101 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
C. T. RUSSELL, Editor and Publisher.
The Editor recognizes a responsibility to the Master, relative to what shall appear in these columns, which he cannot and does not cast aside; yet he should not be understood as endorsing every expression of correspondents, or of articles selected from other periodicals.
TERMS:Fifty cents a year, postage prepaid. You may send paper money to the amount of two dollars, by mail, at our risk. Larger amounts may be sent by Drafts, P.O. Money Order, or Registered Letter, payable to C. T. RUSSELL.
Foreign Postage being higher, our terms to foreign subscribers will be 65 cents a year. Please send us no foreign money or postage stamps, as we can make no use of them. Remittances may be made by Foreign Postal Money Orders.
This paper will be sent free to any of the Lord's poor who will send a card yearly requesting it. Freely we have received and freely we would give the truth. "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters; and he that hath no money, come ye, buy and eatyea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." And you that have it"Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligentlyand eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness."
SEND us the addresses of all the moral and religious Swedes and Norwegians you can gather; for samples of the Swedish paper.
THE safest way to send money is by "POSTAL MONEY ORDER." The rates have recently been reduced. "POSTAL NOTES" are no safer than money.
Some one has said that the fruit of the Spirit is all in one word"love." It speaks in Galatians about love, the fruit of the Spirit being love, joy, peace, gentleness, long-suffering, meekness and temperance. The way this writer has put itand I think it is very beautifulis, that joy is love exultant, peace is love in repose, and long-suffering is love enduring. It is all love, you see, and gentleness is love in society, and goodness is love in action, and faith is love on the battle-field, and meekness is love at school, and temperance is love in training.Moody.
In our last issue we stated that DAY DAWN [the work mentioned in "Food"] was out of print, since which we find that there are still some copies remaining. Though we advise waiting on "Millennial Day Dawn," we would say that if you desire the former we can still supply a few copies. Price 50 cents.
Though a cloud of pain and sorrow
Sometimes hide thy face from me;
Though my steps are slow and weary,
Father, still I trust in thee.
If my way is dark and lonely,
And no stars above me shine,
Through the darkness that surrounds me
Still I whisper, I am thine.
When in hours of grief and trouble
Tears have almost dimmed my sight,
When the tempter tries his weapon
Sometimes in a robe of light
If I lift my eyes to heaven
Yet I see thy love divine,
Like a sunbeam through the shadows,
And I feel that I am thine.
So my Father, earthly sufferings
Cannot veil thy love from me,
And if worldly joy and pleasures
Try to win my heart from thee,
Then I look beyond the shadows
To the crown that shall be mine,
And I see the day is dawning,
When I'll be forever thine.
K. Lundin.
We have discontinued the sale of "Cruden's Concordance" in consequence of being able to furnish "Young's Analytical Concordance" at so low a price. There is no comparison in values. To the discerning student, who wishes to know the original word and its English meaning (by one of the ablest scholars), there is no other such work published.
In answer to numerous questions, we would say: The one we furnished recently is not the "Book Exchange" edition, which contains many inaccuracies and is on poorer paper. A great conflict has existed for some months between the American and English publishers of "Young's Concordance," on account of which we were enabled to offer one of them (the American) at the low price heretofore mentioned, $1.75; but now the English firm has bought the electro plates of the American edition and destroyed them, thus giving the control of the trade to the English edition called The Author's Edition, because this edition is the only one sanctioned by the author, Prof. Young, D.D.
The plan now is understood to be to put this valuable and large work at its proper value, $5this will doubtless be done soon. As a precaution we have procured a lot of the Author's Edition, which we can furnish you at $2.00 by express, or 51 cts. extra, for postage, if by mail.
We still have some copies of the Variorum Testament, giving various readings and renderings in foot-notes. Price 50 cts. post-paid: less than half the usual price.
We have no more of the $1.30 "Oxford Bibles."
We procured a few copies of the "Variorum Bible," at a special sale, much below the regular price. For description and price see our June issue.
We cannot take postage stamps in pay, as we must pay cash.
We again have a full supply of this very valuable work. For the benefit of new readers we would state that it is a Greek Testament, having under each Greek word the corresponding English word, and is thus the most literal translation of the New Testament. Besides this, it has in another column alongside a very clear and emphatic translation, showing the emphasis of the Greek, which is generally lost to the English reader.
As we have said before, we repeat now: we know of no more valuable help than this in the study of the Scriptures. If we could not get another, we would not take fifty dollars for the copy we use.
The regular price for the work in cloth is four dollarswhich, everything considered, is not too high; but by special arrangement we are enabled to offer it at $1.50 per copy to our subscribers.
We very much wish that all our readers possessed this very valuable work, for we consider it next in value to the DIAGLOTT.
The regular price was for a time depressed by competition, but now the English publishers have obtained full control and put the price at $5, which they claim is but half its value.
Knowing beforehand of the advance, we have made such preparation as enables us to offer about 100 copies to our subscribers at $2.25 each. If sent my mail, the postage should be added, viz.: 54c., and 10c. additional if you wish it "registered." This is the latest revision."THE AUTHOR'S EDITION."
We cannot send these to our European subscribers, because too heavy for the mail, and too expensive by express.
This work is at once a Greek and Hebrew Lexicon giving the meaning of the original terms in English, and also a Concordance giving each word of Scripture and the words which they translate. The value of the work is becoming more apparent daily, as theorists attempt to palm off a private interpretation under a guise of "a better definition of the original."
In this superb volume every word is arranged under its own Hebrew and Greek original, exhibiting 311,000 references and 30,000 various readings. Its size is large quarto, 1094 pages.
A similar work, "Englishman's Greek and Hebrew Concordance" (3 vols.) sold at $22, in cloth binding, only seven years ago, and usually reached only the hands of scholars; but the present work, by one of the ripest scholars of the age (Prof. Young, of Edinburgh, Scotland), has been printed in immense quantities, and its present price brings it within the reach of almost all self-sacrificing students. Indeed, it seems providential that it should be provided so cheaply at a time when it can be of so great service to truth-seekers. No Bible student can afford to be without a copy. It is of more value than two years' study of the Greek and Hebrew languages.
The place of meeting has been changed and is no longer at "Curry Institute Hall," but has removed to the "Grand Army Hall," No. 101 Federal street, Allegheny City, just across the river. Readers and friends will be warmly welcomed at our new and more comfortable hall. Preaching every Lord's day afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, and Bible Class at 2 o'clock of the same day.