[Songs in the Night - September 16]
Little children, keep yourselves from idols. I John 5:21
EVIL is insidious, and every parting of the ways,
every leaving of the divine path, signifies a separation
from righteousness to a degree we are unable to
estimate at the beginning.
Let us learn that the only
safe course to pursue is to trust in the Lord and to be
glad to have whatever his providences may mark out
for us, and to refuse to have anything contrary to his
will, however desirable it might be, however gratifying
to human ambition.
Let us learn the lesson that ambition
is a dangerous thingespecially in our present
imperfect condition, where our judgments are more or
less warped from the fall, where our knowledge is imperfect,
and where Satan is sure to put light for darkness
and darkness for light.
Our ambitions must be
curbed, yea, every thought must be brought into subjection
to the will of God in Christ, if we would be on
safe ground as new creatures in Christ Jesus. Z'04-189 R3386:4 (Hymn 272)