[Songs in the Night - January 15]
And it came to pass in those days, that He went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. Luke 6:12
WHO has not noticed that all the great Bible characters
used of the Almighty were accustomed to go
to him regularly in prayer and to seek for guidance
from him in respect to every matter?
Even the great
Redeemer, holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate
from sinners, needed to pray to the Fatherneeded
his fellowship and communionneeded to be in touch
with the Infinite One.
Some may ask, Would the Almighty
change his plans in answer to our petitions?
Assuredly he would not.
Indeed, on the contrary, we
are cautioned in the Scriptures to ask only according
to his will.
We are warned that if we ask amiss our
petitions will not be answered.
Hence the necessity
for studying God's Word and being enlightened
thereby respecting the divine program that we may
ask in harmony with every feature of it and receive
strength and encouragement through the answer to
our petitions. Z'11-411 R4913:2 (Hymn 239)