[Songs in the Night - March 11]
Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. Galatians 4:28
CHRIST, our Head, and we, his members, are the antitype of him who was called "Laughter," or "Joyous." And do we not have more joy than others, even in this present time? True, we have a full share in the trials and difficulties and sorrows and disappointments that cause the whole creation to groan and travail in pain together, yet we have what they do not have—"the peace of God which passeth all understanding," ruling in our hearts and enabling us to be "joyful in tribulation" also, knowing that tribulation worketh patience, and all the various fruits of the Spirit which, when perfected in us, shall bring us to the complete joy and rejoicing of the heavenly kingdom. And if this name, Joyous, applies to us in such degree in the present time, what shall we say of the glorious future, when joined to our Master in the glories of his kingdom we shall cause the knowledge and blessing of the Lord to fill the whole earth, and bring laughter and joy to a world of mankind, now weak and groaning under the administration of sin and death? "Praise God from whom all blessings flow!" Z'01-263 R2861:5 (Hymn 27)