[Songs in the Night - July 8]
These last have wrought but one hour, and Thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day. Matthew 20:12
WHOEVER is begotten of the Spirit, and therefore able to appreciate and run for the prize of the "high calling" of the Gospel age, may know that he is called by the only call yet issued: and if willingly he shall sacrifice his all, he may be as sure of the prize as any other one running the same race. Such a disposition is an evidence of a timely consecration and acceptance and therefore of a begetting of the Spirit. Press nobly on, then, dear fellow-laborers, whether you have entered the harvest field recently or earlier; we serve the one Lord, in the one faith; and by the one baptism into his death; and for all such he has the crown of life reserved. Z'88-June, p.8 R1046:5 (Hymn 263)