[Songs in the Night - August 9]
Remember Lot's wife. Luke 17:32
WE BELIEVE there are some now who need to
have their attention called to the antitype of this typical
incident referred to by our Lord.
Quite a number
are disposed to sympathize and fraternize with those
who have come under divine condemnation.
We are
told by St. Jude that the destruction of Sodom was "set
forth as an example" or type.
Those who assume to be
more gracious or long-suffering than the Lord, make of
themselves opponents, who instead of being students of
the principles of righteousness, attempt to be judges
and teachers of Jehovah.
The proper attitude of heart
accepts God's decisions as not only wiser but more just
than our own.
Consequently when we see any who
have enjoyed the light of present truth abandoned by
the Lord and led into outer darkness, we are to conclude
that before being thus abandoned there must
have been in them "an evil heart of unbelief in departing
from the living God." Z'16-261 R5948:3 (Hymn 161)