[Songs in the Night - February 7]
I am the living Bread which came down from heaven. John 6:51
WHEN our Lord declared himself to be the Bread from heaven many of his hearers failed to comprehend the metaphor, and said, This is a hard saying. Will this man give us of his flesh to eat? They failed to see that our Lord personified the truth, the great plan of God which centered in him, the life which he had come to give on behalf of the world, that we might live through him. To eat the flesh of Jesus literally would have merely produced flesh, but to eat of him in the sense of partaking of the blessings and mercies of God provided in him, and in the sense of appropriating his spirit and disposition, is the proper thought. As we partake of our Lord's qualities they become ours, as we feed upon him in our hearts we become strong in faith and in all the graces of his Spirit. Let us then daily gather our portion of manna and daily seek to use it all, and realize that it will be our portion until we reach the heavenly Canaan. Surely then all the supply of divine grace experienced by the Lord's faithful should be stimulating to our faith and confidence in him who has called us from darkness into his marvelous light. Z'07-186 R4012:5 (Hymn 71)