[Songs in the Night - November 7]
Brother shall deliver up the brother to death. Matthew 10:21
ALAS, that this should be so—that the love of God should at any time fail to constrain us so that we would not only turn from his love and fellowship, but that the sword should be used to smite down brethren! Get the picture impressed in our minds and sealed in our hearts of coming days with spiritual Israel, when brother shall be against brother, which the Lord will permit just prior to the establishment of his kingdom. Let us resolve that however others may fight, the weapons of our warfare shall not be carnal and that our battling shall not be against those who are the Lord's by covenant, but against the great Adversary. Carnal weapons are not merely guns and swords, but more injurious and death-dealing is the tongue when used to slander and wound. God forbid that our tongues, wherewith we praise God, should work injury to any man, but particularly to any of the household of faith. Z'08-267 R4235:5 (Hymn 333)