attain to the standard of love for our neighbors as for ourselves, the Apostle assures us that we may seriously doubt that we have any love for God that would be acceptable to him. R3994:1
His brother— If we do not love the brethren so as to be able to have fellowship and spiritual pleasure with them, it would be an indication that we are not wholly in harmony and fellowship with God. R5938:3 They are mistaken who say, I long to be with the Lord and to enjoy his blessing and fellowship, yet meantime neglect opportunities to meet with the brethren, and do not enjoy their company and fellowship. F309 To our Lord and his Word we must be true at all hazards. Then comes love for the brethren—because they are his and have his Spirit, because they are seeking to walk in his footsteps. SM259:1 We should have love one toward the other, by having one mind, or purpose, or will, as a Church—the Lord's will; sympathizing with and consoling one another, having the proper fellowship as Body members. R5810:4The Scriptures place the love of the brethren as one of the evidences of our having been begotten of the Spirit, and of our being in touch with the Master. R2330:2 Some are in danger of erring in an opposite direction—of manifesting a brotherly love where it should be withheld, and that in the interest of the brother. R3033:3
Whom he hath seen— The brethren who have God's Spirit and whom we have seen with the natural sight? F376 Our Lord is represented by his members in the flesh and we see that love for the brethren means love for the Lord; hence this is one of the great tests of our relationship to him and to the Father. R3777:1 Simple brotherly kindness toward a brother-man will the better enable you to love supremely the righteous God whom you have not seen. R1767:6 We may expect that the temptation of this hour will be considerably along the line of abiding in God's love. This in turn will imply a love for the brethren. R4253:3
How can he love God— How can he know that he would love God. R5369:6 Be wholly in harmony and fellowship with God. R5938:3 The measure of the love which fills our hearts will find expression toward our fellow-creatures who have need of our sympathy and attention, and if we show ourselves deficient here it will imply a deficiency of our love for our Creator. R3805:5; OV210:1 If our best energies are spent on money-making or in some other selfish channel, how dwelleth the love of God in us? SM268:T
He hath not seen— Except with the eye of faith. F376

[NTC - 1 John 4:21]

Love his brother— If the Father loves him and the Saviour loves him, then we too should love him. R5726:6 Special brotherly love among the saints, as distinguished from our benevolent sympathy for the world. R1254:5 To grow in this grace of love to God necessarily implies a growth also in love toward mankind; and especially toward those who are in sympathy and harmony with righteousness.R2757:2

[NTC - 1 John 5:1]

Whosoever believeth— The consecrated class. R2630:1, 2629:4 It is proper for all of the Lord's people to accept each other as new creatures in Christ. R5958:2 The new creature in Christ is a jewel of infinite value. R664:5*, 416:4*
Is born of God— Is begotten of God. A278; R2629:5, 837:1 The same Greek word as that rendered "begotten" later in this verse. R2629:5, 837:1 If the Heavenly Father recognizes anyone as a son, it signifies that there is a nobility of character there, whether we be able to see these things in the outward conduct or not. God reads the heart. R5958:2 The Apostle is discussing the condition of a believer who has not only been justified by faith, but who is acting upon that faith and the Lord's call, and has presented himself a living sacrifice. R2629:4, 2630:1 Although the Apostle does not particularize the three steps of knowledge, faith and consecration in this verse, he implies them in verses 3 and 4. R2629:6 Our justification is not our begetting to a new nature, but, as the word itself signifies, a making right of our old natures. R2629:5
That loveth— To grow in this grace of love to God necessarily implies a growth also in love toward mankind; and especially toward those who are in sympathy and harmony with righteousness. R2757:2
Him that begat— Our Heavenly Father. R5958:2, 4052:2 It is safe to say that when God is associated with the matter he is always regarded as masculine; hence gennao, when used thus, should be rendered beget or begotten. R837:1; A278
Loveth him also— How frequently the dear brethren of the Lord seriously try and vex each other, and fail to provoke to love and good works—inciting rather to strife! R5921:1 The tendency of the mutual love of the brethren is to meet frequently and, personally or through the printed or written page, to speak to each other. R2406:2
That is begotten— To have the spirit of the Master we must love all those who are begotten of God. Q450:4; R1252:2*, 664:5*, 416:4* He who loveth the Father must love the Son also, who is the Father's express image and who has manifested to us in his own flesh the glorious character of the Father. R4052:2 All who belong to the Church of Christ have the spirit of love at the time of their spirit-begetting, and if progress be made in preparation for the Kingdom, that spirit of love will increase and abound more. R5921:1 "Love of the brethren" will be a marked quality in all his servant sons. R2406:2, 1254:5 As each one loves more and more the spirit of the Master, we will be found to more and more love each one; until we all get perfected beyond the vail when our love for each other will be absolutely complete. Q450:2

[NTC - 1 John 5:2]

Love the children— Special brotherly love among the saints, as distinguished from our benevolent sympathy for the world. R1254:5 If we love God supremely. R244:3
When we love God— We come to love God by becoming acquainted with him, his spirit, his mind—as we see it manifested in Christ, through the apostles and those entirely consecrated to him now; and through the plan in his Word. R244:3 Love to him is not a gift to be prayed for, and not a thing which is given to us, but a thing which we ourselves must develop. R244:3 The basis of all love for any person or thing is knowledge. R244:3 Through Jesus we are permitted to partake of the spirit or mind of the Father, and that spirit is the spirit of love. R244:2This does not say we know that we love God because we love his children, but almost the reverse. We love the children because we love the Father. R244:2
Keep— Practice. (Diaglott) R244:5
His commandments— An evidence that we are in the race. Q155:6

[NTC - 1 John 5:3]

This is the love— It proves or demonstrates our love of God. R3021:1, 2648:6
We keep— Our obedience to the heavenly wisdom constitute the proof of our love to God. Thus also is proved our love of righteousness. R2093:3 To him and to the brethren. R3021:2
His commandments— His law is love. The Lord's requirement is that with our hearts we serve this law of God, and with our flesh we shall do to the best of our ability. R3546:6 Not the Ten Commandments, but more or less according to the standpoint of expression. They are less in the sense of requirements on our flesh, more as respects the requirements on our hearts. R3546:6
And— And to us. R759:5*
His commandments— We delight therein—because they are right, good, proper. R3021:2, 2648:6 They are the expression of the most exalted virtue, the noblest benevolence, the purest love, and all the beauties of holiness. R2093:3
Are not grievous— Burdensome. (Diaglott) R244:6 It is one thing to keep the divine commands or to seek to do so, all the while feeling more or less of restraint, lack of liberty, compulsion, duty, etc., it is another thing to obey joyfully. R3021:2, 3546:6, 245:1 If the doing of the will of God be unpleasant to us, if the sacrifice of earthly things—wealth, influence, pleasures—is not a privilege and a joy, it must be because we lack the love of God. R245:1 He who finds the Lord's commandments grievous has thus an evidence that he is not in heart-harmony with them, that he has not made a full consecration of himself to the Lord. R2648:6; E248 The consecrated class seek to do this willingly. R2630:1So that we rejoice to sacrifice in doing God's will. R759:5* "I delight to do thy will." (Psa. 40:8) R4201:5, 245:1; E248 "Joy to find in every station something still to do or bear"—a pleasure to sacrifice earthly comforts or pleasures whenever God's will thus indicates. R244:6 This will be the evidence to us that we love God and that we are loved by him; being sealed and impressed more and more by his Spirit, the spirit of truth. R4201:5 If fear, and not love actuate us, our service will be drudgery. R244:6

[NTC - 1 John 5:4]

Born of God— Begotten of God. E237; R837:1, 374:4 Greek, gennao; God being associated with the action, it should be rendered begotten.R837:1
The victory— The conquering power. R1719:2 The faith that in all conditions is able to look up to the Lord with absolute confidence in his goodness and faithfulness, and to realize that eventually all things will work together for good to us. R2627:4, 778:5*, 628:6* Overcoming is gaining some victory over besetting weaknesses as well as over trespasses—not of ourselves, but by God's grace and the assistance of the great Advocate. R5103:1 You cannot have the grace and the power without the faith. R2108:3 Learn to apply this victory, and so it is thine, be strong in him and the power of his might. Thy defeat, through the wisdom and love of thy God, may be ordered to advance the victory. R778:4*
That overcometh— To overcome requires energy, force of character, perseverance and steadfast, patient endurance to the very end of the present life. R1719:3 The thought of conflict is contained in this expression. No one can be an overcomer of the world who is in sympathy and affiliation with it and its general spirit of selfishness, pride, ambition, etc. E237 You are not to overcome the world by flattery, nor by joining in its follies, nor are you to overcome by teaching a Sunday School class, or joining a sectarian Church. R374:4; E238To overcome indicates that you are not in harmony with the world, its spirit, and its methods. R374:4; E237 "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." (Rev. 3:21) What an incentive and inspiration to noble and heroic effort! R1719:2 May all the consecrated duly appreciate their high calling, and strive to make their calling and election sure. R1586:4
The world— The whole world is against us in this battle; it is taking its own course, ignoring God, leaning to its own understanding and pursuing its own way—its spirit, its popular methods, its ambitions, hopes and aims are all at variance with the elect Church of God. R1719:3,5 We are to exercise a definite faith in the things that God has promised, and give no heed to the seductive vagaries of Satan, our fellow men, or of our own imagination. R5244:1 It is faith in the promises of God's Word that enables us to live separate from the world and its ideas and schemes. NS132:4 Only as we have faith in God and his Word could we possibly renounce the world, its ambitions and pleasures, and turn our backs to these, to gain the glories and honors which God has promised to those who love him. NS415:5 As we view our Lord in Gethsemane under a trial so crucial, and mark how the hand of Jehovah upheld him, let it strengthen the faith of all who are endeavoring to walk in his footsteps, to whom he says, "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) R1801:6 During this age, while the world is under the Prince of this world, Satan, and in antagonism to righteousness and the righteous. R2304:2, 778:1*
Even our faith— The only power which can sufficiently energize our whole being and nerve to patient endurance of tribulation, even to the end. R1719:3 During the present time of darkness as respects the fulfillment of the divine plan, when Satan is the prince of this world, our Lord puts the premium on faith. "According to thy faith be it unto thee." (Matt. 9:29) F113 Unless faith grows and develops we will lack the power to be an overcomer. F689 A faith well founded in the Word of God, examined, proved, and deeply rooted in heart as well as in head. R1719:6, 5432:4 Not merely for the knowledge we enjoy above the world in things pertaining to God, but especially because of the influence which this knowledge will exercise upon all hopes and aims and conduct. F315 By such full, implicit confidence in his teaching and training as will keep us continually as earnest, diligent pupils under his guidance and instruction. R1967:2 The foundation of all our noblest endeavors will lie along the lines of confidence in God. This confidence is faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. R5243:6 The very center and life of which faith is the holy Spirit of love to the Lord and to them that are his, and sympathetically for the world. R4919:1, 2205:1 Nothing that we have to offer to the Lord would be more acceptable in his sight than faith—in him, his power, love and promises; without which we cannot make development and be overcomers. R2654:1; F315 The shield of faith is indispensable to protection from the fiery darts of the Adversary—skepticism, Higher Criticism, Evolution and demonology. F657 The Christian who has not the shield of faith, and a large one, is continually at a disadvantage before the Adversary, and all the hosts of evil. R5425:6, 2642:6 It is our privilege to pray to the Lord to increase our faith and to increase it ourselves by learning what are the divine promises and claiming them as our own. R2642:6 Faith is God's standard; whoever has the proper standard must have works to correspond. God's favorites of the Bible have all been men of faith. R5243:3, 1720:4, 778:1* Faith in the Lord's wisdom and in his help in every time of need is necessary to us in order that we may be thoroughly obedient to him. R4904:5 The exercise of faith, and the obedience which flows therefrom will enable us to come off conquerors and "more than conquerors." (Rom. 8:37) R4904:6 Faith must grasp the exceeding great and precious promises of God and appreciate their value; and also lay hold on the power of God and find grace to help in every time of need. R1859:5, 2073:5 If we neglect the throne of grace, during temptations, it is a sign that we are lacking faith, and are in that respect not fit for the Kingdom, because all who are inheritors of the Kingdom must have faith. NS228:1 Faith enables us to gain the victory over the spirit of the world, and to be separate, sanctified to God, for service here and hereafter. R5245:4, 2195:4, 1719:6 Faith is not merely belief or knowledge, but is knowledge applied, assimilated, appropriated—made a part of our habit of thought, a basis for our actions and a spur to all our energies. R1719:3 Faith, to be a conquering power in us, must go deeper than the head; it must go into the heart, and thus permeate and energize the whole being, bringing not only the outward conduct but every thought into subjection to Christ. R1720:1 It will be to such as thus overcome in spirit, in faith, that the Lord will give the final word of his mouth—"Well done good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord." (Matt. 25:21) R4897:6, 3060:4 All of our services to the Lord are valuable chiefly as proofs of our faith in his promises.R2425:4 Faith cannot live without manifesting itself. R2425:4 Faith is the overcoming power which all must have who would run successfully the race for the prize of our high calling, and be overcomers. R1719:3 Let it be the governor and inspiration of our lives—a living faith which purges and purifies and strengthens to diligence and patience to the end of the narrow way to life. R1720:4 Faith, which is now difficult and therefore highly rewarded, will by and by be the most easy and only reasonable thing; and while it will be required, being easy it will not be specially rewarded as now. R2195:4 A mere intellectual assent to the truth of God, which does not lead to activity in his service, is not faith, and can never overcome the world nor secure the prize of our high calling.R1720:4 Such a faith is not nervously looking about for something new, and always probing the vain philosophies of men to see how skillfully they can withstand the Word of the Lord. R1720:1 "We walk by faith, not by sight." (2 Cor. 5:7) F689; R374:4 "Without faith it is impossible to please God." (Heb. 11:6) F147, 315; E658, 689; R2654:1, 2642:6, 2425:4; NS228:1

[NTC - 1 John 5:6]

He that came— To be the Redeemer of mankind. R1411:2
Not by water only— Not by consecration only. R1411:2 He came by baptism into water, the symbol of his full consecration even unto death. R1411:2
By water and blood— By both typical and literal baptism into death. R1411:2 The actual fulfilling of his consecration vow, even unto death, the shedding of his blood. R1411:2 It was his consecration to the cross; his baptism in water was a symbol of his baptism into death, and because it was a symbol it became a pledge that he would die, in obedience to the Father's will. R197:5*
Spirit that beareth witness— The Spirit of God bore witness after the water baptism that this was his well beloved Son, (Matt. 3:17); again after his baptism into death, in raising him from the dead and highly exalting him. R1411:2

[NTC - 1 John 5:7]

There are three— The Spirit, the water and the blood. R1411:3 In the type the anointing oil mingled with the blood of consecration was sprinkled over the priests. R73:5
That bear record— The succeeding words of this verse and the first nine words of the next verse are spurious; they are not in any manuscript of earlier date than the seventh century and not in the Revised Version; 112 of the oldest manuscripts do not give them; King James translators had only eight manuscripts, none antedating the tenth century, whereas we now have 700, two of which date from 350 AD. E56-58; R5748:4, 714:3, 278:4; CR245:5; SM494:1, 603:1 These spurious words are the foundation for the teaching of the catechism that "These three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory." E166; R767:3 The word "trinity" is not found in the Bible. This, the only text in the Bible which seems in any way to suggest a trinity, is acknowledged even by trinitarians themselves to be a forgery, incorporated into the text about the fifth century. R5748:4, 5352:1, 1411:2, 560:2*, 369:2; OV114:6; Q846:4 The doctrine of the trinity is totally opposed to Scripture, and has not even one reasonable text to support it when this well-known interpolation is discarded and when John 1:1 is properly understood. R5993:5, 505:2; F202; Q847:2 Because there was no Scripture, one was manufactured in the seventh century by adding these words. OV114:6; R2817:5, 802:5*; E56; CR245:5; Q716:3; HG661:2 We believe that very few interpolations have been made intentionally, except this one; being a bold and notable exception. Others were generally the result of accident—copying of a marginal comment. R1210:2, 560:2*; E56 This interpolation was introduced by Papacy during the tenth century. R207:3 Some very ancient manuscripts found within the last fifty years show that a few verses are really no part of the Bible, but were added by unknown parties somewhere between the fifth and tenth centuries. R1536:6 The sense is complete without the interpolated words and the teaching in perfect harmony with the context, which would not be the case were the interpolated words admitted. R1411:2, 767:3; E57; CR245:6; Q716:3; SM494:3
In heaven— Who is bearing record in heaven that Jesus is the Son of God? The Father, the Son and the holy Spirit bearing record in heaven that Jesus is the Son of God? What do they need it for? It is ridiculous! Q716:3

[NTC - 1 John 5:8]

Witness— Record. R73:5
The spirit— The testimony of the Spirit at his consecration. R1411:3 The oil representing the Spirit. R73:5
And the water— Symbolic baptism in water. R1411:3 Water is the symbol of the Word "washing of water by the Word." (Eph. 5:26) R73:5
And the blood— The blood representing the price of our peace. R73:5 The testimony of the Spirit at his resurrection. R1411:3
Agree in one— Agree in one testimony. Q716:3; R767:3, 197:3*, 73:5 The testimony concerning God's Son. R197:3* The three in the type bear harmonious testimony that the consecrated ones are accepted in the Beloved. R73:5

[NTC - 1 John 5:9]

Witness of God— As the Son is the general expression or revelation of the Father, we should expect this important testimony of the three witnesses to have reference to the revelation of God's love for the world. R197:3* It is well for man that it is God's testimony. This puts its credibility beyond a doubt, and makes certain that it will reach every one for whom it was intended. R690:5* The basis of faith is the testimony of God himself. R1328:6* It originated in God, it was given in the power of the holy Spirit, and its words were uttered by Christ, the apostles, and prophets. It varies as to time, manner, agent, and accompaniment, but it never varies as to origin. R690:5*
Is greater— Let us not be more wise, more loving, or more just than the only living and true God who dwells in a light which no can approach unto, and whose mind is communicated to us through his Word. R1598:4 Love, wisdom and justice could never agree to let a willful sinner live to mar the peace of the holy; nor could they consent that they should be kept alive, with their wills under divine restraints to all eternity. R1598:4

[NTC - 1 John 5:10]

He that believeth— The testimony on which faith rests is not man's, it is God's own. R1329:1*
God gave of his Son— "A ransom for all, to be testified in due time." (1 Tim. 2:6) R690:1*

[NTC - 1 John 5:11]

To us— Believers. R142:4; HG222:4
Eternal life— Now by faith and hope, and by and by actually, "when he who is our life shall appear." (Col. 3:14) E386; R1878:4Immortality is a glorious prize to be sought for and to be obtained only by the elect of God through Jesus. It is not inherent in all men. R560:4*, 142:4
Life is in his Son— The testimony of God is that Christ is the life of the world. R1329:1*

[NTC - 1 John 5:12]

He— At present only those few who have accepted Christ in the real sense of the word. Q446:2 He who believes with the heart—not merely one with an intellectual appreciation of the fact that Christ is the Son of God and who has come into relationship to him. R4840:2 Those who have accepted Christ, and have received of his atoning merit, and come out from under the Adamic death condemnation.R5931:2; F106
That hath the Son— Have come into vital relationship with the Savior. R5354:2, 2931:3 Now is the opportunity for coming into relationship with him as his Bride and joint-heir. R3927:1 He is our Advocate through whom we must come to the Father. R4840:6 No man can come unto the Father except by him. R1273:4 To have the Son, to abide in him, means not to abide willfully and willingly in sin, to have the Lord's deliverance from sin and his deliverance unto everlasting life. NS234:4 All of Adam's posterity will have an opportunity to accept Jesus, either as his brethren at the present time, or as his children in the next age. R4819:2 The divine plan is so arranged that none can obtain everlasting life except through a personal relationship to Christ, and the exercise of faith in his redeeming blood, and obedience to his counsels. R5354:2 Only believers can have life now, the beginning of that life which will be perfected in the resurrection. R5608:5 Jesus is God's appointed channel by which the world may obtain reconciliation, restitution, life everlasting. NS96:3
Hath life— A right or privilege or grant of life as God's gift. E386; R1878:3 Believers are begotten to newness of life, have the new life begun in them, in the sense that their wills are accepted of God as beginnings of the new creatures which they shall be in the first resurrection. F161; R4840:2 The everlasting life provided is already considered theirs while they abide under the robe of Christ's righteousness. R5931:2 Imputed to him at the present time. R4840:2 Reckonedly, already. R1854:2 Perfect life. R1878:3 Only those coming into Christ, and through him, begotten of truth—surely nothing in this text teaches that all will be kept alive everlastingly. R1219:2, 1437:1 The blessing of life in its full, everlasting, complete sense, is coming to "all in Christ" and to none others. R3927:1, 1592:4 In the resurrection change such will, in the fullest sense, have life. R4840:2; F161There can be no rescue from death without a rescue from sin, and there can be no rescue from sin without a rescue from death. Under the divine arrangement they stand as cause and effect. NS234:4 This text applies now, primarily. It will apply in the Millennial age, gradually, as men shall come to a knowledge of the truth. R4840:6 Eternal life is a gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord, to be given only to the believing and obedient. R3066:1, 1882:4 Throughout the Millennial age whoever would have life must get it through the Life-giver, who will give it under the terms of the New Covenant. R5293:1,4840:5
Hath not life— Shall not see life. (John 3:36) E386; R4819:2, 2059:4, 1878:3, 1592:4, 1219:2; Q328:T; SM315:T But continues under the sentence of death. F106; R4840:3, 2993:1, 2841:2, 2059:4 But the wrath of God—the curse—abideth on him. HG357:2; Q328:T Hath no right to or promise of life. R1219:2 Immortal life. R279:3 Unbelievers are referred to as still dead, because of having no union with the Life-giver. F697 Those who refuse the appointed channel, Jesus, their portion will be second death, without hope of recovery. NS96:3 Jesus will not let them have life, but they will not suffer in misery, or torment. CR293:1; R2841:2, 1085:6 If he hath not life, how could he have torment? HG222:4

[NTC - 1 John 5:13]

That ye may know— May be taught. E284

[NTC - 1 John 5:14]

Confidence— Pray, having faith in God. R5380:2*
According to his will— It is evidently impossible, "seeing through a glass darkly" (1 Cor. 13:12) to always "ask according to his will." Our imperfect prayers now have to be revised by our Advocate. R469:5*

[NTC - 1 John 5:16]

If— Referring to a class during the Gospel age. R382:6, 253:2 The Apostle addressed these words to the Church. NS242:5 Those covered with the merit of Christ's righteousness, consecrated to the Lord's service even unto death. These have the full assurance of eternal life, if they continue faithfully. SM771:2
His brother— All those whom we have reason to believe are fellow-members in the Body of Christ. R4625:3
Sin a sin— Going away from God—be overtaken in a fault and difficulty, which may lead to coldness and estrangement from the Lord. We should do all in our power for his assistance. R4625:3Sins of weakness and of ignorance, traceable to our fallen nature, which we have received by heredity. R2658:2
Not unto death— Missteps and stumblings which may occur in the path of any through weakness of the flesh—sins which may be repented of, reformed from, and forgiven. R4908:5, 4830:5, 3260:3, 1962:2 Which may be forgiven, and out of which the transgressor may come with valuable lessons, which will be helpful to him in future conflicts and triumphs. R3260:3 If a sickness was a judgment or discipline for sin, we should expect that when the sin had been confessed and truly repented of, the Lord would remove the chastisement and raise up the penitent son from the affliction, either partially or wholly. R2008:4
He shall ask— We should pray for such an one—in the attitude of intercession and sympathy. R4625:3, 4626:1 The divine intention in suggesting that we should pray might be that it would aid in developing our sympathy for the various members of the Body. R4625:3 Let us bear in mind this privilege and duty of intercessory prayer; and for our encouragement let us remember God's dealings with his faithful ones of old. R1842:5 Illustrated in Moses' prayer on behalf of erring Israel and God's answer to that prayer. (Num. 14:15-33) R1842:6 If we neglect our interest in the fellow-members, it is our loss. R4626:2 This is different from praying for the world. R4625:3 If there were no members present to pray for a disaffected brother, the great Head himself would probably find some means of advocating the interests of the member. R4625:6
Give him life— Bring him back to the life standing. R4626:1 Preserve his life. If he were in danger of going down into second death, the faithful prayer would lead to a recovery. R4626:1 Seems to correspond with the saving of the spirit in the day of the Lord, (1 Cor. 5:5) as relating to the Great Company. R4626:1 In what sense the Lord permits us to be advocates one for another is not clear, but our advocacy of each other would seemingly be offered more particularly to the Head of the Body than to the Father. R4625:6
There is a sin— A positive doing of something which is evil. R5451:3 Something very specific. R4626:2 Kind of sin. R3083:5 A death sin or mortal sin. R1249:1, 1983:3 An individual sin. R383:1 A hopeless condition. R4872:5 Unforgivable sins. R723:4 Wilful, intentional sin against clear knowledge. R1250:1, 5440:2; HG305:6; NS162:3; Q638:2; SM772:1 Deliberate, willful sin; against the holy Spirit. R5453:1, 3132:1, 2612:2, 1699:1; F166;NS244:1 Against a clear knowledge of the right and wrong of the matter. R1250:1, 2612:2 The result of persistence in that which in the beginning was clearly recognized as wrong, but which, through self-will persisted in, subsequently became a gross deception. F166 The matter comes on gradually, little by little, until the heart is completely turned away from the Lord. SM772:1 This sin is one, though it may be committed in a variety of ways. A wrong course adopted intentionally, with a full desire to have it so. R1250:1 Eventually manifesting itself outwardly, either in a denial of the atonement or by gross immoralities. F302 The sin unto death should be looked for to approach us in one of two forms. The first is described in Heb. 6:4-9, a moral retrogression; and the second in Heb. 10:26-32, a doctrinal retrogression. SM773:1 This could be committed only by those who have tasted of divine grace. R2286:6; SM775:T Only those who have been brought to a knowledge of God and his good Word and have received the holy Spirit—in a word, saints, are the only ones who could commit it. R253:2, 1250:2, 383:1; SM775:T Going back on the blood of the covenant wherewith he was once sanctified. (Heb. 10:29) R4626:1, 138:1*, 44:1; NS162:3; Q653:1 Not simply backsliding, but open apostasy and rejection of Jesus' work of ransom and purchase. R253:2, 44:1 Such a sin would be that of presuming upon the love of God to bring us salvation, even though we should willfully refuse it through the channel which he has appointed—the precious blood of Christ, shed for our redemption.R4835:2, 1296:4 If a wrong course were persisted in, the new will would become so weakened and the flesh so strong that there would be a gradual dying of the new will; and finally it would cease to exist. R4830:2 There is a degree of willful sin, against full light and ability that God will never forgive. R1694:1, 381:3; Q653:1 A little deflection in our attitude toward the Lord, on some point seemingly not so important, may lead farther off, eventually to alienation from the Lord. SM776:1 Let us not only be on guard against the great sins, but let us remember that it is the little deflections from the divine Word that lead astray. The least deflections are very sure to bring us into trouble. SM778:1 By losing the divine will and voluntarily accepting the will of the flesh again, the new creature could commit the sin unto death. If the will sins it has ceased to be a new will, for the new will never sins. R4830:4 Taking on the vicious qualities: backbiting, slander, anger, malice, strife, etc. would indicate a loss of the Spirit of the Lord. R4626:3 If you have lost the Lord's Spirit you will be loveless towards those of his people with whom you come in contact. R4626:5Recoverable only up to the point where their hearts go wrong. R4626:2 A sin for which no adequate excuse can be found. R2612:2 A matter of willfulness and a turning again to the beggarly elements of the world, from which we once escaped. R4626:2 "Every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto them; but a blasphemy against the holy Spirit shall not be forgiven." (Matt. 12:31, 32) NS244:1 Typically, it may be found that the jots and tittles of Israelitish history, as well as of the Law and prophets, have a meaning and point to something. R138:4* Let us take heed to all the jots and tittles of the Master's Word; the exhortations and instructions given us by himself and the apostles. He who is faithful in the little things will be faithful in the great. SM778:1 Murderers, thieves and blackguards of the world, nor even the world in general, are subjects of this death. They are not on trial yet. SM770:2, 775:T; R1962:2 The Apostle is not referring to the Adamic sin and death, for it passed on all. R382:6
Unto death— The second death. T40; R5264:2, 5100:5, 4830:5, 4345:5, 2759:4, 2658:2, 2612:2, 1250:6, 912:1, 383:1, 381:3, 44:2; HG222:3; Q212:6, 653:1; SM515:1 Destruction, contrary to the Universalist theory. R3083:5, 4345:5 There is no hope of a resurrection from it. R381:3, 5100:5, 4830:5, 44:2; HG334:6 The new creature is dead. R5452:1, 5440:2 Wilful, deliberate, intentional sin unto second death. Q653:1,212:6; R5264:2, 4830:5, 2658:2, 1250:2, 383:1; NS162:3 A consecrated child of God could not die the Adamic death. His death would be either the sacrificial death or second death. If he should turn away from God, then it would be the second death. R5264:2; Q212:6 The Church is on trial now for either life or death, and there is no future opportunity. R4400:6 Only by intelligent neglect and refusal of the terms and assistances can they cut themselves off from the Lord and from everlasting life. SM772:T They need not be hoped for, nor prayed for, because it will be impossible to renew them again to repentance. R1250:1 Only those justified who have received divine favor and knowledge, are on trial for life or death everlasting. SM772:T It behooves us to be on the alert for the beginnings of evil in our hearts, which might ultimately lead on to the complete alienation, which would mean second death. SM772:1; R1250:6 Mortal sin; there is no hope of recovery; it is unto death, second, death, destruction. It is not covered by the ransom because it is not in any sense traceable to Adam's transgression and its consequences. R1250:1,6, 723:4 By far the smallest number, we believe, come under the class as having committed willful sin; unmitigated by ignorance or weakness. R1250:4 It would not be to God's glory nor in the interests of his faithful ones or others for him to admit to eternal life conditions any deficient in love. R4401:1 Typified in one of Aaron's four son's. T40 The conduct of one could not send another into the second death without his cooperation; but whatever influence we have may be used for either the assistance or the injury of another. R4831:1 From our present viewpoint it will not surprise us if the number going into the second death will be a considerable one. It is a high standard which God will require for life eternal at any time and on any plane. R4400:3 Whoever will die the second death will die for his own sins and not through inherited imperfections. R2759:4, 1249:5 No provision is made for sin or sinners beyond the Millennium. R4400:6. 1249:6 Real death, not just sleep. HG14:4 Everlasting destruction, not eternal torment. HG305:6, 334:6
I do not say— It will be useless to pray or to hope for those who commit the sin unto death. F165; Q653:1 A waste of time for Christians to agonize and labor for such. R4626:3 Because "It is impossible to renew them again unto repentance." (Heb. 6:4-6) "There remaineth no more sacrifice for sins." (Heb. 10:26) R3260:3, 4835:2, 4078:6, 2738:5*, 2707:1, 2658:2, 1699:1, 1698:3, 1249:1, 723:3, 383:1; F302; T40; HG14:5; NS162:3 To pray for it would be to oppose God's expressed will, which we have no right to do. R912:1, 2612:2, 1983:3, 1249:1,4
It— Greek, ekeinos; also rendered "that," "those," and "he." R2001:2; E172, 204 To ask its forgiveness. R1249:1,4 Those who go so far as to commit it need not be hoped for, nor prayed for. R1250:1 The "holy brethren" should be able to discern cases in which willful sin has been committed, so that they will not pray for such, yet there is great room for patient forbearance and generous judgment in such cases. R1250:4

[NTC - 1 John 5:17]

All unrighteousness— All imperfection. R2284:6 Selfishness is unrighteousness. R5307:1 The divine law stands whether we are able to keep it or not; and every violation of the divine law is a sin, in one sense. R5750:3, 1249:2 God's law makes no allowance for sin, but condemns it. SM304:1 God is not the author of sin. R870:6 According to the Scriptures it is sinful for the Lord's people to injure one another in word, act or thought. R5750:6
Is sin— A sin is that which is more or less willfully and intentionally committed. R5750:2 In proportion as he willfully violates the divine law, in that proportion he shall suffer stripes.R5750:6, 5751:1, 2658:2, 1250:1
There is a— Kind of. R3083:5
Sin not unto death— A trespass is a sin committed without intention. Violations of God's law which are the result of our unavoidable weaknesses are not culpable sins, and hence not in the same category with sins more or less willful.R5750:2 Due to weakness, physical or moral. R1250:1 Venial sin. One which may be forgiven. R1249:1, 1983:3, 1250:6 One that may be repented of and reformed from—for which forgiveness and reconciliation may be prayed for, and expected. R1249:1, 1250:6 This should be our attitude toward God: "Gracious Heavenly Father, we cannot do perfectly. We pray thee, forgive our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." R5750:6 In the case of trespasses, which are unavoidable, instead of doing injury, these serve to show what points of character are weak and need to be strengthened. R5751:1 Any one begotten of God could not, so long as he is in possession of the holy Spirit, commit a sin with full intention. R5751:1 While every intentional sin against the holy Spirit must have a punishment, yet the punishment will not be the second death unless the knowledge, the sin, be a full, complete one. R5751:5 To whatever extent they are willful, they must be punished. R1249:6

[NTC - 1 John 5:18]

We know that whosoever— New creatures. R2721:3, 5491:5; Q141:5
Is born of God— Begotten of God. A196, 278; E235; R5938:5, 5742:2, 4830:2, 4810:6, 4252:3, 3281:5, 2235:5, 2003:6, 1697:6, 1250:6, 837:1, 374:3 Greek, gennao; refers to the beginning and not the completion of our change of nature. R2440:3 To receive the beginning of a new life, a new nature.R5742:5 New creatures. R4830:2 It is not the flesh that is begotten by the holy Spirit, but a new mind, a new will. SM392:1 It is starting a new life. The one receiving it gains a supernatural illumination. Thereafter he is a changed person, a new person, a new creature. He is now in Christ Jesus. R5742:3 Begotten of the spirit of holiness and truth. R5938:5, 2440:4 Those who have experienced a change of nature, who were first begotten according to the flesh, as children of Adam, and who have been begotten again—begotten of God. R5742:2
Sinneth not— Willfully. E461; R5742:6, 4810:6, 4252:3, 3281:5, 2440:3. 1698:2 Does not practice sin. (Diaglott) R5491:6 Willingly—does not approve of nor take pleasure in sin. R2440:3 Could not have any sympathy with sin so as to willfully, knowingly and intentionally engage therein. R5938:5, 2235:5 Could not give himself over to sin—to do so would signify that he had lost the holy Spirit, and had become unholy again. R5742:6 Meaning willful sin, intentional sin; sins that are not merely shortcomings and faults, inherited from our ancestors. R5938:5, 2235:5; E235, 461 Sin in its full or absolute sense, deliberate sin. R5938:5, 2235:5 It is not the new creature that sins. R5903:4 The slightest sympathy with sin would cause the child of God to depart to that extent from the center of purity. R5743:1 Such do not sin willfully, intentionally, and other imperfections are not reckoned sins to such. R1250:6Such may be overtaken in a fault, may err in judgment, be overpowered by the old nature, but will never sin willfully. R374:3 This text is not a guarantee of eternal salvation to those begotten of the holy Spirit, nor a guarantee of salvation from trials, temptations, difficulties, etc., but the begotten ones are under divine supervision. R4252:3 "The righteousness of the law is fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." (Rom. 8:4) R2440:4, 2721:3 This text does not teach that the new nature, cannot corrupt, cannot die; that a convert cannot fall from grace. R1698:1
Is begotten of God— The Heavenly Father is the begetter in the regeneration of the Church, the Bride of Christ. E143 Greek, gennao. When used in connection with God, it should always be rendered beget or begotten. R837:1; A278 We are begotten through the truth—the Gospel. R836:3 Only those begotten of the Father have his Spirit, which is the Spirit of the Son. R5133:3 There are three steps which correspond to the natural generation; begetting; quickening into activity, zeal and labor; and birth into full spirit-power. R836:3
Keepeth himself— By keeping very close to God, and watching our actions, our companionship and our conduct. R5743:4 Picturing to our mental eyes a charmed circle within which God's people may come; not a fence, but merely a line of light which can easily be overstepped. Inside is the Lord's favor; and he as the Head is the center. R5148:4, 5743:1 The Lord himself is the great center of righteousness, purity, truth. All who are on the side of righteousness, purity, truth, will shun sin, will have no fellowship with it. R5742:6 We should conquer ourselves; and control this body which is of the fallen race. R5923:6 From yielding to temptation. R4252:6 Watch our actions, our companionship, our conduct; abide "in the secret place of the Most High" (Psa. 91:1); "Make straight paths for our feet." (Heb. 12:13) R5743:4 The Spirit of God operating in the sons of God always makes for righteousness and hates sin. R5440:2By resisting the devil and not allowing his seductive arguments to have weight with us. We have the sure word of prophecy. If we love the Word of the Lord, we shall seek to be guided by it. R5184:3 In proportion as we are near the Lord, we are under divine protection. R5743:4 Each consecrated child of God may see the way of escape which God has provided and may use the same and thus be in line with the Lord's provision and amongst the shielded ones, the very elect. R4253:2 The assurance that we are now in the time of special testing should put us on guard; and we should watch and pray lest we enter into temptation. R2003:6 He will keep constantly on guard, watching himself, just as a watchman guards the castle of the house. He watches all the doors, all the avenues of access. R5742:6 "Keep yourselves in the love of God" (Jude 21) was never a more necessary command than at present; and we may expect that the temptation of this hour will be considerably along the line of abiding in God's love. This in turn will imply a love for the brethren. R4253:3, 1889:5 "Abide in him," "Abstain from all appearance of evil," "Take heed to yourselves," "Forget the things that are behind," "Mortify your flesh," and earthy desires and ambitions. Keep close to the Master. R5148:5 Our Lord Jesus, the first begotten of the Spirit, will keep all the younger brethren begotten of the Spirit, keep them from the injury which Satan would otherwise do them. R4252:3 The Church has been beset by the great Adversary and had fiery trials, but have also had the protection of him that was begotten of God, the Lord Jesus, who is keeping the faithful from the power of the Adversary. R4253:1
And that wicked one— Satan, whose very existence is now denied by many. F609 The Adversary. R4870:4 The Evil One. R4252:6 Satan is represented as a wily foe. R5743:1, 1889:2, 1684:6 The Adversary is ever ready to drag us into the darkness of sin, doubt and despair. R5148:5 In proportion as we waver in our loyalty, we come nearer to the Adversary. R5743:4 The new creatures are to keep themselves from the wicked one. R4830:2, 5923:6 We are not to suppose that every trial or difficulty which besets us is of the devil, but rather to remember the Apostle's words, "But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own desires and enticed." (James 1:14) R4810:6 In order to deceive the child of light, Satan transforms himself into an angel (messenger) of light; for well he knows that he would not deceive them if he were to present himself as a representative of sin. R5184:2 All who so love sin and willfully do it and approve it after they have a knowledge of the truth, are children of darkness, who love darkness and who thus show that they have the spirit or disposition of Satan. R5938:6, 2235:5 The evil day with which this age shall end will have the severest trials ever known to God's people, and they will have the greatest need known for the armor of truth and righteousness. R4253:1
Toucheth him not— Catcheth them not. R2161:1, 1697:6 Does not injure. R5742:6, 4252:6 To ensnare us mentally, morally or otherwise. CR441:2 The Little Flock are so heartily opposed to sin and so earnest about the keeping of their garment unspotted that the Adversary gets no hold on them. R2161:1, 4870:4, 1799:6 The Adversary can never touch our real selves as new creatures, save by our own unfaithfulness. R5540:4,2, 5742:6, 4252:6, 1799:6; Q649:1 We are to keep near to the Lord, near to the truth, that thus the Adversary touch us not. CR441:2; R5148:5 We are not to enter into a personal combat with the devil. We are no match for him. But we are to resist him. R5923:6,5184:3 In the midst of temptations of the Adversary the Lord provides such protection, defense, and assistance, as is not only necessary for us to come off victors but to keep us from yielding to temptation. R4252:6 We pray, "Abandon us not in temptation, but deliver us from the evil one"—suffer him not to touch, injure, overthrow, or destroy us. R4252:6 Any sympathy with what is not in fullest harmony with the mind of the Lord would carry us closer to the place of danger; and we would be in danger of being caught by the great Adversary and his demon host. R5743:1, 5148:5 Outside our charmed circle are the powers of evil. These are sometimes allowed to touch our earthly interests and temporal affairs, but the demon influence is not permitted to really touch the new creature. R5148:5 The mortal body is counted as being dead, and his mind, his will is reckoned as the new creature adopted into the family of God. From this standpoint we can say of the new creature that he is holy. R5035:3 The Little Flock will not fall under the pestilences and arrows of Spiritism, Higher Criticism, Christian Science, etc. "Because thou hast made the Lord thy Refuge, no plague shall come nigh thy dwelling." (Psa. 91:9) SM289:2 Satan can have no power over God's people, except by divine permission, and in such cases all things which he permits will work for their good, if they abide faithful to their covenant with him in Christ. R1684:6, 4660:5, 2721:3 While obedient to the Lord, we are entirely safe—but the slightest yielding of the will, as through curiosity, is dangerous. R5355:1 For any one who may be touched by the Adversary and temporarily ensnared, God is full of loving-kindness and his mercy endureth forever for all those who desire to live in harmony with him. R5148:5 One might endanger himself without actually sinning. His heart might still be true to the Lord, yet he might be touched by sin by being involved with others in some way. R5743:4 While the Lord is abundantly able to work miracles for the protection of his faithful followers, and for their deliverance from the Evil One; he usually uses human instrumentalities. R4252:6 The Lord's special provision for keeping us from the power of the Evil One is the present truth, which he has supplied largely through the Watch Tower publications. R4253:3

[NTC - 1 John 5:19]

The whole world— They are still children of wrath. SM334:T, 348:1; R3458:1 Satan does not need to make attacks on the world. He attacks only those who have escaped from his thraldom and who have new hopes and aspirations, and those who are trying to get free from him. R5896:4 If our Redeemer had made an application of his merit for the world when he ascended, it would have taken away the sin of the world; but he did not do this. R5621:3; CR490:6
Lieth in— Lies under. (Diaglott) E610 Under control of. R1684:6 Ever since Adam fell. R5167:2, 5093:1, 1316:1 Still lieth. This declaration was made not before, but during, the Gospel age. SM240:1 After six thousand years it is still true. NS768:2 The world is still not redeemed in a judicial sense. Q375:3
Wickedness— In the wicked one. R5896:4, 5621:3, 5352:5, 5299:5, 5167:2, 5115:2, 5093:1, 4832:2, 4574:4, 4546:2, 3365:6, 97:5; NS88:1, 548:4; OV152:1; SM240:1 In the Evil One. (Revised Version) CR490:6 In darkness. R4987:6 Under Satan's influence; under the powers of darkness. SM240:1; R5352:5; T90So strong are the powers of the prince of darkness influencing the minds of the world. R5352:5 Under the curse, the sentence. Reconciliation has yet reached merely believers. R3708:6 Man is fallen, and has lost much that he once possessed; Satan is now his master and prince. R1685:2 The standing of all in God's sight is that of children of the devil. "Ye are of your father the devil." (John 8:44) R1005:6, 761:2 Slaves of sin and death. R5299:5 The Church alone has escaped the condemnation upon the world. SM348:T; OV152:1;R5769:6, 5621:3, 4546:2 Because our Lord did not apply the merit of his sacrifice to unbelievers. R4310:4, 5079:1, 4546:2 Only a few are yet free from condemnation. The wrath or condemnation of God abideth on all others, and will end in final destruction, if not removed, either in this age or the next. R606:3, 5115:2; NS548:4 By nature mankind are all children of wrath. (Eph. 5:19) They cannot fall any further down. R5093:1, 5079:1, 3365:6 The world of mankind will not be children of wrath after the application of our Lord's merit. Q445:T, 375:3; R5079:1, 4832:2 Jesus, the appointed Mediator between God and men, has not yet taken up his work for them. R4574:4, 4832:2; Q375:3 Satan has the power of death—including disease—subject, no doubt, to some divine regulations; but just what his limitations are we may not clearly distinguish. R1684:6 The devil has men in such a condition that they cannot think of God as being good. R5769:6 "The god of this world hath blinded the minds of them that believe not." (2 Cor. 4:4) R4901:3; T90; CR424:2; NS548:4 "Darkness covers the earth—gross darkness the heathen." (Isa. 60:2) SM240:1; T90;NS88:1, 768:2

[NTC - 1 John 5:21]

Yourselves from idols— Permit no person or thing to supplant God himself in your affections and reverence. E284 Only God is worthy to be enthroned in our hearts; only principles of righteousness and truth are worthy to control our lives; only incentives which his wisdom and goodness present are worthy of our ambition and effort. Everything that is short of this partakes of the spirit of idolatry. R1836:4 Not by loving husband, wife, child, parent, brother or sister less, but by loving the Lord more. R3863:1 Some idolize husband, wife or child; some wealth; some worship fame; others set up selfishness as their idol; and some worship a sect, a party, a faction. R3386:5, 5298:5, 1836:1 Allowing such to take the place in our hearts which properly belongs to the Lord only. R3386:5 In many respects the idol of self is the most horrible one of all, the meanest looking. Some serve self, minister to self, comfort self, please self etc., instead of God. R3386:6 The tendency to formulate and reverence the creeds instead of the Bible has been manifest ever since the first one was made—the Nicene Creed—AD 325. R5298:5 Idolatry is not the blind reverential adoration of a superior dignity or power or moral worth; but it is willful and sinful devotion to degrading self-gratification. R1835:6 Idolatry is the synonym of evil; it precludes the recognition of the one true God, whose purity and holiness are directly adverse to the spirit of idolatry. Paul gives an apt description of it in Rom. 1:21-32. R1835:6 The making of images, and allowing them to divert and absorb our worship of God is one of the greatest trials and tests which come to spiritual Israelites. The love of money and of the things which money can procure leads into idolatry. R5298:4 The sin of idolatry is most prominently set forth in the Jewish Law, the very first commandment being, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me—for I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God." (Exod. 20:3, 5) R1836:1 Before we judge Israel harshly let us see to it that no semblance of the same sin lies at our own door. R1836:1 All covetousness is idolatry. "Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (Matt. 6:24) The sin of covetousness, the worship of mammon, the idolatry of money, is the great sin of Christendom, the antitype of fleshly Israel. R1836:1 Moses' return from Mt. Sinai corresponds to the second coming of Christ; marking the idolatrous worship of the golden calf as corresponding to the present worship of mammon on the part of Christendom. R1836:4