[Manna - April 23]
That on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the Word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. Luke 8:15
EVERY one who will be a sacrificer must of necessity
be meek, humble, teachable, else very shortly
he will get out of the way.
He must also learn to develop
the grace of the Lord along the line of patience,
because it certainly requires patience to deny ourselves
and to submit at times to injustice where there
is no proper means of avoiding it without doing injury
to the Lord's cause or to some of His people.
It also implies a cultivation of brotherly kindness and,
in a word, the development of the whole will of God
in our hearts and lives; namely, love, which must be
attained in a large and overcoming measure ere we
shall have completed our earthly work of sacrificing. Z.'03-408 R3267:1