[Manna - February 16]
Through honor and dishonor, through evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true; no offence in anything, that the ministry be not blamed. 2 Corinthians 6:8,3
WHILE in the discharge of duty to the best of our ability and when apparently we have the Lord's blessing and favor upon us and our affairs in a most marked degree, suddenly trouble may arise, adversity come, the powers of darkness seem to triumph, and for a moment we may be apparently culprits in the judgment of our fellowmen, and apparently forsaken by divine providence. Such experiences, doubtless, are needful to us; for though we may sing:—
"I would rather walk in the dark with God,
Than go alone in the light," yet this might be but an empty boast unless we were put through the trying experiences which would develop such faith, such trust, as would hold to the Lord's hand, and trust divine providence in the darkest hour. Z.'01-314 R2886:3