[Songs in the Night - December 20]
Beware of the concision; for we are the circumcision, which worship God in the Spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. Philippians 3:2, 3
NO NATURAL man of the fallen race ever had a fully circumcised heart. And such as have it are dead to the world. Its hopes, aims, and ambitions are crucified to them, and they are alive toward God. Anyone who has the realization of such a condition of heart has in this fact a blessed evidence of his acceptance with God and of his heirship of all the exceeding great and precious promises—if so be that he so continue faithful even unto death. But let all such beware of the concision, the spirit of strife and division; for in the fiery trials of this evil day all such will surely fall, and only such as worship God in Spirit and in truth can stand. Already the test of endurance is proving a severe test for some; and it will surely be yet more severe. "Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin." There is no assurance whatever that any will be able to stand in this evil day who have not devoted themselves fully and unreservedly to the Lord. But those who have done so, and who are still faithful to their covenant, have cause to rejoice in Christ Jesus, whose grace is sufficient for them, and whose precious blood purchased their ransom. Z'94-219 R1671:4 (Hymn 48)