[Songs in the Night - January 28]
We know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together. Romans 8:22
DEARLY beloved of the consecrated household, let
us not forget to keep in touch with the groaning creation;
to sympathize with its sorrows and its woes; to
realize its deep degradation and misery; to remember
its frailties, its awful burden of hereditary taints and
consequent weaknesses; its present environments of
ignorance and superstition, and its long established
error of public sentiment; remembering that we too
are still in the sinful flesh, and that the motions of sin
are still often painfully manifest in us, in some directions,
at least, if not in many.
And as the cries of the
groaning creation come up into the ears of the Lord of
hosts with strong and pathetic pleading to his loving
heart, so let them come into our ears and gain our
sympathies, and quicken our zeal to cooperate with
our Heavenly Father's plan for the establishment of
his kingdom of righteousness and peace. Z'02-263 R3067:6 (Hymn 38)