[Manna - October 25]
Deal courageously, and the Lord shall be with the good. 2 Chronicles 19:11
WHOEVER has a duty to perform let him not fear,
and while seeking to do unpleasant tasks in a kindly
manner, both justly and lovingly, let us fear not man,
but rather fear the Lord and be intent on pleasing
Let the world fight its fight: the Lord will supervise
and the results will be glorious eventually.
us who belong to the new nation, to the new Kingdom
that is not of this world, use no carnal weapons, but
the sword of the Spiritlet us fight the good fight
of faith, lay hold upon the glorious things set before
us, and not only stand ourselves, but help all those
begotten of the same Spirit and members of the same
heavenly army corps to stand, complete in Him who
is the Head of the body, the Captain of our Salvation. Z. '04-207,205 R3395:4; R3393:5