[Manna - July 9]
When He putteth forth His own sheep, He goeth before them, and the sheep follow Him: for they know His voice. John 10:4
THE voice of the Good Shepherd is a blending of
various sounds in a manner in which they are blended
by no other voice.
His voice sounds forth the chord
of justice commingled with the chord of love, and the
whole intoned with wisdom and with power.
theories, plans and schemes of men and devils have
no such harmony of sound as has the message which
the Great Shepherd has sent us through His Son.
Moreover when the true sheep hear the voice of the
Good Shepherd, it satisfies their longings as nothing
else could do.
They will no longer be in danger of
being attracted by other sounds, or voices, theories
or schemes, but will reply to all,
"Jesus has satisfied; Jesus is mine." Z.'00-230 R2672:5