[Songs in the Night - January 21]
The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers. 1 Peter 3:12
OUR Heavenly Father is deeply interested in everything that relates to us and ours. What thing is too small for his notice who numbers even the very hairs of our heads?...Fallen creatures though we be, from the noble estate in which we were created, God so loved our race, even while we were yet sinners, as to make provision at great cost for our redemption and restitution and subsequent eternal glory. And therefore it is—because he loves us—that through Christ he extends to us the gracious favor of coming to him as children to a father....We need have no fear that he is too busy with other matters of greater importance, or that he is weary of our coming to him repeatedly with things of small importance....It is our privilege to enter into our closets and shut the doors and pray to our Father which seeth in secret, who will reward us openly. Z'95-213 R1865:5; 1864:3; 1865:4 (Hymn 293)