Arch Street, Allegheny, Pa., U.S.A.
DOMESTIC,Fifty cents a year in advance, by Draft, P.O. Money Order, or Registered letter.
FOREIGN,Two shillings per year. Remit by Foreign Postal Money Order.
This paper will be sent free to the interested of the Lord's poor, who will send a card yearly requesting it. "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters; and he that hath no money, come ye, buy and eatyea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." And you who have it"Wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligentlyand eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness."ISAIAH 55:1,2.
Entered as SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER, at the Post Office, Allegheny, Pa.
r1276 THE BLOOD.
r1248 ANGER.
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:It is now nearly ten months since you heard from me last. The reason for this long delay has been my recent sickness for nearly three months, and I have been still disabled to write even after my partial recovery. The books, papers, tracts, etc., you sent me came to hand and are doing their intended work. Enclosed please find another order for more books. I am heartily gratified to hear of the book of "POEMS AND HYMNS OF DAWN." You may recollect that I called your attention, some two years ago, to the necessity of having such hymns, so we might "sing with the spirit and with the understanding;" hence I am greatly rejoiced to know that you have felt the same need and have prepared such a book for our use.
I am also glad to advise you that the harvest work here is still going on with unabated zeal and perseverance amidst opposition and persecution from the nominal church and the world. We feel assured that the presence of the Lord is with us, which in great measure stimulates and cheers our otherwise drooping hearts. The circle of interested ones is gradually becoming wider in Africa. A recent letter from Bro. C. J. George to me, in reference to the Church of Christ, as a proof of this fact, says: "When you communicate to America you will not fail to remind Bro. Russell of the interest that is being awakened at L__________, and also to send me a few more of his tracts (assorted), missionary envelopes, and a copy of the Emphatic Diaglott."
Thus you see how the truth is gaining ground, and must eventually prevail over errors and sophistries of the devil, and traditions of long standing. May the good Lord still bless your labor for his own glory! With best regards, very truly your brother in the harvest work.
TOWER PUBLISHING CO. GENTLEMEN:Enclosed find $1.50, and send MILLENNIAL DAWNS to addresses given. We have just read this most remarkable book with great interest. Should it strike others as it has me, it will certainly meet a long felt want, and prove to be a wonderful power for good. I always felt restrained in my allegiance to a God with no moral attributes above man.
This book brushes away all the narrow views of a half century's gathering, and sets forth the wisdom, justice, and mercy of God in a far more exalted light. The Bible is all a new revelation to me now, and is wonderfully interesting.
I send for these volumes to pass around, and should they give others the pleasure they have brought to me and mine, I will further continue the orders. Personally thanking the author of the book for the blessing and comfort it has brought to me through its vindication of the character of our God, I am sincerely and truly yours,
MY DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:Very many thanks for your gracious letters and postal card. I rejoice that you give me permission to translate the beautiful DAWN into French, and I note very carefully the instructions you give, which I wish to comply with to the letter. I find I must be in Paris to carry them out as you desire. I intend to win, with the Lord's help, many Frenchmen to the cause of this truth. I have been particularly blessed by reading recent numbers of the WATCH TOWER.
Brother Cooper, who but recently came to see the light through the first volume, which I loaned to him, is in quite a glory season. He has been forbidden to preach any more among the Wesleyans so long as he spreads this light. With respect and love to Sister Russell, ever yours in heavenly love. E. H. CAREY.
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:Yours received, and as usual read with pleasure and profit. I thank you sincerely for your kind reply and advice. God bless you, and the saints at Allegheny. I felt that I had the assistance of your prayers last Sunday. I had the pleasure of meeting the pastor of my old congregation. He undertook a very unfair arrangement, all in his favor, but was met and completely routed, and actually fled the field. The Lord be praised! He compared me to "Judas Iscariot," and "Benedict Arnold." When I got up to reply, he tried to dismiss the congregation, failing in which, he left with precipitation, although I gave him a kind invitation to remain.
A small number of his friends undertook to create some confusion by laughing and talking, even after I had kneeled down in prayer. I prayed the Lord to forgive them, for it was evident they were ignorant and knew not what they did. They finally subsided and fled with their leader, leaving me a large, orderly and interested company. It seemed to me that my understanding and lips were opened. I felt liberated and inspired, and like a flash the thought occurred to me, "The brethren and sisters of Allegheny are praying for me."
I can't help thinking, good was done that day. I preached at 11 o'clock, A.M., also, and distributed a lot of tracts, and all the Z.W.T.'s you sent me, and then all that wanted could not be supplied. I am to preach there again soon. Dear friends, pray for us. And oh! pray the Lord to bless me with a meek and quiet spirit. I expect to be attacked furiously in all kinds of ways.
God bless you and sister R. Long may you be spared to instruct and encourage the Church. Yours in the one faith,
These tracts are published quarterly, at a very low price, by the Tower Tract Society. They are designed for general circulation among Christian people. They are on live topics, calculated to awaken interest in the study of God's Word and plan.
All of God's children, interested, are welcome to assist in this work in any way they may choose. These as pebbles from the brook may do more sometimes in the hands of God's faithful than can greater institutions. (1 Sam. 17:40.) Let this "hail" be freely scatterednot to injure but to liberate and bless God's people and to bring them out of the short beds of human tradition, whose narrow hopes expose them ever to the chills of fear and hinder true rest and confidence and trust. (Isa. 28:19-21.) These tracts we believe are helping many, delivering them from the torment of fear (which must be "a vexation unto them, until He shall make them to understand doctrine") into the light and liberty and love of a fuller appreciation of their Father's character and plan.
No. 1Do the Scriptures Teach that Eternal Torment is the Wages of Sin? No. 2Calamities,Why God Permits Them. No. 3Protestants, Awake!How Priestcraft Now Operates. No. 4Dr. Talmage's View of the MillenniumWith Friendly Comments. No. 5Bible Study and Students' Helps. No. 6The Hope of the Groaning Creation.
For terms see second page of each tract.
The Tract Society offers as follows:It will supply five tracts, quarterly, free, to each of the Lord's Poor of the Watch Tower List, or one tract, quarterly, to any poor person who may write mentioning this offer.
The Tract Society also offers to employ
to sell these Tracts. They may sell them at the popular price of one cent each, at which rate hundreds can be sold everywherein depots, stores, street cars and at the door-step. For use in this particular way, the tracts will be supplied 50 assorted for 25 cents. This will enable and encourage many little ones to spread the truth. Trial Packs (of 10 tracts) will be supplied for 5 cents. And any child who has not the money may have one trial pack on credit.
This work is specially designed to make plain the divine plan. It begins at the beginning of the subject, by establishing the faith of the reader in God and the Bible as his revelation, and proceeds to trace the glorious plan therein revealed, and to show which parts of that plan are already accomplished, and which will be accomplished during the Millennial age, the manner of its introduction, and its objects and methods.
We know of nothing to compare with this book, as a "Bible Key""A Helping Hand for Bible Students." The One Hundred and Twentieth Thousand is now on the press, and many who have read it carefully and prayerfully, declare that if they could not obtain another they would not part with their copy, and the hopes it has enkindled, for millions.
It contains 352 pages, clear type, good paper, etc. Price in cloth covers $1.00 (or together with one year's subscription to this journal, Zion's Watch Tower, $1.25). Price in paper covers 25 cents, reduced from 50 cents to bring it within reach of all. These prices include postage.
Only Watch Tower subscribers are desired to act as colporteurs or agents for this book, and to thus preach with each book sixteen sermons more effectively than in any other way, and to classes not otherwise accessible. Some loan these books in quantities, others give them to their friends, and others sell them. The latter plan is often best, because people will more surely read what they have paid something for.
Some of our readers, who can afford it, pay the above low prices by the hundred copies, and some do more and contribute to the TOWER TRACT FUND, enabling us to make the following terms on the paper covered books to those whose circumstances are such that they can greatly increase their time and labor in this work by taking advantage of the allowance, as all subscribers are at liberty and welcome to do, each according to his own judgment.
The terms to Colporteurs are as follows:To such as desire these books for loaning or giving away, and to those who can spend more of their time in selling them by reason of this arrangement, the Tract Fund grants an allowance of 10 cents per book, in lots of not less than 10 books AT A TIMEthat is $1.50 for 10 books, $3.00 for 20, etc. This allowance is made to enable those of limited means to do more in the work of spreading the truth than they could otherwise do.
To such as give their entire time to this ministry of the truth, traveling from town to town and engaging in no other business for support, the Tract Fund grants an allowance of 12-1/2 cents per copy (called "Expense Money" to pay the traveling and living expenses of colporteurs),in lots of not less than 20 books AT A TIME,that is $2.50 for 20 books, $5.00 for 40, etc.
When ordering state plainly which terms you accept, otherwise we shall reckon 25 cents each.
except that colporteurs will be permitted to order one half the minimum quantities,5 for 75 cents, etc., or to regular colporteurs 10 for $1.25.
[In English only.]
Prices are terms same as Vol. I. This volume is intended only for those who have carefully and thoroughly studied Vol. I. All such whose interest is awakened, will surely want this volume and succeeding ones which are in course of preparation, as well as the regular issues of the WATCH TOWER.
Though foreign postage is higher, we must not increase the price; for money elsewhere is more scarce among the poor than here, and the poor we want specially to reach, since we know that "not many rich or great" are among the Lord's chosen.
Our foreign friends may, therefore, hereafter, reckon our terms in English money, thus:
25 cents = 1 shilling.
50 cents = 2 shillings.
$1.00 " 4 "
$1.25 " 5 "
1.50 " 6 "
2.50 " 10 "
3.00 " 12 "
5.00 " 20 "
Upon this arrangement the WATCH TOWER will hereafter be 2 shillings instead of 3 shillings per year.
Those unable to purchase the Dawn (and there are some we findeven at this low price) can have a copy of either volume on loan, upon promise to read it and to return it.
All who would engage in the work of ministering as colporteurs, but who lack the means to purchase the quantities mentioned above, can take their sample book and begin by taking orders, payable on delivery. If you can write us that you have secured orders for 5 we will let you have 10 books on credit; if you get orders for 10 we are willing to let you have 20; if you get 20 we will let you have 40 books on credit.
Write your order on a separate piece of paper from that upon which your letter is written. Write very plainlyespecially your name and address. The name of the town is not always the same as the name of the post office: be sure to give the name of the Post Office to which you wish books sent. Give us plenty of time by ordering several days before you want the books, as we are very busy.
MISSIONARY ENVELOPES.The price of these is reduced to 25 cents per hundred, or $2.00 per thousand. (This includes expressage or mail charges of delivering them to you.) We want these messengers to go everywhere, bearing testimony to the Truth, and calling attention to God's gracious Plan of the Ages.
We are in receipt of many letters asking, whether this work is of any value to English readers who have no knowledge of the Greek. We answer, Yes; it is specially designed for such: and the Diaglott, together with Young's Analytical Concordance, are worth more than a year's study of the Greek. Both should be in the hands of every Bible student; but if you cannot afford both, the Diaglott is the most valuableindeed almost indispensable.
Many orders come for the Diaglott from persons not subscribers to the TOWER, and for extra copies for friends from those who are subscribers. Hence, we must explain particularly, why we can supply this work to TOWER subscribers only, and to these only one copy each, at the special price $1.50. The reasons are as follows:
Some years ago a Brother, who is a great friend to the TOWER, and a great admirer of the Emphatic Diaglott also, suggested that, Every student of God's plan, as presented in the TOWER, ought to have the aid which the Diaglott affords. The difficulty which seemed to stand in the way was, that it is of necessity an expensive work (Retail price in cloth binding $4.00, postage 16 cts. = $4.16.) and the great majority of our readers are far from wealthy, like the majority of the saints in all ages. To meet this difficulty, the Brother proposed to the TOWER PUB. CO., that, if they would be at the trouble and expense of mailing the books, he would supply one copy each to all TOWER subscribers, at a price to bring the book with the reach of all, viz. $1.50, including postage.
This was begun when our subscription list was much smaller than now, and is still continued: New readers of either DIAGLOTT or TOWER need both. Subscribers will please save us the annoyance of refusing, and returning their money, by ordering only one copy of the Diaglott: unless your first copy has worn out,in which case, in ordering another, mention this fact. The only way for others to get the book at this special price is to subscribe for the TOWER: and the Diaglott must be mailed direct to the subscriber and not to another person.
Our supply of this valuable work, at $3.50, is now exhausted. Hereafter, we can give our subscribers the benefit of a wholesale price only, as competitive editions are about exhausted, and the "Author's Edition" is able to command its price,which, the value of the work considered, is very cheap. The retail price of the book is $5.00, with postage 55 cents added$5.55. Our price to our readers will hereafter be $4.25 by mail, postage prepaid by us; or $3.70, if sent by express at your charges. As it is quite a large volume (weight seven pounds), it will be cheapest for most purchasers, to get it by mail.
This is a translation of the Old Testament Scriptures into the English language by a Hebrew. It is chiefly valuable for comparison in studying. This lot we can supplypostage paid by usat $1.50, in sheep binding.
These two volumes of over 350 pages each are the best Helping Hands we know of for those seeking a knowledge of the plan of salvation. They are thoroughly loyal to the Lord and his Word.
Price in cloth binding, $1.00 per volume.
These books in paper covers have been reduced to 25 cents each, to bring them within reach of all.
Vol. I. can be supplied in the German language also, at the same prices.
Quite a number of Brethren and Sisters (among them some who have filled pulpits in various denominations), feeling that the spread of MILLENNIAL DAWN is the best method of preaching the truth, are giving their entire time to this work, going from city to city and from village to village. They are thus doing a reaping or harvesting workgarnering the ripe "wheat" and sowing seeds for the great Restitution crop.
There is room for more, although the number at present is greater and their work more effective than ever before. The way is open for many of our readers thus to go forth in the Master's name and service. He has opened the way for this; for though the paper covered books re sold so cheaply25 centsnevertheless allowance is made for the expense of Colporteurs by suppling them at a reduced price. Those who give their entire time to the work will be supplied with Vol. I. in paper covers in lots of twenty or more at a time at 12-1/2 cents per copy; Vol. II. in lots of five or more at a time at 15 cents per copy. Colporteurs are also allowed to take new subscriptions for the WATCH TOWER and are allowed one-half of the first year's subscription price on such new names, to assist in paying their expenses.
but who nevertheless can give some time from other work, and who need the discount to enable them to give the more time to this workwill be supplied with either volume in packages of not less than 5 of a kind at 15 cents each. This offer is also open to those who follow the plan of loaning and giving away the books. The loaning plan we believe to be better than giving gratis, as the books are more likely to be read. One sister has over 80 copies in constant circulation and uses her spare time collecting and taking them to new readers, and in talking to the interested, who often become purchasers. The selling of books is, however, the better plan generally.