[Songs in the Night - March 22]
And the light shineth in darkness. John 1:5
WHOSOEVER receives the light of truth intelligently
must rejoice in it; and rejoicing in it, he must
let it shine out upon others, or, by covering his light
with a bushel, he will demonstrate his lack of courage,
lack of appreciation, lack of earnestnessqualities
which the Lord is now specially seeking among those
whom he has invited to be sharers with Jesus in the
glories of the mediatorial kingdom about to be established
among men.
It is important, therefore, that we
let our light shine before men; that we be willing, nay,
glad if need be, to suffer for our loyalty to the Lord
and to his message.
And we have his Word for it that
whoever is ashamed of him or of his Word now, of such
he will be ashamed by and by.
He will not own them
as members of his bride class, will not accept them as
assistants with him in his glorious throne. Z'12-49 R4967:5 (Hymn 261)