[Songs in the Night - July 11]
And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places. Isaiah 45:3
WE MUST come into Christ, as members of his body, the true church, by sacrifice, before we can have the opportunity of even searching for these hidden treasures, or of finding any of them. And then, as we progress faithfully in our sacrificial service as priests, walking in the footsteps of the great High Priest, we find more and more of these true "riches of grace" day by day and year by year as we progress....The apostle declares that these treasures of wisdom and grace—knowledge of divine good things in reservation, and the fellowship with God which permits us to anticipate and enjoy those blessings in a measure now—are all hidden in Christ, "in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Z'01-55 R2762:4 (Hymn 221)